ICD-10-CM/PCS MS-DRG v39.1 Definitions Manual

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MDC 25 Human immunodeficiency virus infections
Principal diagnosis of HIV infection
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C860Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type
C861Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma
C862Enteropathy-type (intestinal) T-cell lymphoma
C863Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma
C864Blastic NK-cell lymphoma
C865Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
C866Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell proliferations
C884Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT-lymphoma]
D500Iron deficiency anemia secondary to blood loss (chronic)
D501Sideropenic dysphagia
D508Other iron deficiency anemias
D509Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified
D510Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency
D511Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia due to selective vitamin B12 malabsorption with proteinuria
D512Transcobalamin II deficiency
D513Other dietary vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
D518Other vitamin B12 deficiency anemias
D519Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, unspecified
D520Dietary folate deficiency anemia
D521Drug-induced folate deficiency anemia
D528Other folate deficiency anemias
D529Folate deficiency anemia, unspecified
D530Protein deficiency anemia
D531Other megaloblastic anemias, not elsewhere classified
D532Scorbutic anemia
D538Other specified nutritional anemias
D539Nutritional anemia, unspecified
D590Drug-induced autoimmune hemolytic anemia
D5910Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, unspecified
D5911Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia
D5912Cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia
D5913Mixed type autoimmune hemolytic anemia
D5919Other autoimmune hemolytic anemia
D592Drug-induced nonautoimmune hemolytic anemia
D593Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
D594Other nonautoimmune hemolytic anemias
D595Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria [Marchiafava-Micheli]
D596Hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis from other external causes
D598Other acquired hemolytic anemias
D599Acquired hemolytic anemia, unspecified
D600Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia
D601Transient acquired pure red cell aplasia
D608Other acquired pure red cell aplasias
D609Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified
D611Drug-induced aplastic anemia
D612Aplastic anemia due to other external agents
D613Idiopathic aplastic anemia
D6189Other specified aplastic anemias and other bone marrow failure syndromes
D619Aplastic anemia, unspecified
D649Anemia, unspecified
D6951Posttransfusion purpura
D6959Other secondary thrombocytopenia
D696Thrombocytopenia, unspecified
D700Congenital agranulocytosis
D701Agranulocytosis secondary to cancer chemotherapy
D702Other drug-induced agranulocytosis
D703Neutropenia due to infection
D704Cyclic neutropenia
D708Other neutropenia
D709Neutropenia, unspecified
D7582Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
D759Disease of blood and blood-forming organs, unspecified
D800Hereditary hypogammaglobulinemia
D801Nonfamilial hypogammaglobulinemia
D802Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin A [IgA]
D803Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin G [IgG] subclasses
D804Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin M [IgM]
D805Immunodeficiency with increased immunoglobulin M [IgM]
D806Antibody deficiency with near-normal immunoglobulins or with hyperimmunoglobulinemia
D807Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy
D808Other immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects
D809Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects, unspecified
D810Severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] with reticular dysgenesis
D811Severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] with low T- and B-cell numbers
D812Severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] with low or normal B-cell numbers
D814Nezelof's syndrome
D816Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency
D817Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency
D81818Other biotin-dependent carboxylase deficiency
D81819Biotin-dependent carboxylase deficiency, unspecified
D8189Other combined immunodeficiencies
D819Combined immunodeficiency, unspecified
D820Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
D821Di George's syndrome
D822Immunodeficiency with short-limbed stature
D823Immunodeficiency following hereditary defective response to Epstein-Barr virus
D824Hyperimmunoglobulin E [IgE] syndrome
D828Immunodeficiency associated with other specified major defects
D829Immunodeficiency associated with major defect, unspecified
D830Common variable immunodeficiency with predominant abnormalities of B-cell numbers and function
