National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

External Counterpulsation (ECP) Therapy

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
Novoshielski, Joseph Date: 01/19/2006

God gave man the ability to grow collateral vessels and capillaries. EECP merely harnesses this God-given ability. A surgeon cannot do this. A drug cannot do this. Should the American people be denied reimbursement for this non-invasive, life-enhancing procedure simply because man is not able to figure out how God created the body to work and explain it all to you scientifically? The empirical evidence is overwhelming. You need to look in your hearts and do the right thing for the millions


Dunigan, Anna Title: LPN
Date: 01/19/2006

I am a nurse at Lake Village Clinic and have seen the results of EECP first hand. Living in rural southern Arkansas, the limits to good healthcare are sometimes few and far between. I have seen patients with debillatating angina walk away from EECP without effort. Young and old alike are benefiting from EECP. Quality of life is for the better in every patient and I am asking that you expand the coverage for this life changing treatment.

Schutz, MD, FACC, Ronald Title: Medical Director
Organization: Heart Centers of America, LLC
Date: 01/19/2006

To whom it may concern: I am a board certified cardiologist who has treated over 300 patients with EECP since April, 1999. Our clinic was the first in the Pacific Northwest to offer EECP therapy, and virtually 100% of our patients are referred in to us by outside cardiologists or cardiothoracic surgeons. Our overall success rate is in the range of 80%, with the vast majority of patients coming to us with FC III - IV angina symptoms truly refractory to maximal medications, interventional


Conti, C. Richard Date: 01/19/2006

We are members of an advisory group referred to as the EECP Scientific Council engaged by Vasomedical, Incorporated to promote and guide appropriate research investigating the effects of EECP therapy. As such, we periodically review results of published and unpublished research relevant to this therapy, advise the company with regard to on-going investigations and participate in the design of new research. We serve no role in the promotion of this therapy for commercial purposes and are


Vranian, Robert Title: Medical Director for EECP
Organization: Mary Washington Hospital
Date: 01/19/2006

Congestive Heart Failure has a poorer prognosis than most cancers. Not only do its victims increase strain on our health care system, but the toll that it takes in dampening the human spirit by degrading the quality of life cannot be measured in monetary terms. During my three decades as a cardiologist, I have participated in and witnessed great strides in cardiovascular disease. Treatment of the severely symptomatic CHF patient has slowly progressed. EECP has a special place in the


Zekan, Steve Title: Medical Director
Organization: EECP of W. Va.
Date: 01/19/2006

I have been treating patients for 3 ½ years with EECP. EECP has proven to be a extremely safe and effective therapy for patients with angina, and Congestive Heart Failure. Our patients have went from being admitted into the hospital monthly to staying at home and doing outpatient follow-ups. This makes EECP therapy extremely cost efficient and actually returns most patients to a more normal life.Please reconsider the proposal to expand the coverage for EECP on class II angina patients, and


Douglas, Pamela Title: President
Organization: American College of Cardiology
Date: 01/19/2006

The American College of Cardiology is a 30,000 member non-profit professional medical society and teaching institution whose mission is to advocate for quality cardiovascular care—through education, research promotion, development and application of standards and guidelines—and to influence health care policy. The College represents more than 90 percent of the cardiologists practicing in the United States.

The ACC appreciates the opportunity to comment upon the Proposed


Date: 01/19/2006



D'Ambrosia, Denise F.O. Title: FNP-C, DNSCc
Organization: Stony Brook University Hospital
Date: 01/19/2006

I support expanding coverage of EECP treatment for Class II angina patients and Class II-IV CHF. I have been involved in both EECP research and its clinical use since 1996. The burden of suffering with CCII angina and CHF is significant. PCI and CABG offer some recourse, but maximal pharmacologic therapy doesn't seem to meet the need completely. EECP has been demonstrated with statistical significance to improve the quality of life as well as reduce or eliminate angina and ischemia in


Golovchinsky, Vladimir Title: M,D.
Organization: BRS Comprehensive Medical Group
Date: 01/18/2006

Commentor: Golovchinsky, Vladimir. M.D., PhD.

Title: M.D., PhD., Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Organization: BRS Comprehensive Medical Group, Los Angeles

Date: 01-15-2006

I think that the decision of CMS not to allow EECP payment for treatment of congestive heart failure is outrageous. Presently there is no effective treatment for this condition, and one-third of the patients with congestive heart failure treated with traditional methods die within one year of their first


bonazinga MD FACC, bartholomew Title: cardiologis
Date: 01/18/2006

dear gentlemen, i have been treating patients with class III and IV angina with enhanced external couterpulsation for over 5 years. Many of these patients were status post 2 or 3 bypass surgeries with numerous occluded grafts! many of them had had frequent bouts of congestive heart failure! during this time i have tabulated 96 patient' s ejection fraction measured by 2 dimensional echocardiogram. not only were the vast majority of hse paients clinicly improved with greater exercise


Peacock, Anthony Title: retired
Date: 01/18/2006

Dear CMS Evaluators

Prior to retirement more than 5 years ago, Ioversaw the clinical development of EECP.

Considering the historic paucity of properclinical trialwork with most medical devices,especially non-invasive instruments, the volume ofdata available on EECP is highly creditable by any reasonable measure. I make this point because ofthe remarks of Dr. Pamela Douglas of the ACC andof Dr. Donna Raziano, Medical Director forElder Care of PA. The comment of the former isformulaic


de Lame, Paul-Andre Title: CEO
Organization: Anabase International Corp.
Date: 01/18/2006

As a consultant to Vasomedical, I have been personnally involved in many of the clinical research sponsored by the company, including two major trials, MUST-EECP and PEECH. In this capacity, I am familiar with the evidence, its strengths, and its weakenesses. After reading the proposed decision memo released December 20, 2005, I feel compelled to take advange of the public comment period to express my opinion. I am doing so on my own time and initiative, and without input from my client,


Kronhaus, Kenneth Date: 01/18/2006

The requested data supporting the safety, effectiveness, and cost benefit of EECP for class II-III heart failure and class II-IV angina appears posted. The sustainability of effectiveness for both indications argues against a placebo effect. The current level of evidence for both indications exceeds the threshold used to approve reimbursement for other treatments in the past. Thank you for your reconsideration.

