National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

Home Use of Oxygen to Treat Cluster Headache

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
Dodick, MD, David Title: President
Organization: American Headache Society
Date: 11/07/2010

November 7, 2010

Louis Jacques, MD
Director, Coverage and Analysis Group
Center for Medicare Management
7500 Security Boulevard
Mail Stop S3-02-01
Baltimore, MD 21244

Re: Home Oxygen Therapy for Cluster Headache Comments on Proposed Decision Memo

The American Headache Society strongly opposesCMS’s proposed decision of October 8, 2010 whichwould limit Medicare coverage for home oxygen tocluster headache patients enrolled in


barnhart-hinkle, blair Title: Director, Government Relations
Organization: Cleveland Clinic
Date: 11/04/2010

November 3, 2010

Coverage and Analysis Group
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

Re: Proposed Decision Memo for Home Use of Oxygen to Treat Cluster Headache (CAG-00296R)

Last month, Cleveland Clinic submitted a comment letter to CMS. After speaking with some of the CMS Agency staff and receiving clarification on the language included in the decision memo, we are submitting this comment letter and ask


Coles, Barry Date: 11/01/2010

[PHI Redacted] It amazes me that statements like that in the "Proposed Decision Memo for Home Use of Oxygen to Treat Cluster Headache (CAG-00296R) would come from a country that leads the world in other aspects.

Here in Australia high flow oxygen is recommended by Neurologists for CH as the least offensive abortive treatment. It also amazes me that a colony like Australia would be so far ahead of more influential countries in effective treatments like high flow


Wold, Robert Title: President
Organization: Clusterbusters, inc
Date: 10/31/2010

Oxygen is the most effective and most important abortive treatment available for cluster sufferers. There are no more studies needed to prove this wasting time and removing its coverage will only cost more suffering and more lives. Spend the money for another useless study on educating the doctors that treat people with cluster headache that high flow oxygen should be the first prescrition they write. That alone will stop many people from committing suicide.

Robinson, Jaynetha Date: 10/30/2010

Oxygen works. [PHI Redacted]it is unfathomable that you would consider making it harder for patients to get the safest and cheapest medicine available. Shame on you.