National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

Smoking & Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
De Souza, Marianne Title: Director
Organization: Greater New Bedford Tobacco Control Program
Date: 01/22/2005

I am a tobacco control professional with ten years experiene in the state of Massachusetts. My focus of activity has been on advocacy, public education, and policy promotion, and enforcement. As more and more states adopt proactive laws rohibiting smoking in workplaces, public places, and restrictions that may also restrict or prohibit smoking in nursing homes, the need to expand the availability and accessibility of evidenced based tobacco treatment services for persons of all ages and


Eden, Catherine Title: Director
Organization: Arizona Department of Health Services
Date: 01/21/2005

As Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services, I strongly support the decision by CMS to provide tobacco dependence treatment to Medicare recipients. Not only does tobacco use cause nearly half a million deaths per year, millions live with and suffer from chronic illnesses that are caused by smoking. As cited by the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, in Arizona alone, nearly 7,000 Arizona adults will die because of smoking. Moreover, 131,000 kids now under 18 and alive will


Novello, Antonia Title: Commissioner of Health
Organization: New York State Department of Health
Date: 01/21/2005

As Commissioner of Health for the State of New York and former Surgeon General of the United States, I strongly support the December 23, 2004 announcement by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposing to provide coverage for tobacco cessation counseling services under Medicare. This decision by CMS is well-supported by the evidence base. Providing this coverage will have a significant, positive impact on the health of millions of seniors for many years to


Voss, Debra Title: Senior Account Manager
Organization: Leade Health Inc.
Date: 01/21/2005

RE: Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG 00241N)

Dear Dr. Phurrough:

On behalf of the Leade Health Inc., a disease prevention company providing telephonic tobacco cessation programs, I would like to thank CMS for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling.

Leade ’s experience working with the elderly population suggests that older


Barry, Michael Title: Deputy Director
Organization: American College of Preventive Medicine
Date: 01/21/2005

On behalf of the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM), I am submitting comments on the Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG 00241N) issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). ACPM is the national professional medical society for physicians whose expertise and interest lie in disease prevention and health promotion. ACPM’s more than 2,000 members are engaged in preventive medicine practice, research, and


DeLeeuw, Karen Date: 01/21/2005

January 20, 2005

Steve Phurrough, MD
Director, Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Mail Stop C1-09-28
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Re: Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG 00241N)

Dear Dr. Phurrough:

On behalf of the Tobacco Control Resource Council, thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Coverage


Eicher, Jill Title: Director of Government Affairs
Organization: American Association for Respiratory Care
Date: 01/21/2005

9425 North MacArthur Blvd., Suite 100
Irving, Texas 75063

January 21, 2005

Marcel Salive, MD, MPH
Director, Division of Medical & Surgical Services
Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

RE: Draft Decision Memo for Smoking & Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG-0024IN)

Dear Dr. Salive:

The American Association for Respiratory Care


Myers, Matthew Title: President
Organization: Campaign for Tobacco- Free Kids
Date: 01/21/2005

Marcel Salive, MD, MPH
Director, Division of Medical & Surgical Services
Coverage and Analysis Group
7500 Security Boulevard - C1-09-28
Baltimore, Maryland 21244

RE: Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use CessationCounseling (CAG 00241N)

Dear Dr. Salive:

This letter is being submitted on behalf of a number of organizations committed to reducing death, disease and disability caused by tobacco use. We strongly support the December 23,


Altovilla, Paul Title: Analyst
Date: 01/21/2005

We are aware that The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have proposed new Medicare coverage to establish smoking and tobacco cessation counseling. Following please find enclosed a copy of our comments on the proposed decision. We believe our comments will improve the decision summary.

Comments for The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Regarding the December 23, 2004 Draft Decision Memo for Smoking & Tobacco Cessation Counseling


Hill, Todd Title: Public Health Tobacco Program Specialist
Organization: Vermont Department of Health
Date: 01/21/2005

I would like to offer some comments for those who work in and for the efforts of the Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program for the State of Vermont. We would like to recognize this step by CMS as a very important advancement in the field of tobacco control. The Vermont Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program would like to see in the near future this initiative expanded in the following ways:

- We encourage the coverage of smoking cessation treatment be available to all those who are


Stovall, Ellen Organization: Cancer Leadership Council
Date: 01/21/2005

January 21, 2005

Mark A. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Room 314-G – HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201

RE:Draft Decision Memo for Smoking & Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG-00241N)

Dear Dr. McClellan:

The undersigned patient, provider, and research organizations are writing in strong support of the


Moore, Kent Title: Manager, Health Care Financing and Delivery System
Organization: American Academy of Family Physicians
Date: 01/21/2005

I am writing on behalf of the American Academy of Family Physicians, which represents more than 94,000 physician and medical students nationwide. Specifically, I am writing to offer our comments on the Draft Decision Memo for Smoking & Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG-00241N) that CMS released on December 23, 2004.