Lynn, Angie Title: CET
Organization: Lake Village Clinic
Date: 01/18/2006

I have been a therapist for 3 1/2 years. I wish all heart patients could have this treatment once a year. We have doubled Ejection Fractions & I do have proof. You not only improve or stop their angina, the great side effects from this treatment tremendously improve our patients quality of life. Just a few are, improve or stop having SOB, improved exercise tolerance (patient can split & stack wood with diagnosis of angina & CHF after recieving 35 treatments), lowers blood pressure (some


walker, nancy Title: Medical Assistant
Organization: St. Johns Clinic/ Cardiology
Date: 01/18/2006

I work with patients that have class III angina and IV,and I have seen very good results for these patients,but I belive that starting sooner with EECP Treatments on Patients that are Class II Angina would be better and perhaps would actually lower the high costs of medical expense, that many heart patients have.
Thank You
Nancy Walker
Medical Assistant

Rolfe, Linda Rae Title: EECP Clinical Coordinator
Organization: EECP Heart Center of KS
Date: 01/18/2006

I am a Registered Nurse who has served my community as the EECP Clinical Coordinator for the EECP Heart Center of Ks since our start up in May of 2001.

Recently, I became aware that the proposal to expand coverage for Medicare beneficiaries for EECP Therapy was denied and that you are seeking public comment on the proposed determination. Please allow me to share with you some of my experiences as an EECP health care provider.

First of all the bulk (27 years) of my nursing career has


Amato, Michelle Title: RN
Organization: Dearborn Cardiology Associates
Date: 01/18/2006

Our ECP clinic has been in operation for the past three and a half years and has treated many angina patients that also have heart failure. We have seen much improvement in the functional capacity of the patients with heart failure as well. One patient was unable to walk from his garage to the curb to remove his refuse (less than 60 feet) due to chest pain and severe shortness of breath. Following a 35-day course of ECP this patient was riding his bike more than 20 miles per week. Another


Tartaglia, Joseph Title: Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine
Organization: New York Medical College
Date: 01/18/2006

I have provided treatment for patients with chronic angina using enhanced counterpulsation since 1995. I have used it for patients with angina and EF less than 35% and found it safe and effective improving their quality of life, improving function, angina episodes, exercise capacity and showing improvements in areas of ischemia as well as EF after treatment as evidenced by nuclear studies and echocardiography. Often these patients have no alternatives and are nearly always on maximum


RATHORE, BM Title: EECP center
Organization: Macter International (Pvt) Limited Pakistan
Date: 01/18/2006

we are running EECP centers in Pakistan (karachi lahore, Isalmabad)we treated more than 100 patients and success rate is 85- 90% .we are facing problems like unawreness among Pakistani cardiologists and cardiac surgeons .otherwise the patients are quite co- oprtatine as they are awared through internet and media which was marketed by Macter International (Pvt) Limited. it is requested to the forum to arrange awareness strategies for the doctors. we are thankful to the Vasomedical we


Chancy, Shelley Title: Manager, Clinical Applications - ECP
Organization: ScottCare Corporation
Date: 01/17/2006

ScottCare Corporation appreciates the opportunity to comment on expanded coverage for External Counterpulsation (ECP) therapy.

The ECP community is naturally disappointed in CMS’s preliminary decision not to expand coverage for ECP therapy. Providers of ECP therapy believe in this technology and its ability to improve patient’s functional status and quality of life. Your message board is filled with testimonials from physicians and clinicians who have all seen and experienced the


Selby, Jo Beth Title: Registered Nurse, Certified EECP Therapist
Date: 01/17/2006

I have been a Registered Nurse for 18 years and have never seen the results the external counterpulsation gives. I have been an EECP therapist for 3 years and have seen many positive results. Many of our patients have numerous procedures(at great cost to you) to no avail and find positve results with EECP. Many patients have debilitating angina with numerous admissions to the hospital for suspected MI to find again the diagnosis of Angina. I have seen improvement not only in Angina but in


Van Eik, L Date: 01/17/2006

As an EECP therapist (CET) for over 3 years, I have seen some amazing results. Many of the patients we see are severely debilitated and have no other revascularization options. Many find themselves short of breath or have anginal symptoms just from walking into the therapy room from the parking lot. After ECP therapy, the majority of our patients are able to do more basic activites of daily living symptom free. They appear vibrant and happier after 7 weeks of therapy. ECP therapy has


Zimmer, Renee Title: RN, CET
Organization: The Heart Care Group, P.C.
Date: 01/17/2006

Our EECP Center has treated 450 patients over the past 7 years. Usually our daily census includes at least one patient with the concomitant diagnosis of CHF with stable angina. We have seen undeniable improvements in these individuals and have witnessed the patients' elation when they realize that they have had a weekend of comfort and ease just with activities of daily living. It gives them hope and a renewed interest in hobbies, travel, community service and enjoyment in living. This


march, molly Title: RN EECP
Organization: Wellspan York Hospital
Date: 01/17/2006

I have worked with patients in EECP for 7 years and have seen so much improvement in their angina status. This coverage needs to be expanded to CCSC class II and NYHA Class II/III stable HEART FAILURE!!! There is no question that there would be less hospitalization of these patients and increased quality of life. Please reconsider this coverage. Patients under going EECP are very closely monitored and many MD visits can be avoided and many hospitalization averted because of the treatment


Date: 01/16/2006

I am a physician in private practice in western Pennsylvania who has integrated ECP into my practice for over three years. I have seen dramatic improvements in my patients' functional capacity, remarkable reduction in suffering from ischemic heart disease, and consistent reduction of reliance on cardiac drugs with concurrent reduction in their inherent adverse effects. Those patients who are fortunate enough to become aware that ECP is every bit as effective as the more dangerous invasive


Labahn, James Title: Director of Cardiology
Organization: Baptist Hospital, Pensacola, FL
Date: 01/16/2006

Every patient that we have put on EECP therapy has noticed an improvement. A few were modest but most were dramatic improvements. Many patients that took Nitro pills for chest pain were able to stop taking them. Several patient improved so much, that when nearing the end of treatments, asked if they could start doing things that they had been unable to do for over a year, such as bowling, hunting, chopping wood. Several have offered to talk to our other patients about the benefits of EECP.


