National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

Cochlear Implantation

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
Cambron, Nancy Title: Cochlear Implant Audiologist
Organization: VA Puget Sound Heath Care System
Date: 02/07/2005

I am happy to see CMS broaden the range of speech recognition ability hearing-impaired people who will be eligible for cochlear implants under Medicare. I would encourage CMS to broaden the inclusion criteria further to match the current FDA guidlines of < or = 50% in the ear to be implanted


Vanderhoof, Sallie Date: 02/07/2005

Thank you for your decision to expand the criteria closer to the FDA guidelines for Medicare beneficiaries. As an Audiologist working with adult cochlear implant recipients there is a dramatic difference in quality of life for the severe to profoundly hearing impaired. As the criteria expands a greater number of older adults can obtain this benefit as well. I hope that CMS will continue to work with cochlear implant professionals to monitor the outcomes of these patients who


Skinner, Margaret Title: Professor & Director, Cochlear Implant Program
Organization: Washington University School of Medicine
Date: 02/07/2005

The following are my comments to the CMS'draft conclusions. First, I commend CMS for requesting to expand the candidacy coverage and eligibility guidlines for cochlear implantation and for providing the opportunity for public comment prior to a final decision being made. It is a step in the right direction to recommend the elibility criteria be increased from less than or equal to 30% to less than or equal to 40% for adults 65 years of age and older, and to include Medicare patients


Hernandez, John Title: Director, Reimbursement & Outcomes Planning
Organization: Advanced Bionics Corp/Boston Scientific Corp
Date: 02/07/2005

Advanced Bionics Corporation, a leading manufacturer of cochlear implants, and a Boston Scientific company appreciates the opportunity to comment on the draft Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposal to expand the national Medicare coverage criteria for cochlear implantation (CAG-00107N).

Advanced Bionics appreciates the comprehensive review undertaken by CMS of this coverage policy. We commend CMS for taking steps to expand coverage for Medicare beneficiaries toward


Zwolan, Ph.D., Teresa Title: Director, Cochlear Implant Program
Organization: Universtity of Michigan Cochlear Implant Program
Date: 02/07/2005
Members of the cochlear implant team at the University of Michigan applaud CMS' efforts to update criteria for cochlear implants. To date, more than 500 adults have received a cochlear implant at our facility. Approximately 108 of these patients were greater than 64 years of age at the time they received their device. For your information, I am sending (via a separate email) an excel spreadsheet that provides all available speech recognition data on our adult patients. The data set has been


Ford, Megan Title: Audiologist
Organization: University Hospitals of Cleveland
Date: 02/07/2005

Out of 7 cochlear implant recipients in our center, who were over the age of 18 that had pre-implant speech recognition scores >40 % and %; 100 % had significant improvements. The range of improvement in speech scores was from 16% - 51 %. It is to the benefit of the patient to include those that have pre-operative speech scores of >40 % - benefit for them as well.
Megan Ford, M.A., CCC-A, FAAA

Payne, Stacy Organization: University of Miami
Date: 02/07/2005

I would like to applaud CMS for recognizing the limitation put on individuals who were seeking cochlear implants. By expanding the coverage, you will greatly help older citizens receive this amazing and life changing technology. Not only will it help them hear but can provide a route back into the hearing world and out of isolation.

However, there is still a population that you have left out. The FDA guidelines puts it's criteria at up to 50% or 60% depending on ear, etc. CMS still does


Cohen, Noel Title: Professor, Otolaryngology
Organization: NYU School of Medicine
Date: 02/06/2005
As a founding member of the NYU Cochlear Implant Center, I would like to thank and congratulate you on the revised criteria for cochlear implants in Medicare recipients, as well as for participants in the clinical trials offered by Cochlear Americas. The proposed change in pre-implant sentance understanding from changes in the efficacy of these revolutionary devices, allowing much greated benefit in post-implant speech understanding. The change in criteria for participants in clinical trials


Carter, Barbara Title: Manager, Reimbursement Services
Organization: MED-EL Corporation
Date: 02/06/2005

On behalf of MED-EL Corporation, a world-wide manufacturer and distributor of cochlear implants, I support CMS’ proposed decision memorandum to revise the current candidacy criteria for cochlear implantation. As a result of the time, effort and resources dedicated by CMS and various stakeholder groups to the analysis and formulation of this proposal, if adopted, Medicare beneficiaries with hearing loss will experience improved access to cochlear implants.