In the draft decision memo, CMS proposes that the evidence is adequate to conclude that smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling, based


Vevurka, Leigh Organization: American Society of Clinical Oncology
Date: 01/21/2005

January 21, 2005

Mark A. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Room 314-G – HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201

Re: Draft Decision Memo for Smoking & Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG-00241N)

Dear Dr. McClellan:

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), representing cancer researchers and clinicians, is writing to express its


Gans, John Organization: American Pharmacists Association
Date: 01/21/2005

January 21, 2005

The American Pharmacists Association (APhA), the national professional society of pharmacists, supports CMS’ proposal to provide coverage of smoking cessation counseling for Medicare beneficiaries. Smoking is a serious public health threat associated with coronary heart disease, vascular disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and several different types of cancer. Smoking also has a tremendous economic impact. In 1993, the estimated direct cost of


Santangelo, Anthony Title: Corporate Manager of Government Revenue
Organization: Partners Healthcare
Date: 01/21/2005

Marcel Salive, MD, MPH
Director, Division of Medical & Surgical Services
Coverage and Analysis Group
7500 Security Boulevard - C1-09-28
Baltimore, MD 21244

RE: Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG 00241N)

Dear Dr. Salive:

On behalf of the Massachusetts General Hospital and the other member hospitals of Partners Healthcare System, I am pleased to comment on the Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and


Meyer, Gregg Title: Medical Director
Organization: MGPO
Date: 01/21/2005

On behalf of the Massachusetts General Physicians Organization, the largest group of physicians in New England, I wholely endorse the submission by one of our local experts on the issue, Dr. Nancy Rigotti:

January 21, 2005

Marcel Salive, MD, MPH
Director, Division of Medical & Surgical Services
Coverage and Analysis Group
7500 Security Boulevard - C1-09-28
Baltimore, Maryland 21244

RE: Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking


Fedun, Caren Title: Prenatal Addiction Support Service Coordinator
Organization: Middletown Community Health Center
Date: 01/21/2005

Think, a smoking pregnant women, this fact is an adverse Health Effect to the mother and unborn. After delivery, 2nd hand smoke effects to the newborn,is in fact an adverse health effect. Patients seeking cessation counseling while pregnant,and NRT/Counseling supports after delivery is needed.I encourage medicare care coverage to all patients,and particularly coverage of NRT.

Furmanski, William Title: Interim Director
Organization: Center for Tobacco Cessation
Date: 01/21/2005

January 21, 2005

Mark McClellan, Administrator
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
Room 445-G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20201

RE: CMS-CAG 00241N; Medicare Program; Medicare Coverage for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation; Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum

Dear Dr. McClellan:

On behalf of the Center for Tobacco


Rigotti, Nancy Title: Director, Tobacco Research and Treatment Center
Organization: Massachusetts General Hospital
Date: 01/21/2005

January 21, 2005

Marcel Salive, MD, MPH
Director, Division of Medical & Surgical Services
Coverage and Analysis Group
7500 Security Boulevard - C1-09-28
Baltimore, Maryland 21244

RE: Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG 00241N)

Dear Dr. Salive:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the December 23, 2004, memorandum from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposing coverage for tobacco


Jolicoeur, MPH, CHES, Denise Title: President, ATTUD
Organization: Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Depencence
Date: 01/21/2005

Re: Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum: NCA for Smoking & Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG-00241N)
This letter is being submitted on behalf of the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD), an organization dedicated to the promotion of and increased access to evidence-based treatment for the tobacco user. The organization is made up of treatment professionals from across the US, as well as several members from other countries. ATTUD strongly supports


Bristow, Zuzanne Organization: CBHR-Tobacco Free El Paso
Date: 01/21/2005

CMS needs to provide comprehensive tobacco dependence treatment to Medicare recipients using tobacco products. Tobacco cessation services play a critical role among patients willing to stop using tobacco; they effectively support the patient’s psychological withdrawal symptoms in a group of individual counseling settings. Furthermore, research has supported tobacco cessation as an effective tool to minimize tobacco using rates among various populations when combined with nicotine


Dauer, Janis Title: Program Manager
Organization: Alliance for the Prevention and Treatment of Nicotine Addiction
Date: 01/21/2005

This comment is being submitted on behalf of the Alliance for the Prevention and Treatment of Nicotine Addiction (APTNA), a nonprofit training and consultation organization dedicated to promoting tobacco use cessation in the state of Virginia.

APTNA strongly supports the proposal by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to cover tobacco counseling services under Medicare. The decision by CMS will have a significant, positive impact on the health of millions of


Welton, MaryBeth Title: Program Manager
Organization: Partnership For A Tobacco- Free Maine, Bureau of Health, Dept. of Health And Human Services
Date: 01/21/2005

On behalf of the Partnership For A Tobacco-Free Maine, Bureau of Health, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, I want to thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling.

