LCD Reference Article Billing and Coding Article

Billing and Coding: Wound Care


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Draft Article
Draft Articles are works in progress and not necessarily a reflection of the current billing and coding practices. Revisions to codes are carefully and thoroughly reviewed and are not intended to change the original intent of the LCD.

Document Note

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Article Information

General Information

Source Article ID
Article ID
Original ICD-9 Article ID
Not Applicable
Article Title
Billing and Coding: Wound Care
Article Type
Billing and Coding
Original Effective Date
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Revision Ending Date
Retirement Date
AMA CPT / ADA CDT / AHA NUBC Copyright Statement

CPT codes, descriptions and other data only are copyright 2023 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/HHSARS apply.

Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.

Current Dental Terminology © 2023 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024, the American Hospital Association, Chicago, Illinois. Reproduced with permission. No portion of the American Hospital Association (AHA) copyrighted materials contained within this publication may be copied without the express written consent of the AHA. AHA copyrighted materials including the UB‐04 codes and descriptions may not be removed, copied, or utilized within any software, product, service, solution or derivative work without the written consent of the AHA. If an entity wishes to utilize any AHA materials, please contact the AHA at 312‐893‐6816.

Making copies or utilizing the content of the UB‐04 Manual, including the codes and/or descriptions, for internal purposes, resale and/or to be used in any product or publication; creating any modified or derivative work of the UB‐04 Manual and/or codes and descriptions; and/or making any commercial use of UB‐04 Manual or any portion thereof, including the codes and/or descriptions, is only authorized with an express license from the American Hospital Association. The American Hospital Association (the "AHA") has not reviewed, and is not responsible for, the completeness or accuracy of any information contained in this material, nor was the AHA or any of its affiliates, involved in the preparation of this material, or the analysis of information provided in the material. The views and/or positions presented in the material do not necessarily represent the views of the AHA. CMS and its products and services are not endorsed by the AHA or any of its affiliates.

CMS National Coverage Policy


Article Guidance

Article Text

This article addresses the CPT/HCPCS and ICD-10 codes associated with L37228 Wound Care policy. The article is to be used in conjunction with the indications and guidelines provided in L37228 Wound Care. 

The listing of the procedure code does not imply coverage. All the procedure codes are subject to Medicare rules and regulations, applicable Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), applicable National Coverage Determinations (NCDs), and medical necessity.

The medical record must clearly show that the criteria under Coverage Indications, Limitations, and /or Medical Necessity provided in L37228 Wound Care have been met.

For any item to be covered by Medicare, it must 1) be eligible for a defined Medicare benefit category, 2) be reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury or to improve the functioning of a malformed body member, and 3) meet all other applicable Medicare statutory and regulatory requirements. Information provided in this policy article relates to determinations other than those based on Social Security Act §1862(a)(1)(A) provisions (i.e. “reasonable and necessary”).

Coverage Guidelines:

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy(NWPT)

Coverage of traditional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (tNPWT) device/unit/type, or supplies is covered under the Durable Medical Equipment benefit (Social Security Act §1861(s)(6)), and providers should consult their DME LCD for specific coverage, parameters, and guidelines. 

Billing and Coding Guidelines for Wound Care 

Wound Care (CPT Codes 97597, 97598 and 11042-11047)

  1. When hydrotherapy (whirlpool) is billed by a therapist with CPT codes 97597 or 97598, the documentation must reflect the clinical reasoning why hydrotherapy was a necessary component of the total wound care treatment for removing of devitalized and/or necrotic tissue. The documentation must also reflect that the skill set of a therapist was required to perform this service in the given situation.
  2. Separate billing of whirlpool (97022) is not permitted with 97597-97598 unless it is provided for a different body part than the wound care treatment body part. 
  3. Local infiltration, such as a metatarsal/digital block or topical anesthesia, is included in the reimbursement for debridement services and is not separately payable. Anesthesia administered by or incident to the provider performing the debridement procedure is not separately payable.
  4. CPT Codes 97597 and 97598 are considered “sometimes” therapy codes.  If billed by a therapist when the patient is under a home health benefit, it may be covered by the Home Health agency, if part of their plan of care. If it is a physician or non-physician practitioner that is billing these “sometimes” therapy codes, it is paid under Part B even if the beneficiary is under an active home health plan of care.  CMS Publication 100-02, Medicare Coverage Policy Manual, Chapter 7 – Home Health Services, Section 10.10 – Consolidated Billing, C. Relationship Between Consolidated Billing Requirements and Part B Supplies and Part B Therapies Included in the Baseline Rates That Could Have Been Unbundled Prior to HH PPS That No Longer Can Be Unbundled.
  5. For Part B, CPT code 97602 has been assigned a status indicator "B"(Bundled) in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database (MPFSDB), meaning that it is not separately payable under Medicare Part B. For Part A, CPT code 97602 is designated as a “sometimes therapy” service.
  6. Documentation must support the CPT/HCPCS Code(s) being billed.
  7. CPT code 97026 Infrared is not covered per NCD 270.6 Infrared Therapy Devices.
  8. Ultra-sound (97035) for Wound Care and phototherapy-ultraviolet (97028) modalities are not payable per the LCD.

Coding Guidelines

  1. Debridement of a wound, performed before the application of a topical or local anesthesia is billed with CPT codes 11042-11047 (Wound debridements) are reported by depth of tissue that is removed and by surface area of the wound.  See CPT Manual for coding guidance: “When performing debridement of a single wound, report depth using the deepest level of tissue removed. In multiple wounds, sum the surface area of those wounds that are at the same depth, but do not combine sums from different depths.”
  2. Do not report 11042 -11047 in conjunction with 97597-97602 for the same wound. 
  3. CPT codes 11044 and 11047 may only be billed in place of service inpatient hospital, outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center (ASC).
  4. CPT codes 11043, 11046 and 11044, 11047 are codes that describe deep debridement of the muscle and/or bone.  

Reasons for Denial

  1. Performing bony debridement in POS other than inpatient hospital, outpatient hospital or ASC
  2. Billing of debridement by unqualified personal.


Response To Comments

Number Comment Response

Coding Information

Bill Type Codes

Code Description

Revenue Codes

Code Description


Group 1

(19 Codes)
Group 1 Paragraph

CPT Codes for L37228 Wound Care

Group 1 Codes
Code Description

Group 2

(2 Codes)
Group 2 Paragraph

Please refer to the National Coverage Determination (NCD) 270.1 for covered diagnoses for CPT/HCPCS codes G0281 and G0329.

Group 2 Codes
Code Description

CPT/HCPCS Modifiers

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

(1,168 Codes)
Group 1 Paragraph

CPT/HCPCS codes 11000, 11001, 11004-11006, 11042 - 11047, 97597, 97598, 97602, 97605, 97606, 97607, 97608, and 97610.

For codes in the table below that require a 7th character, letter A an initial encounter, D subsequent encounter or S sequela may be used.

