National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

Mobility Assistive Equipment

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
Johnson, Seth Title: Director of Government Affairs
Organization: Pride Mobility Products Corporation
Date: 03/07/2005

Mobility for Mobility Sake Should Be Considered a Qualifying Activity of Daily Living

Pride again applauds CMS for proposing a coverage policy that moves away from the current 'bed or chair confined' standard and replaces it with a functional assessment standard based on an individual's ability to complete their activities of daily living (ADL's). Pride supports the efforts by clinicians, physicians and consumer to make mobility for mobility sake a qualifying ADL in the final NCD.

The Clinician Task Force has recommended previously that 'Clinical criteria for prescribing a wheeled mobility device should recognize that safely and efficiently moving from place to place is a mobility-related activity of daily living. The inability to move around within or outside of the home in and of itself is considered to be a disability that would qualify a beneficiary for a mobility device.' While Pride believes this is CMS' intention based on the February 24 Open Door, we ask that this be clearly stated in the final NCD.

Coverage Should Not Be Limited to Beneficiaries Who Will Functionally Improve

The draft NCD Clinical Criteria for MAE Coverage focus on whether the MAE can reasonably be expected to materially improve the beneficiary's ability to perform mobility-related ADLs. This seems to unfairly limit coverage of MAE to beneficiaries whose conditions can improve, thus not allowing MAE for those whose conditions are not expected to materially improve. Pride Mobility recommends that CMS revise the policy to recognize coverage for MAE that enables beneficiaries to maintain a level of functioning and/or prevent further deterioration of their medical condition.

Caregiver Availability Should Not Be a Factor in Determining Medical Necessity

Pride Mobility does not believe the availability of a caregiver should be a factor in determining medical necessity for MAE. Medical necessity does not change because of the presence or absence of a spouse or other caregiver, and the availability of a caregiver is not a requirement for coverage under other Medicare benefits. Pride urges CMS to make caregiver availability an environmental consideration, rather than a factor in determining medical necessity. We request that CMS clarify in the final NCD that the beneficiary's medical need for MAE will be evaluated independent of a caregiver.

Coverage Should Not Be Limited to 'In the Home'

Pride Mobility supports the efforts of consumer and clinician groups to revise the current 'in the home' limitation of Medicare coverage of MAE. The current CMS policy and the draft NCD are in direct conflict with other federal policies already in effect, as well as documents on International standards defining disability. For example, this coverage limitation is counter to the goals of the New Freedom Initiative, the American with Disabilities Act, the Ticket to Work Program and the Supreme Court's Olmstead Decision.

From a clinical practice perspective, the current strict interpretation is in direct conflict with contemporary medical and clinical practice, and discriminates against persons needing wheeled mobility to complete the mobility related tasks of daily living that extend beyond the four walls of the home. Pride Mobility recommends that CMS issue a final NCD that focus' on a functional based clinical evaluation without the use of artificial coverage restrictions like the current 'in the home' policy.

Pride Mobility appreciates the ability to comment on the draft National Coverage Determination for Mobility Assistance Equipment and look forward to continuing to work with CMS to ensure appropriate access to these products for Medicare beneficiaries.

Seth Johnson
Director of Government Affairs


Pride Mobility Products Corporation submits the following comments in response to the proposed change in National Coverage Determination (NCD) for mobility assistance equipment (MAE) issued on February 5, 2005. Pride Mobility is the world leader in the design development and manufacture of mobility products - power wheelchairs, scooters and lift chairs for people with disabilities and mobility impairments.

Pride Mobility appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the NCD


Butler, Suzanne Title: Policy Analyst, Legislation
Organization: American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Date: 03/07/2005

The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, representing almost 8,000 physicians who specialize in the practice of PM&R, submits the following comments on the proposed decision memorandum and revised NCD for Mobility Assistance Equipment (MAE) as requested by CMS in the Draft Decision Memo for Mobility Assistance Equipment (CAG-00274N).

The AAPM&R commends CMS’ for its efforts to reform the Mobility Assistance Equipment coverage criteria. However,


Bachenheimer, Cara Title: VP, Government Relations
Organization: Invacare
Date: 03/07/2005

The Restore Access to Mobility Partnership (RAMP) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Draft Decision Memorandum (“Draft Decision Memo”) and National Coverage Determination (“Draft NCD”) for Mobility Assistance Equipment (MAE), issued February 3, 2005. RAMP, a coalition representing power wheelchair providers and manufacturers, is committed to ensuring that Medicare beneficiaries with medical need


St John, Jennifer Title: Billing Specialist
Organization: Bay Home Medical & Rehab
Date: 03/07/2005

March 7, 2005

To Whom It May Concern:

While we applauded CMS for acknowledging that their bed or chair confined wheelchair requirement is antiquated. We at Bay Home Medical are worried that some of our clients will still not get the necessary mobility assistive equipment to improve their quality of life. Bay Home Medical has always believed that a qualified physical or occupational therapist should be utilized along with our qualified rehab specialists to verify that a


Cole, Elizabeth Title: Director of Education
Organization: Sunrise Medical
Date: 03/07/2005

I am a Physical Therapist, a member of the Clinician's Task Force and am currently employed by Sunrise Medical as the Director of Education. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the evaluation and recommendation of seating and mobility assistive technology for the disabled population. Regarding the NCD proposal for mobility assitive equipment, I would first like to commend CMS for eliminating the "bed or chair confined" standard and replacing it with functionally-based criteria. However,


Bailey, Nell Title: Government Affairs Coordinator
Organization: RESNA
Date: 03/07/2005

The Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA), on behalf of our membership, submits the following comments on the draft decision memorandum for mobility assistive equipment per CMS’s National Coverage Determination issued on February 3, 2005.