As evidenced by statistical


Niparko MD, John Title: Professor of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Organization: The Johns Hopkins University
Date: 02/05/2005

The cochlear implant team at Johns Hopkins is comprised of 23 staff members representing five clinical specialities. We would like to offer a multiperspective view that the CMS has demonstrated remarkable insight and leadership in draft decision CAG-00107N. CMS has critically reviewed clinical research of candidacy criteria with a balance of optimism for Medicare recipients' potential and caution for their well- being and cost-effective use of federal monies. CAG-00107N also describes the


Gotter, Brenda Title: Audiologist
Organization: Washington University School of Medicine
Date: 02/04/2005

I would like to take this opportunity to endorse CMS's current proposal to expand the candidacy criteria for cochlear implantation and express appreciation for your efforts. We at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri will do our best to participate in this effort by supplying any data you may need as you come to make your final conclusion. In addition, we would like to encourage further expansion of the criteria to match the current FDA guidelines so that all of


Holden, Laura Date: 02/04/2005
As an audiologist who has worked in the field of cochlear implants for the past 19 years, I am thrilled by the news of the expanded criteria for those Medicare patients who are in need of a cochlear implant. We have seen in our clinic over the past 20 years the dramatic difference a cochlear implant makes in the lives of our older severe to profound hearing impaired adult patients. I sincerely believe that even more of our older adult patients could benefit from a cochlear implant if the


Houston, K. Todd Title: Executive Director
Organization: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Date: 02/04/2005

The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell) is pleased to submit comments in response to The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed decision memorandum and conclusions regarding the revision of coverage policy for cochlear implantation prior to final determination.

The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell) is a lifelong resource, support network, and advocate for listening, learning, talking


Blevins, Nikolas Title: Assistant Professor
Organization: Stanford Otolaryngology
Date: 02/03/2005

Please expand inclusion criteria to fully match the FDA-approved criteria (< 50%) for cochlear implantation and provide Medicare beneficiaries with the same level of benefits as those covered by private insurance. This change is critical for providing optimal hearing health.

Carvalho, Daniela Title: M.D.
Organization: Children's Hospital of San Diego
Date: 02/03/2005

I would like to request the expansion of the cochlear implantation coverage to fully match the FDA-approved criteria for cochlear implantation and provide Medicare beneficiaries with the same level of benefits as those covered by private insurance.

Portis, Terry Title: Executive Director
Organization: Self Help for Hard of Hearing People
Date: 02/03/2005

On behalf of Self Help for Hard of Hearing People (SHHH), the nation's largest consumer advocacy organization for people with hearing loss, I would like to comment on the CMS decision summary for proposed revisions to the current coverage policy for cochlear implantation.

SHHH supports CMS' proposed revisions and is grateful for the careful and thorough review undertaken in this process. We appreciate the willingness of CMS to consider the current and needed data related to successful


Novak, Michael Date: 02/03/2005

I am a Cochlear Implant surgeon in Illinois and the creator and director of adult and pediatric cochlear implant programs. I have been actively involved in research and clinical use of implants for over 20 years.

I would like to thank CMS for addressing and proposing up-dating the cochlear implant candidacy policy. I know a lot of work goes into any effort like this, and it is often difficult to find definitive answers in the literature to the questions of candidacy. I understand how


Larky, Jannine Date: 02/03/2005

Please expand your cochlear implant inclusion criteria to fully match the FDA-approved criteria (< 50% on sentence recognition tests) for cochlear implantation thus providing Medicare beneficiaries with the same level of benefits as those covered by private insurance.

Lormore, Kelly Title: Coordinator and Audiologist
Organization: Indiana University Cochlear Implant Team
Date: 02/02/2005

I write on behalf of 5 audiologists whose collective CI experience spans 2.5-21.5 years. We would like to thank CMS for considering the expansion of the pre-implant criteria for Medicare patients to receive a cochlear implant. Your willingness to work with professionals in this field with the intent of improving access to hearing through a cochlear implant for the beneficiaries’ of Medicare demonstrates an appreciation for the positive effects this technology is having in our elder


Price, Laura Date: 02/02/2005

I am an audiologist and work with cochlear implant patients. I fully support the proposal to expand current preimplant speech recognition scores up to 40%. Cochlear implants have the ability to enhance all aspects of one's life.