Group 1 Codes
Code Description
A48.0 Gas gangrene
B78.1 Cutaneous strongyloidiasis
E08.51 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E08.52 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E08.621 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with foot ulcer
E08.622 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other skin ulcer
E09.51 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E09.52 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E09.621 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E09.622 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
E10.51 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E10.52 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E10.621 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E10.622 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
E11.51 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E11.52 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E11.621 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E11.622 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
E13.51 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E13.52 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E13.621 Other specified diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E13.622 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
I70.231 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.232 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.233 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.234 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.235 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.238 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.241 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.242 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.243 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.244 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.245 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.248 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.25 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of other extremities with ulceration
I70.261 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.262 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.263 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.268 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.331 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.332 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.333 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.334 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.335 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.338 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.341 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.342 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.343 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.344 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.345 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.348 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.35 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.361 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.362 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.363 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.368 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.431 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.432 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.433 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.434 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.435 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.438 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.441 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.442 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.443 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.444 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.445 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.448 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.45 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.461 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.462 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.463 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.468 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.531 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.532 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.533 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.534 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.535 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.538 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.541 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.542 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.543 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.544 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.545 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.548 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.55 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.561 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.562 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.563 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.568 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.631 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.632 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.633 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.634 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.635 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.638 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.641 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.642 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.643 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.644 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.645 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.648 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.65 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.661 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.662 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.663 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.668 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.731 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.732 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.733 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.734 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.735 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.738 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.741 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.742 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.743 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.744 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.745 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.748 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.75 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.761 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.762 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.763 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.768 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I73.01 Raynaud's syndrome with gangrene
I83.011 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer of thigh
I83.012 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer of calf
I83.013 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer of ankle
I83.014 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer of heel and midfoot
I83.015 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer other part of foot
I83.018 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer other part of lower leg
I83.021 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer of thigh
I83.022 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer of calf
I83.023 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer of ankle
I83.024 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer of heel and midfoot
I83.025 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer other part of foot
I83.028 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer other part of lower leg
I83.211 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of thigh and inflammation
I83.212 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of calf and inflammation
I83.213 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of ankle and inflammation
I83.214 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of heel and midfoot and inflammation
I83.215 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer other part of foot and inflammation
I83.218 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of other part of lower extremity and inflammation
I83.221 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of thigh and inflammation
I83.222 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of calf and inflammation
I83.223 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of ankle and inflammation
I83.224 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of heel and midfoot and inflammation
I83.225 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer other part of foot and inflammation
I83.228 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of other part of lower extremity and inflammation
I87.011 Postthrombotic syndrome with ulcer of right lower extremity
I87.012 Postthrombotic syndrome with ulcer of left lower extremity
I87.013 Postthrombotic syndrome with ulcer of bilateral lower extremity
I87.2 Venous insufficiency (chronic) (peripheral)
I96 Gangrene, not elsewhere classified
L02.01 Cutaneous abscess of face
L02.11 Cutaneous abscess of neck
L02.211 Cutaneous abscess of abdominal wall
L02.212 Cutaneous abscess of back [any part, except buttock]
L02.213 Cutaneous abscess of chest wall
L02.214 Cutaneous abscess of groin
L02.215 Cutaneous abscess of perineum
L02.216 Cutaneous abscess of umbilicus
L02.31 Cutaneous abscess of buttock
L02.411 Cutaneous abscess of right axilla
L02.412 Cutaneous abscess of left axilla
L02.413 Cutaneous abscess of right upper limb
L02.414 Cutaneous abscess of left upper limb
L02.415 Cutaneous abscess of right lower limb
L02.416 Cutaneous abscess of left lower limb
L02.511 Cutaneous abscess of right hand
L02.512 Cutaneous abscess of left hand
L02.611 Cutaneous abscess of right foot
L02.612 Cutaneous abscess of left foot
L02.811 Cutaneous abscess of head [any part, except face]
L02.818 Cutaneous abscess of other sites
L03.011 Cellulitis of right finger
L03.012 Cellulitis of left finger
L03.021 Acute lymphangitis of right finger
L03.022 Acute lymphangitis of left finger
L03.031 Cellulitis of right toe
L03.032 Cellulitis of left toe
L03.041 Acute lymphangitis of right toe
L03.042 Acute lymphangitis of left toe
L03.111 Cellulitis of right axilla
L03.112 Cellulitis of left axilla
L03.113 Cellulitis of right upper limb
L03.114 Cellulitis of left upper limb
L03.115 Cellulitis of right lower limb
L03.116 Cellulitis of left lower limb
L03.121 Acute lymphangitis of right axilla
L03.122 Acute lymphangitis of left axilla
L03.123 Acute lymphangitis of right upper limb
L03.124 Acute lymphangitis of left upper limb
L03.125 Acute lymphangitis of right lower limb
L03.126 Acute lymphangitis of left lower limb
L03.211 Cellulitis of face
L03.212 Acute lymphangitis of face
L03.221 Cellulitis of neck
L03.222 Acute lymphangitis of neck
L03.311 Cellulitis of abdominal wall
L03.312 Cellulitis of back [any part except buttock]
L03.313 Cellulitis of chest wall
L03.314 Cellulitis of groin
L03.315 Cellulitis of perineum
L03.316 Cellulitis of umbilicus
L03.317 Cellulitis of buttock
L03.321 Acute lymphangitis of abdominal wall
L03.322 Acute lymphangitis of back [any part except buttock]
L03.323 Acute lymphangitis of chest wall
L03.324 Acute lymphangitis of groin
L03.325 Acute lymphangitis of perineum
L03.326 Acute lymphangitis of umbilicus
L03.327 Acute lymphangitis of buttock
L03.811 Cellulitis of head [any part, except face]
L03.818 Cellulitis of other sites
L03.891 Acute lymphangitis of head [any part, except face]
L03.898 Acute lymphangitis of other sites
L08.81 Pyoderma vegetans
L08.82 Omphalitis not of newborn
L88 Pyoderma gangrenosum
L89.010 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, unstageable
L89.012 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 2
L89.013 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 3
L89.014 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 4
L89.020 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, unstageable
L89.022 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 2
L89.023 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 3
L89.024 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 4
L89.110 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, unstageable
L89.112 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 2
L89.113 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 3
L89.114 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 4
L89.120 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, unstageable
L89.122 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 2
L89.123 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 3
L89.124 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 4
L89.130 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, unstageable
L89.132 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 2
L89.133 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 3
L89.134 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 4
L89.140 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, unstageable
L89.142 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 2
L89.143 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 3
L89.144 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 4
L89.150 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, unstageable
L89.152 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 2
L89.153 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 3
L89.154 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 4
L89.210 Pressure ulcer of right hip, unstageable
L89.212 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 2
L89.213 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 3
L89.214 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 4
L89.220 Pressure ulcer of left hip, unstageable
L89.222 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 2
L89.223 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 3
L89.224 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 4
L89.310 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, unstageable
L89.312 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 2
L89.313 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 3
L89.314 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 4
L89.320 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, unstageable
