National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair for Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation (T-TEER)

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
Hermann, Daniel Title: Director of Structural Cardiology Memorial Hermann
Organization: Memorial Hermann
Date: 11/02/2024

It’s an incredible time to be in structural cardiology. Catheter based therapies are pushing our field forward and allowing our patients to live fuller lives without the morbidity of traditional treatment options.

Tricuspid valve surgery is morbid and carries a high mortality rate. Therefore, patients with this severe valve disorder have historically been undertreated with medical therapy, which is largely limited to diuretics. Clinical trial and registry data now has shown that


Rogers, Jason Title: Professor, Interventional Cardiology
Organization: University of California, Davis Medical Center
Date: 11/02/2024

I am writing to express my strong support for the establishment of a national coverage decision for TriClip therapy.

This therapy is disruptive and offers hope to a large group of patients that currently have poor or no treatment options. Patients with symptomatic severe tricuspid regurgitation have traditionally been neglected by cardiologists and other specialists and left to have a poor quality of life due to the absence of meaningful treatment options aside from diuretics. These


Singh, Gagan Title: Interventional Cardiologist
Organization: University of California Davis Health System - Sacramento CA
Date: 11/02/2024
TriClip represents the first of therapies available for treatment of patients with debilitating HF symptoms despite optimal medical therapy and severe tricuspid regurgitation. These patients suffer chronically and chores such as bending over and tying shoelaces and/or walking at the park with their grandchildren are prohibitive chores. In the eyes of insurance carriers and coverage determination these limitations are often overlooked, for more "harder" endpoints such as HF hospitalization


Fail, Peter Title: Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
Organization: Cardiovascular institute of the south
Date: 11/02/2024
T TEER has provided an opportunity to provide patients with tricuspid regurgitation a dramatic improvement in over all well being with very high success rate with a very low risk and complication rates. TR is a very insidious disease process that affects every part of the patient's life. Although no mortality benefit was noted the quality of life dramatically improved. I look at this similar to having a hip replacement. No morality benefit would be expected with having a hip replaced but the


Goodman, Andrew Title: MD
Organization: TriStar Centennial Medical Center
Date: 11/02/2024

As a practicing physician specializing in cardiology, I would like to express my support for the inclusion of tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) in the National Coverage Decision. This innovative procedure represents a significant advancement in the management of patients with symptomatic tricuspid regurgitation, particularly those who are deemed high-risk for open-heart surgery and continue to have life limiting symptoms despite optimal medical treatment.



Organization: Dignity
Date: 11/02/2024
Mitral valve repair surgical volume shouldn't limit patients' tricuspid TEER opportunity in an otherwise well qualified structural program.
Alhawasli, Hazem Title: MD
Organization: Duly Health and Care
Date: 11/02/2024

T TEER has provided significant symptom improvement to my patients, less lower extremity edema SOB and less hospitalizations with better quality of life.

Despite being FDA Approved, and the urge for better medical care to all our patients, we are struggling with compensation. Those are long procedures averaging 2-3 hrs. Amd sometimes longer. No work RVUs yet is identified to compensate for the physician time and effort. None of the cases we did so far is yet compensated as of this


Kliger, Chad Title: Director of Structural Heart
Organization: Lenox Hill Hospital, Northwell Health
Date: 11/02/2024

TR is a serious condition with significant clinical implications for our patients. For years, many individuals with symptomatic TR, especially those deemed high-risk for surgical valve repair or replacement, have had to endure a poor quality of life with only limited goal-directed medical therapy options. The adaptation of TEER for TR builds on the established success of this technology in treating mitral regurgitation, representing an important advancement in addressing this unmet medical


Chopra, Daveen Title: CVP, Transcatheter Mitral and Tricuspid Therapies
Organization: Edwards Lifesciences
Date: 11/02/2024

Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Director, Coverage & Analysis Group?
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
7500 Security Blvd?
Baltimore, MD 21244?

Re: National Coverage Analysis (NCA) for Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair for Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation (T-TEER)

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the National Coverage Analysis (NCA) for Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair for Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation (T-TEER).