Pacini, MD, Donald R. Organization: Western Slope Cardiology, P.C.
Date: 01/16/2006

I am writing to provide feedback regarding your recent decision to deny expanded coverage for the use of enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP). I have been in practice as a board- certified cardiologist for over 20 years now, working both as a general cardiologist, as well as an interventional cardiologist performing balloon angioplasty procedures in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.

In the last year or two we have been offering EECP as a treatment for patients with


Kapchits, Mikhail Title: Medical Director
Organization: Advanced Medical Care
Date: 01/16/2006

EECP has proved to be a very powerful adjunctive tool to control angina in patients for whom revascularization is not feasible for whatever reason. IT definitely reduces the number of visits to the doctors and emergency rooms, allows to reduce the doses of medications. Thus this method is very effective and cost-effective in patients with all classes of angina.
Mikhail Kapchits, M.D.

Grayson, Dianna Date: 01/16/2006

As a provider of ECP therapy I would like to share some of the experiences with patients I have had over the last 3 years. The majority of my patients came to me after suffering through multiple surgeries, catherizations and on an abundance of medications. Their quality of daily life was poor and many did not feel anything would help them to enjoy many of the things they had previously done. Some of these things were cooking a meal, cleaning the house, gardening or just trying to get to


Roberts, James Title: MD
Organization: EECP Center of NW Ohio
Date: 01/15/2006

Dear CMS,

Over the past 8 years I have treated over 800 patients with EECP. Nearly all have responded favorable, and for many, EECP 'gave them their life back'. Post-EECP, hospitalization and event rates have also fallen (I can document this). Thus with EECP I have been able to help patients who could not be helped by other means and reduce their health care expenditures.

My only frustration has been CMS's position to cover EECP only in patients with advanced symptoms


Houston, Vincent Organization: Health Enhancement
Date: 01/14/2006

I strongly encourage the expansion of ECP coverage for Class II angina and CHF with EF < 35, and patients post MI. I have been performing ECP at three centers for the past 7 years and have observed significant improvements in many patients.

My facilities also provides Phase II and Phase III cardiac rehabilitation with many patients continuing in these program for over 10 years. The improvement that I have seen in ECP patients compares with those patients that have exercised for two


Miller, Lisa Title: Respiratory Supervisor
Organization: Avera Sacred Heart Hospital
Date: 01/13/2006

We have had 22 patients complete the 35 treatment course of EECP in our facility with excellent results. 82% noticed an improvement in chest discomfort, 100% noticed improvement in energy and activity level, 64% reduced their use of Nitro, 100% would reccomend this therapy to others with angina or CHF. The patients on oxygen were either able to come off or reduce their use, and the patients with swelling in their legs noticed improvement also.

O'Neil, MD, FACC, James Organization: The Cardiology Group, P.A.
Date: 01/13/2006

As EECP Medical Director for The Cardiology Group, P.A. I am very concerned about the recent CMS decision to not utilize EECP in the treatment of Stage II/III CHF.

Stage II and III heart failure are levels of heart failure not covered at this time by biventricular pacemakers, therefore, we only have drug therapy and lifestyle modification as a treatment option in this subgroup of CHF patients. EECP has clearly been shown to work nearly as effectively and, sometimes, more


Donnelly, RN, Marlene Title: Clinical Operations Director
Organization: The Cardiology Group, P.A.
Date: 01/13/2006

As Clinical Operations Director for The Cardiology Group, P.A., I have managed EECP since the program began March 1, 2001. We currently treat 10 patients/day and the patient outcomes measured at the end of 35 treatments reveal a significant improvement in each patient's Quality of Life, level of energy and measureable changes in anginal and breathing symptoms. In addition, the hospital re-admission rate has decreased significantly, as well. As one of the premier providers of cardiac care in


Priggemeier, Mary Title: RN
Organization: Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital
Date: 01/13/2006

I work in the Pulmonary Rehab Department at Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital. We have an EECP department and I have witnessed first hand it's benefits. I believe adding CHF and cardiomyopathy to diagnosis covered by Medicare would be a terrific assest to our patient population. I could lead to a decrease in patient hospitalizations and most of all an increase in quality of life for people suffering from these debilitating conditions.

Dorman, Malcolm Title: Medical Director Cardiac Surgery
Organization: HCA
Date: 01/12/2006

2006-ECP:CMS Decision to Expand Coverage for CHF Patients: I have been involved with ECP from the late 60s with Dr. Soroff at Stoneybrook. I have followed ECP all these years and felt it to be beneficial, and introduced it to Miami Heart Institute in Miami, FL, and JFK in West Palm Beach, FL. There is no question in my mind, and will be demonstrated by the PEECH Trail, that it will be beneficial to all patients in CHF. This should economically be very cost savings to Medicare in keeping


Tempich, LPN, RCVT, CET, Louanne Title: EECP Supervisor
Organization: EECP Center of Pittsburgh
Date: 01/11/2006

I have been an EECP therapist for nearly 10 years, and never in the 28 eight years I have been in the medical profession has one single treatment been more effective or offered more hope where there was none previously. Do we send our soldiers to war ill equipped to fight the enemy. NO!! Why tie the hands of the professionals to fight this enemy? Congestive heart failure is the primary co-morbid condition these patients have presented with for treatment. They do extremely well. Less


Hirsch, Aaron Organization: VascuFlo
Date: 01/10/2006

External Counterpulsation is extremely beneficial in improvements in quality of life for patients suffering from angina and other debilitating symptoms of coronary artery disease. It is a grave diservice to the American people to not fully cover this option for treatment of this disease state. I truly hope CMS reverses this decision not to expand coverage.

Vazquez-Bauza, Juan J Title: Cardiologist, MD, FACC
Organization: Mid Aerica Cardiovascular Institute
Date: 01/10/2006

I wish to make some comments on the CMS determinations on coverage for EECP Therapy.