L89.322 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 2
L89.323 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 3
L89.324 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 4
L89.42 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 2
L89.43 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 3
L89.44 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 4
L89.45 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, unstageable
L89.510 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, unstageable
L89.512 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 2
L89.513 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 3
L89.514 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 4
L89.520 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, unstageable
L89.522 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 2
L89.523 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 3
L89.524 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 4
L89.610 Pressure ulcer of right heel, unstageable
L89.612 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 2
L89.613 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 3
L89.614 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 4
L89.620 Pressure ulcer of left heel, unstageable
L89.622 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 2
L89.623 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 3
L89.624 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 4
L89.810 Pressure ulcer of head, unstageable
L89.812 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 2
L89.813 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 3
L89.814 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 4
L89.892 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 2
L89.893 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 3
L89.894 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 4
L92.3 Foreign body granuloma of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
L97.111 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh limited to breakdown of skin
L97.112 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with fat layer exposed
L97.113 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with necrosis of muscle
L97.114 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with necrosis of bone
L97.115 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.116 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.118 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with other specified severity
L97.121 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh limited to breakdown of skin
L97.122 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with fat layer exposed
L97.123 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with necrosis of muscle
L97.124 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with necrosis of bone
L97.125 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.126 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.128 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with other specified severity
L97.211 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf limited to breakdown of skin
L97.212 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with fat layer exposed
L97.213 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with necrosis of muscle
L97.214 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with necrosis of bone
L97.215 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.216 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.218 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with other specified severity
L97.221 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf limited to breakdown of skin
L97.222 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with fat layer exposed
L97.223 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with necrosis of muscle
L97.224 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with necrosis of bone
L97.225 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.226 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.228 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with other specified severity
L97.311 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle limited to breakdown of skin
L97.312 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with fat layer exposed
L97.313 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with necrosis of muscle
L97.314 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with necrosis of bone
L97.315 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.316 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.318 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with other specified severity
L97.321 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle limited to breakdown of skin
L97.322 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with fat layer exposed
L97.323 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with necrosis of muscle
L97.324 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with necrosis of bone
L97.325 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.326 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.328 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with other specified severity
L97.411 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.412 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with fat layer exposed
L97.413 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with necrosis of muscle
L97.414 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with necrosis of bone
L97.415 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.416 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.418 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with other specified severity
L97.421 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.422 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with fat layer exposed
L97.423 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with necrosis of muscle
L97.424 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with necrosis of bone
L97.425 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.426 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.428 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with other specified severity
L97.511 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.512 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with fat layer exposed
L97.513 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with necrosis of muscle
L97.514 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with necrosis of bone
L97.515 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.516 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.518 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with other specified severity
L97.521 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.522 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with fat layer exposed
L97.523 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with necrosis of muscle
L97.524 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with necrosis of bone
L97.525 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.526 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.528 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with other specified severity
L97.811 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.812 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.813 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.814 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.815 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.816 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.818 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with other specified severity
L97.821 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.822 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.823 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.824 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.825 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.826 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.828 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with other specified severity
L98.3 Eosinophilic cellulitis [Wells]
L98.411 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock limited to breakdown of skin
L98.412 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with fat layer exposed
L98.413 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with necrosis of muscle
L98.414 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with necrosis of bone
L98.415 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.416 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.418 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with other specified severity
L98.421 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back limited to breakdown of skin
L98.422 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with fat layer exposed
L98.423 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with necrosis of muscle
L98.424 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with necrosis of bone
L98.425 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.426 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.428 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with other specified severity
L98.491 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites limited to breakdown of skin
L98.492 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with fat layer exposed
L98.493 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with necrosis of muscle
L98.494 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with necrosis of bone
L98.495 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.496 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.498 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with other specified severity
L98.8 Other specified disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
M72.6 Necrotizing fasciitis
M79.5 Residual foreign body in soft tissue
M86.411 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, right shoulder
M86.412 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, left shoulder
M86.421 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, right humerus
M86.422 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, left humerus
M86.431 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, right radius and ulna
M86.432 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, left radius and ulna
M86.441 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, right hand
M86.442 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, left hand
M86.451 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, right femur
M86.452 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, left femur
M86.461 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, right tibia and fibula
M86.462 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, left tibia and fibula
S00.04XA External constriction of part of scalp, initial encounter
S00.06XA Insect bite (nonvenomous) of scalp, initial encounter
S00.241A External constriction of right eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S00.242A External constriction of left eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S00.261A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S00.262A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S00.34XA External constriction of nose, initial encounter
S00.36XA Insect bite (nonvenomous) of nose, initial encounter
S00.441A External constriction of right ear, initial encounter
S00.442A External constriction of left ear, initial encounter
S00.461A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right ear, initial encounter
S00.462A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left ear, initial encounter
S00.541A External constriction of lip, initial encounter
S00.561A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of lip, initial encounter
S00.84XA External constriction of other part of head, initial encounter
S00.86XA Insect bite (nonvenomous) of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.01XA Laceration without foreign body of scalp, initial encounter
S01.02XA Laceration with foreign body of scalp, initial encounter
S01.03XA Puncture wound without foreign body of scalp, initial encounter
S01.04XA Puncture wound with foreign body of scalp, initial encounter
S01.05XA Open bite of scalp, initial encounter
S01.111A Laceration without foreign body of right eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.112A Laceration without foreign body of left eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.121A Laceration with foreign body of right eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.122A Laceration with foreign body of left eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.131A Puncture wound without foreign body of right eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.132A Puncture wound without foreign body of left eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.141A Puncture wound with foreign body of right eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.142A Puncture wound with foreign body of left eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.151A Open bite of right eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.152A Open bite of left eyelid and periocular area, initial encounter
S01.21XA Laceration without foreign body of nose, initial encounter
S01.22XA Laceration with foreign body of nose, initial encounter
S01.23XA Puncture wound without foreign body of nose, initial encounter
S01.24XA Puncture wound with foreign body of nose, initial encounter
S01.25XA Open bite of nose, initial encounter
S01.311A Laceration without foreign body of right ear, initial encounter
S01.312A Laceration without foreign body of left ear, initial encounter
S01.321A Laceration with foreign body of right ear, initial encounter
S01.322A Laceration with foreign body of left ear, initial encounter
S01.331A Puncture wound without foreign body of right ear, initial encounter
S01.332A Puncture wound without foreign body of left ear, initial encounter
S01.341A Puncture wound with foreign body of right ear, initial encounter
S01.342A Puncture wound with foreign body of left ear, initial encounter
S01.351A Open bite of right ear, initial encounter
S01.352A Open bite of left ear, initial encounter