RESNA is an interdisciplinary association of people with a common interest in technology and disability. Its 1,100 members represent dozens of professional disciplines including physical


cady, scott Date: 03/07/2005

I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the-home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their physician’s office, pharmacy, grocery store,


Lipka, Dan Title: President
Organization: National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers
Date: 03/07/2005

The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS) has already submitted written comments regarding the Interagency Wheelchair Work Group recommendations for coverage of manual and power wheelchairs. Given that the IWWG report is very similar to the proposed National coverage Determination on Mobility Assistive Equipment (MAE), NRRTS comments remain similar to or original comments on the IWWG report

The National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers


Berger, Helena Title: Chief Operating Officer
Organization: American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
Date: 03/07/2005

The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) would like to submit comments on the National Coverage Determination for Mobility Assistance Equipment.

AAPD is the largest national cross-disability membership organization with over 100,000 members, working to promote the political and economic empowerment of all people with disabilities in the United States. AAPD works to promote bi-partisan legislation and policy that will further the ability of people with


Stavenjord, Karen Organization: APTA
Date: 03/07/2005

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the draft Decision Memo for Mobility Assistance Equipment. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is a professional organization representing the interests of 66,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students of physical therapy. Physical therapists are frequently the clinical experts involved when an individual is being evaluated for a mobility assistance device and APTA therefore has a strong interest in the new


Gibson, Steve Title: VP, Government Relations and Public Affairs
Organization: The ALS Association
Date: 03/07/2005
  • We are very concerned that Medicare's "in the home" restriction for wheelchair use does not recognize the importance of people with ALS being able to access their community for medical and recreational reasons. At some point in their disease, patients with ALS will not be able to leave their beds without great effort and the assistance of motorized wheelchairs. CMS should modify this rule, either through the NCD process or other appropriate regulatory process, to ensure that the legitimate and profound mobility needs of people with ALS are addressed.

    In response to CMS’s request for suggestions of documentation necessary to determine if a mobility device is reasonable and necessary, The ALS Association suggests that a prescription from a physician, physical therapist or occupational therapist based on their medical evaluation of the patient and their mobility needs should be required.

    In conclusion, The ALS Association appreciates CMS’ efforts to improve the coverage criteria for the provision of mobility assistive equipment. We also applaud the Agency’s efforts to combat fraud and abuse. However, efforts to combat fraud and abuse must not be accomplished in a manner that is detrimental to beneficiaries, like people with ALS, who are among the most vulnerable Medicare patients. We are deeply concerned that while CMS is proposing important improvements, significant barriers to care will remain for people with ALS, if the concerns noted above are not appropriately addressed.

    Thank you for your consideration of the unique medical needs that are imposed on people with ALS. We hope you will take these into account when finalizing a National Coverage Determination for Mobility Assistive Equipment.


    Stevan Gibson
    Vice President, Government Relations and Public Affairs
    The ALS Association

    Mary Lyon, RN, MN
    Vice President, Patient Services
    The ALS Association


    On behalf of The ALS Association, we are writing to comment on the proposed CMS National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Mobility Assistance Equipment (MAE). The ALS Association is the only national not-for-profit voluntary health organization dedicated solely to finding the cause and cure for ALS and improving living with the disease.

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease with an average survival from the time of diagnosis of two to five


  • Lloyd, Leslie Title: Regulatory Counsel
    Organization: The American Occupatioanl Therapy Association
    Date: 03/07/2005

    The American Occupational Therapy Association appreciates the opportunity to submit comments on the draft NCD on mobility assistive equipment. Our full comments are being submitted by attachment.

    Zipp, Tim Title: Executive Vice President of Government Relations
    Organization: The SCOOTER Store, Inc.
    Date: 03/07/2005

    On behalf of The SCOOTER Store ("TSS"), a nationwide supplier of power mobility equipment headquartered in New Braunfels, Texas, we appreciate the opportunity to submit comments in response to the proposed National Coverage Determination ("NCD") and coverage criteria change issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ("CMS") entitled, “NCA Tracking Sheet for Mobility Assistance Devices (CAG-00274N).”

    Since 1991, The SCOOTER Store has worked with more than 90,000


    Niederman, Emily Organization: ITEM Coalition
    Date: 03/07/2005


    These comments are being submitted on behalf of a national, consumer-led coalition known as the “ITEM” Coalition, an acronym for Independence Through Enhancement of Medicare and Medicaid. The ITEM Coalition was formed in 2003, and its 74 member organizations include a diverse set of disability groups, aging organizations, other consumer groups, labor organizations, voluntary health associations, and non-profit provider associations.

    The ITEM


    Sokol, Eric Title: Director
    Organization: Power Mobility Coalition
    Date: 03/07/2005

    On behalf of the Power Mobility Coalition (PMC), a nationwide association of manufacturers and suppliers of motorized scooters and power wheelchairs, we submit these comments in response to the proposed change in National Coverage Determination (NCD) for mobility assistance equipment (MAE) recently announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). In their draft decision memo, CMS indicated that they were abandoning the often misinterpreted and overly restrictive “bed


    Traylor, Jerry Title: ENG. Manager
    Organization: PaceSaver Inc.
    Date: 03/07/2005

    Leisure-Lift - GENERAL COMMENTS

    Are all of these products currently well accepted in the market as specified?Some of the specifications seem to be a compilation of specifications for products that do not currently exist or may be at the extremes of the specification limits of a product.