Loyalka, Pranav Title: Medical Director Structural Heart Disease
Organization: HCA Gulfcoast Division
Date: 11/02/2024

The Tricuspid TEER NCD should be carefully thought out and avoid the pitfalls of the Mitral TEER NCD.

1. First, the tricuspid valve repair is an order of magnitude more difficult than mitral repair. It requires more time and is imaging intensive.
- we should not specify the qualifications and imaging requirements. In the mitral imaging it requires a cardiologist or separate anesthesiologist to perform the imaging. A technician can also be taught this skill and under


Hashimi, Wail Title: Cardiologist
Organization: Cardiology Associates
Date: 11/02/2024

The treatment of Tricuspid valve disease lags far behind the treatments available for mitral and aortic valve disease. This is partly due to an erroneous belief that the tricuspid valve is un-important and partly because surgical interventions carries an unacceptably high mortality rate. Current published reports have placed surgical mortality at between 8% and 12%.

We are learning that right heart failure is a severely debilitating disease with very poor treatment options and


Hargens, Liesl Title: VP, Global Health Economics & Market Access
Organization: Boston Scientific
Date: 11/02/2024

Dear Ms. Syrek Jensen,

Boston Scientific Corporation commends and supports CMS on the initiation of a national coverage analysis (NCA) for Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair for Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation (T-TEER). BSC is dedicated to transforming lives through innovative medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world. We develop and supply medical devices in numerous clinical areas, including cardiology, which serve the needs of many patients, including


Thoma, Elizabeth Organization: Abbott
Date: 11/02/2024

Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Director, Coverage & Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21244

RE: CAG-00468N Tricuspid Valve Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair (T-TEER)

Dear Ms. Syrek Jensen:

Abbott welcomes the opportunity to comment on the National Coverage Analysis (NCA) for T-TEER, CAG-00468N.

Abbott believes establishing a national coverage policy for T-TEER with the TriClip™ TEER System


Cohen, MD, MSc, David J. Title: Interventional Cardiology
Organization: St. Francis Hospital
Date: 11/02/2024

To whom this may concern:

I have been performing transcatheter valve interventons for more than 30 years, startng with balloon mitral valvuloplasty in the 1990s and progressing to transcatheter aortc valve replacement (TAVR) and mitral transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (M-TEER) in the past decade and most recently to transcatheter tricuspid valve interventons. In additon to my clinical experience with these procedures, I have also been closely involved in research in catheter-based


Krepp, Joseph Title: MD
Organization: Inova - Virginia Heart
Date: 11/01/2024

Previously, tricuspid regurgitation was thought of as a disease that was unable to be treated with no clinical benefit of surgical intervention. Owing to the particularly ill patient population, there was both high morbidity and mortality associated with isolated tricuspid surgical treatment. Tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) offers a treatment option to patients that is safe, effective, and reproducible. Importantly, morbidity associated with this therapy is quite low


Khan, Jaffar Title: Director of Cardiovascular Innovation
Organization: St Francis Hospital
Date: 11/01/2024

tTEER is a safe and valuable therapy for our patients, significantly improving their quality of life. Many of these patients have no good treatment options.

Isolated tricuspid valve surgery is not a good option for these patients and there is no link between good tTEER outcomes and number of tricuspid valve surgeries performed at a site and so there should be no restrictions on sites based on surgical volume.

Sample, Matthew Title: Interventional Cardiologist
Organization: Cardiovascular Associates
Date: 11/01/2024

Tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair using the Abbott TriClip device represents a giant step forward in the ongoing fight against vascular heart disease. The tricuspid valve has long been overlooked as a therapeutic target for patient who suffer daily with dyspnea and fatigue. Surgical treatment as an isolated procedure outside the context of endocarditis has limited data and not widely accepted as a reasonable therapy. Furthermore, surgical Tricuspid valve replacement and repair is