The case for Chronic Angina Pectoris:

The current criteria for evaluation and determination for coverage for EECP seems to be bias and under a double standard of criteria when compared to other approved modalities to treat chronic stable angina pectoris.

PTCA, stents and in general PCI are been covered with no clear benefit of their use when compared to medical therapy in general terms.


Kaas, Krysta Date: 01/10/2006

As an EECP specialist, I have seen amazing results in patients with refractory angina. The PEECH trial has clearly demonstrated that people with CHF may also benefit from this therapy. I feel it is important to let the patient at least have the option of receiving EECP therapy.

Wehr, Brenda Title: Registered Nurse
Organization: Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center
Date: 01/10/2006

I have been an EECP therapist for about 3 1/2 years. I am very disappointed with Medicare's decision to not expand coverage for EECP. I have seen remarkable changes in patients. Befor treatments they were unable to carry on activities of daily living. After treatments they are able to do activities that they couldn't do because of angina, shortness of breath, and fatigue. We have treated some angina patients that have also had some heart failure, and the majority of them have had go


Gerchufsky, Ruth Ann Title: RN EECP Supervisor
Date: 01/10/2006

Realizing that protocol must be followed in order for a decision to become policy,we cannot ignore the fact that PEECH demonstrated overwhelming proof that CHF improved with EECP. You must be proactive with your decision to provide insurance coverage for this group of cardiac patients. Many CHF patients no longer have a good quality of life because of their labile symptoms. Repeated hospital stays and the ever increasing cost of medication make for a miserable life for these patients.As the


Kienzle, Michael Date: 01/09/2006

I believe that there is sufficient evidence for the benefits of EECP in a broader range of patient groups. It would be a disservice to make the indications too narrow.

Blackwell, April Title: MSM-EECP Manager
Organization: Baptist Health Care
Date: 01/09/2006

At Baptist Hospital, we are the only facility that provides ECP in our area. We are pleased to say that many patients commute from nearby cities and states to participate in a treatment regimen that has been proven time and time again to reduce cardiac symptoms that compromise day to day activities. Over the past five years, we have treated over 100 patients with a 95% success rate in regards to overall quality of life. It is hard to imagine Medicare denying coverage for a treatment that


Zaltsberg, Natasha Title: Director, Clinical Operations
Organization: Ambulatory ECG Services. Ltd.
Date: 01/09/2006

The reason that I feel the diagnosis of CHF should be extended to be covered under Medicare for ECP patients is the following: the affects of the treatment on patients with stable angina that I have witnessed since our program started approximately 3 years ago has been tremendous. After completion of the ECP program, these patients are able to function at a higher Met level with fewer or no angina symptoms, and this not only gives them a better quality of life but a more productive one at


Anderson, Regina Title: Assistant Director Cardiopulmonary
Organization: Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital
Date: 01/09/2006

I find it very disheartening to hear that Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has decided not to expand the reimbursement coverage of EECP therapy. As a nurse who has worked with the EECP program for the last 5 years, I have seen our patients achieve so much benefit as almost everyone has relief of chest pain, SOB, and an improvement in energy. They appreciate having another option instead of having to go through an invasive procedure. EECP is also a cheaper option vs. Bypass


Lawson, William Title: Professor of Medicine
Organization: State University of NY, Stony Brook
Date: 01/09/2006

Coverage of EECP should be extended to include the treatment of all patients with clinically significant, medically refractory CCS II-IV angina and NYHA class II-III heart failure.

In the CAD patient with chronic disabling angina (CCS II-IV) refractory to medical therapy a 35 hour course of EECP has been demonstrated to have the following durable benefits:

  • Improves objective measures of ischemia and ischemic burden (time to ST-depression increases, less inducible ischemia on


  • shelton, susan Title: EECP Therapist/ LPN
    Organization: oklahoma cardiovascular associates
    Date: 01/09/2006

    Over the past 5+ years, I have treated more than 200 patients and have seen most improve dramatically after EECP treatments. There are so many more patients who could benefit from these treatments but who do not qualify because they do not have Angina Class III or IV. There is a desperate need for these people to receive help as well. Won't you please reconsider your decision regarding no expanded coverage for CHF and angina of lesser degree than Class III or IV.

    Patten, Angelica Title: RN,CET
    Organization: JFK Medical Center
    Date: 01/09/2006

    I have been the coordinator of the EECP program at JFK medical center since February 1998. I am amazed at the positive outcomes that I have seen. I strongly encourage the CMS to expand the coverage for angina and heart failure patients. I have been working in the cardiology field for over 25 years and this treatment has positivley changed the quality of life for so many patients. It is a shame that EECP is not offered sooner to our clients. Why not improve their quality of life and prevent


    Organization: River Cities Cardiology
    Date: 01/09/2006

    I would like to comment that I believe it is important to change the existing coverage for EECP. I believe additional cardiac conditions would greatly benefit from the treatment. Most importantly I believe patients with congestive heart failure would show significant benefit from this treatment. The treatment is a wonderful non-invasive way for patients to see results in the management of their CHF. By not covering these patients under the current coverage we are not optimizing their


    Schwartz, FACHE, Michael L. Title: President
    Organization: M.L. Schwartz & Associates, Inc
    Date: 01/08/2006

    I have read many of the letters submitted to your office supporting increased coverage for EECP. I am not going to parrot the requests quoting clinical outcomes as I believe the more than 100 peer review journals document the clinical needs.