Lusis, Ingrida Title: Director, Health Care Regulatory Advocacy
Organization: American Speech Language Hearing Association
Date: 02/02/2005

The American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) is a professional and scientific association of more than 115,000 speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech-language- hearing scientists. ASHA supports the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) draft decision to expand the eligibility requirements for Medicare coverage of cochlear implantation, and urges CMS to finalize this national coverage determination. This proposal to update the coverage criteria


De Boer, Jack Title: Audiologist
Organization: Grand Rapids Public Schools
Date: 02/02/2005

I commend CMS for looking at expanding coverage for Medicare beneficiaries. However, I would encourage CMS to consider expantion of cochlear implant coverage to fully match the FDA-approved criteria. This would give Medicare beneficiaries the same level of benefits as those covered by private insurance.

Luckoski, Cathryn Title: Audiologist
Organization: St. Vincent Hospital
Date: 02/02/2005
This comment is in reference to CMS's recent decision to recommend expansion of current Medicare candidacy guidelines for the cochlear implant procedure. I applaud the efforts by CMS to recognize severe-profound hearing loss, espcially in the elderly,as a significant issue. Many of the individuals 65 and over are dealing with multiple health problems. The addition of a severe hearing loss is isolating from family/friends/care takers. The implant is an important treatment option allowing


Hodgson, MD, R. Sterling Title: Otologist, Neurotologist
Organization: Columbia Otolaryngology Group, LLP
Date: 02/02/2005

As an otologist and neurotologist involved with cochlear implantation, I applaud CMS for their recent review and revision of candidacy criteria for Medicare patients. A number of my patients have been frustrated with the outdated guidelines, needlessly suffering with severe hearing loss that would benefit from a CI using FDA guidelines, but not being quite severe enough for the previous criteria. The advances in this technology have vastly increased the number of severe hearing loss


Jameyson, Elyse Title: Clinical Audiologist, Directer of Cochlear Implant
Organization: Sacramento Ear, Nose and Throat
Date: 02/02/2005

Dear Sirs, I would like to commend you on your recent expansion of cochlear implant candidacy requirements. Speech recognition ability is of primary concern when considering cochlear implant candidacy. To that end, I urge you to further expand your criteria to match that of the FDA- approved criteria of 50% or poorer sentence recognition ability. Thank you in advance for your advocacy on behalf of hearing impaired Americans.

Barbee, Christi Date: 02/02/2005
Please expand inclusion criteria to fully match the FDA-approved criteria (implantation and provide Medicare beneficiaries with the same level of benefits as those covered by private insurance.
Buckler, Lisa Title: Director of Clinical Services
Organization: Midwest Ear Institute
Date: 02/02/2005

We, at Midwest Ear Institute, are truly appreciative of CMS agreeing to adjust the candidacy criteria.

Often we see patients who have gotten 38% speech understanding and had to turn them away just because they have Medicare. Meanwhile, the next patient walks in the door understands 45% on a sentence test and can have an implant just because he has different insurance coverage.

We are in full support of raising the candidacy criteria for implantation. On a weekly basis we see


Dahlstrom, Lisa Title: Audiologist
Date: 02/02/2005

Thank you for your consideration of the proposal to expand the coverage criteria for cochlear implantation from the current level of 30% or less on sentence recognition to scores of 40% or less. This is a step in the right direction to improve the quality of service for people seeking treatment for hearing loss.

In my experience as a professional working to assist the needs of people with hearing impairment I have often observed the frustration and anguish that is felt by people


Peterson, Anna Mary Title: Audiologist
Organization: Mayo Clinic
Date: 02/02/2005

I am a practicing audiologist in Minnesota. Thank you for expanding current preimplant speech recognition scores to 40% or less. This is a positive step in the right direction for our older population. I fully suport CMS' proposed conclusions and ask that this expanded eligibility guideline be adopted. We know that cochlear aimplant provides excellent benefit for many people with severe to profound hearing loss. I also want to encourage CMS to continue gathering outcomes on performance for