Overall, we strongly support CMS’ decision to expand coverage for tobacco treatment counseling under Medicare. The decision will have a positive health impact on the large population of seniors in Maine. We


Newman, Russ Title: Executive Director for Professional Practice
Organization: American Psychological Association
Date: 01/21/2005

I am writing on behalf of the American Psychological Association (APA), the professional organization representing more than 150,000 members and associates engaged in the practice, research and teaching of psychology. APA commends the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for proposing to cover tobacco cessation counseling for beneficiaries suffering from disease or adverse health. As CMS has noted, tobacco usage is the leading cause of preventable death in the United


Pbert, PhD, Lori Title: Director, Center for Tobacco Prevention & Control
Organization: University of Massachusetts Medical School
Date: 01/21/2005

This letter is being submitted on behalf of the Center for Tobacco Prevention and Control within the Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS). We have a long history of conducting research related to tobacco treatment and prevention and have provided state of the art tobacco treatment training to health professionals since 1993. We strongly support the proposal by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to cover


Bentz, Chuck Title: Medical Director
Organization: Providence Health System Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program
Date: 01/21/2005

On behalf of Providence Health System, I would like to provide comments on the proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling.

Providence strongly supports the December 23, 2004 announcement by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposing coverage for tobacco cessation counseling services under Medicare. The decision by CMS will have a significant, positive impact on the health of millions of seniors for many years


Coster, Ph.D., R.Ph., John Title: Vice President, Policy and Programs
Organization: National Association of Chain Drug Stores
Date: 01/21/2005

NACDS is pleased to provide comments regarding the proposed Medicare coverage of smoking-cessation counseling. NACDS represents more than 200 chain pharmacy companies operating almost 32,000 community retail pharmacies. Our industry is the primary provider of outpatient pharmacy services in the United States, providing about 70 percent of all retail prescriptions. Community retail pharmacies are easily accessible to all patients, and are especially convenient for Medicare beneficiaries who


Craig, Sherryn Title: Policy Analyst
Organization: American Cancer Society
Date: 01/21/2005

On behalf of the American Cancer Society (“the Society”) and its millions of volunteers and supporters, we respectfully submit the following comments for your consideration regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) proposed decision to cover smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling, CAG-00241N, as released on the CMS website on December 23, 2004 (

The Society applauds


Ewart, Gary Title: Director, ATS Government Relations
Organization: American Thoracic Society
Date: 01/21/2005

On behalf of the members of the American Thoracic Society, the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the National Association for the Medical Direction of Respiratory Care, we would like to offer our strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Draft Decision Memo for Smoking & Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG­00241N). We believe the draft policy is an excellent starting point for making proven and


Heilmann, Timothy M. Title: MD
Organization: Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians & Foundation
Date: 01/21/2005

On behalf of the more than 4,600 members of the Pennsylvania Academy of Family Physicians (PAFP), I applaud CMS’ proposal to extend Medicare coverage for smoking cessation counseling to beneficiaries who have a smoking-related disease or who take medicines that are adversely affected by tobacco use.

In fact, helping patients stop smoking is one of the many rewarding aspects of a family physician’s practice.

As CMS considers adding this expanded level of


Krause, Katherine Title: Executive Vice President of Advocacy
Organization: American Heart Association
Date: 01/21/2005

On behalf of the American Heart Association (AHA), including the American Stroke Association (ASA) and over 24 million AHA and ASA volunteers and supporters, we wish to commend the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on its proposed National Coverage Decision Memorandum on Smoking & Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG-00241N).

The AHA has played a leading role in promoting strategies to combat smoking, which is a major preventable cause of cardiovascuar disease


Maves, Michael D. Title: MD, MBA
Organization: American Medical Association
Date: 01/21/2005

On behalf of the American Medical Association (AMA), I appreciate this opportunity to provide comments on the Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling. The AMA strongly supports the December 23, 2004, announcement by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposing coverage for tobacco cessation counseling services under Medicare.

Medicare's decision will have a significant, positive impact on the health of


Simpson, Glenn Title: Executive Director, Behavioral Health
Organization: Florida Hospital Heartland Division
Date: 01/21/2005

We are aware that The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have proposed new Medicare coverage to establish smoking and tobacco cessation counseling. With this letter please find enclosed a copy of our comments on the proposed decision.

We have reviewed these comments in light of the impact on our hospital and utilized an outside consulting firm to assist us in evaluating these regulations. We believe our comments will improve the decision


Slivka, Bill Title: Vice President, Smoking Control
Organization: GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Health Care-United States
Date: 01/21/2005

These comments are submitted in response to the December 23, 2004, request for public comment on the draft decision memo for smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling.