    As a hospital administrator, a long term health care administrative consultant to numerous hospitals throughout the US and as a private citizen my concern reflects the financial consequences of a CMS denial for increased coverage and not the


    PAUKMAN, LEV Title: MD
    Date: 01/08/2006

    I am a cardiologist for 40 years and Iam providing EECPtherapy to my patients for 5years .I see dramatic improvement in patients with both angina and CHF.Threfore I urge Medicare to weigh the benefits of this therapy and to extend EECP for class2 angina as well as CHF. Sincerely Lev Pukman MD,PhD

    Pantano, M.D. FACC, James Date: 01/08/2006

    As a provider of ECP for several years, I have seen the amazing improvement in quality of life that has been achieved in patients with heart failure undergoing ECP for dyspnea as a serogate for angina. Many of these patients had poor EF and were experiencing angina due to small but intense areas of ischemia on nuclear scan - intense enough to cause frequent angina but not large enough to likely effect LV function. These patients had as much benefit in quality of life as those with much


    Stemple, M. D., Dale Title: M D
    Organization: Trinity Alps Medical Group
    Date: 01/06/2006

    As a board certified cardiologist, I have treated approx. 80 patients c EECP. Approximately 10 of my patients have had class 2 anginal symptoms are were not covered by Medicare quidelines. These patients by and large beneifited greatly from their treatment. By aggressive risk factor reduction and EECP we were able to avoid very expensive revascular-ization procedures which address only one or two critical blockages, and instead treat the entire coronary vascular tree. The patients now have


    Brown, Donald Title: Professor (cardiologist)
    Organization: University of Iowa
    Date: 01/06/2006

    I have in my practice in the last two years two patients with left ventricular ejection fractions of less than 35% who were NYHeart Association class III (shortness of breasth)on maximum medications and could not have further revascularization. Both of them benefited greatly from ECP therapy in terms of improved exercise tolerance and improved quality of life. I think it is inappropriate not to approve ECP for individuals with heart failure symptoms related to coronary artery disease who


    Lounsbury, Patricia Title: Advanced Practice Nurse and Program Director
    Organization: University of Iowa Health Care, CHAMPS
    Date: 01/06/2006

    The research we have done on EECP at the University of Iowa has included some Class II angina patients and patients with ejections fractions less than 35%; it has demonstrated a significant improvement in functional capacity. It is counterintuitive to wait to perform this noninvasive, cheaper treatment until patients are out of options. While we have not studied heart failure patients receiving EECP here, I am well aware of the PEECH trial soon to be published, that clearly demonstrates


    underberg, patrick Title: cardiovascular tech
    Organization: avera sacred heart hopital
    Date: 01/06/2006

    i have treated patients for 2 years with the eecp system. i was a non beleiver when we started the program, after seeing patients over the 2 years they really do get some improvement from the treatments. i would reccomend this to patients who have limited options.

    Chiu, MD, Andrew Title: Director, Noninvasive Cardiovascular Laboratory
    Organization: SMDC Heart Center
    Date: 01/06/2006

    I am a cardiologist providing EECP therapy in a large multispecialty organization for the past year. Although initially skeptical, I became convinced of the benefit of EECP for patients with intractable angina. Regardless of the mechanism of angina, functional class II patients may be benefitted by undergoing EECP. Additionally, the PEECH trial data is supportive of a role for EECP in improving CHF symptoms and may prove to be an important cost effective option for otherwise difficult to


    Bart, Bradley Date: 01/06/2006

    As a physician who has treated many cardiac patients with EECP, I would like to comment on the use of EECP for class II/III CHF. These pts have severely impaired quality of life and often have no further treatement options (medications, CRT-D, transplant have been exhausted). Given the safety and efficacy results in CHF patients, I believe that EECP is an important option for relief of symptom in patients on optimal medical therapy. Please consider extending coverage to this pt


    Krishnamurthy, Suresh Date: 01/05/2006

    This comment is in favour of expanding coverage of EECP treatment for Class II angina patients and Class II-IV CHF. I have been involved in both EECP research and its clinical use since 1996. About 75-80% of patients with angina have had dramatic reductions in requirement of antianginal medications. These effects have been sustained over a period of years as well. The benefits of EECP in CHF has been clearly demonstrated by the PEECH trial. With over 75% of patients with CHF


    Tri, Terry Date: 01/05/2006

    Although initially I was skeptical of the benefits provided by EECP for both angina and CHF, after personal experience I have found this therapeutic modality to be very helpful for both angina of CCSC Classes II-IV and modest to severe CHF of NYHA Class III and IV patients. The good results reported in the studies in the literature caused me to reassess my opinion of this treatment method and our results have justified my change in opinion. I urge the CMS to strongly reconsider their


    Elliott RN,BSN, Kim Title: Senior Cardiopulmonary Rehab/EECP Nurse
    Organization: Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital
    Date: 01/05/2006

    Please allow this noninvasive effective treatment to be administered to CHF patients. I have been working with Refractory angina patients as primary diagnosis and some have had CHF as secondary diagnosis entering EECP lab for the past 2 1/2years. These patients have also had positive outcomes as a result of this treatment option. Many patients with coronary diseases have a poor quality of life secondary to limitations of the disease as well as effects of meds on board. They are


    Guibelondo, Sharon Title: Registered Nurse, EECP Coordinator
    Organization: Staten Island Heart
    Date: 01/05/2006

    I am a RN and EECP coordinator in a large heart facility on Staten Island. I am very confident in the results of EECP treatments from an increase in energy,decrease in SOB, and freedom from chest pains. One particular patient comes to mind, this patient has a history of CABG,several cardiac caths, stents, and many hospital admissions due to severe angina. Shortly after beginning EECP this patient has been free from CP and had his first NORMAL Ekg in years. This is a patient who could easily


    Fagan, R. Kevin Title: Clinical Coordinator
    Organization: Enid Heart Center
    Date: 01/05/2006

    My practice has been offering ECP treatment since June 2005. In that time, I have treated fifteen patients. 14 of those patients had significant improvement and the 15th patient choose to stop the treatment prior to completing the seven week session. I am absolutely sold on this treatment modality. And it is my beleif that most everyone who is able to take this treatment will benefit from it.I request that you approve reimbursement for those patients with CHF, acute MI, and cardiogenic


    WYMER, RUTH Title: RN
    Organization: DRMC
    Date: 01/05/2006

    The EECP patients I have treated for Class III stable angina have had excellent results with their EECP treatments. They have had an increase in their endurance and a decrease in their chest pain incidents and intensity.They have stated "these treatments have helped me so much "They have had fewer hospital admits to the ER after treatment.I feel this would greatly help CHF patients and decrease their need for ER visits and hospital admits.