    The documents need more definitions and consistent use of terminology.It would help if some key phrases were defined and carefully used in this document. Using “ISO 7176-26 Vocabulary” and


    Kramer, DuWayne Title: President
    Organization: Burke/PaceSaver Inc.
    Date: 03/07/2005


    I am a member of RESNA and on the standards committee for power wheelchairs and scooters. I have worked on scooter POVs since 1984 and have several patents. I believe the POV codes are very important and need to be expanded. If the POV Medicare medical requirements are equal and not more stringent than the Power Wheelchair, you will see a dramatic increase in the proportion of POVs to Power Wheelchairs used. I base this on V.A. data of similar


    Wysocki, MS, OTR/L, ATP, David Title: Occupational Therapist
    Organization: Therapeutic Consultation Services
    Date: 03/07/2005

    Despite the difficult and positive work by CMS with your proposal to eliminate the Bed or Chair Confined Criterion, including a move toward a functional-based coverage, all of these efforts will be undermined by:
    - Maintaining the In-The-Home restrictive *interpretation.*
    - Not designating the need for a skilled and knowledgeable clinician to perform the functional-based assessment
    - Not recognizing and integrating “Mobility” as the sole functional ADL for which MAE is


    Peterson, PT, Lisa Date: 03/07/2005

    I appreciate your interest in the public's comments. One concern that I have is the lack of mobility as a means of activities of daily living. For someone with a spinal cord injury, or muscular dystrophy, or a myriad of other diagnoses, who do not have the physical strength to perform any of the criteria you listed, they would be unable to qualify for a wheelchair. This would be a shame, since I know of many of these people who are a vital part of their community, family, and school


    Pogir, Hymie Title: VP Sales and Marketing
    Organization: Stealth Products Inc.
    Date: 03/07/2005

    My sincere thanks for your effort in developing the proposal.

    I have no doubt that your intentions are honorable and much of the comment relative to imperitive changes are a result of that old bugaboo 'unintended consequences'.

    The first issue is related to your connecting Mobility with improvement to an ADL. In reality mobility 'IN AND OF ITSELF' is an ADL without linkage to correction or improvement to any other condition or activity. If mobility is NOT defined as an ADL for any


    Rohall, Anne Title: Director, Government Relations
    Organization: National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
    Date: 03/07/2005

    Comments on Behalf of NACDD On the Draft National Coverage Determination for Mobility Assistive Equipment, March 7, 2005

    Introduction and Background

    These comments are submitted on behalf of the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD). NACDD's mission is to provide support and assistance to its Member Councils (State Councils on Developmental Disabilities) in order to promote a consumer and family-centered system of services and supports for


    krogh, robert Title: President/Co-owner
    Organization: ATS Wheelchair and Medical
    Date: 03/07/2005

    I am a Rehab Technology Supplier who has worked in the Seating & Mobility field for over 20 years. I wish to comment on the new coverage policy for wheelchairs.

    First, Mobility is an activity of daily living. Being unable to move from one place to another should be the primary factor in getting a wheelchair.

    Second, Coverage for mobility equipment should not be restricted to "in the home" use only. Going to a Physician's appointment, the grocery store, etc.. are all activities of daily


    Galluppi, Thomas Title: President
    Organization: Illinois HomeCare Council
    Date: 03/07/2005

    Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the Draft Coverage Decision Memorandum on Mobility Assistive Equipment (MAE). The Illinois HomeCare Council (HCC) is a trade association representing approximately 200 home health providers and suppliers in Illinois. The comments presented below were developed by IHCC’s Regulatory and Reimbursement Committee.

    Attention to the clinical criteria for selection of MAE is long overdue and IHCC applauds CMS’ decision to address this


    Johns, Michael Title: Director, Insurance
    Organization: Electric Mobility Corporation
    Date: 03/07/2005

    In accordance with the rights afforded for public comment in Section 731 of the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA), these comments are being submitted on behalf of Electric Mobility Corporation, one of the nation's leading providers of power mobility equipment. Electric Mobility Corporation has over 30 years of distinguished experience in the power mobility industry, and our Rascal brand of power mobility products is among the best recognized in the industry among clinicians and


    Engstrand, James Title: Attorney
    Date: 03/07/2005

    A. Scope of Comment: The Statutory Claim for “In-the-Home”

    The controversy over CMS’s restrictive policy, often known as “In-the-Home,” has been revealed as central to the current debate over proper Medicare wheeled mobility device coverage. The latest Draft Decision Memo (“DDM”), dated February 3, 2005, only accentuated the dispute since the previous CMS document: the draft recommendations by the Interagency Wheelchair Working Group,


    Northrop, Dorothy Title: Director of Clinical Programs
    Organization: National Multiple Sclerosis Society
    Date: 03/07/2005

    The National Multiple Sclerosis Society strongly urges CMS to reconsider the "in the home" restriction in the draft NCD. People with MS face a chronic disabling condition that is variable, unpredicatable and random in its presentation. There is often significant functional loss at the prime of life, and complex, clinical issues that require specialized medical care. However, in spite of what can be significant progression and dependency, technology and powered mobility can enable even the


    cox, kay Title: president & ceo
    Organization: american association for homecare
    Date: 03/07/2005