We commend the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for its decision to propose expanding the tobacco cessation benefits available to Medicare beneficiaries. This is an important first step towards prevention of the many adverse health effects associated with tobacco use. Together with the brief


Thornton, Amber Hardy Title: MPH, CHES
Organization: American Legacy Foundation
Date: 01/21/2005

This letter is submitted on behalf of the American Legacy Foundation. Created as a result of the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) between 46 state attorneys general and the tobacco industry, the American Legacy Foundation is dedicated to building a world where young people reject tobacco and anyone can quit. The foundation develops programs that address the health effects of tobacco use through grants, technical assistance and training, youth activism, strategic partnerships,


Davis, Ronald Title: Director, Center for Health Promotion
Organization: Henry Ford Health System
Date: 01/20/2005

As the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee (MCAC), we are pleased to submit these comments in response to the CMS proposal to provide Medicare coverage for tobacco cessation counseling. Please be aware that we are submitting these comments as individuals and not on behalf of MCAC or the institutions where we work. At the outset, we want to make clear that we endorse the CMS proposal to provide Medicare coverage for tobacco cessation counseling. This policy


Rizk, Sheryl Date: 01/20/2005

I am 37 and smoked for 21years. I quit nearly 2 years ago with the help of a web-based program and support group. I have quit smoking many times and even had physician help. I found the web-based program more accessible for me. Help at my fingertips 24hrs per day when I needed it.

I feel that that web-based treatment programs this day and age are even more important that a physician and should be covered by insurances. There are no words to describe what it's been like having


Vokes, Jodie Title: Executive Director
Organization: Tobacco Free Partners
Date: 01/20/2005

As a health and human service nonprofit based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Tobacco Free Partners seeks to reduce the health, economic and emotional burdens that smoking places on the residents of Michigan. Tobacco Free Partners, (TFP) strongly supports the proposal by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to cover tobacco counseling services under Medicare. The proposed coverage of counseling services is critical to addressing the unique and costly needs of this patient


McDonald, Elizabeth Title: Executive Board member
Organization: Efforts
Date: 01/20/2005

I urge you to expand the coverage for smoking cessation counseling! Currently, COPD is the 4th leading cause of death in the United States, and smoking is the major contributor to COPD. By helping more smokers to quit, you will be saving many lives. The earlier they can quit, the less devastating this disease will be on their lives and our national pocketbook.Thank you for your consideration.

Strader, Tracey Title: Executive Director
Organization: Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust
Date: 01/20/2005

CMS is to be commended for attempting to address the need for seniors to access effective tobacco cessation services. Seniors generally have a long history of tobacco use, co-morbidities, and limited resources – including a lack of transportation. For these reasons senior adults deserve to have access to quitlines, one of the most highly effective interventions and most easily accessed cessation services available. The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline, funded entirely by investment earnings from


Sessoms, Vincent Title: Director, Tobacco Use Prevention
Organization: Tennesse Department of Health
Date: 01/20/2005

On behalf of the Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Program, Community Services Section at the Tennessee Department of Health, I would like to thank the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling.The intent of the Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Program is to coordinate the tobacco prevention efforts across the state. The goals of the program are to 1)


Jacobellis, Jillian Title: Director, Prevention Services Division
Organization: Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Date: 01/20/2005

On behalf of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling. We support the coverage of tobacco cessation counseling services under Medicare.

People who quit smoking, regardless of their age, live longer, healthier lives than those who continue to smoke. Counseling - by physicians or by trained counselors over the telephone or


Williamson, MD, Donald E. Title: State Health Officer
Organization: Alabama Department of Public Health
Date: 01/20/2005

While I applaud Medicare’s Advantage Plan to cover tobacco cessation I urge you to reconsider the omission of Quitlines and reimbursement of over the counter medications.

Research from the NAQC shows that Quitline services are effective, and the use of a telephone based service eliminates the transportation burden many seniors have in receiving care. Quitlines are accessible to everyone and remove the hurdle of getting to and from an appointment.

Quitlines are evidence based and


Cobb, Nathan Title: Chief Science Officer
Organization: Inc.
Date: 01/20/2005

QuitNet appreciates the opportunity to comment on the proposed decision covering tobacco cessation counseling for Medicare participants. Inc. provides web-based comprehensive smoking cessation services and support that are based on the same PHS clinical Practice Guidelines for effective tobacco cessation that Medicare has used to make its landmark proposed coverage decision. (Fiore et al, 2000) In 2004 alone, more than 110,000 individuals registered to quit using


Laton, Cindy Title: Health Programs Manager
Date: 01/20/2005

Will RN's be able to provide counseling or just a provider (MD, PA, NP)? Respiratory therapist could be key in providing counseling. Is the cost billed per session or per 1 cessation attempt? How much is the reimbursement? Will the coverage extend beyond individuals with tobacco related illnesses (i.e. just to those who want to quit)?

Durham, jessica Organization: Anne Penman Laser Therapy
Date: 01/20/2005

As an employee of the Anne Penman Laser Therapy Center in Charlotte, North Carolina I have had the pleasure of seeing individuals regain a healthy lifestyle after smoking for many years. Smoking is detrimental to the health of the "smoker" as well as those that spend an ample amount of time with them and non-smoking tax paying individuals. Smoking is definitely a nuisance to society and should therefore be eradicated as quickly as possible. As the new milleniunm progresses, more and more


Kotsen, Psy.D., Chris Title: Coordinator, Tobacco Quitcenter
Organization: Somerset Medical Center
Date: 01/20/2005

I am the coordinator of the Tobacco Quitcenter at Somerset Medical Center, NJ. We are one of 5 partially funded programs in the state of NJ by the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct face to face smoking cessation counseling.

