
Press Releases

CMS Statement on Change Healthcare Cyberattack

“At the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), we recognize the impact that the cyberattack on UnitedHealth Group’s subsidiary Change Healthcare has had on physicians and other providers – and we are particularly concerned about small practices and community-based providers. We are actively examining our authority to help support these critical providers at this time and working with states to do the same. We are also in frequent communication with UnitedHealth Group and Optum and will continue to press them to swiftly communicate with the health care sector and to offer better options for interim payments to providers. We are also meeting with private health care plans and are encouraged by their efforts so far. And we continue to urge health plans to use their abilities to support providers and work with states to do the same. CMS’ continued priority is to help coordinate efforts across the health care system, and with HHS and other Federal partners, to avoid disruptions in care.”