    On behalf of the American Association for Homecare’s (AAHomecare’s) Rehabilitative and Assistive Technology Council (RATC), please accept the following comments regarding the draft decision memorandum (CAG-00274N) for mobility assistive equipment, released February 3, 2005. The American Association for Homecare (AAHomecare) is the only national association that represents every line of service within the homecare community. Our members include providers and suppliers of home


    Landsman, Ziggi Title: Director of Assistive Technology
    Organization: United Spinal Association
    Date: 03/07/2005

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the-home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their physician’s office, pharmacy, grocery store,


    Barker, LaVyla Title: Coordinator of Assistive Technologies
    Date: 03/07/2005

    Many persons with progressive neurological diseases (ie. MS, ALS, etc.) or those with adult CP do not have the ability to perform MRADLs but definitely NEED to be mobile to remain Healthy, functional and independent. PLEASE include mobility in the your definition of MRADLs. I work with many individuals who through the benefits of technology remain independently mobile and whose health would be significantly impaired if they could not be independently mobile, and remain contributing member


    Lewis, Randy Title: President
    Organization: Southern Illinois Surgical Appliance Co.
    Date: 03/07/2005

    I am the third generation owner/manager of a 63 year old mobility business, Southern Illinois Surgical Appliance Co. I have 20 years experience in fitting and providing mobility products in southern Illinois.

    I believe that mobility in and of itself is an activity of daily living. Being able to move from point A to point B should be a strong factor in getting a wheelchair.

    The "in home" policy should be stricken. We as providers need clear, concise coverage guidelines and


    Manganiello, Michael Title: Senior Vice President, Government Relations
    Organization: Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
    Date: 03/07/2005

    March 4, 2005

    On behalf of the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, I urge the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to remove the “in the home” restriction from the draft National Coverage Determination (NCD) on Mobility Assistance Equipment (MAE) as released on February 3, 2005 by the CMS.

    By suggesting no changes to Medicare’s “in the home” restriction, the draft NCD fails to recognize the need for beneficiaries with mobility impairments to access their community. This


    VanHiel, Leslie Title: Physical Therapist
    Organization: Shepherd Center
    Date: 03/07/2005

    Dear CMS -

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the-home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their physician’s office, pharmacy,


    McNulty, Michael Title: Psychotherapist
    Organization: Michael W. McNulty, M. Div., LPC
    Date: 03/07/2005

    Thank you for this opportunity to comment. While I appreciate your proposal to eliminate the "bed or chair confined" criteria for power wheelchairs and scooters,I am very disappointed with your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the-home” restriction. You must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of


    Eagle Horse, Kristi Date: 03/07/2005

    Dear CMS -

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the- home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities,


    Arvey, Eva Marie Date: 03/07/2005

    Dear CMS -

    Please up-date to modern times and technology the language in the Medicare statute as the “in- the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access places outside their homes that normal people otherwise take for granted. Not to mention the inability of people with disabilities to attend important


    Dirlam, David Title: Owner
    Organization: Area's Finest (supplier # 1310220001)
    Date: 03/06/2005

    To whom it may concern or interest,

    First off I want to thank you for finally taking this matter seriously. Our company just completed an ALJ Hearing and it was disgusting! The appeal system is a joke. I never felt so betrayed in my life. The ALJ actually told me that my problem was "that I expected everything to make sense". We were appealing the denial of 32 out of 37 power wheelchairs after an audit. The stated reason for our series of appeal denials was that each patients file


    Beckley, Douglas Date: 03/06/2005

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the-home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their physician’s


    Carpenter, Kathy Title: Physical Therapist
    Date: 03/06/2005

    I plead with you to reconsider the MRADLs requirement to grant a wheelchair benefit to your client's. Moving from place to place in and of itself is an essential activity of daily living. Are these client's to be confined to bed all day if they have no capability of eating, bathing, grooming, dressing, and toileting. By these guidelines, Christopher Reeve would not have been granted a wheelchair!!

    I would also ask that changes be made to the "in the home" restriction. We are


    Dickerson, Gerry Title: Director of Rehab. Technology
    Organization: Medstar Surgical, Inc.
    Date: 03/06/2005

    I submit the following comments as invited by CMS in the NCA Tracking Sheet for Mobility Assistive Equipment (CAG-00274N) on February 3, 2005. My name is Gerry Dickerson. I am a Certified Rehabilitation Technology Supplier in the greater New York City area. I have been providing assistive technology services, primarily in seating and mobility for almost thirty years. In those almost thirty years I have been, and continue to be, very fortunate to work with some very remarkable, very disabled


    Cohen, Laura Title: Co-Coordinator
    Organization: Clinician Task Force
    Date: 03/06/2005

    The Clinician Task Force (CTF) sincerely desires to support CMS in their move toward functional-based criteria for coverage. To this end, we are submitting detailed recommendations for language changes to Appendix-A, Clinical Criteria for MAE Coverage. In response to your request for necessary documentation, the CTF submits a separate document outlining our recommendations. In addition, we must reassert our concerns for issues such as the "In-the- Home" restriction and the need for


    Pinkow, Teresa Date: 03/06/2005

    Dear CMS,
    Unless your new coverage guidelines reflect the functional assessment of a beneficiary's needs outside of the home, any new clinical guidelines CMS may choose to adopt are irrelevant. Access will continue to be denied at the primary level and people with disabilities will be prisoners in their homes. I strongly urge you to adopt coverage guidelines that focus on a functional based clinical evaluation devoid of the "in the home" restrictions.
    Teresa Pinkow

    O'Regan, Lisa Date: 03/06/2005

    As The Director of Senior Care and Rehabilitation I am concerned about the wording found in the recent release from CMS. I lead a team of occupational, physical and speech therapists in a retirement community that provides out-patient and in-patient services. Our job is to help maximize a person's mobility and therefore functional independence. We do not limit our patients functional mobility to ADL tasks as we feel there is much more to a quality of life than basic hygiene needs covered


    Crane, Barbara Title: Clinician Task Force Co-coordinator
    Organization: CMMCMP Clinician Task Force
    Date: 03/06/2005

    The Clinician Task Force (CTF) submits the following recommendations as to what constitutes adequate evaluation and documentation that the provision of a specific item of mobility assistive equipment to a specific beneficiary is reasonable and necessary as requested by CMS in the Draft Decision Memo for Mobility Assistance Equipment (CAG-00274N).