I applaud your decision to provide coverage for this important service. We provide short-term counseling mean of about 6-7 visits for tobacco users with very high success rates - 41% of patients quit at 6 month follow-up.

I don't know exactly what


House, Ginger Title: General Manager
Organization: Anne Penman Laser Therapy
Date: 01/20/2005

I have recently become involved with a new and extremely successful method to help people stop smoking. We use a low level laser treatment that is proving to be 50% + effective in helping people stop smoking, chewing, etc. The program has produced very successful results, but unfortunately many potential clients who call for help to quit smoking are prevented therapy because of the cost. I am certain with medicare coverage, most of these people would now be non-smokers, living a healthier


Dale, Lowell Organization: Mayo Clinic
Date: 01/20/2005

We applaud CMS for its decision to reimburse for tobacco dependence counseling services by trained clinicians. This recognizes tobacco dependence as the complex psychosocial, behavioral and addictive disorder that it is. The high prevalence of use and general societal acceptance of tobacco use belies its strongly addictive nature and the complexity of treatment that is often required for successful abstinence. Many older smokers have used tobacco for many years and have attempted many


Revell, Connie Title: Deputy Director, Smoking Cessation Leadership Cent
Organization: Smoking Cessation Leadership Center, UCSF
Date: 01/20/2005

The Smoking Cessation Leadership Center, a national program office of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, strongly supports the December 23, 2004 announcement by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposing coverage for tobacco cessation counseling services under Medicare. The decision by CMS will have a significant, positive impact on the health of millions of seniors for many years to come. The proposed coverage decision memorandum did not address adequately the use


Mavromatis, Jean Title: Tobacco Education and Prevention Coordinator
Organization: Custer County Nursing Service
Date: 01/20/2005

I am the Tobacco Education and Prevention Coordinator for Custer County, Colorado. We are a frontier county in the mountains 1 hour away from Canon City or Pueblo where cessation programs are offerred. Nicotine replacement medicines are not available in our county. We have a significant number of residents on Medicare. I am grateful to know Medicare is considering coverage for cessation counseling andalso understands that usually takes more than one attempt to have a successful quit.


Devlin, Leah Title: NC State Health Director
Organization: NC Dept of Health & Human Services, Div of Public Health
Date: 01/20/2005

The North Carolina Division of Public Health fully supports and applauds CMS' consideration of Medicare coverage of tobacco use cessation counseling. As the leading cause of preventable deaths, responsible for over 400,000 per year, tobacco use exerts an enormous health and economic toll on our society.

The CDC's Guide to Community Preventive Services lists "reducing patient out-of-pocket costs" for cessation treatment as an evidence-based intervention that leads to significant


McAfee, MD, Tim Title: Chief Medical Officer
Organization: Free & Clear
Date: 01/20/2005

I am writing on behalf of Free & Clear, (F&C) a provider of tobacco treatment services, in response to your request for public comments relating to “Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling”. F&C is one of the largest and oldest providers of telephone-based cessation support in the U.S. We have also been a major contributor to the scientific base of telephone-based cessation, having participated in over half a dozen large


Miele, Alice Title: Consultant
Organization: Quit-for-Good
Date: 01/20/2005

As a licensed independent clinial social worker and Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist in Massachusetts, I have the experience and credentials to provide knowledgable comments on this topic. I believe that Medicare coverage for smoking cessation (and cessation for smokeless tobacco as well) is essential for providing quality and cost-effective care for people in this country. I provide individual, phone-based, and group tobacco treatment counseling, and the expense of treatment


Powell, Beth Title: Director, Public Policy and Professional Issues
Organization: American Mental Health Counselors Association
Date: 01/20/2005

I am writing on behalf of the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) concerning the recent proposal by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to cover smoking cessation counseling services for certain Medicare beneficiaries. On behalf of AMHCA, I appreciate the opportunity to provide public comment to CMS concerning this important proposal.

AMHCA is the nation's largest professional organization exclusively representing the mental health counseling


wiley-vawter, john Date: 01/19/2005

as a smoker who smoked for 30 years a pack a day i know cessation counseling as provided by the internet site,, and the support of its' members, is the only reason i have quit for going on now 10 months. as a nicotene addict i understand that my quit is 'one day at a time,' but i also feel that support/counseling has made me feel that my quit will be permenate. i have tried to quit many times before and failed each of those times simply because i did not have an active long


Kramer, Robert Title: Vice President
Organization: Wellplace
Date: 01/19/2005

We at Wellplace have been providing phone-based counseling for several years. We are achieving outcomes above the national norms. This is a result of more intensive phone-based services, averaging 9 or more sessions and 24/7 immediate access to support for handling cravings. I recommend that coverage for phone-based services be extended to a minimum of 9 sessions.