Jacob, Mina Title: Head of structure program at diagnostic medical cl
Organization: Infirmary Health
Date: 11/01/2024
Triclip is an extension of mitraclip.. It will continue to help patients who are not candidate for surgery.. It should be approached the same way mitraclip has been approached. There is no reason for CT Surgery involvement unless to assess patient’s candidacy or risk.
Azzouz, Soubhi Title: MD
Organization: self
Date: 11/01/2024
I am writing in support for the coverage of tricuspid TEER, as a structural cardiologist, based on the current available literature. It has been called " forgotten valve" for years because of the challenging surgical options to address this condition. We finally have the ability to offer minimally invasive procedure with relatively low risk compared to surgery. Patients we treat on a daily basis inquired about quality of life more than anything else. Imaging is a big component and it would


Nagaraj, Hosakote Title: MD
Organization: Heart South Alabaster BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA
Date: 11/01/2024
TEER for Mitral therapy should be a guide for TEER for Tricuspid therapy
It is as simple As that
Redberg, Rita Title: Professor of Medicine
Organization: UCSF
Date: 11/01/2024

We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the request for coverage for tricuspid valve transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (T-TEER) for tricuspid regurgitation (TR) for Medicare beneficiaries. Based on the currently available evidence, we firmly believe that T-TEER has not been shown to provide any meaningful clinical benefit to Medicare beneficiaries and thus does not meet the “reasonable and necessary” criteria. Therefore we strongly recommend that T-TEER not receive Medicare coverage in


Goel, Kashish Title: Director, Transcatheter Heart Valve Interventions
Organization: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Date: 11/01/2024

Tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (T-TEER) is currently FDA approved for treatment of symptomatic severe tricuspid regurgitation. This is a significant advancement in the management of these patients as there were no non-surgical options a year ago. The TRILUMINATE trial showed that T-TEER was associated with improvement in quality of life (KCCQ score) as compared to medical therapy alone. At the same time, the procedure was safe with a very low incidence of adverse events.


El-Haddad, Hazim Title: MD, FACC, FSCAI
Organization: INOVA Fairfax/Virginia Heart
Date: 11/01/2024

Until now, there have been no approved therapies for the treatment of tricuspid regurgitation, resulting in it being considered the "forgotten valve." While the initial trial showed primarily a benefit with regards to symptom improvement, on review the length of follow up to this point was limited, and the intervention itself requires technical skill that continues to develop with time, and patient selection for those most likely to benefit continues to be fine tuned. The availability o


Asgar, Anita Title: Interventional Cardiologist
Organization: Montreal Heart Institute, Canada
Date: 11/01/2024
As a physician with four years of experience treating patients with T-TEER in Canada and now relocating to Illinois, I think it is important to remember the important impact such technology has oil patients and their quality of life. The majority of what we do as physicians is to make patients feel better from hip replacements to chemotherapy for terminal illness. Patients deserve this opportunity. Tricuspid regurgitation is a morbid condition that results in decreased quality of life


Iyer, Vijay Title: Chief, Cardiovascular Medicine
Organization: University at Buffalo/Kaleida Health
Date: 11/01/2024
Transcatheter edge-to-edge repair with the Tri clip system has been shown in randomized control trials to improve quality of life. In her own experience we have a large number of patients who have advanced tricuspid valve disease either secondary to prior pacemaker implantation or due to other causes who have a very poor quality of life with very few options other than diuretics. They often tend to have difficulty lives with significant fatigue, shortness of breath and in many instances


gries, william Title: md
Organization: Alexian
Date: 11/01/2024
Tricuspid TEER therapy is novel and quite effective. This procedure is mainly dependent on echo imaging but has highly undervalued RVU.
Barnett, Berkeley Title: Director, Policy & Advocacy, HVV-US
Organization: Heart Valve Disease Policy Task Force
Date: 11/01/2024

November 1, 2024

Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

Dear Administrator Brooks-LaSure,

As members of the Heart Valve Disease Policy Task Force, a national group of 30 leaders including clinician and patient advocacy organizations, we appreciate the opportunity to respond to the CMS NCD Tracking Sheet regarding Tricuspid Valve Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair


Stirling, Amanda Organization: AATS, ACC, ASE, HRS, SCAI, STS
Date: 11/01/2024

November 1, 2024

Tamara Syrek-Jensen, JD
Director, Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