    Evaluation and Documentation Needed to Justify Reasonableness and Necessity of a Specific Item of Mobility Assistance Equipment

    To properly


    McGhee, Jeremy Title: Founder/CEO
    Organization: Fight 2 Walk Foundation
    Date: 03/06/2005

    Dear CMS -

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the- home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their


    Marshall, Gary Date: 03/06/2005

    The restrictions of power wheelchair in home use are very descriminating to those who need a power wheelchair for their mobility whether it be indoors or outdoors. To restrict these people to in home use is cruel. Everyone deserves the right to go outside even if they do need a power wheelchair to go outside. To deny coverage for outdoor use is inconsiderate and prevents the pursuit of happiness for these individuals. This issue desperately needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Try to


    Phillips, Margaret Date: 03/06/2005

    To Whom it May Concern

    By suggesting no changes to Medicare’s “in the home” restriction, the draft NCD fails to recognize the need for beneficiaries with mobility impairments to access their community. This standard runs counter to numerous government policies and initiatives such as the Administration’s New Freedom Initiative. Additionally, the “in the home” restriction forces clinicians to perform arbitrarily confined assessments that often lead to the prescription of insufficient and


    Austin, Jackie Date: 03/06/2005

    It,s time for Medicare and such to realize most of a Handicapped Person's time is spent in their homes and they deserve independence there as well as outside the home.

    After all we still have our dignity.

    Bird, Janice Date: 03/05/2005

    Dear CMS -

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the- home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities,


    Vetter, Miriam Date: 03/05/2005

    As an OTR in an Assisted Living/Independent living facility, the use of W/C out in the community is essential by a huge group of our people. Please do not limit the coverage of wheelchairs to only inside their homes!!!!!You may be in a wheelchair someday as well!!!

    Thank you.

    Poli, Debra Date: 03/05/2005

    Dear CMS -

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the- home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their


    ALDRIDGE, GLENN Date: 03/05/2005

    I strongly resent that persons that sre sitting in offices & being paid by us, the taxpayers, make decisions that affect the lives of people that are disabled.

    CMS's ongoing refusal to consider the ramifacations of the "STAY-AT-HOME" severel;y restricts the ability of thousands of individuals that can and/or need to get out of their homes for various functions, such as going to the doctor, therapy, etc.

    I implore you to remove the "bed or wheelchair" criteria in


    Blackburn, Georgetta Title: Compliance Director/Privacy Officer (Post CRTS)
    Organization: BLACKBURN'S
    Date: 03/05/2005

    I serve as Rehab A Team Leader for the Region A DMERC Advisory Council. We respectfully submit the following for inclusion within the draft:

    1. Identify Mobility as an ADL and if patient cannot walk independently and self-propel any level of manual wheelchair, that in itself qualifies for power mobility

    2. Specify WHO may or MAY NOT conduct the Home Assessment within the NCD. We believe Rehab Suppliers employing CRTS (credentialled RTS by RESNA) are best qualified for


    Leob, Wendy Date: 03/05/2005

    Please consider the in-your-home phrase of this bill, to be inconsiderate to anyone who is trying to be a productive member of society. I hope that you will remove it from this bill. Thank you for your co-operation & empathy!

    Minkel, Jean Date: 03/05/2005

    I would like to submit the following comments on the proposed decision memorandum and revised NCD for Mobility Assistance Equipment (MAE) as requested by CMS in the Draft Decision Memo for Mobility Assistance Equipment (CAG-00274N).

    I would like to recognize the improvements of the draft NCD over current policy in a number of areas. Most importantly is the proposed policy change away from “bed and chair confined” criteria for coverage to a functional approach. Secondly,


    Bruno, Dr. Richard Title: Director
    Organization: The Post-Polio Institute & International Centre for Post-Polio Education and Research
    Date: 03/05/2005

    There is a pressing need to make consistent and to modify the DMERC Supplier Manual Coverage and Payment Rules that require polio survivors and all beneficiaries to be "bed or chair confined" and have "severe weakness of the upper extremities” to qualify for a power wheelchair. Recently, CMS has placed an even more stringent limitation on eligibility to stop power wheelchairs from being provided to those fraudulently receiving power operated vehicles that they use only outside the


    Brauner, Marilyn Date: 03/04/2005

    It is important for a wheelchair bound patient to get from point A to point B. If the law goes through as it states at present, anyone in a wheelchair will be housebound. Please change coverage to include access to the community at large.