I agree with the need for counselors to have cessation training. There needs to be the development of


DALAGER, DAROLENE Date: 01/19/2005

The title speaks for it self.

Berg, Lorie Organization: EFFORTS
Date: 01/19/2005
This proposal is certainly a step in the right direction. I would, however, like to see coverage expanded to ALL tobacco-using Medicare recipients. By the time a person has developed a tobacco-related illness or disease, quality of life has already been impacted, and the medical costs associated with the tobacco-related illness have already increased. By helping these individuals to quit smoking PRIOR to the onset of disease, these negative effects could be prevented. I think tha


Eklund, John Date: 01/19/2005

There is no need to pay for smoking cessation or for the Government to be involved. Take it from one who's been there; cold turkey is the only way and unless the individual WANTS to quit, they won't.

holmberg, leslie Title: Director of Wellness, Cardiopulmonary Rehab
Organization: St. Joseph's Hospital
Date: 01/19/2005

I am in favor of Medicare coverage for smoking cessation. I direct multiple programs for a community hospital. These programs treat people who suffer the end result of primary and secondary smoking. ( Cardiac, pulmonary and diabetes) Patient outcomes improve when counseling and medications are used concurrently by professionals who are skilled in focused interventions. I know that some interventions of 10 minutes can be very effective.I endorse the tiers as described.



Granito, Maria Organization: Anne Penman Laser Therapy
Date: 01/19/2005

I am involved in an organization that uses a method that involves laser therapy, guidance and a 24/7 hotline to help people, sick and soon to be sick, stop smoking.

We have had a number of smokers who were desperate to try our therapy to help them stop smoking but they were unable to afford the program; even though the cost is the same or lower than those associated with NRT programs.

Our program is safe, simple, does not require nicotine replacement and is very successful.


Hardy, George Title: Executive Director
Organization: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)
Date: 01/19/2005

The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) would like to convey its support for the December 23, 2004 announcement by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposing coverage for tobacco cessation counseling services under Medicare.

ASTHO is the national non-profit organization representing the state and territorial public health agencies of the United States, the U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. ASTHO’s members, the chief health


Marconi, RRT, Carlos Title: Clinical Coordinator, Respiratory Care Services
Organization: Saint Clare's Hospital
Date: 01/19/2005

This is an excellent opportunity to expand the much needed and severly overlooked treatment of tobacco dependance. Having the CMS provide coverage for smoking cessation will in the longterm provide countless savings to our healthcare system. I feel that allowing multiple fields (MD,RT,RN's) perform the treatment will provide the best overall benefit.However it must be ensured that these caregivers have received the appropriate training. There are several excellent programs (UMDNJ in NJ


Granito, Maria Organization: Anne Penman Laser Therapy
Date: 01/19/2005

I am trying to register a comment during the Public Comment Period regarding the medicare coverage for smoke cessation therapies. I hope this message will get to the appropriate people. I am involved in a business that uses laser therapy, guidance and 24/7 hotline to assist smokers to break the nicotine habit.The process is easy, safe and successful. We areseeing many clients come through our centers who are now smoke free. Many of our clients who have stopped smoking with us are now


Bailey, Linda A. Title: Executive Director
Organization: North American Quitline Consortium
Date: 01/19/2005

On behalf of the North American Quitline Consortium (NAQC), I would like to thank CMS for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling. A quitline is a health service that offers telephone support – information and counseling – for people who want to quit using tobacco.

NAQC is a newly established organization that aims to maximize the access, use and effectiveness of quitlines;


forbes, barbara Title: MSN/GNP Director of Inst. for Smk Prevent and Cess
Organization: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Date: 01/19/2005

Will you require professional certification for delivery of smoking cessation counseling? Will it be provided by MD's, RN's, PT's, RT's? I would like to suggest and develop a standardized academic course that could be taken by health care professionals (described as "providers" by Medicare) and certified by the nationally recognized academic institution with which I am affiliated. I have directed an Institute for Smoking Cessation and Prevention for 18 years and have taught, conducted


Sheldon, Sharon Date: 01/19/2005

I endorse the proposal for Medicare coverage of tobacco cessation counseling for smokers who have a smoking-related condition OR who are taking a medicated affected by smoking.

I also urge CMS to add coverage of cessation counseling as a mental health service for other smokers who meet ANY of the following definitions - Tobacco Use Disorder, Tobacco Dependence Syndrome, Nicotine Dependence or Nicotine Withdrawal.

Profitt, Beatrice Date: 01/19/2005

I have quit smoking for nine months now with the help of Quitnet, and found the support invaluable. Medicare should pay for smoking cessation such as Zyban and Premier Quitnet membership. In the long run, money would be saved.

Wilms, Eileen Date: 01/19/2005

Please include smoking cessation as part of your coverage. THis will same $ later as the sooner one quits the sooner The body will work on itself. We pay the tobacco farmers, please take care of those who have been hook into addiction by their products.