    Adamson, Bernadette Title: RN
    Organization: DRMC
    Date: 01/05/2006

    The reason that I feel the diagnosis of CHF should be extended to be covered under Medicare for EECP patients is the following: the affects of the treatment on patients with stable angina that I have witnessed since our program started approximately 1 1/2 years ago has been tremendous. After completion of the EECP program, these patients are able to function at a higher Met level with fewer or no angina symptoms, and this not only gives them a better quality of life but a more productive


    Horwitz, Phillip Title: Director, Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit
    Organization: University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
    Date: 01/05/2006

    Clinical research clearly demonstrates significant improvements in quality of life, exercise capacity, and a reduction in symptoms patients with Class II/III congestive heart failure. It seems logical to extend EECP treatment to a wider range of individuals than currently approved. This therapy has good efficacy data to support it's use and is very safe and well tolerated. I believe it’s a disservice not to include these patients in CMS coverage.

    Posey, Cindy Organization: The Morgantown Internal Medicine Group, Inc
    Date: 01/05/2006

    We would like for CMS to reconsider reimbursementfor CHF and acute myocardial infarction. We have done several patients for angina in our facility and secondary to this they have CHF. We have noticed great improvements in these patients. They were wearing oxygen prior to treatments, were continually short of breath, edema, and fatigued. Each of the patients after finishing 35treatments of ECP went off their oxygen, had improved heart function, from 10-15%, to 30-40%EFs, and improved


    Bertram, Diana Title: CRNP
    Organization: DuBois Regional Cardiology Associates
    Date: 01/05/2006

    I am a cardiology nurse practitioner and I refer patients to EECP at the hospital where I work. I have had many patients tell me how much better they feel after this treatment. Many had tried multiple medical therapies with no improvement in their physical abilities. Most patients experience improved exercise tolerance and decreased symptoms. I realize that this is anectodal, however, over the period of time that we have been able to offer EECP (3 years), I have seen many patients benefit


    Barley, M. Sue Title: ECP Nurse Clinician
    Organization: DuBois Reginal Medical Center
    Date: 01/05/2006

    I provide ecp therapy to patients in a small rural hospital. The patients I treat have said, "Why did I have to wait until I had gotten this bad to do this? It would have saved so much and I could have felt better and been able to do things so much sooner." One patient had been hospitalized with chest pain 7 times in 7 months at tremendous cost. After ecp it was another 7 months until he had any reoccurance. Please provide ecp therapy to the many patients that cannot adequately function in


    Sitzmann, Jaocb Title: EECP Manager
    Organization: Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
    Date: 01/04/2006

    When I sit down and research EECP and read published studies, it seems that nearly all studies include classes II-IV angina and/or heart failure patients. I cannot understand that if the research clearly indicates significant improvements in class II angina patients as well as heart failure patients, why CMS would not cover these patients. It does not seem logical to me. I think it would be extremely beneficial to expand EECP to a wider variety of patients. At our institute, patients at


    Gilliard, Benson Date: 01/04/2006

    Dear CMS, I'm a Cardiology Technician working directly in connection with ECP Therapy. I've seen tremendous beneficial results from the therapy such as decreased hypertension and improved overall cardiovascular circulation. I have seen patient's suffering from angina, chf, and diabetes and their symptoms have decreased dramatically, thus showing marked improvements in their quality of life. It would be a shame and an outrage to deny anyone especially those with CHF the opportunity of


    Kanne, Rich Date: 01/04/2006

    Bottom line, this is a proven therapy for Heart Failure patients. It would be a crime not to make this therapy available to those who so desperately need a way to improve their quality of life. I challenge those who are in a decision making position to ask themselves if they are looking merely at short-term dollars and cents or are they truly considering patients' well being?

    In actuality, this therapy is a long-term cost- avoidance tool for Medicare and other insurers. Do the


    Anderson, Bonnie Title: Manager, Cardiopulm Diagnostics and Rehab
    Organization: Vernon Memorial Healthcare
    Date: 01/04/2006

    Please consider the inclusion of CHF patients for EECP therapy. This non-invasive treatment holds so much promise for patients as clearly demonstrated in the PEECH trail. But more importantly, we have observed improvement in patients who have participated in EECP therapy due to angina but who had CHF as a co-morbid condition. This therapy provides hope and help for CHF patients. Thank you!

    McLennan, Cecelia Title: RN
    Organization: JFK Medical Center
    Date: 01/04/2006

    I have been an ECP Therapist since 2001, and have treated many patients that have had truly remarkable outcomes. I was also involved in the treatment of some of the heart failure patients in the PEECH trial. I think patients should have the option to get the benefits of this treatment before they get so sick, suffer through sometimes years of poor quality of life and often spend all their savings on medicines and other therapy. It should be offered much sooner in the course of their


    Voss, Ronald Title: Retired
    Date: 01/04/2006

    I was very surprised to read all the comments of the Medical Directors, Directors of Clinics, Cardiologists, various Medical Doctors, Nurses, Therapists and affected patients, ALL expressing their disappointment, surprise and indeed outrage, over CMS' decision NOT to extend coverage for Congestive Heart Failure to ECP. After reading their comments, one must wonder if these experts could, somehow, all be unanimously and completely wrong, or if CMS itself is on the verge of some colossal


    Carothers, Dennis Title: Administrator
    Organization: Lake Village Clinic
    Date: 01/04/2006

    Most of our patients that go through the EECP treatment in our clinic see a huge difference in what physical activity they can enjoy after the treatment is completed. One of our first patients had to be brought into oure clinic fronm the parking lot by wheelchair when she first started the treatments. Before she finished she was driving herself to the clinic and walking all the way from the parking lot down a long hall to get her treatment.EECP provides a quality of life many patients have


    gammenthaler md facc, sammy Title: senior cardiologist
    Organization: park ridge cardiology
    Date: 01/04/2006

    this therapy has already benefitted many of our patients with angina and concomitant heart failure improving both objective and subjective functional parameters of close to 80% of patients with these conditions.. the safety of ecp is unparalleled and it is very very cost effective therapy...we have now 3 yrs experience with ecp and can state unequivocally it should be covered for class 2,3,4 chf as it is such a safe "assist device" equivalent to if not more sensible than a balloon


    Tucker, John Title: EECP Coordinator
    Organization: EECP of W. Va.
    Date: 01/04/2006

    This is in response to CMS decision to not expand coverage of ECP to include Angina class II and Congestive Heart Failure. I have treated patient for ~ 3 years and have seen first hand the dramatic improvements my patients make in their lifestyle, ability to stay out of the hospital. ECP is extremely cost efficient and numerous studies shows it WORKS! One patient was being hospitalized every month and has been out of the hospital for six months at this writing. Please reconsider the


    Trzewieczynski, Dean Organization: VascuFlo
    Date: 01/04/2006

    ECP Therapy has had tremendous clinical effects on the patients we have treated here at VascuFlo. Anginal patients have "gotten their life back" from their therapy. Please consider widdening the patient base for treatment, as many more Americans can benefit from this treatment.