    Owens, Richard T. Date: 03/04/2005

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continuedrefusal to address Medicare's "in the home" restriction. It seems to follow the attitude of many that if you are disabled or old & disabled you are a disgrace and should not be seen in public. I am appalled that we do not have policy for the disabled set by those who are disabled. People who are not disabled cannot begin to understand what it is like to be ignored or hidden in the home by those who think the problemwill go away if it is


    Jones, Brian Title: Assitant Professor
    Organization: Tennessee Technological University
    Date: 03/04/2005

    I am disappointed with CMS and its continued refusal to correct Medicare's "in-the-home" restriction. This restriction is terrible for the health and independence of people with disabilities and restricts people in need to their homes. It does not take into consideration the need for beneficiaries to have access to their communities, their doctor's office, grocery store, bank or place of worship.

    While I support deleting of the "bed or chair confined" rule, I do not support tying


    Mottesheard, Sandra Title: Chairperson
    Organization: Gloucester Co. Special Education Advisory Committee
    Date: 03/04/2005

    Medicare needs to address the current in-home restriction which now impedes the population of citizens with mobility disabilities. This restriction makes citizens prisoners in their own homes. There is no restriction on citizens in the general population so why should those with mobility issues be refused access to their own communities. Please rid us of any more unnecessary restrictions as life is difficult enough for those living with this disability. Let us think in terms of equal


    van Lieshout, Barbara Title: President and Owner of IRCI COTA, ATP
    Organization: RESNA
    Date: 03/04/2005

    I have been a therapist in the A.T. field for eighteen years now. I would like you all to know that some people need a mobility device to get to their meals either down the hall, a few floors down or on the corner down the street. How do you define a home? It could be an apartment for handicapped or the eldery that offers meals once a day. It could also be a CBRF in which the person has a long way to the dining room for meals. There are many more scenarios, but I think you get the picture.


    Schwick, Keplin Date: 03/04/2005

    Dear CMS -

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare's "in-the-home" restriction.  CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the "in-the-home" restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes.  It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their physician's office, pharmacy,


    Cohen, Maxim Date: 03/04/2005

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the- home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their physician’s


    Tobin, Paul Date: 03/04/2005

    Dear CMS -

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the-home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their physician’s office,


    Gold, Toby Date: 03/04/2005

    The ability to move from one place to another with minimal or no assistance is vital not only to one's well being, but to life itself, in some cases. Please reconsider and include mobility assistive equipment in Medicare Benefits.

    janssen, debra Title: Medical Business Office Manager
    Date: 03/04/2005

    I am very disappointed with CMS and your continued refusal to address Medicare’s “in-the- home” restriction. CMS must address this archaic and discriminatory language in the Medicare statute as the “in-the-home” restriction severely impedes on the health and independence of people with disabilities and confines people to the four walls of their homes. It does not take into account the need for beneficiaries to access their communities, their physician’s


    Billanti, Paul Title: Director of Rehab Services
    Organization: Boll Medical, Inc.
    Date: 03/04/2005

    Hello, I have been a Supplier working in the field of Durable Medical Equipment for 15 years. I am a Certified Assitive Technology Suppler (ATS) through the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) and Certified Rehabilitation Technology Supplier(CRTS) for the National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers. I feel mobility is an activity of daily living and being unable to move from one place to another should be the primary factor in


    Wallace, Kerry Date: 03/04/2005

    Take out the "in the home" restrictions for paying of wheelchairs, other equipment for the disabled. This is archaic disabled people now do get out into the world but need these devices to do so.

    Babyak, Nanette Title: Manager of Clinical Review
    Organization: The SCOOTER Store
    Date: 03/04/2005

    My name is Nanette Babyak. I have been a licensed nurse for the past 35 years and have worked in a variety of clinical office settings through out my work history. My experience includes but is not limited to working as a staff nurse in a Coronary and Trauma Intensive Care Unit at Swedish Hospital in Englewood, Colorado. I have had the opportunity to be the Evening Nurse Manager at Good Shepherd Home for Developmentally Disabled Adults. This facility was an 80 bed unit that cared for adults


    Walker, J.D., Naomi Title: Assistive Technology Attorney
    Organization: Georgia Advocacy Office
    Date: 03/04/2005


    Comments Prepared By: James Kevin Roche PT
    Therapy Consultation Services
    2840 W. Pine Grove Road
    Pennsylvania Furnace PA 16865-9796

    Commissioned by: The Georgia Advocacy Office
    March 1, 2005

    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is requesting comments on the proposed deletion of the


    Kelly, Gerard Title: Executive Director
    Organization: United Spinal Association
    Date: 03/04/2005

    To: Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
    From: United Spinal Association
    Date: March 7, 2005
    RE: Comments on Draft Decision Memorandum under the National Coverage Determination Process for Mobility Assistive Equipment (CAG-00274N)

    United Spinal Association, a national disability rights organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with spinal cord injury or spinal cord disease by assuring quality health care, promoting research, and advocating


    Blau, Dr. Andrea Date: 03/04/2005

    "By suggesting no changes to Medicare's "in the home" restriction, the draft NCD fails to recognize the need for beneficiaries with mobility impairments to access their community. This standard runs counter to numerous government policies and initiatives such as the Administration's New Freedom Initiative. Additionally, the "in the home" restriction forces clinicians to perform arbitrarily confined assessments that often lead to the prescription of insufficient and potentially harmful


    shepherd, james Title: Chairman
    Organization: Shepherd Center, Inc.
    Date: 03/04/2005

    I am worried your new proposed criteria for power wheelchairs will deny high level quadriplegics their power mobility devices since many can't perform the ADL activities in or out of a chair but do genuinely need the power chairs. Please take a hard look at the new criteria so legitimate needs are not denied. Include he use of OTs and PTs in the evaluation of appropriate need alonmg with the physician Rx.