S01.411A Laceration without foreign body of right cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.412A Laceration without foreign body of left cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.421A Laceration with foreign body of right cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.422A Laceration with foreign body of left cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.431A Puncture wound without foreign body of right cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.432A Puncture wound without foreign body of left cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.441A Puncture wound with foreign body of right cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.442A Puncture wound with foreign body of left cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.451A Open bite of right cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.452A Open bite of left cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.511A Laceration without foreign body of lip, initial encounter
S01.521A Laceration with foreign body of lip, initial encounter
S01.531A Puncture wound without foreign body of lip, initial encounter
S01.541A Puncture wound with foreign body of lip, initial encounter
S01.551A Open bite of lip, initial encounter
S01.81XA Laceration without foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.82XA Laceration with foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.83XA Puncture wound without foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.84XA Puncture wound with foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.85XA Open bite of other part of head, initial encounter
S08.0XXA Avulsion of scalp, initial encounter
S08.111A Complete traumatic amputation of right ear, initial encounter
S08.112A Complete traumatic amputation of left ear, initial encounter
S08.121A Partial traumatic amputation of right ear, initial encounter
S08.122A Partial traumatic amputation of left ear, initial encounter
S08.811A Complete traumatic amputation of nose, initial encounter
S08.812A Partial traumatic amputation of nose, initial encounter
S08.89XA Traumatic amputation of other parts of head, initial encounter
S09.12XA Laceration of muscle and tendon of head, initial encounter
S09.311A Primary blast injury of right ear, initial encounter
S09.312A Primary blast injury of left ear, initial encounter
S09.313A Primary blast injury of ear, bilateral, initial encounter
S10.84XA External constriction of other specified part of neck, initial encounter
S10.86XA Insect bite of other specified part of neck, initial encounter
S11.11XA Laceration without foreign body of thyroid gland, initial encounter
S11.12XA Laceration with foreign body of thyroid gland, initial encounter
S11.13XA Puncture wound without foreign body of thyroid gland, initial encounter
S11.14XA Puncture wound with foreign body of thyroid gland, initial encounter
S11.15XA Open bite of thyroid gland, initial encounter
S11.81XA Laceration without foreign body of other specified part of neck, initial encounter
S11.82XA Laceration with foreign body of other specified part of neck, initial encounter
S11.83XA Puncture wound without foreign body of other specified part of neck, initial encounter
S11.84XA Puncture wound with foreign body of other specified part of neck, initial encounter
S11.85XA Open bite of other specified part of neck, initial encounter
S11.89XA Other open wound of other specified part of neck, initial encounter
S16.2XXA Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon at neck level, initial encounter
S20.141A External constriction of part of breast, right breast, initial encounter
S20.142A External constriction of part of breast, left breast, initial encounter
S20.161A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of breast, right breast, initial encounter
S20.162A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of breast, left breast, initial encounter
S20.341A External constriction of right front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.342A External constriction of left front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.343A External constriction of bilateral front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.344A External constriction of middle front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.361A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.362A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.363A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of bilateral front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.364A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of middle front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.441A External constriction of right back wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.442A External constriction of left back wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.461A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right back wall of thorax, initial encounter
S20.462A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left back wall of thorax, initial encounter
S21.011A Laceration without foreign body of right breast, initial encounter
S21.012A Laceration without foreign body of left breast, initial encounter
S21.021A Laceration with foreign body of right breast, initial encounter
S21.022A Laceration with foreign body of left breast, initial encounter
S21.031A Puncture wound without foreign body of right breast, initial encounter
S21.032A Puncture wound without foreign body of left breast, initial encounter
S21.041A Puncture wound with foreign body of right breast, initial encounter
S21.042A Puncture wound with foreign body of left breast, initial encounter
S21.051A Open bite of right breast, initial encounter
S21.052A Open bite of left breast, initial encounter
S21.111A Laceration without foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.112A Laceration without foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.121A Laceration with foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.122A Laceration with foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.131A Puncture wound without foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.132A Puncture wound without foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.141A Puncture wound with foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.142A Puncture wound with foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.151A Open bite of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.152A Open bite of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.211A Laceration without foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.212A Laceration without foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.221A Laceration with foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.222A Laceration with foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.231A Puncture wound without foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.232A Puncture wound without foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.241A Puncture wound with foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.242A Puncture wound with foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.251A Open bite of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.252A Open bite of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.311A Laceration without foreign body of right front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.312A Laceration without foreign body of left front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.321A Laceration with foreign body of right front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.322A Laceration with foreign body of left front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.331A Puncture wound without foreign body of right front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.332A Puncture wound without foreign body of left front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.341A Puncture wound with foreign body of right front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.342A Puncture wound with foreign body of left front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.351A Open bite of right front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.352A Open bite of left front wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.411A Laceration without foreign body of right back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.412A Laceration without foreign body of left back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.421A Laceration with foreign body of right back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.422A Laceration with foreign body of left back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.431A Puncture wound without foreign body of right back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.432A Puncture wound without foreign body of left back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.441A Puncture wound with foreign body of right back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.442A Puncture wound with foreign body of left back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.451A Open bite of right back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.452A Open bite of left back wall of thorax with penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S28.1XXA Traumatic amputation (partial) of part of thorax, except breast, initial encounter
S28.211A Complete traumatic amputation of right breast, initial encounter
S28.212A Complete traumatic amputation of left breast, initial encounter
S28.221A Partial traumatic amputation of right breast, initial encounter
S28.222A Partial traumatic amputation of left breast, initial encounter
S29.021A Laceration of muscle and tendon of front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S29.022A Laceration of muscle and tendon of back wall of thorax, initial encounter
S30.840A External constriction of lower back and pelvis, initial encounter
S30.841A External constriction of abdominal wall, initial encounter
S30.842A External constriction of penis, initial encounter
S30.843A External constriction of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S30.844A External constriction of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S30.860A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of lower back and pelvis, initial encounter
S30.861A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of abdominal wall, initial encounter
S30.862A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of penis, initial encounter
S30.863A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S30.864A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S30.867A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of anus, initial encounter
S31.010A Laceration without foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.011A Laceration without foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.020A Laceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.021A Laceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.030A Puncture wound without foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.031A Puncture wound without foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.040A Puncture wound with foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.041A Puncture wound with foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.050A Open bite of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.051A Open bite of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.110A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.111A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.112A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.113A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.114A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.115A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.120A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.121A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.122A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.123A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.124A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.125A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.130A Puncture wound of abdominal wall without foreign body, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.131A Puncture wound of abdominal wall without foreign body, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.132A Puncture wound of abdominal wall without foreign body, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.133A Puncture wound of abdominal wall without foreign body, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.134A Puncture wound of abdominal wall without foreign body, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.135A Puncture wound of abdominal wall without foreign body, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.140A Puncture wound of abdominal wall with foreign body, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.141A Puncture wound of abdominal wall with foreign body, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.142A Puncture wound of abdominal wall with foreign body, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.143A Puncture wound of abdominal wall with foreign body, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.144A Puncture wound of abdominal wall with foreign body, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.145A Puncture wound of abdominal wall with foreign body, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.150A Open bite of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.151A Open bite of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.152A Open bite of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.153A Open bite of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.154A Open bite of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.155A Open bite of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.21XA Laceration without foreign body of penis, initial encounter
S31.22XA Laceration with foreign body of penis, initial encounter
S31.23XA Puncture wound without foreign body of penis, initial encounter
S31.24XA Puncture wound with foreign body of penis, initial encounter
S31.25XA Open bite of penis, initial encounter