D831Common variable immunodeficiency with predominant immunoregulatory T-cell disorders
D832Common variable immunodeficiency with autoantibodies to B- or T-cells
D838Other common variable immunodeficiencies
D839Common variable immunodeficiency, unspecified
D840Lymphocyte function antigen-1 [LFA-1] defect
D8481Immunodeficiency due to conditions classified elsewhere
D84821Immunodeficiency due to drugs
D84822Immunodeficiency due to external causes
D8489Other immunodeficiencies
D849Immunodeficiency, unspecified
D893Immune reconstitution syndrome
D8940Mast cell activation, unspecified
D8941Monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome
D8942Idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome
D8943Secondary mast cell activation
D8949Other mast cell activation disorder
D8982Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome [ALPS]
D89831Cytokine release syndrome, grade 1
D89832Cytokine release syndrome, grade 2
D89833Cytokine release syndrome, grade 3
D89834Cytokine release syndrome, grade 4
D89835Cytokine release syndrome, grade 5
D89839Cytokine release syndrome, grade unspecified
D8989Other specified disorders involving the immune mechanism, not elsewhere classified
D899Disorder involving the immune mechanism, unspecified
E41Nutritional marasmus
E42Marasmic kwashiorkor
E43Unspecified severe protein-calorie malnutrition
E440Moderate protein-calorie malnutrition
E441Mild protein-calorie malnutrition
E45Retarded development following protein-calorie malnutrition
E46Unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition
E500Vitamin A deficiency with conjunctival xerosis
E501Vitamin A deficiency with Bitot's spot and conjunctival xerosis
E502Vitamin A deficiency with corneal xerosis
E503Vitamin A deficiency with corneal ulceration and xerosis
E504Vitamin A deficiency with keratomalacia
E505Vitamin A deficiency with night blindness
E506Vitamin A deficiency with xerophthalmic scars of cornea
E507Other ocular manifestations of vitamin A deficiency
E508Other manifestations of vitamin A deficiency
E509Vitamin A deficiency, unspecified
E5111Dry beriberi
E5112Wet beriberi
E512Wernicke's encephalopathy
E518Other manifestations of thiamine deficiency
E519Thiamine deficiency, unspecified
E52Niacin deficiency [pellagra]
E530Riboflavin deficiency
E531Pyridoxine deficiency
E538Deficiency of other specified B group vitamins
E539Vitamin B deficiency, unspecified
E54Ascorbic acid deficiency
E550Rickets, active
E559Vitamin D deficiency, unspecified
E560Deficiency of vitamin E
E561Deficiency of vitamin K
E568Deficiency of other vitamins
E569Vitamin deficiency, unspecified
E58Dietary calcium deficiency
E59Dietary selenium deficiency
E60Dietary zinc deficiency
E610Copper deficiency
E611Iron deficiency
E612Magnesium deficiency
E613Manganese deficiency
E614Chromium deficiency
E615Molybdenum deficiency
E616Vanadium deficiency
E617Deficiency of multiple nutrient elements
E618Deficiency of other specified nutrient elements
E619Deficiency of nutrient element, unspecified
E630Essential fatty acid [EFA] deficiency
E631Imbalance of constituents of food intake
E638Other specified nutritional deficiencies
E639Nutritional deficiency, unspecified
E640Sequelae of protein-calorie malnutrition
E641Sequelae of vitamin A deficiency
E642Sequelae of vitamin C deficiency
E643Sequelae of rickets
E648Sequelae of other nutritional deficiencies
E649Sequelae of unspecified nutritional deficiency
E869Volume depletion, unspecified
F0390Unspecified dementia without behavioral disturbance
F068Other specified mental disorders due to known physiological condition
F079Unspecified personality and behavioral disorder due to known physiological condition
F09Unspecified mental disorder due to known physiological condition
F28Other psychotic disorder not due to a substance or known physiological condition
F29Unspecified psychosis not due to a substance or known physiological condition
G032Benign recurrent meningitis [Mollaret]
G0481Other encephalitis and encephalomyelitis
G0489Other myelitis
G0490Encephalitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified
G0491Myelitis, unspecified
G369Acute disseminated demyelination, unspecified
G374Subacute necrotizing myelitis of central nervous system
G379Demyelinating disease of central nervous system, unspecified
G610Guillain-Barre syndrome
G619Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified
G629Polyneuropathy, unspecified
G933Postviral fatigue syndrome
G9340Encephalopathy, unspecified
G9341Metabolic encephalopathy
G9349Other encephalopathy
G939Disorder of brain, unspecified
G9520Unspecified cord compression
G9529Other cord compression
G959Disease of spinal cord, unspecified
G969Disorder of central nervous system, unspecified
G988Other disorders of nervous system
H3500Unspecified background retinopathy
H35011Changes in retinal vascular appearance, right eye
H35012Changes in retinal vascular appearance, left eye