RE: National Coverage Analysis for Tricuspid Transcatheter Edge-To-Edge Repair

Dear Ms. Syrek-Jensen:

The American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS), American College of Cardiology (ACC), American Society of Echocardiography (ASE), Heart Rhythm Society (HRS),


Waldmann, Daniel Title: EVP, Health Policy & Reimbursement
Organization: Medical Device Manufacturers Association (MDMA)
Date: 11/01/2024

MDMA is a national trade association that provides educational and advocacy assistance to hundreds of innovative companies in the field of medical technology. Our members, the majority of which are small to mid-sized medical device companies, have a strong record of delivering breakthrough therapies to treat chronic diseases and life-threatening conditions while lowering the cost of care. MDMA’s mission is to ensure that patients have timely access to the latest advancements of safe and


Hill, Christopher Title: Resident physician
Date: 11/01/2024
I am concerned about the effectiveness of the T-TEER and do not believe that it should be covered by Medicare. In brief, given that the TRILUMINATE trial did not show improved mortality in the treatment group, and in fact showed increase all-cause mortality and cardiovascular death, I do not believe that this therapy should be offered to patients.
Amin, Rohit Title: Interventional Cardiologist
Organization: Ascension sacred heart hospital
Date: 10/31/2024

To the CMS committee-
I would like to highlight the critical role of tricuspid clip technology amongst the other modalities of TTVI in advancing cardiac care for patients with tricuspid regurgitation (TR). With an estimated prevalence of TR affecting approximately 1.6 million adults in the United States, and its association with increased morbidity and mortality, innovative treatment options are essential for improving patient outcomes.

Recent clinical trials have demonstrated


Iyengar, Srinivas Title: MD
Organization: BCH
Date: 10/30/2024
Surgical intervention for isolated TV regurgitation is rarely done and carries with it a potentially very high complication rate. This is a very under treated population who have few options, especially when oral diuretics stop working. This leaves these patients to have multiple hospitalizations for IV diuretics with eventual palliative care.
Triclip offers a tremendous advance for clinicians and patients. The ability to improve symptoms and potentially avoid hospital visits are critical


Colclasure, Alma Date: 10/30/2024
Tricuspid valve disease is essentially an orphan. Current therapies commonly available to most patients are not curative. Treating symptoms for a condition doomed to deteriorate is helpful but not an end-goal, much as treating only the symptoms of cancer would be. Medical management is now the only available medical help for the vast majority of patients. Having both access to and payment for a true "fix" is the foundation of health care for tricuspid patients. Patients who are languishing


Garcia, Santiago Title: Director, Structural Heart Program
Organization: The Christ Hospital
Date: 10/29/2024
Transcatheter Tricuspid Edge to Edge Repair (T-TEER) has been shown to provide clinically relevant improvements in quality of life for patients with severe symptomatic tricuspid regurgitation. There is a large unmet clinical need for patients with severe symptomatic TR, a condition for which there is no established medical therapy. Surgery is infrequently performed and associated with high morbidity and mortality. Therefore, transcatheter therapies will likely be the dominant treatment


Yaganti, Vamsee Mohan Organization: St Marks Hospital
Date: 10/29/2024
Tricuspid regurgitation affects 1.6 million patients. Unfortunately, only .6% of these patients get treated. Medical management is suboptimal in relief of symptoms and surgery carries 10% mortality. Tricuspid TEER is a percutaneous option which has shows improvement in quality of life and more recently reduced HF admissions. The procedure is safe and requires short hospital stay. I strongly support a NCD for tricuspid TEER so we can treat these undertreated group of patients and give them a


Barnett, Berkeley Title: Director of Policy & Advocacy
Organization: Heart Valve Voice US
Date: 10/28/2024

October 28, 2024
Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

Dear Administrator Brooks-LaSure,

On behalf of Heart Valve Voice US, a national non-profit patient advocacy organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals affected by heart valve disease, I want to express our gratitude for the opportunity to comment on the NCA Tracking Sheet regarding


