Change in Terminology and Update of Survey and Certification (S&C) Memorandum 09-55 Regarding Immediate Use Steam Sterilization (IUSS) in Surgical Settings

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Change in Terminology and Update of Survey and Certification (S&C) Memorandum 09-55 Regarding Immediate Use Steam Sterilization (IUSS) in Surgical Settings
Memo #
Posting Date
Fiscal Year
• Change in Terminology: “Flash” Sterilization vs. IUSS: Nationally recognized organizations with expertise in infection prevention and control and instrument sterilization processes, and other professional organizations recommend abandoning the use of the term “flash” sterilization, which is now considered outmoded, and replacing it with the term “IUSS.”
• Update of S&C Memorandum 09-55 Regarding Standards for Immediate Use Sterilization in Surgical Settings: This memo reiterates and updates information regarding nationally recognized infection prevention and control guidelines and professionally acceptable standards of practice with respect to immediate use sterilization and supersedes S&C Memorandum 09-55.