Sechrest, Lee Title: Professor Emeritus
Organization: University of Arizona, Department of Psychology
Date: 01/19/2005

I strongly support the decision by CMS to provide tobacco dependence treatment to Medicare recipients. In addition to providing treatment for patients with tobacco-related illnesses, it would be beneficial to provide treatment to all tobacco users. If tobacco- induced symptoms or adverse health effects have not yet manifested in an individual patient, providing effective treatment to support cessation will reduce the likelihood of that patient developing cancer, heart disease or other


Seikaly, Martha Date: 01/19/2005

I believe that ultimately tobacco use cessation counseling will lower overall healthcare costs nationally by providing access to the same types of services that are currently available to those seeking to disengage from other addictive substances. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug, yet we treat it culturally as little more than a habit, and it's costing us dearly.

For years I have worked with and observed people who have conquered their other addictions only to find that tobacco


Sandland, Scott Date: 01/19/2005

I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Herl, David Title: Psychologist
Date: 01/19/2005

Licensed psychologists should be allowed to provide counseling/psychotherapy sessions and reimbursed appropriately. Psychologists are MEDICARE providers. I have extensive clinical experience with cessation and with this population of elderly with chronic illnesses, they benefit from psychotherapy sessions (45min-75 min) whereby psychologists can utilize varying strategies based upon stages of change and motivational factors, including mind-body interventions, such as clinical hypnosis,


Capella, Gregg Title: Professional Hynotherapist
Organization: Hypnosis Energy Center
Date: 01/19/2005

I am writing to inquire about the decision to allow smoking cessation counseling in certain cases of people with Medicare coverage.

I am a professional Hypnotherapist that has worked with hundreds of clients that successfully quit smoking. Although I may not be a licensed physician or psychologist, many professionals in these modalities refer clients to me because they are aware of the success in my practice.

What can I do to be included in the coverage of Medicare


Rich, Arlene Date: 01/19/2005

I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco CessationCounseling.

Hale, Amy Title: CHT
Organization: Changing Lanes, LLC
Date: 01/19/2005

I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Duong, Clifford Date: 01/19/2005

I think since a little bit over 1 in every 5 Americans is a smoker and that there are huge risks involved with this slow, but deadly, killer that we all know and sometimes love as cigarettes, that it would be great to have coverage for smokers to go to their physician and get free counseling on how to stop smoking and also have prescriptions to aid in smoking cessation be covered by med insurance. Web based programs like have also been extremely helpful in providing


Mensah, George Title: MD
Organization: PHS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Date: 01/19/2005

The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, would like to offer its support for the proposed decision put forward by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to cover multiple sessions of tobacco cessation counseling for eligible smokers who have been diagnosed with a tobacco-related disease, have adverse health effects linked to tobacco use, or who take a therapeutic agent whose metabolism or dosing is affected


lacrosse, stephanie Date: 01/18/2005

I request that you give International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Gordon, Joanne Date: 01/18/2005

This is an important issue. I feel it should be covered, the more people that quit smoking, the less that will need medical help for lung related deseases later. also will make a healthier country for us all.

Norman, Jenny Date: 01/18/2005

If we had more couseling and coverage for patches, wellbutrim ect. for smoking cessation By insurances (private or medicare) i think we could come to terms with the smoking problems in the U.S. Yes we all have tried more than once, but it is time that we become a smoke free nation. I know a lot of people who will not quit smoking because of the cost.. a lot more than cigs in a lot of the states. I bought my cigarretes at a military base(hubby is retired) which were even cheaper..


Fiore, Edna Date: 01/18/2005

The Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling saves dollars and lives. Coverage is cost effective as a preventative health measure.

Sharp, Dick Title: none
Date: 01/18/2005

I was one of the lucky ones, I did not have a serious problem stopping my 50+ year smoking habit that reached 3 packs of 25 cigarettes a day. However I have several friends who have tried various methods to quit smoking, hypnotism, group therapy, chemicals such as Nicoderm CQ (which helped me) plus many other programs. I think we need a serious look into the smoking cesstion counseling in an effort to help those people who simply find it all but impossible to quit. Even special


Miller CHt, Bonnie Date: 01/18/2005

My request is that you have certified members of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Porter, Charleen Title: Compliance Officer
Date: 01/18/2005

This coverage will benefit Medicare patients who have been unable to afford smoking cessation therapy. Please consider allowing respiratory therapists to be among those designated to deliver this therapy. Our pulmonologists rely heavily on our resperatory therapists to provide education and assistance to our patients. We would welcome a smoking cessation certification to be able to provide these services to our Medicare patients and recover at least part of the costs associated with


Delano, Richard Title: President
Organization: SMS, LLC
Date: 01/18/2005

Providing the proposed coverage is a big step forward for assisting older smokers facing near-term declines in quality of life. As the co-author of Tobacco Free After 50, I spent many months researching the resiliency of older smokers who quit before deciding to write the book. All evidence I uncovered suggests that the quality of life gains are substantial. The improvement may be no more a newly discovered ability to walk outside to get the mail…but that renewed skill assists the former


Moore, Amy Ann Title: MPA; Tobacco Program Specialist
Organization: Ingham County Health Department
Date: 01/18/2005

Thank you. You are doing a wonderful service to patients and families with limited health coverage. Addiction is very scary for older adults and I appreciate the fact that our national health care will finally help these people become free from addiction. The PHS National Cessation Guidelines are a great resource that committeed health professionals have been referring to for years. Thank you for basing treatment approved treatment on these researched methods.