Alli, Oluseun Title: MD
Date: 10/28/2024
I support the NCD for tricuspid TEER, this technology has brought remarkable impact on the quality of life for our patients. As a structural heart cardiologist involved in these procedures I strongly advocate for NCD that covers the procedure and helps us care for our patients. Treatment of severe symptomatic TR leads to inoroved outcomes for our patients and their families
Wang, Andrew Title: Professor of Medicine
Organization: Duke University Hospital
Date: 10/27/2024
I strongly support CMS coverage for the TriClip tricuspid transcatheter edge to edge repair device and procedure. This is a therapy that fills a treatment gap and need for a large number of patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation who have refractory symptoms on medical therapy and for whom surgery has high operative risk. The results of large randomized clinical trials and observational registries have shown the treatment benefits on patient outcomes who were treated with this therapy.
moualla, soundos Title: director of structural heart program
Organization: Dignity Health Yavapai Regional Med Ctr
Date: 10/25/2024

As an interventional cardiologist and structural heart specialist, I am writing to emphasize the urgent need of having NCA for TEER for treatment of tricuspid regurgitation. Tricuspid regurgitation is one of the most challenging valvular diseases we encounter in medical practice. Historically, the only available option for treatment is surgical, and historically, our cardiothoracic surgical colleagues often disfavored surgical interventions with tricuspid regurgitation, considering the


Romero, MD, Steven Title: Structural Echocardiologist
Organization: Scripps Clinic
Date: 10/25/2024
The TriClip system has been a great addition to the tools we can use to treat Pt's with sev TR. Particularly in Pt's with sev TR that is primarily between the septal & anterior leaflets.
Batchelor, Wayne Title: System Director, Interventional Cardiology
Organization: Inova Health System
Date: 10/25/2024
The recent FDA advent and approval of transcatheter edge to edge repair (T-TEER) represents a significant advance in the treatment of severe tricuspid valve regurgitation. Candidates for this therapy are often elderly and frail with multiple comorbidities that render them high risk for tricuspid valve surgery. There exist no truly effective medical therapies for this condition, other than diuretics which don't directly impact disease progression and only temporarily mask the symptoms. When


Reilly, Nicole Title: Associate Professor, Section Chief
Organization: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health; UW Health
Date: 10/25/2024
Please include transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (specifically, the TriClip device) for NCD. This therapy has potential to improve quality of life and reduce heart failure hospitalizations, saving time and money for both patients and hospital systems.
Hibbert, Benjamin Title: Physician
Organization: Mayo Clinic
Date: 10/25/2024

T-TEER has been widely used globally to treat TR successfully and reduce symptoms of HF. CMS erred in creating regulations for TAVR by forcing inclusion of multiple physicians to complicate care for patients. Moreover, there are no standard therapies for TR (surgery is unproven and only performed concomittantly with other surgeries and there are no trials of medical therapy that improve outcomes in patients with TR).

Accordingly T-TEER should be approved for treatment of symptomatic


Whisenant, Brian Title: Medical Director, Valve and Structural Heart
Organization: Intermountain Medical Center
Date: 10/24/2024

My colleagues and I at Intermountain Medical Center are highly involved in the management of tricuspid valve regurgitation (TR). Since performing our first T-TEER procedure in 2017 we have treated nearly 200 patients with a variety of tricuspid valve devices, relying most heavily on the TriClip device. The emergence of transcatheter tricuspid interventions has allowed us to address the major unmet clinical needs of TR patients referred from throughout our multistate region and from our


Raval, Amish Title: Structural Interventions, Professor of Medicine
Organization: UW Health
Date: 10/23/2024
Tricuspid valve TEER is already here. T-TEER does what it promised to do, reduce TR. The Triclip device is FDA approved based on favorable safety and clear/durable improvement in symptoms and quality of life in carefully selected patients. Improving symptoms and quality of life are just as fundamental to our oath as physicians and health care providers as preventing death. Observations from selected T-TEER centers around the country confirm the impression that patients simply feel better


Hogan, Peter Date: 10/22/2024
The NCDs for all structural cases have been very stringent and lead to community hospitals being unable to provide necessary therapy for patients. Surgical volume should not be a consideration for percutaneous procedures, especially when there minimal tricuspid surgeries.
Rinaldi, Michael Title: Director, Structural Heart Program, SHVI
Organization: Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute / Atrium Health
Date: 10/20/2024

Thank you for taking my comment.