Winter, Margaret Title: Coordinator of Clinical Services
Organization: House Ear Institute
Date: 02/02/2005
Please expand inclusion criteria to fully match the FDA-approved criteria (implantation and provide Medicare beneficiaries with the same level of benefits as those covered by private insurance.
Gans, Richard E. Title: President
Organization: American Academy of Audiology
Date: 02/02/2005
The American Academy of Audiology, representing over 9,700 audiologists in the United States, applauds the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for its proposed revision to the current coverage policy for cochlear implantation. The willingness of the Coverage and Analysis Group to work with the professionals in the field to improve Medicare beneficiaries' access to hearing through a cochlear implant demonstrates a continued appreciation for technology and its affects on the


Henson, AnnMarie Title: Audiologist/Cochlear Implant Clinical Specialist
Date: 02/01/2005

I appreciate the current action to expand the Medicare inclusion criteria for cochlear implantation. I would like to see Medicare expand the criteria to fully match the FDA- approved criteria of < or =50% on sentences for cochlear implantation and provide Medicare beneficiaries with the same level of benefits as those covered by private insurance.

Shallop, Jon Title: Audiology Consultant & Associate Professor
Organization: Mayo Clinic
Date: 02/01/2005

First, I want to thank CMS for considering the expansion of the pre-implant criteria for Medicare patients to receive a cochlear implant. I have worked as an audiologist for 40 years and since 1978, I have focused my primary clinical and research interests with cochlear implant patients. The improvements in technology have been exciting and wonderful for these patients. About 10 years ago, I co-authored a peer reviewed paper on cochlear implants in the elderly. Kelsall DC, Shallop JK,


Cooper, Gina Date: 02/01/2005

I would like to thank CMS and commend the efforts for reveiwing the current pre-implant speech recognition scores. I am an audiolgist and currently work with cochlear implant recipients and candidates. I am in support of this reveiw and update of the current criteria.

Gossard, Shirley Title: Administrator
Organization: The American Otological Society, Inc
Date: 02/01/2005
From: The American Otological Society, Inc.
Sam E. Kinney, MD, President
Clough Shelton, MD, Secretary-Treasurer

We are writing on behalf of The American Otological Society and wish to convey our complete support for the Draft Decision on coverage for Cochlear Implantation (CAG-00107N).

The American Otological Society represents over 300 senior specialists who provide ear and hearing care on a daily basis. For screened patients who are unable to use amplification to


Potts, Lisa Title: M.S., CCC-A
Organization: Washington Unviersity School of Medicine
Date: 02/01/2005
I would like to thank and commend CMS for your effort and progress in the advancement of Medicare's national coverage decision for cochlear implants. The explansion of the criteria for cochlear implantation will be life-changing for hearing-impaired patients. I have seen the difference CIs can make in individual's lives. I have also seen patients sufferring with their current hearing aid, waiting for their hearing to drop just a little more, so they can receive a CI. It is crucial that we


Veldorale, Susan Title: teacher/in home service provider
Organization: Pasco County Schools
Date: 02/01/2005

I serve children birth to three. The implanted children are far out performing the children with hearing aids in terms of language acquisition. They have larger vocabulary, better speech, and far more advanced structure.The question will soon be: Why should a child with a moderate to moderate severe hearing loss be saddled with poor language acquisition and lower academic performance and negative future earnings potential when an implant can provide superior performance to his


Mills, Dawna Date: 02/01/2005

As an audiologist at the House Ear Clinic, a leader in the field of cochlear implants, I endorse CMS’ proposed revision to the coverage policy for cochlear implantation. I realize that this has been an arduous task and appreciate the effort that CMS has put forth to revise the present criteria.

I have seen first hand how this wonderful technology has improved the lives of many people and believe that Medicare patients should have equal access to this technology. As a large implant


Parker, James Title: Principal
Organization: Grand Rapids Oral Deaf Program
Date: 02/01/2005

Support for the decisions memo

McClanahan, John Title: Director, Reimbursement and Funding
Organization: Cochlear Americas
Date: 01/31/2005

Cochlear™ Americas, the largest manufacturer and distributor of cochlear implants in the world, welcomes the opportunity to comment on CMS’ decision summary concerning proposed revisions to the current coverage policy for cochlear implantation. Cochlear Americas endorses CMS’ proposed revisions and appreciates the considerable effort invested in the development of this unique proposal. We value your willingness to work with us to preserve and improve Medicare beneficiaries’ access


Eskridge, Hannah Title: speech-language pathologist
Organization: CASTLE- Center for the Aquisition of Spoken language Through Listening Enrichment
Date: 01/28/2005