S31.31XA Laceration without foreign body of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S31.32XA Laceration with foreign body of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S31.33XA Puncture wound without foreign body of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S31.34XA Puncture wound with foreign body of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S31.35XA Open bite of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S31.41XA Laceration without foreign body of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S31.42XA Laceration with foreign body of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S31.43XA Puncture wound without foreign body of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S31.44XA Puncture wound with foreign body of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S31.45XA Open bite of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S31.610A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.611A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.612A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, epigastric region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.613A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.614A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.615A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, periumbilic region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.620A Laceration with foreign body of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.621A Laceration with foreign body of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.622A Laceration with foreign body of abdominal wall, epigastric region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.623A Laceration with foreign body of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.624A Laceration with foreign body of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.625A Laceration with foreign body of abdominal wall, periumbilic region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.630A Puncture wound without foreign body of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.631A Puncture wound without foreign body of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.632A Puncture wound without foreign body of abdominal wall, epigastric region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.633A Puncture wound without foreign body of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.634A Puncture wound without foreign body of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.635A Puncture wound without foreign body of abdominal wall, periumbilic region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.640A Puncture wound with foreign body of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.641A Puncture wound with foreign body of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.642A Puncture wound with foreign body of abdominal wall, epigastric region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.643A Puncture wound with foreign body of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.644A Puncture wound with foreign body of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.645A Puncture wound with foreign body of abdominal wall, periumbilic region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.650A Open bite of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.651A Open bite of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.652A Open bite of abdominal wall, epigastric region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.653A Open bite of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.654A Open bite of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.655A Open bite of abdominal wall, periumbilic region with penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.811A Laceration without foreign body of right buttock, initial encounter
S31.812A Laceration with foreign body of right buttock, initial encounter
S31.813A Puncture wound without foreign body of right buttock, initial encounter
S31.814A Puncture wound with foreign body of right buttock, initial encounter
S31.815A Open bite of right buttock, initial encounter
S31.821A Laceration without foreign body of left buttock, initial encounter
S31.822A Laceration with foreign body of left buttock, initial encounter
S31.823A Puncture wound without foreign body of left buttock, initial encounter
S31.824A Puncture wound with foreign body of left buttock, initial encounter
S31.825A Open bite of left buttock, initial encounter
S31.831A Laceration without foreign body of anus, initial encounter
S31.832A Laceration with foreign body of anus, initial encounter
S31.833A Puncture wound without foreign body of anus, initial encounter
S31.834A Puncture wound with foreign body of anus, initial encounter
S31.835A Open bite of anus, initial encounter
S38.211A Complete traumatic amputation of female external genital organs, initial encounter
S38.212A Partial traumatic amputation of female external genital organs, initial encounter
S38.221A Complete traumatic amputation of penis, initial encounter
S38.222A Partial traumatic amputation of penis, initial encounter
S38.231A Complete traumatic amputation of scrotum and testis, initial encounter
S38.232A Partial traumatic amputation of scrotum and testis, initial encounter
S38.3XXA Transection (partial) of abdomen, initial encounter
S39.021A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of abdomen, initial encounter
S39.022A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of lower back, initial encounter
S39.023A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of pelvis, initial encounter
S40.241A External constriction of right shoulder, initial encounter
S40.242A External constriction of left shoulder, initial encounter
S40.261A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right shoulder, initial encounter
S40.262A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left shoulder, initial encounter
S40.841A External constriction of right upper arm, initial encounter
S40.842A External constriction of left upper arm, initial encounter
S40.861A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right upper arm, initial encounter
S40.862A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left upper arm, initial encounter
S41.011A Laceration without foreign body of right shoulder, initial encounter
S41.012A Laceration without foreign body of left shoulder, initial encounter
S41.021A Laceration with foreign body of right shoulder, initial encounter
S41.022A Laceration with foreign body of left shoulder, initial encounter
S41.031A Puncture wound without foreign body of right shoulder, initial encounter
S41.032A Puncture wound without foreign body of left shoulder, initial encounter
S41.041A Puncture wound with foreign body of right shoulder, initial encounter
S41.042A Puncture wound with foreign body of left shoulder, initial encounter
S41.051A Open bite of right shoulder, initial encounter
S41.052A Open bite of left shoulder, initial encounter
S41.111A Laceration without foreign body of right upper arm, initial encounter
S41.112A Laceration without foreign body of left upper arm, initial encounter
S41.121A Laceration with foreign body of right upper arm, initial encounter
S41.122A Laceration with foreign body of left upper arm, initial encounter
S41.131A Puncture wound without foreign body of right upper arm, initial encounter
S41.132A Puncture wound without foreign body of left upper arm, initial encounter
S41.141A Puncture wound with foreign body of right upper arm, initial encounter
S41.142A Puncture wound with foreign body of left upper arm, initial encounter
S41.151A Open bite of right upper arm, initial encounter
S41.152A Open bite of left upper arm, initial encounter
S46.021A Laceration of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of the rotator cuff of right shoulder, initial encounter
S46.022A Laceration of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of the rotator cuff of left shoulder, initial encounter
S46.121A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of long head of biceps, right arm, initial encounter
S46.122A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of long head of biceps, left arm, initial encounter
S46.221A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of other parts of biceps, right arm, initial encounter
S46.222A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of other parts of biceps, left arm, initial encounter
S46.321A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of triceps, right arm, initial encounter
S46.322A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of triceps, left arm, initial encounter
S46.821A Laceration of other muscles, fascia and tendons at shoulder and upper arm level, right arm, initial encounter
S46.822A Laceration of other muscles, fascia and tendons at shoulder and upper arm level, left arm, initial encounter
S46.921A Laceration of unspecified muscle, fascia and tendon at shoulder and upper arm level, right arm, initial encounter
S46.922A Laceration of unspecified muscle, fascia and tendon at shoulder and upper arm level, left arm, initial encounter
S50.341A External constriction of right elbow, initial encounter
S50.342A External constriction of left elbow, initial encounter
S50.361A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right elbow, initial encounter
S50.362A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left elbow, initial encounter
S50.841A External constriction of right forearm, initial encounter
S50.842A External constriction of left forearm, initial encounter
S50.861A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right forearm, initial encounter
S50.862A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left forearm, initial encounter
S51.011A Laceration without foreign body of right elbow, initial encounter
S51.012A Laceration without foreign body of left elbow, initial encounter
S51.021A Laceration with foreign body of right elbow, initial encounter
S51.022A Laceration with foreign body of left elbow, initial encounter
S51.031A Puncture wound without foreign body of right elbow, initial encounter
S51.032A Puncture wound without foreign body of left elbow, initial encounter
S51.041A Puncture wound with foreign body of right elbow, initial encounter
S51.042A Puncture wound with foreign body of left elbow, initial encounter
S51.051A Open bite, right elbow, initial encounter
S51.052A Open bite, left elbow, initial encounter
S51.811A Laceration without foreign body of right forearm, initial encounter
S51.812A Laceration without foreign body of left forearm, initial encounter
S51.821A Laceration with foreign body of right forearm, initial encounter
S51.822A Laceration with foreign body of left forearm, initial encounter
S51.831A Puncture wound without foreign body of right forearm, initial encounter
S51.832A Puncture wound without foreign body of left forearm, initial encounter
S51.841A Puncture wound with foreign body of right forearm, initial encounter
S51.842A Puncture wound with foreign body of left forearm, initial encounter
S51.851A Open bite of right forearm, initial encounter
S51.852A Open bite of left forearm, initial encounter
S56.021A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right thumb at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.022A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left thumb at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.121A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right index finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.122A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left index finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.123A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right middle finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.124A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left middle finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.125A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right ring finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.126A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left ring finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.127A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right little finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.128A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left little finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.221A Laceration of other flexor muscle, fascia and tendon at forearm level, right arm, initial encounter
S56.222A Laceration of other flexor muscle, fascia and tendon at forearm level, left arm, initial encounter
S56.321A Laceration of extensor or abductor muscles, fascia and tendons of right thumb at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.322A Laceration of extensor or abductor muscles, fascia and tendons of left thumb at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.421A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right index finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.422A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left index finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.423A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right middle finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.424A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left middle finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.425A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right ring finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.426A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left ring finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.427A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right little finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.428A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left little finger at forearm level, initial encounter
S56.521A Laceration of other extensor muscle, fascia and tendon at forearm level, right arm, initial encounter
S56.522A Laceration of other extensor muscle, fascia and tendon at forearm level, left arm, initial encounter
S56.821A Laceration of other muscles, fascia and tendons at forearm level, right arm, initial encounter
S56.822A Laceration of other muscles, fascia and tendons at forearm level, left arm, initial encounter
S56.921A Laceration of unspecified muscles, fascia and tendons at forearm level, right arm, initial encounter
S56.922A Laceration of unspecified muscles, fascia and tendons at forearm level, left arm, initial encounter
S60.341A External constriction of right thumb, initial encounter
S60.342A External constriction of left thumb, initial encounter
S60.361A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right thumb, initial encounter
S60.362A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left thumb, initial encounter
S60.440A External constriction of right index finger, initial encounter
S60.441A External constriction of left index finger, initial encounter
S60.442A External constriction of right middle finger, initial encounter
S60.443A External constriction of left middle finger, initial encounter
S60.444A External constriction of right ring finger, initial encounter
S60.445A External constriction of left ring finger, initial encounter
S60.446A External constriction of right little finger, initial encounter
S60.447A External constriction of left little finger, initial encounter
S60.460A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right index finger, initial encounter
S60.461A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left index finger, initial encounter
S60.462A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right middle finger, initial encounter
S60.463A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left middle finger, initial encounter
S60.464A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right ring finger, initial encounter