    Miner, Peter Title: Director
    Organization: Utah Center for Assistive Technology
    Date: 03/04/2005

    While we appreciate some of the changes in this proposal that will improve the lives of people with mobility disabilities, we are extremely concerned about the negative impact on the lives of our clients that will result from the lack of acknowledgment of the importance of mobility for mobility's sake, i.e., having the freedom to get out and about "when the spirit moves you" as is possible for people without disabilities. The most current, and humane, model for treatment of a wide variety


    Rigg, Leslie Title: M.S., ATS, CRTS
    Organization: DAC Rehab A Team
    Date: 03/04/2005

    My name is Leslie Rigg. I am the current Chair of the DAC Rehab A Team and co-owner of a Rehab company, ATS Wheelchair and Medical. I am also a Certified Rehabilitation Technology Supplier. As the Rehab A Team chair, I would like to provide the following comments regarding the NCD for Mobility Assistive Equipment.

    We appreciate the time and effort that CMS is devoting to the issues surrounding the medical necessity of Mobility Assistive Equipment. We see in this Draft Decision that


    Ulicny, Gary Title: CEO and President
    Organization: Shepherd Center
    Date: 03/04/2005

    The Shepherd Center, on behalf of our Board of Directors, Medical and Clinical Staff, and the individuals we serve, submit the following comments as invited by CMS in the NCA Tracking Sheet for Mobility Assistive Equipment (CAG- 00274N) on February 3, 2005. The attached document includes the names and contact information of 83 clinical staff and patients in support of the comments submitted here.

    Shepherd Center understands and approves of efforts by CMS to revamp the mobility


    Hobson, Douglas Title: Associate Professor-Emeritus
    Organization: none
    Date: 03/04/2005

    I strongly support the adoption of the IWWG function-based guidelines for determination of medical necessity. However, the restriction to MRADLs of toileting,feeding, dressing, grooming and bathing ignores the needs of many beneficiaries to be able to safely travel from and to their home environemnts in order to receive routine or periodic medical and/or rehabilitaion services. This travel may be done independently or with the aid of a caregiver. In many cases, they will require the use of


    Schmeler, Mark Title: Director, Center for Assistive Technology
    Organization: University of Pittsburgh Medical Ceneter
    Date: 03/04/2005

    Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the proposed decision memorandum pursuant to Section 731 of the Medicare Modernization Act related mobility assistive equipment (MAE). We are pleased that CMS proposes to delete the “bed or chair confined” criterion currently used to determine if a wheelchair is reasonable and necessary. CMS proposes that the evidence is adequate to determine that MAE is reasonable and necessary for beneficiaries who have a personal mobility deficit


    Britten, Drew Title: Assistive Technologist
    Organization: Stout Vocational Rehabiliation Institute
    Date: 03/03/2005

    How would you like to be trapped withing your own home simply because you have a disability? Individuals with disabilites deserve the freedom of outdoor mobility that we all have. By suggesting no changes to Medicare's "in the home" restriction, the draft NCD fails to recognize the need for beneficiaries with mobility impairments to access their community. This standard runs counter to numerous government policies and initiatives such as the Administration's New Freedom Initiative.


    Christensen, Beverly Date: 03/03/2005

    Thursday, March 3, 2005

    I am writing to express my concern about the limitations that are currently being discussed regarding the parameters of wheelchair usage. When dealing with people we need to remember that we are complex and as varied as snowflakes. As such it is important to understand that most Americans do not like limitations regarding where they go and how they spend their time. Indeed, this condition is reserved for those who commit crimes and must be removed from society.


    Dylewski, Bryan Title: Chief Executive Officer
    Organization: Mobility Products Unlimited
    Date: 03/03/2005

    We appreciate the opportunity to present comments on the Draft National Coverage Decision Memorandum for Mobility Assistance Equipment (MAE). Mobility Products Unlimited is a Medicare Part B supplier that provides Medicare beneficiaries with medically necessary motorized wheelchairs and power operated vehicles (POVs). Based in South Daytona, Florida, Mobility Products Unlimited provides medically necessary Part B items to beneficiaries in numerous states throughout the


    Christie, Susan Organization: Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital
    Date: 03/03/2005

    Dear folks,I am a PT who works at Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital in Malvern, PA, and I run the Assistive Tech Center, including the Wheelchair Clinic. All of the clients we see have mobility impairments due to physical disabilities sometimes complicated by cognitive disabilities like traumatic brain injury and mental retardation.
    1. I am concerned that the new guidelines referring to "mobility-related ADL's" would not allow some of the clients we see to qualify for a wheelchair. For


    Rotella, Dominic Date: 03/03/2005

    I am pleased to see that CMS is recognizing that patient mobility is an essential part of life and CMS is voyaging in that direction to provide within reason what they can for patients to accomplish this.

    As I stated during the forum last week we currently use an assessment form for doctors to complete when ordering a power wheelchair for any patient from us. It may not be a lengthy PT version but it does address what we believe to be some vital points not included on the current CMN.


