FY 2008 Wage Index Home Page

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FY 2008 Wage Index Home Page
See Below
  1. FY 2008 Hospital Wage Index Development Time Table
  2. FY 2008 Preliminary PUF S-3 Wage and Occupational Mix Data: This file includes FY 2008 PRELIMINARY PUF, Worksheet S-3, Parts II and III wage data from cost reports for Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 (FY Begin Dates from 10/1/03 to 9/30/04). It excludes non-IPPS providers and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). It also contains the FY 2008 PRELIMINARY first quarter January through March 2006 occupational mix survey data and the second quarter April through June 2006 occupational mix survey data to compute occupational mix adjusted wage indexes.
  3. FY 2008 February PUF S-3 Wage and Occupational Mix Data: This file includes FY 2008 February PUF, Worksheet S-3, Parts II and III wage data from cost reports for Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 (FY Begin Dates from 10/1/03 to 9/30/04). It excludes non-IPPS providers and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). It also contains the FY 2008 PRELIMINARY first quarter January through March 2006 occupational mix survey data and the second quarter April through June 2006 occupational mix survey data to compute occupational mix adjusted wage indexes.
  4. FY 2008 Proposed PUF S-3 Wage and Occupational Mix Data: This file includes the FY 2008 Proposed Rule PUF, Worksheet S-3, Parts II and III wage data from cost reports for Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 (FY Begin Dates from 10/1/03 to 9/30/04). It excludes non-IPPS providers and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). It also contains the FY 2008 Proposed Rule first quarter January through March 2006 occupational mix survey data and the second quarter April through June 2006 occupational mix survey data to compute the FY 2008 proposed occupational mix adjusted wage indexes.
  5. FY 2008 May 2007 PUF S-3 Wage and Occupational Mix Data: This file includes FY 2008 - May 2007 PUF, Worksheet S-3, Parts II and III wage data from cost reports for Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 (FY Begin Dates from 10/1/03 to 9/30/04). It excludes non-IPPS providers and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). It also contains the FY 2008 - May 2007 PUF, first quarter January through March 2006 occupational mix survey data and the second quarter April through June 2006 occupational mix survey data to compute occupational mix adjusted wage indexes.
  6. FY 2008 Final Rule PUF S-3 Wage and Occupational Mix Data: This file includes FY 2008 Final Rule PUF, Worksheet S-3, Parts II and III wage data from cost reports for Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 (FY Begin Dates from 10/1/03 to 9/30/04). It excludes non-IPPS providers and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). It also contains the FY 2008 Final Rule first quarter January through March 2006 occupational mix survey data and the second quarter April through June 2006 occupational mix survey data used to compute occupational mix adjusted wage indexes. This file also includes the FY 2008 Final Rule combined first quarter and second quarter April through June 2006 occupational mix survey data used to compute the FY 2008 occupational mix adjusted wage indexes.
  7. Wage Index Tables: Contains two zip files:
    1. Tables 2, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4F, 4J, 9A, 9C (FY 2008 Final Rule)
    2. Tables 2, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4J, 9A, 9C (FY 2008 Correction Notice, CMS-1533 - CN2)
  8. FY 2008 Final Rule Average Hourly Wage by Provider and CBSA Public Use File: This file includes wages, hours, average hourly wages, and pre-reclass wage indexes by provider and CBSA.
  9. FY 2008 Final Occupational Mix Adjusted and Unadjusted Average Hourly Wages by Provider: The file contains provider number, CBSA, the provider's unadjusted and occupational mix adjusted AHWs, and the percent difference between the two.
  10. Final Occupational Mix Adjusted & Unadjusted Average Hourly Wages & Pre-Reclass Wage Indexes by CBSA: This file is organized by CBSA, and contains total CBSA occupational mix wages, total CBSA hours, CBSA occupational mix adjusted AHWs, CBSA occupational mix adjusted pre-reclass wage indexes, total CBSA unadjusted wages, CBSA unadjusted AHWs, and unadjusted pre-reclass wage indexes.
  11. FY 2008 Final Occupational Mix Factor by Provider PUF: This PUF is organized by provider and includes occupational mix adjusted and unadjusted wages, occupational mix adjusted and unadjusted AHWs, the nurse occupational mix adjustment factor, and the CBSA nurse occupational mix adjustment factor.
  12. FY 2008 Final Rule AHW by Provider Area Listing: This file contains 2 spreadsheets: one for providers that are geographically located in an area, and one for providers that are reclassifying for FY 2008.  Hospitals that are reclassifying under the MGCRB, section 1886(d)(8)(B), or section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Social Security Act are included on the second spreadsheet.  The first spreadsheet lists the pre-reclass occupational mix-adjusted total wages and AHWs by provider and CBSA, and the second spreadsheet, for those providers that are reclassifying, lists the post-reclass occupational-mix adjusted total wages and AHWs by provider and CBSA.
  13. FY 2008 Final Rule Average Hourly Wage Calculator: This spreadsheet contains three tabs. The tab titled "AHW Calculator" can be used to calculate a hospital's Average Hourly Wage (not adjusted for occupational mix) using the hospital's wage data from Worksheet S-3, Parts II and III of the Medicare cost report. This calculator includes salaries and hours for overhead contract labor (lines 9.03, 22.01, 26.01, and 27.01 of Worksheet S-3, Part II). The tab titled "Occ Mix Calculator" demonstrates how to calculate a provider's occupational mix adjusted AHW for FY 2008 in accordance with CMS-1488-N, issued on October 11, 2006. The tab titled "Inflation Factor Table" is a list of inflation factors that should be used in conjunction with the "AHW Calculator" tab to calculate a hospital's Average Hourly Wage.
  14. Three Year MGCRB Reclassification Data for FY 2009 Applications: Three Year (FYs 2007,2008, and 2009) Salaries, Hours, and Average Hourly Wages, by Hospital and CBSA, for FY 2009 Geographic Reclassification Application