As a speech-language therapist working with children who are hearing impaired, I fully support these changes. Children with a severe hearing loss, enrolled in appropriate auditory based intervention with parent committment often far exceed expectations with their hearing aids and perform above current speech perception criteria for a cochlear implant. However, these children also struggle in many settings. They have difficulty listening in noise (i.e. classroom) and demonstrate significant


Friedman Narr, Rachel Title: Assistant Professor in Deaf Education; CCC/SLP, L
Organization: Cal State Univ Northridge
Date: 01/26/2005
Any discussion on expanding criteria for coverage of implantation of prelingually deaf children should also include a discussion of expanding coverage for intensive aural habilitation. Certainly research demonstrates the overwhelming positive results of aural habilitation for these individuals. Lack of access to appropriate habilitation effects overall outcomes for prelingually deaf for CI users. Coverage should not be limited to the schools' provision of services and coverage should be


Holyfield, Ada Date: 01/26/2005

Cochlear Implantation is vital to the educational success of babies/children. Investing in their educational success now, ensures a less chance of disability intervention/services in the future.

Mazzolini, Heather Title: Teacher of the Deaf
Organization: Burke County Public Schools
Date: 01/26/2005

Cochlear implants have been wonderful helping severe-to-profound people hear. As a teacher, however, I see students who qualifywhatever qualifications were in existence or will be in existencebut who don't go for the follow-up therapy. Follow-up therapy, I hear from parents, is not covered by Medicaid. The implant, I hear from therapists, is USELESS without the therapy afterwards. Personally, I have had two students who had the government pay for their $50,000 implants, didn't


Brown, Carolyn Date: 01/26/2005

This decision, if made, will provide help to thousands of patients who at this point are unable to access cochlear implant technology due to the current coverage criteria.

Most postlingual patients with cochlear implants are achieving speech perception far above the levels noted in these new recommendations. It has been very difficult for adults with hearing loss significant enough to cause serious problems with communication and yet be denied coverage because it must be even worse in


Goldschmid, David Date: 01/26/2005

Cochlear implants are now mainstream therapy for individuals with certain types of hearing loss. We cannot restrict that kind of treatment to the few who can pay privately. It must become available to Medicare patients and a part of private coverage.

Brown, Lynn Date: 01/25/2005

I am a SLP and Teacher of the Deaf who works with many cochlear implant clients. I worked at Manhattan Eye Ear and Throat Hospital as an Educational Consultant as well as in a University setting training Graduate Students to work with cochlear implant clients. I also work in the mainstream with young CI recipients.

Cochlear Implants are an amazing technologic advancement. I worked for 17 years with deaf children and the progress they are making now with implants is insurpassable


Gossard, Shirley Title: Administrator
Organization: American Neurotology Society
Date: 01/19/2005

The American Neurotology Society is comprised of 495 neurotologists who provide care for patients with disorders of the ear and skull base. In this capacity we are called on to consider options for patients who, despite using powerful hearing aids, have lost the ability to effectively communicate.

The ANS Executive Council has reviewed the Draft Decision Memo for Cochlear Implantation (CAG- 00107N) provided by the CMS. We are impressed with the level of scrutiny given to the


Schea, Ernie Date: 01/18/2005

Does Medicare cover batteries for the external device for the cochlear implant?

Chute, Patricia Title: Chair, Division of Health Professions
Organization: Mercy College
Date: 01/13/2005

As an audiologist who has worked in the implant field since 1979 I fully support the inclusion of those individuals with more residual hearing as potential candidates for implantation. Coverage for those candidates with performance in the 40-60% range will permit Medicare beneficiaries an opportunity to improve their communication abilities and maintain independence.

Hobratschk, Mark Title: Founder
Organization: Otologic Reimbursement Management
Date: 01/09/2005

Otologic Reimbursment Management is a free information resource for persons seeking health plan payment of cochlear implant services. We fully support the proposed expansion of Medicare coverage criteria. However, it is important to note to that requstor of the expansion, Cochlear Americas, is currently under Federal investigation for civil and criminal violations of Medicare regulations. Cochlear's well-chronicled control of physician and audiologist referrals through illegal kickback


Turqman, Thomas and Cristine Title: Retired Diplomat
Date: 01/08/2005

We very much support your plans to expand coverage of this program. It should contribute greatly to the overall well-being of medicare clients. Thank you, Thomas and Christine Turqman