The development of trans-catheter therapies for valvular heart disease in the aortic and mitral spaces have changed how we care for valvular heart disease and represent a significant advancement in care for patients as part of a multi-disciplinary heart team approach.

Until now, the options for patients with severe TR have been very limited. TR is very common in the older population with at least 1.6 million suffering severe TR in the US. TR


Ramee, Stephen Title: MD
Organization: LSUHSC New Orleans
Date: 10/16/2024
I have been an investigator for Tricuspid TEER and Mitral TEER and have performed over 100 cases. For the appropriate patient, that is, patients with severe TR refractory to medical therapy who are high risk or inoperable surgically, Tricuspid TEER can alleviate symptoms in a one day, outpatient procedure with acceptable risk, even in patients with liver failure and high MELD scores.
I am in favor of rapid approval of Tricuspid TEER by CMS since the pivotal trials showed a benefit in


Adler, David Title: MD, Interventional and Structural Cardiologist
Organization: Sentara Heart Hospital, Norfolk, Virginia
Date: 10/15/2024

I am writing in support of CMS approval of proposed NCD for transcatheter tricuspid valve edge-to-edge repair (T-TEER aka “TriClip”). The cardiology community for many years has cared for patients with symptomatic tricuspid regurgitation with limited medical or procedural options to offer that conveyed any sustained benefit. Randomized clinical trials (TRILUMINATE, TRISCEND) have now demonstrated significant, meaningful and sustained quality of life improvement for this patient


Tang, Gilbert Tang Title: Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery
Organization: Mount Sinai Health System
Date: 10/15/2024
As a site implanter of the TRILUMINATE EFS and pivotal trials, I have been involved with TriClip studies since its inception. The TRILUMINATE pivotal trial demonstrates the excellent safety of the TriClip tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) system and its efficacy in reduction in tricuspid regurgitation (TR) out to 1 year. We have seen many patients referred to our valve center very debilitated by their symptomatic severe to torrential TR, unable to carry on with their daily


Summers, Matt Title: Program Director, Structural Heart
Organization: Sentara Heart Hospital
Date: 10/15/2024

As a valve disease cardiologist and structural heart interventionalist, I have taken care of TR patients without options for several years. There are no real surgical therapies and I have sent several patients to the OR knowing they were high risk but had no other options. Fortunately with the advent of transcatheter tricuspid therapies, I've now finally had the ability to take care of these very sick, desperate patients. We were involved in both TRISCEND and TRILUMINATE and found great


Gafoor, Sameer Date: 10/14/2024

Previously, many have referred to the tricuspid valve as the "forgotten valve" as we focused on other pathologies for the aortic and mitral population. However, these patients are very sick and have decreased quality of life. In addition, we found that patients within severe tricuspid regurgitation had worsening outcomes with worsening tricuspid regurgitation leading to formation of massive and torrential categories of regurgitation. In addition, surgery is often higher risk for these


Ricciardi, Mark Title: MD
Organization: Endeavor NorthShore
Date: 10/13/2024
The medical literature and my 10 years of clinical practice devoted to heart valve disease tells us that severe, symptomatic TR - a disease that heavily impacts the female population - is a very morbid condition with few treatment options. Recent non-randomized as well as the randomized Triluminate trial Have demonstrated exquisite safety and meaningful clinical benefit for such patients when they undergo TV TEER. Having this treatment option available to us through FDA approval but with no