S60.465A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left ring finger, initial encounter
S60.466A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right little finger, initial encounter
S60.467A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left little finger, initial encounter
S60.541A External constriction of right hand, initial encounter
S60.542A External constriction of left hand, initial encounter
S60.561A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right hand, initial encounter
S60.562A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left hand, initial encounter
S60.841A External constriction of right wrist, initial encounter
S60.842A External constriction of left wrist, initial encounter
S60.861A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of right wrist, initial encounter
S60.862A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of left wrist, initial encounter
S61.011A Laceration without foreign body of right thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.012A Laceration without foreign body of left thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.021A Laceration with foreign body of right thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.022A Laceration with foreign body of left thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.031A Puncture wound without foreign body of right thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.032A Puncture wound without foreign body of left thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.041A Puncture wound with foreign body of right thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.042A Puncture wound with foreign body of left thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.051A Open bite of right thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.052A Open bite of left thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.111A Laceration without foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.112A Laceration without foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.121A Laceration with foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.122A Laceration with foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.131A Puncture wound without foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.132A Puncture wound without foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.141A Puncture wound with foreign body of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.142A Puncture wound with foreign body of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.151A Open bite of right thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.152A Open bite of left thumb with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.210A Laceration without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.211A Laceration without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.212A Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.213A Laceration without foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.214A Laceration without foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.215A Laceration without foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.216A Laceration without foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.217A Laceration without foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.218A Laceration without foreign body of other finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.220A Laceration with foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.221A Laceration with foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.222A Laceration with foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.223A Laceration with foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.224A Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.225A Laceration with foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.226A Laceration with foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.227A Laceration with foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.228A Laceration with foreign body of other finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.230A Puncture wound without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.231A Puncture wound without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.232A Puncture wound without foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.233A Puncture wound without foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.234A Puncture wound without foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.235A Puncture wound without foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.236A Puncture wound without foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.237A Puncture wound without foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.238A Puncture wound without foreign body of other finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.240A Puncture wound with foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.241A Puncture wound with foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.242A Puncture wound with foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.243A Puncture wound with foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.244A Puncture wound with foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.245A Puncture wound with foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.246A Puncture wound with foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.247A Puncture wound with foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.248A Puncture wound with foreign body of other finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.250A Open bite of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.251A Open bite of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.252A Open bite of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.253A Open bite of left middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.254A Open bite of right ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.255A Open bite of left ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.256A Open bite of right little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.257A Open bite of left little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.258A Open bite of other finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.310A Laceration without foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.311A Laceration without foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.312A Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.313A Laceration without foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.314A Laceration without foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.315A Laceration without foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.316A Laceration without foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.317A Laceration without foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.318A Laceration without foreign body of other finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.320A Laceration with foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.321A Laceration with foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.322A Laceration with foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.323A Laceration with foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.324A Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.325A Laceration with foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.326A Laceration with foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.327A Laceration with foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.328A Laceration with foreign body of other finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.330A Puncture wound without foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.331A Puncture wound without foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.332A Puncture wound without foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.333A Puncture wound without foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.334A Puncture wound without foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.335A Puncture wound without foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.336A Puncture wound without foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.337A Puncture wound without foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.338A Puncture wound without foreign body of other finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.340A Puncture wound with foreign body of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.341A Puncture wound with foreign body of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.342A Puncture wound with foreign body of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.343A Puncture wound with foreign body of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.344A Puncture wound with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.345A Puncture wound with foreign body of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.346A Puncture wound with foreign body of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.347A Puncture wound with foreign body of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.348A Puncture wound with foreign body of other finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.350A Open bite of right index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.351A Open bite of left index finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.352A Open bite of right middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.353A Open bite of left middle finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.354A Open bite of right ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.355A Open bite of left ring finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.356A Open bite of right little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.357A Open bite of left little finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.358A Open bite of other finger with damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.411A Laceration without foreign body of right hand, initial encounter
S61.412A Laceration without foreign body of left hand, initial encounter
S61.421A Laceration with foreign body of right hand, initial encounter
S61.422A Laceration with foreign body of left hand, initial encounter
S61.431A Puncture wound without foreign body of right hand, initial encounter
S61.432A Puncture wound without foreign body of left hand, initial encounter
S61.441A Puncture wound with foreign body of right hand, initial encounter
S61.442A Puncture wound with foreign body of left hand, initial encounter
S61.451A Open bite of right hand, initial encounter
S61.452A Open bite of left hand, initial encounter
S61.511A Laceration without foreign body of right wrist, initial encounter
S61.512A Laceration without foreign body of left wrist, initial encounter
S61.521A Laceration with foreign body of right wrist, initial encounter
S61.522A Laceration with foreign body of left wrist, initial encounter
S61.531A Puncture wound without foreign body of right wrist, initial encounter
S61.532A Puncture wound without foreign body of left wrist, initial encounter
S61.541A Puncture wound with foreign body of right wrist, initial encounter
S61.542A Puncture wound with foreign body of left wrist, initial encounter
S61.551A Open bite of right wrist, initial encounter
S61.552A Open bite of left wrist, initial encounter
S66.021A Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right thumb at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.022A Laceration of long flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left thumb at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.120A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right index finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.121A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left index finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.122A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right middle finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.123A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left middle finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.124A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right ring finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.125A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left ring finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.126A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of right little finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.127A Laceration of flexor muscle, fascia and tendon of left little finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.221A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right thumb at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.222A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left thumb at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.320A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right index finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.321A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left index finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.322A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right middle finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.323A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left middle finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.324A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right ring finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.325A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left ring finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.326A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right little finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.327A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left little finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.328A Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.421A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of right thumb at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.422A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of left thumb at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.520A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of right index finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.521A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of left index finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.522A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of right middle finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.523A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of left middle finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.524A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of right ring finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.525A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of left ring finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.526A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of right little finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.527A Laceration of intrinsic muscle, fascia and tendon of left little finger at wrist and hand level, initial encounter