    Weiss MD FACC, Mason Organization: Apex Cardiology Consultants
    Date: 01/04/2006

    To whom it may concern,

    I have been using EECP therapy in my clinical practice for several years. Without a doubt, I can present an endless number of clinical situations where a paient recieved EECP therapy for incalcitrant angina and have found that the patient's concomitant congestive heart failure dramatically improved as well as their angina. This scenario has been seen clinicaly multiple timed and I believe is directly related to EECP's afterload reducing effect.

    On a humanitarian


    zelinger, allan Title: MD
    Organization: Director of cardiovascular diagnostics Advocate Christ Medical Center
    Date: 01/03/2006

    Not one hour ago I saw a patient in the office who lauded the benefits of having a round of EECP treatments.In my experience it has uniformaly helped persons who have coronary disease and heart failure.The government should work to expand the use of EECP and not contrain it.

    Owens, Karen Title: LNP, CET
    Organization: University of Florida, Cardiology West
    Date: 01/03/2006

    I have been providing EECP therapy for over 5 years. I have seen patients who have come in in wheelchairs and after 30 treatments have walked out, with no or very little angina. I feel that it has great benefits for the patients who have received EECP therapy. I feel that it would be benefitial for all patients with CHF and Class II angina.

    Fox, Michael Title: Medical professional
    Date: 01/03/2006

    I have personnally witnessed the benefits of this procedure on a an individual with conjestive heart failure (only 25% of heart funtional). When drugs and invasive surgical procedures were no longer an option, ECP provided the only solution and has given this indivdual nine wonderful years to spend with his family. The Cardio-thoracic specialists gave him a window of two years with a poor quality of life. The studies of this procedure are well documented and understood. If CMS had not


    Svetlik, Joseph Date: 01/03/2006

    Please consider expanding EECP coverage to directly include NYHA Class II and III Congestive Heart Failure. The PEECH trial has proven the effectiveness of EECP for NYHA class II and III patients. This treatment will improve the quality of life for these patients that do not have other effective treatment options.

    Strobeck, MD, PhD, John Title: Medical Director
    Organization: Heart-Lung Center
    Date: 01/02/2006

    January 2, 2006

    Dear Sirs:

    I would like to present the following points regarding CMS’s recently published Assessment of EECP and their conclusions regarding the “quality” of existing RCCT evidence demonstrating the clinical effectiveness of the treatment in patients with angina and heart failure. In my view, EECP has been shown to have dramatic physiological impact on coronary perfusion, endothelial function, neurohormonal withdrawal, and central hemodynamics in a number of focused


    Jones, Brian Date: 12/29/2005

    I am Chief Technology Officer with a global manufacturing company. For many years I have followed with interest the advent of EECP/ECP and other cost reducing medical technologies. As a U.S. taxpayer I am greatly disappointed in your preliminary decision to not expand ECP for CCS Class II angina and NYHA Class II/III heart failure with ejection fraction <= 35%. I respectfully ask that you consider the following commentary in your final decision process:

    ECP is currently


    Dempsey, Nicole Title: RCEP
    Date: 12/29/2005

    Please consider expanding EECP coverage to directly include NYHA Class II and III Congestive Heart Failure. The PEECH trial has proven the effectiveness of EECP for NYHA class II and III patients. This treatment will improve the quality of life for these patients that do not have other effective treatment options.

    Watson, Wanda Title: Clinical Coordinator - Cardiac Services
    Organization: Rapid City Regional Hospital
    Date: 12/29/2005

    I was very surprised to hear the proposed decision not to expand reimbursement for ECP therapy for Heart Failure- NYHA Class II/III or IV stable heart failure with an ejection fraction of < 40%. The leading cause of heart failure being coronary artery disease - brings several patients who experience class III or IV angina and have an


    Newgent, DO, MS, Eric Title: Medical Director Cardiac Rehab.
    Organization: Reedsburg Area Medical Center
    Date: 12/29/2005

    Please consider expanding EECP coverage to directly include NYHA Class II and III Congestive Heart Failure. The PEECH trial has proven the effectiveness of EECP for NYHA class II and III patients. This treatment will improve the quality of life for these patients that do not have other effective treatment options.

    Johnson, Suzan Title: EECP Coordinator
    Organization: St. John's Cardiology
    Date: 12/29/2005

    After working with EECP for the past two years, I have seen many patients improve therapy. EECP is offered as a last resoprt when surgery or angioplasty is no longer an option. If the therapy could be done before the heart disease is not so extensive these patients would avoid many years of pain and failing health. This proposal would allow EECP to be given to those patients who are a Class II Canadian Classification as compared to Class III which is the current ruling. Suzan Johnson


    BUSHMEYER, MARY Title: Senior Director Cardiac Services
    Organization: Quincy Medical Group
    Date: 12/29/2005

    we are an outpatient EECP treatment center and a cardiac rehabilitation program. Our CHF patients with angina benefit greatly and have fewer hospitalizations with EECP treatments - it helps with their CHF - less fluid collecting preventing re-admissions. It is an important treatment for these folks with CHF. Please re-consider your decision.

    Falk, Bonnie Title: Director Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation/EECP
    Organization: Reedsburg Area Medical Center
    Date: 12/29/2005

    Please consider expanding EECP coverage to directly include NYHA Class II and III Congestive Heart Failure. The PEECH trial has proven the effectiveness of EECP for NYHA class II and III patients. This treatment will improve the quality of life for these patients that do not have other effective treatment options.

