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Diagnosis Coding:
Using the ICD-10-CM

Choosing ICD-10-CM Codes

Coding Example 5

Diagnosis: Fracture of left wrist, initial encounter

Step 1: Look up the term for the diagnosis in the Alphabetic Index.

Fracture, traumatic (abduction) (adduction) (separation) -see also Fracture, pathological T14.8
- wrist, S62.10-
- - carpal – see Fracture, carpal bone

The Alphabetic Index shows S62.10– as the code for a wrist fracture. The code features a dash (–) which shows that additional characters are needed. Next, verify this code in the Tabular List.

Step 2: Verify the code S62.10– in the Tabular List.

Fracture at wrist and hand level
A fracture not indicated as displaced or nondisplaced should be coded to displaced
A fracture not indicated as open or closed should be coded to closed

Add the appropriate 7th character to each code from category S62.
A  initial encounter for closed fracture
B  initial encounter for open fracture
D  subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
G  subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
K  subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
P  subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S  sequela

Scroll down the list of codes until you locate the listing for S62.10:

Fracture of unspecified carpal bone
Fracture of wrist NOS

S62.101 Fracture of unspecified carpal bone, right wrist
S62.102 Fracture of unspecified carpal bone, left wrist
S62.109 Fracture of unspecified carpal bone, unspecified wrist

The Tabular List shows S62.102 as the code for fracture of unspecified carpal bone, left wrist.

Per the instructional note, the 7th character is A, initial encounter for closed fracture. You should choose A because the fracture isn't described as open or closed.

Code Assignment for this Diagnosis: S62.102A
explination of S62.102A code