S66.821A Laceration of other specified muscles, fascia and tendons at wrist and hand level, right hand, initial encounter
S66.822A Laceration of other specified muscles, fascia and tendons at wrist and hand level, left hand, initial encounter
S66.829A Laceration of other specified muscles, fascia and tendons at wrist and hand level, unspecified hand, initial encounter
S66.921A Laceration of unspecified muscle, fascia and tendon at wrist and hand level, right hand, initial encounter
S66.922A Laceration of unspecified muscle, fascia and tendon at wrist and hand level, left hand, initial encounter
S70.241A External constriction, right hip, initial encounter
S70.242A External constriction, left hip, initial encounter
S70.261A Insect bite (nonvenomous), right hip, initial encounter
S70.262A Insect bite (nonvenomous), left hip, initial encounter
S70.341A External constriction, right thigh, initial encounter
S70.342A External constriction, left thigh, initial encounter
S70.361A Insect bite (nonvenomous), right thigh, initial encounter
S70.362A Insect bite (nonvenomous), left thigh, initial encounter
S71.011A Laceration without foreign body, right hip, initial encounter
S71.012A Laceration without foreign body, left hip, initial encounter
S71.021A Laceration with foreign body, right hip, initial encounter
S71.022A Laceration with foreign body, left hip, initial encounter
S71.031A Puncture wound without foreign body, right hip, initial encounter
S71.032A Puncture wound without foreign body, left hip, initial encounter
S71.041A Puncture wound with foreign body, right hip, initial encounter
S71.042A Puncture wound with foreign body, left hip, initial encounter
S71.051A Open bite, right hip, initial encounter
S71.052A Open bite, left hip, initial encounter
S71.111A Laceration without foreign body, right thigh, initial encounter
S71.112A Laceration without foreign body, left thigh, initial encounter
S71.121A Laceration with foreign body, right thigh, initial encounter
S71.122A Laceration with foreign body, left thigh, initial encounter
S71.131A Puncture wound without foreign body, right thigh, initial encounter
S71.132A Puncture wound without foreign body, left thigh, initial encounter
S71.141A Puncture wound with foreign body, right thigh, initial encounter
S71.142A Puncture wound with foreign body, left thigh, initial encounter
S71.151A Open bite, right thigh, initial encounter
S71.152A Open bite, left thigh, initial encounter
S76.021A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of right hip, initial encounter
S76.022A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of left hip, initial encounter
S76.121A Laceration of right quadriceps muscle, fascia and tendon, initial encounter
S76.122A Laceration of left quadriceps muscle, fascia and tendon, initial encounter
S76.221A Laceration of adductor muscle, fascia and tendon of right thigh, initial encounter
S76.222A Laceration of adductor muscle, fascia and tendon of left thigh, initial encounter
S76.321A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level, right thigh, initial encounter
S76.322A Laceration of muscle, fascia and tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level, left thigh, initial encounter
S76.821A Laceration of other specified muscles, fascia and tendons at thigh level, right thigh, initial encounter
S76.822A Laceration of other specified muscles, fascia and tendons at thigh level, left thigh, initial encounter
S76.921A Laceration of unspecified muscles, fascia and tendons at thigh level, right thigh, initial encounter
S76.922A Laceration of unspecified muscles, fascia and tendons at thigh level, left thigh, initial encounter
S80.241A External constriction, right knee, initial encounter
S80.242A External constriction, left knee, initial encounter
S80.261A Insect bite (nonvenomous), right knee, initial encounter
S80.262A Insect bite (nonvenomous), left knee, initial encounter
S80.841A External constriction, right lower leg, initial encounter
S80.842A External constriction, left lower leg, initial encounter
S80.861A Insect bite (nonvenomous), right lower leg, initial encounter
S80.862A Insect bite (nonvenomous), left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.011A Laceration without foreign body, right knee, initial encounter
S81.012A Laceration without foreign body, left knee, initial encounter
S81.021A Laceration with foreign body, right knee, initial encounter
S81.022A Laceration with foreign body, left knee, initial encounter
S81.031A Puncture wound without foreign body, right knee, initial encounter
S81.032A Puncture wound without foreign body, left knee, initial encounter
S81.041A Puncture wound with foreign body, right knee, initial encounter
S81.042A Puncture wound with foreign body, left knee, initial encounter
S81.051A Open bite, right knee, initial encounter
S81.052A Open bite, left knee, initial encounter
S81.811A Laceration without foreign body, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.812A Laceration without foreign body, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.821A Laceration with foreign body, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.822A Laceration with foreign body, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.831A Puncture wound without foreign body, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.832A Puncture wound without foreign body, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.841A Puncture wound with foreign body, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.842A Puncture wound with foreign body, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.851A Open bite, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.852A Open bite, left lower leg, initial encounter
S86.021A Laceration of right Achilles tendon, initial encounter
S86.022A Laceration of left Achilles tendon, initial encounter
S86.121A Laceration of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) of posterior muscle group at lower leg level, right leg, initial encounter
S86.122A Laceration of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) of posterior muscle group at lower leg level, left leg, initial encounter
S86.221A Laceration of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of anterior muscle group at lower leg level, right leg, initial encounter
S86.222A Laceration of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of anterior muscle group at lower leg level, left leg, initial encounter
S86.321A Laceration of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level, right leg, initial encounter
S86.322A Laceration of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level, left leg, initial encounter
S86.821A Laceration of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) at lower leg level, right leg, initial encounter
S86.822A Laceration of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) at lower leg level, left leg, initial encounter
S86.921A Laceration of unspecified muscle(s) and tendon(s) at lower leg level, right leg, initial encounter
S86.922A Laceration of unspecified muscle(s) and tendon(s) at lower leg level, left leg, initial encounter
S90.441A External constriction, right great toe, initial encounter
S90.442A External constriction, left great toe, initial encounter
S90.444A External constriction, right lesser toe(s), initial encounter
S90.445A External constriction, left lesser toe(s), initial encounter
S90.461A Insect bite (nonvenomous), right great toe, initial encounter
S90.462A Insect bite (nonvenomous), left great toe, initial encounter
S90.464A Insect bite (nonvenomous), right lesser toe(s), initial encounter
S90.465A Insect bite (nonvenomous), left lesser toe(s), initial encounter
S90.541A External constriction, right ankle, initial encounter
S90.542A External constriction, left ankle, initial encounter
S90.561A Insect bite (nonvenomous), right ankle, initial encounter
S90.562A Insect bite (nonvenomous), left ankle, initial encounter
S90.841A External constriction, right foot, initial encounter
S90.842A External constriction, left foot, initial encounter
S90.861A Insect bite (nonvenomous), right foot, initial encounter
S90.862A Insect bite (nonvenomous), left foot, initial encounter
S91.011A Laceration without foreign body, right ankle, initial encounter
S91.012A Laceration without foreign body, left ankle, initial encounter
S91.021A Laceration with foreign body, right ankle, initial encounter
S91.022A Laceration with foreign body, left ankle, initial encounter
S91.031A Puncture wound without foreign body, right ankle, initial encounter
S91.032A Puncture wound without foreign body, left ankle, initial encounter
S91.041A Puncture wound with foreign body, right ankle, initial encounter
S91.042A Puncture wound with foreign body, left ankle, initial encounter
S91.051A Open bite, right ankle, initial encounter
S91.052A Open bite, left ankle, initial encounter
S91.111A Laceration without foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.112A Laceration without foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.114A Laceration without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.115A Laceration without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.121A Laceration with foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.122A Laceration with foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.124A Laceration with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.125A Laceration with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.131A Puncture wound without foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.132A Puncture wound without foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.134A Puncture wound without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.135A Puncture wound without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.141A Puncture wound with foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.142A Puncture wound with foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.144A Puncture wound with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.145A Puncture wound with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.151A Open bite of right great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.152A Open bite of left great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.154A Open bite of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.155A Open bite of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.211A Laceration without foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.212A Laceration without foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.214A Laceration without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.215A Laceration without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.221A Laceration with foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.222A Laceration with foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.224A Laceration with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.225A Laceration with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.231A Puncture wound without foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.232A Puncture wound without foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.234A Puncture wound without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.235A Puncture wound without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.241A Puncture wound with foreign body of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.242A Puncture wound with foreign body of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.244A Puncture wound with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.245A Puncture wound with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.251A Open bite of right great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.252A Open bite of left great toe with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.254A Open bite of right lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.255A Open bite of left lesser toe(s) with damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.311A Laceration without foreign body, right foot, initial encounter
S91.312A Laceration without foreign body, left foot, initial encounter
S91.321A Laceration with foreign body, right foot, initial encounter
S91.322A Laceration with foreign body, left foot, initial encounter
S91.331A Puncture wound without foreign body, right foot, initial encounter
S91.332A Puncture wound without foreign body, left foot, initial encounter
S91.341A Puncture wound with foreign body, right foot, initial encounter
S91.342A Puncture wound with foreign body, left foot, initial encounter
S91.351A Open bite, right foot, initial encounter
S91.352A Open bite, left foot, initial encounter
S96.021A Laceration of muscle and tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle and foot level, right foot, initial encounter
S96.022A Laceration of muscle and tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle and foot level, left foot, initial encounter
S96.121A Laceration of muscle and tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle and foot level, right foot, initial encounter
S96.122A Laceration of muscle and tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle and foot level, left foot, initial encounter
T81.30XA Disruption of wound, unspecified, initial encounter
T81.31XA Disruption of external operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.32XA Disruption of internal operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.33XA Disruption of traumatic injury wound repair, initial encounter
T81.41XA Infection following a procedure, superficial incisional surgical site, initial encounter
T81.42XA Infection following a procedure, deep incisional surgical site, initial encounter
T81.83XA Persistent postprocedural fistula, initial encounter
T81.89XA Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.89XD Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T87.41 Infection of amputation stump, right upper extremity
T87.42 Infection of amputation stump, left upper extremity
T87.43 Infection of amputation stump, right lower extremity
T87.44 Infection of amputation stump, left lower extremity
T87.51 Necrosis of amputation stump, right upper extremity
T87.52 Necrosis of amputation stump, left upper extremity
T87.53 Necrosis of amputation stump, right lower extremity
T87.54 Necrosis of amputation stump, left lower extremity
T87.81 Dehiscence of amputation stump
T87.89 Other complications of amputation stump