H35013Changes in retinal vascular appearance, bilateral
H35019Changes in retinal vascular appearance, unspecified eye
H35021Exudative retinopathy, right eye
H35022Exudative retinopathy, left eye
H35023Exudative retinopathy, bilateral
H35029Exudative retinopathy, unspecified eye
H35031Hypertensive retinopathy, right eye
H35032Hypertensive retinopathy, left eye
H35033Hypertensive retinopathy, bilateral
H35039Hypertensive retinopathy, unspecified eye
H35041Retinal micro-aneurysms, unspecified, right eye
H35042Retinal micro-aneurysms, unspecified, left eye
H35043Retinal micro-aneurysms, unspecified, bilateral
H35049Retinal micro-aneurysms, unspecified, unspecified eye
H35051Retinal neovascularization, unspecified, right eye
H35052Retinal neovascularization, unspecified, left eye
H35053Retinal neovascularization, unspecified, bilateral
H35059Retinal neovascularization, unspecified, unspecified eye
H35061Retinal vasculitis, right eye
H35062Retinal vasculitis, left eye
H35063Retinal vasculitis, bilateral
H35069Retinal vasculitis, unspecified eye
H35071Retinal telangiectasis, right eye
H35072Retinal telangiectasis, left eye
H35073Retinal telangiectasis, bilateral
H35079Retinal telangiectasis, unspecified eye
H3509Other intraretinal microvascular abnormalities
H540X33Blindness right eye category 3, blindness left eye category 3
H540X34Blindness right eye category 3, blindness left eye category 4
H540X35Blindness right eye category 3, blindness left eye category 5
H540X43Blindness right eye category 4, blindness left eye category 3
H540X44Blindness right eye category 4, blindness left eye category 4
H540X45Blindness right eye category 4, blindness left eye category 5
H540X53Blindness right eye category 5, blindness left eye category 3
H540X54Blindness right eye category 5, blindness left eye category 4
H540X55Blindness right eye category 5, blindness left eye category 5
H5410Blindness, one eye, low vision other eye, unspecified eyes
H541131Blindness right eye category 3, low vision left eye category 1
H541132Blindness right eye category 3, low vision left eye category 2
H541141Blindness right eye category 4, low vision left eye category 1
H541142Blindness right eye category 4, low vision left eye category 2
H541151Blindness right eye category 5, low vision left eye category 1
H541152Blindness right eye category 5, low vision left eye category 2
H541213Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye category 3
H541214Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye category 4
H541215Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye category 5
H541223Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye category 3
H541224Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye category 4
H541225Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye category 5
H542X11Low vision right eye category 1, low vision left eye category 1
H542X12Low vision right eye category 1, low vision left eye category 2
H542X21Low vision right eye category 2, low vision left eye category 1
H542X22Low vision right eye category 2, low vision left eye category 2
H543Unqualified visual loss, both eyes
H5440Blindness, one eye, unspecified eye
H54413ABlindness right eye category 3, normal vision left eye
H54414ABlindness right eye category 4, normal vision left eye
H54415ABlindness right eye category 5, normal vision left eye
H5442A3Blindness left eye category 3, normal vision right eye
H5442A4Blindness left eye category 4, normal vision right eye
H5442A5Blindness left eye category 5, normal vision right eye
H5450Low vision, one eye, unspecified eye
H54511ALow vision right eye category 1, normal vision left eye
H54512ALow vision right eye category 2, normal vision left eye
H5452A1Low vision left eye category 1, normal vision right eye
H5452A2Low vision left eye category 2, normal vision right eye
H5460Unqualified visual loss, one eye, unspecified
H5461Unqualified visual loss, right eye, normal vision left eye
H5462Unqualified visual loss, left eye, normal vision right eye
H547Unspecified visual loss
H548Legal blindness, as defined in USA
I330Acute and subacute infective endocarditis
I339Acute and subacute endocarditis, unspecified
I400Infective myocarditis
I401Isolated myocarditis
I408Other acute myocarditis
I409Acute myocarditis, unspecified
I427Cardiomyopathy due to drug and external agent
I429Cardiomyopathy, unspecified
I673Progressive vascular leukoencephalopathy
I6783Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
J09X1Influenza due to identified novel influenza A virus with pneumonia
J1008Influenza due to other identified influenza virus with other specified pneumonia
J123Human metapneumovirus pneumonia
J1281Pneumonia due to SARS-associated coronavirus
J1282Pneumonia due to coronavirus disease 2019
J1289Other viral pneumonia
J129Viral pneumonia, unspecified
J13Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
J14Pneumonia due to Hemophilus influenzae