    Hartig, Eileen Title: Occupational Therapist
    Organization: Carondelet Health Network
    Date: 03/01/2005

    I submit the following comments as invited by CMS in the NCA Tracking Sheet for Mobility Assistive Equipment (CAG-00274N) on February 3, 2005. I am an occupational therapist with 12 years of experience providing care to individuals with mobility impairments in acute rehabilitation, outpatient and homecare settings, and skilled nursing facilities. I work with individuals with Medicare, Medicaid and multiple other third party payors. Many individuals are dually eligible for wheeled mobility


    Baxter, Tim Title: Senior Staff Attorney
    Organization: Lane County Law and Advocacy Center, Inc.
    Date: 03/01/2005

    The explanation for how caregivers may factor in needs to be made much clearer. End users will misapply the algorithm and the analysis it represents unless CMS expressly states that IF THE BENEFICIARY REMAINS DEPENDENT IN AN ADL NOTWITHSTANDING THE PRESENCE OF A CAREGIVER, CAREGIVER ASSISTANCE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED "COMPENSATORY" IN DETERMINING MEDICAL NECESSITY FOR THE DEVICE IN QUESTION.

    F. Kline MD, Thomas Title: physician
    Organization: private practice
    Date: 03/01/2005

    I practice exclusively rehabilitation medicine and make house calls to understand and evaluate functional disabilities at the "grass roots level".

    I would like policy that protects the tax payor and preserves the rights of disabled people.

    Community reintegration has traditional been one of the many functional goals we work towards and goals that have been approved for funding in the general rehab care/funding system.

    If a person struggles to walk around their


    Bond, James C Title: RTS
    Organization: Alick's HME
    Date: 02/25/2005

    My name is James C Bond RTS and I work for Alick's HME. I would like to comment on the power wheelchair changes.

    First I would like to thank you for looking at this, it is long over due. I would ask that you make it very clear for dealers to know if the product will be covered. We can hound Doctors to give us more and more information so that we cover our self if you ask for more information. Give us a clear cut form that the DR. fills out and would show us a YES or NO and not a


    McAliley, Laura Title: Certified Rehab Technology Supplier
    Organization: ATG/Gulf Coast Rehab
    Date: 02/25/2005

    Thanks to CMS and to IWWG for the opportunity to provide input on this critical coverage subject. I have been providing assistive technology products and services for persons with disabilities for 15 years, both in their homes and at clinic facilities. The new criteria currently under consideration for coverage could be as devastating to this population and their caregivers as any natural disaster could ever be. Simply put, their needs are not being considered properly or realistically. We


    DeFazio, Ruth Ann Title: Occupational Therapist
    Organization: Shepherd Center
    Date: 02/24/2005

    I am an occupational therapist at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, GA, a catastrophic care hospital, specializing in spinal cord injuries, brain injuries (which often times coincides with spinal cord injury), and other neurological illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, post-polio syndrome, transverse myelitis and Guillain-Barré syndrome. 99% of my patients require the assistance of either a power or manual wheelchair in order to gain and maintain their independence in life, in order to be


    Ruckstuhl, ATS, CRTS, Charley Date: 02/23/2005

    The current proposed guidelines for provision of mobility equipment (wheelchairs and customized seating systems)present a tremendous problem which will prove devastating if implemented.

    The notion that beneficiaries who are unable to accomplish specific ADL's will not qualify for wheeled mobility is an outrage to an entire population of individuals.

    This policy, if implemented, would have excluded Christopher Reeve from coverage for a wheelchair!

    In my home area,


    Gunn, Michele Title: ATP
    Organization: Brownings Health Care
    Date: 02/22/2005

    I submit the following comments as invited by CMS in the NCA Tracking Sheet for Mobility Assistive Equipment (CAG-00274N) on February 3, 2005.

    My name is Michele Gunn and I work for Browning’s Health Care in Orlando, Florida. I have been helping clients with their rehab needs for thirteen years. I am an active NRRTS member and have been on the board of directors for the last three years. Our office here in Orlando does primarily high end rehab manual and powered mobility.


    Donohue, Nora Title: Director of Physical Therapy
    Date: 02/18/2005

    I applaud the responsiveness of the IWWG to our comments, but think it is unfortunate that they are hamstrung by the CMS interpretation of the "in the home" rule. ADLs prepare people to be part of society and the ability to do them independently should not be the terminal goal. Regarding the current draft, I have a concern about Criteria # 7 that addresses upper extremity function sufficient to propel a manual wheelchair. Many people use their legs to propel a manual chair, either


    Chiplin, Alfred Title: Senior Policy Attorney
    Organization: Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc.
    Date: 02/17/2005

    Re: Medicare’s “In the Home” Requirement for Mobility Assistive Equipment

    We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the recent draft decision memorandum of the federal Interagency Wheelchair Work Group (IWWG), dated February 3, 2005. We commend the workgroup for its important work and the steps it is taking toward expanding and clarifying coverage as outlined in its Draft Decision Memorandum for Mobility Assistive Equipment (CAG-00274N), February 3,


    Benson, Gayle Title: Physical Therapist
    Organization: University of Alabama Hospital
    Date: 02/07/2005

    I am a physical therapist and have been involved in ecommending wheelchairs and other mobility devices to patients for almost 30 years. I have just finished reading most of the comments that have already been submitted regarding the criteria for provision of mobility devices. I won't reiterate everything that has been said. I do agree with the comments made by Barbara Crane which were submitted in January 2005. It sounds to me as if CMS did not fully utilize the expertise of the IWWG. The


    Fuller, Michael Date: 02/04/2005

    I am concerned about this paragraph in the clinical criteria: A caregiver, for example a family member, may be compensatory, if consistently available in the beneficiary's home and willing and able to safely operate and transfer the beneficiary to and from the wheelchair and to transport the beneficiary using the wheelchair. This may be true if the caregiver is always there, but if the caregiver is not there all of the time you could have deadly problems. For instance, you might have a