ICD-10-CM Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-PCS Codes

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Additional ICD-10 Information


Bill Type Codes

Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the article does not apply to that Bill Type. Complete absence of all Bill Types indicates that coverage is not influenced by Bill Type and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all claims.

Code Description

Revenue Codes

Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory. Unless specified in the article, services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination. Complete absence of all Revenue Codes indicates that coverage is not influenced by Revenue Code and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all Revenue Codes.

Code Description

Other Coding Information

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Coding Table Information

Excluded CPT/HCPCS Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion
Non-Excluded CPT/HCPCS Ended Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion

Revision History Information

Revision History Date Revision History Number Revision History Explanation
04/27/2023 R13

Posted 04/27/2023 Review completed 03/22/2023 with no change in coverage.

05/27/2021 R12

05/27/2021 Added the following diagnosis codes to ICD-10 Code Table: Group 1: L89.010, L89.020, L89.110, L89.120, L89.130, L89.140, L89.150, L89.210, L89.220, L89.310, L89.320, L89.45, L89.510, L89.520, L89.610, L89.620, L89.810 per provider’s request. Review complete 04/22/2021.

01/28/2021 R11

01/28/2021 Added the following codes for consistency to the ICD-10 Code Table. Group One: S61.248A and S61.348A. Deleted the following Unspecified code because more specific codes are listed: S86.129A Format revisions completed. Review completed 01/06/2021.

10/29/2020 R10

10/29/2020 In Coding Guidelines: Sentence Number 3: Removed CPT 11043 and 11046 due to Provider’s request. Sentence Number 4: Added “/or” for clarification. In Reasons for Denial: Sentence 1: Removed the word “deep” and added “bony”.

10/01/2020 R9

10/01/2020 ICD-10-CM Code Updates to Group 1: Added S20.343A, S20.343D, S20.343S, S20.344A, S20.344D, S20.344S, S20.363A, S20.363D, S20.363S, S20.364A, S20.364D and S20.364S.

02/09/2020 R8

Corrected broken link to "CMS IOM PUB 100-4, Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 4, Section 200.9 200.9 - Billing for “Sometimes Therapy” Services that May be Paid as Non-Therapy Services for Hospital Outpatients"

02/09/2020 R7

This article’s revision is related to the reconsideration process and medical literature submitted during the comment period 09/26/2019-11/10/2019.
The following ICD-10 Codes have been added to Group One effective 02/09/2020:
L89.012, L89.022, L89.112, L89.122, L89.132, L89.142, L89.152, L89.212, L89.222, L89.312, L89.322, L89.42, L89.512, L89.522, L89.612, L89.622, L89.812, L89.892, L97.111, L97.121, L97.211, L97.221, L97.311, L97.321, L97.411, L97.421, L97.511, L97.521, L97.811, L97.821, L98.411, L98.421, L98.491, L98.496 and L98.498.
The following ICD-10 codes have been removed from Group One effective 02/09/2020: L97.912, L97.913, L97.914, L97.915, L97.916, L97.918, L97.922, L97.923, L97.24, L97.925, L97.926, and L97.928 more specific codes available. Format revision completed.

01/01/2020 R6

12/19/2019 CPT/HCPCS annual update effective 01/01/2020: CPT/HCPCS Codes Group 1 Codes: short description change noted to 97605 and 97607.

11/01/2019 R5

Content has been moved to the new template.

10/01/2019 R4

09/26/2019 ICD-10-CM code updates: Changed description to I70.238 and I70.248 in Group One. Change Request 10901 Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs): Changed title to: Billing and Coding: Wound Care. The applicable manual/regulation has been referenced in Rule and Regulations. Clarification of language to include “Therapist” where previously listed as “Physical Therapist” in Billing and Coding Guidelines for Wound Care.

05/13/2019 R3

03/28/2019 Added CPT 97602 to Group One ICD-10 Codes that are Covered effective 05/13/2019. Removed national policy language from line item number 4 under Billing and Coding Guidelines for Wound Care due to Change Request 10901 Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs).
Added link to CMS Publication 100-02, Medicare Coverage Policy Manual, Chapter 7 – Home Health Services, Section 10.11 and CMS IOM PUB 100-4, Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 4, Section 200.9 - Billing for “Sometimes Therapy” Services that May be Paid as Non-Therapy Services for Hospital Outpatients under CMS Manual Explanations s). Typographical error corrected. Revised sentence Number 5 under Billing and Coding Guidelines for Wound Care for clarification. Review completed 03/05/2019.

10/01/2018 R2

10/01/2018 Added L98.495 to Group One.
ICD-10 Code Updates: deleted T81.4XXA, T81.4XXD, and T81.4XXS from Group One and added T81.41XA, T81.41XD, T81.41XS, T81.42XA, T81.42XD, and T81.42XS.

04/16/2018 R1

03/02/2018 - Added statement: "Italicized font -represents CMS national NCD language/wording copied directly from CMS Manuals or CMS Transmittals.  Contractors are prohibited from changing national NCD language/wording." under Article Text section. No other changes to article or coverage.


Associated Documents

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SAD Process URL 1
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Updated On Effective Dates Status
04/21/2023 04/27/2023 - N/A Currently in Effect You are here
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  • Debridement
  • Electrical Stimulation
  • Electrical Therapy
  • MIST
  • Wound