    Ludwig, Greg Date: 12/29/2005

    The benefits of this therapy have been incredible for our patients. The quality of life and the patients abilities post treatment have past our expectations. I really think you should reconsider this carefully.

    Kossmann, Robert J. Title: MD, PC, FACP, FASN
    Organization: Robert J. Kossmann, MD, PC
    Date: 12/29/2005

    I appreciate the opportunity to offer comment to CMS. I am a Nephrologist in Santa Fe, NM. I am a limited participant in a EECP device brought here through a Cardiology group. As someone who specializes in extracorporeal therapy, I was impressed with EECP and became involved in its coming to town. Now, however, I am particularly a strong supporter based on the patient feedback and improvements, which for several patients with whom I am well familiar have been very impressive


    Lepor, Norman Date: 12/29/2005

    EECP has been shown in randomized clinical trial to enhance quality of life of patients with Class III heart failure. As a cardioloigst, I feel that coverage should be extended to this population of patients.

    brown md, josh Title: M.D.
    Date: 12/28/2005

    Our experience with EECP is one of success in treating both CHF and angina. The PEECH data supports improved cardiac function. I support expanding the indication to include ischemic heart disease and anticipate decreased hospital admissions and interventions for treated patients. Josh Brown M.D.

    Lange, John Date: 12/28/2005

    I am a Cardiovascular Technologist by training and have treated heart patients in many invasive procedures involving balloon angioplasty and stenting. I have had the pleasure to speak with many physicians, EECP therapists and most importantly, patients treated with this non- invasive yet extremely effective therapy called EECP. This therapy works!!!!! If you speak with these patients, many who have angina and heart failure, you become amazed at their improvement and how it changes


    Mills, Rani Title: ECP Therapist
    Organization: Fort Worth Cardiovascular Center
    Date: 12/28/2005

    To Whom It May Concern:

    Since beginning ECP Therapy in Feb. of 2004, I have had the pleasure of treating 76 patients suffering from angina and CHF. These patients whose lives are burdened daily with the symptoms of CHF, seem to benefit the most. Normal tasks that healthy individuals take for granted, such as grocery shopping, having lunch with friends, or simply pushing a grandchild in a swing, may never be able to enjoy these delightful things with CHF. But with the help of ECP Therapy


    Nimmer, Vickie Title: EECP Co-ordinator
    Organization: St. Luke's Hospital Iowa Health System
    Date: 12/27/2005

    PLEASE consider expanding Medicare coverage for EECP Therapy to include patients with Class II Stable Angina and in patients with stable NYHA Class II/III congestive failure symptoms with an EF =or < 35%. We need to treat these patients sooner than the current system allows!!!! If we treat these patients sooner, we will achieve better results, less dependency on expensive medications/treatments/testing and most importantly provide our patients with a better quality of life!!!! Please


    lozner, eugene Date: 12/27/2005

    As a co-investigator for the PEECH trail and having used EECP for nearly 10 years, I am upset by the decision not to provide coverage for CHF patients. Our resources as cardiologists are limited in dealing with CHF and this would provide a benefit to those patients who do not respond well to drug therapy. It certainly is cheaper than biventricular pacing and less invasive. I hope that you will be swayed to change this decision after the public comment phase has been completed.

    Lemmon, Donald Title: Manager CardioPulmonary Services
    Organization: DuBois Regional Medical Center
    Date: 12/27/2005

    I am asking that you very seriously consider adding EECP coverage for CHF. I have been responsible for the implementation of EECP in two facilities and have been involved with EECP for 8 years. I have seen the dramatic improvements with angina patients as well as secondary improvements for CHF. I encourage you to include CHF as a diagnosis covered by CMS.Thank You, Donald L. Lemmon
    Manager of CardioPulmonary Services
    DuBois Regional Medical Center

    Berrick, Alan Title: MD
    Organization: Granite Medical Group
    Date: 12/22/2005

    This comment is written in support of the request to expand Medicare coverage of EECP to include patients with CHF and Class 2 angina. My colleagues and I have been providing EECP to patients with Class 3 and 4 angina for about 5 yrs. Our outcomes mimic those of the published literature with about 75-80% of pts improving at least 1 NYHA class...often more. About 40% of these pts also have ischemic cardiomyopathies with low ejection fractions. This group of pts is just as likely to report


    Classick-Wallace RN BSN BC, Maryann Title: Director of Non Invasive Cardiology
    Organization: Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center
    Date: 12/22/2005

    EECP therapy has been a wonderful adjunct to the therapy available for the cardiac patient. It is one of the many tools available in our arsenal to fight heart disease. I am the Director of Non Invasive Cardiology at Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center in Camden NJ where we pride ourselves on providing state of the art care to the cardiac population. Patients who have been through the invasive procedures, the stents, the bypass, the biventricular pacemakers and have been through medical


    Taylor, Jeremy Organization: Penn Companies
    Date: 12/22/2005

    We are very disappointed and frankly quite surprised with the proposed decision released today. We have had 2 years of experience with treating patients with ECP, and this experience is consistent with that of other providers. Eighty some per cent of our patients have improved by at least one class and 40 some per cent have improved by at least two classes.

    We are aware of the extreme pressure on CMS by the cardiologists and hospitals to suspress this inexpensive and non-invasive


    Winterman, RN, Joseph Title: Clinical Director -The Angina Center of Evansville
    Organization: Ohio Valley HeartCare
    Date: 12/20/2005

    This is regard to new coverage for ECP to treat CHF Class II&III and Angina Class II. Our center has been treating Angina with EECP for over 5 years and nearly always see improvement in angina symptoms. As an added bonus, our patients with a CHF componenet in their heart disease almost always also experience a significant improvement in CHF symptoms. I truly believe we could see a decrease in hospitalizations for CHF if we had the opportunity to also treat those CHF patients that don't have


    Serota, harvey Organization: St. Louis Heart & Vascular PC
    Date: 12/20/2005

    i think eecp should be approved for chf. it works remarkable well