J150Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae
J151Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas
J1520Pneumonia due to staphylococcus, unspecified
J15211Pneumonia due to Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus
J15212Pneumonia due to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
J1529Pneumonia due to other staphylococcus
J153Pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B
J154Pneumonia due to other streptococci
J155Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli
J156Pneumonia due to other Gram-negative bacteria
J158Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria
J159Unspecified bacterial pneumonia
J181Lobar pneumonia, unspecified organism
J188Other pneumonia, unspecified organism
J189Pneumonia, unspecified organism
J8409Other alveolar and parieto-alveolar conditions
J84111Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, not otherwise specified
J84116Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
J84117Desquamative interstitial pneumonia
J842Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
K119Disease of salivary gland, unspecified
K1321Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue
K133Hairy leukoplakia
K520Gastroenteritis and colitis due to radiation
K521Toxic gastroenteritis and colitis
K523Indeterminate colitis
K5281Eosinophilic gastritis or gastroenteritis
K5282Eosinophilic colitis
K52831Collagenous colitis
K52832Lymphocytic colitis
K52838Other microscopic colitis
K52839Microscopic colitis, unspecified
K5289Other specified noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis
K529Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified
K909Intestinal malabsorption, unspecified
L040Acute lymphadenitis of face, head and neck
L041Acute lymphadenitis of trunk
L042Acute lymphadenitis of upper limb
L043Acute lymphadenitis of lower limb
L048Acute lymphadenitis of other sites
L049Acute lymphadenitis, unspecified
L989Disorder of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified
M0000Staphylococcal arthritis, unspecified joint
M00011Staphylococcal arthritis, right shoulder
M00012Staphylococcal arthritis, left shoulder
M00019Staphylococcal arthritis, unspecified shoulder
M00021Staphylococcal arthritis, right elbow
M00022Staphylococcal arthritis, left elbow
M00029Staphylococcal arthritis, unspecified elbow
M00031Staphylococcal arthritis, right wrist
M00032Staphylococcal arthritis, left wrist
M00039Staphylococcal arthritis, unspecified wrist
M00041Staphylococcal arthritis, right hand
M00042Staphylococcal arthritis, left hand
M00049Staphylococcal arthritis, unspecified hand
M00051Staphylococcal arthritis, right hip
M00052Staphylococcal arthritis, left hip
M00059Staphylococcal arthritis, unspecified hip
M00061Staphylococcal arthritis, right knee
M00062Staphylococcal arthritis, left knee
M00069Staphylococcal arthritis, unspecified knee
M00071Staphylococcal arthritis, right ankle and foot
M00072Staphylococcal arthritis, left ankle and foot
M00079Staphylococcal arthritis, unspecified ankle and foot
M0008Staphylococcal arthritis, vertebrae
M0009Staphylococcal polyarthritis
M0010Pneumococcal arthritis, unspecified joint
M00111Pneumococcal arthritis, right shoulder
M00112Pneumococcal arthritis, left shoulder
M00119Pneumococcal arthritis, unspecified shoulder
M00121Pneumococcal arthritis, right elbow
M00122Pneumococcal arthritis, left elbow
M00129Pneumococcal arthritis, unspecified elbow
M00131Pneumococcal arthritis, right wrist
M00132Pneumococcal arthritis, left wrist
M00139Pneumococcal arthritis, unspecified wrist
M00141Pneumococcal arthritis, right hand
M00142Pneumococcal arthritis, left hand
M00149Pneumococcal arthritis, unspecified hand
M00151Pneumococcal arthritis, right hip
M00152Pneumococcal arthritis, left hip
M00159Pneumococcal arthritis, unspecified hip
M00161Pneumococcal arthritis, right knee
M00162Pneumococcal arthritis, left knee
M00169Pneumococcal arthritis, unspecified knee
M00171Pneumococcal arthritis, right ankle and foot
M00172Pneumococcal arthritis, left ankle and foot
M00179Pneumococcal arthritis, unspecified ankle and foot
M0018Pneumococcal arthritis, vertebrae
M0019Pneumococcal polyarthritis
M0020Other streptococcal arthritis, unspecified joint
M00211Other streptococcal arthritis, right shoulder
M00212Other streptococcal arthritis, left shoulder
M00219Other streptococcal arthritis, unspecified shoulder
M00221Other streptococcal arthritis, right elbow
M00222Other streptococcal arthritis, left elbow
M00229Other streptococcal arthritis, unspecified elbow
M00231Other streptococcal arthritis, right wrist
M00232Other streptococcal arthritis, left wrist
M00239Other streptococcal arthritis, unspecified wrist
M00241Other streptococcal arthritis, right hand
M00242Other streptococcal arthritis, left hand
M00249Other streptococcal arthritis, unspecified hand

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21244
16 Mar 2022 16:20:17
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