Rodriguez, Evelio Title: MD
Organization: Ascension Saint Thomas
Date: 10/13/2024
T-TEER allows to take care of a very difficult patient population for whom cardiac surgery is usually high risk. Initial results demonstrate that T-TEER is a very safe procedure with improvement of patients quality of life. As a physician who has been part of these complex patients and have implanted T-TEER, I have been impressed by the improvement of symptoms with an extremely safe procedure.
Asfour, Abedelrahim Title: CVSL medical Director
Organization: Premier Cardiovascular Specialists
Date: 10/11/2024
"I recommend establishing strict criteria for both operators and hospitals qualified to deliver this service to patients. Implementing audits and maintaining registries are essential. Without these safeguards, the system is likely to be abused and could become financially unsustainable."
Mixon, Tim Title: Physician
Organization: Baylor Scott & White Health
Date: 10/11/2024
I am writing in support of the application for CMS coverage of tricuspid TEER therapy. For virtually all of my cardiology practice (21 years), we have rarely offered therapy for tricuspid regurgitation, despite abundant data showing a strong association between worsening TR, worsening RV size and function, and outcomes that all care about, such as mortality and heart failure (along with it's frequent requirement for hospitalization). TEER therapy now has a strong track record of safe and


Campbell, Camille Title: Nature's Medicine
Organization: The Naturel Group LLC. (Paths of Nature)
Date: 10/10/2024

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Pressman, Gregg Title: Director of Academics - Cardiology
Organization: Jefferson Einstein Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University
Date: 10/09/2024
The recent development of structural interventions for treatment of valvular heart disease is one of the most significant advances in Medicine in the last 100 years. We finally can treat patients who otherwise often die of heart failure. The improvements in general health and cardiac outcomes provided by mitral TEER are impressive. Tricuspid TEER has similar potential for patients suffering from severe or greater tricuspid regurgitation. I heartily support Medicare coverage for this procedure


Cubeddu, Robert Title: Structural Cardiologist
Organization: NCH
Date: 10/09/2024

I am significantly in favor and strongly advocate for CMS approval for tricuspid valve TEER. This procedure is safe and associated with significant reduction in TR severity. Having been involved in the care of these patients and completed over 30 tricuspid TEER procedures I have been a direct witness of the immediate and mid-term impact on patient's symptoms, quality of life and heart failure class. It is quite remarkable in the appropriate clinical and anatomical setting.


Goessl, Mario Date: 10/09/2024
In expert hands and after thorough efforts of optimized medical therapy and continued GDMT and OMT after the T-TEER procedure, TriClip has shown to improve quality of life in patients who don't have other alternatives. In an attempt to achieve similar value for the patients, it appears critical to ask for the same thoroughness and expertise going forward. This is not a popular topic but in order to provide best value for these patients, guardrails like documented optimization of medical


Ramee, Stephen Title: Professor of Clinical Medicine, LSUHSC New Orleans
Date: 10/09/2024
I'm a Board Certified Cardiologist and practitioner. I treat patients with valvular heart disease on a daily basis. I have participated in the T-TEER FDA trials.
Tricuspid Regurgitation is a condition with limited surgical availability because the patients often have liver failure from passive congestion which makes them surgically inoperable. Most if not all of these patients with severe TR which is not adequately managed medically, will have an improved clinical outcome with


Sharma, Rahul Title: MD, Interventional Cardiology and Strucutral Heart
Organization: Cardiac Solutions
Date: 10/09/2024
As an operator of transcatheter edge to edge repair for Tricuspid Regurgitation, I can personally attest to the dramatic symptom and quality of life improvement experienced by my patients. The TriClip device has given this undertreated severe TR patients an opportunity to live and breath again! This therapy should be made easily accessible and widely available at appropriate medical centers so that patients can be treated in the communities in which they live and treated by experts who can


Moossavi, Shahab Title: Interventional Cardiologist
Date: 10/07/2024
I agree with coverage based on the guidelines for symptomatic patients with moderate to severe TR.
Any hospital with Heart team and already offering TEER for mitral valve should be covered for TEER for TR.
Hall, Cam Organization: RRH
Date: 10/07/2024
While still in its infancy, I have not seen the clinical benefits of TVR in any form to have a significant clinical impact on outcomes.
If there is a benefit, it will likely be small. Offset by the cost of the therapy, unclear if this is going to survive in value based care system.