Camp, Nina Title: RRT - Pulmonary Rehab
Organization: Evangelical Community Hospital
Date: 01/18/2005

As a respiratory therapist, starting a Pulmonary Rehab program, smoking for the over 65 group is still an issue to be dealt with, the need is there for help b/c 'they think they're too old to bother quitting now'. Please include respiratory Therapists as counselors as we are front line help for these individuals.

Bostic, Chris Title: General Counsel
Organization: Action on Smoking & Health
Date: 01/18/2005

Action on Smoking & Health wholeheartedly supports the inclusion of smoking cessation coverage for Medicare and Medicaid recipients. In addition to the obvious public health benefits, such programs will have a strongly positive fiscal impact in the long term. Smoking-related health problems cost the U.S. economy well in excess of $100 billion per year, a significant proportion of which is borne by the taxpayers through Medicare and Medicaid. It has been estimated that each pack of


Chmielewski, Katherine Date: 01/18/2005

I am happy to see that Medicare is considering expanding the coverage of smoking cessation counseling. I believe that this will help alot more people in their effort to quit tobacco. I know how much it cost me to quit but it is nothing compared to the cost of treating this illness - COPD - not to mention the loss of quality of life. Thank you!

Bird, James Date: 01/18/2005

I strongly support medicares move to prevention of the use of smoking. It is a much needed move.

talley, susan Date: 01/18/2005

I sincerely hope you will expand coverage for smoking cessation counseling. It will save lives and improve quality of life for many.

walden, frank Date: 01/18/2005

I think this asistance is well worthwhile and long overdue.
I also believe the tobacco companies should be compelled to assist heavily in the cause - either thru raising selling costs to smokers, and by increasing taxes on cigarettes for remaining smokers.
Thank you for this opportunity to comment.

Scudieri, Rita Organization: Allegany Hynosis & Nutrition
Date: 01/18/2005

I request that you have International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Lips, Mike Title: Physician
Organization: International Medical and Dental Hynotherapy Association
Date: 01/18/2005

I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Farrugia, Larry Organization: Inner Dimensions Hynotherapy Center
Date: 01/18/2005

I request that you have International Medical andDental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

McFalls, Elaine Organization: Masteryworks, Inc.
Date: 01/18/2005

I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Babineaux, Mark Title: Certified Hynotherapist
Organization: International Medical and Dental Hynotherapy Association
Date: 01/18/2005

My original intention was to enter a comment with the recommendation of hypnosis as an effective intervention in smoking cessation in the comment section of the medicare website.- However, my web negotiation skills are as lacking as my patience and I failed miserably at finding the location to express this sentiment. Yet, I believe it is an important recommendation because hypnosis already exists as an effective and cost effective method to maintain a smoke-free life. Even though the


x, Joy Date: 01/18/2005

It would be much cheaper for the program to help people stop smoking vs. paying for the medical bills assoicated with the habit. I hope it's implemented.

Tinnin, Lester Title: self-retired
Date: 01/17/2005

I heard a preacher preaching (on a CD) and he said that every cigarette that you smoke takes away about 14 minutes from your life. I believe he said that smoking, for the average smoker, takes about 8 years off of his life.

Whatever the exact figures are, they should be looked up and made known to the public, and the world. Is a cigarette worth 14 minutes off of your life?

Willey, Wilson Title: retired eng.
Date: 01/17/2005

Comment: I request that you have the certified members of the International Medical and Dental Association be providers of this service for smoking cessation. You will know what the public will be missing if you denie this request

Guhe, Linda Title: Psychotherapist/Tobacco Addiction Specialist
Organization: Conquer Tobacco Addiction, LLC
Date: 01/17/2005

I am a masters level licensed clinical social worker and a certified tobacco addiction specialist. The steps being taken toward helping people quit tobacco are tremendous in recognizing the cost of tobacco addiction and the serious negative impact on human life, the environment, and the economy. Research shows consistently that smoking addiction (and other forms of tobacco addiction) involves psychological, social, physiological, and cultural layers. Consequently, thoughtful


ragen, ronald Title: semi-retired
Date: 01/17/2005

I have benefited greatly from a smoking cessation program that was conducted over 25 yrs ago at Washington University, St.Louis Mo. I am alive today and stopped smoking as a result of the program. I am 72 yrs old, and semi-retired businessman, who headed a medium sized privately held company for more than 40 yrs. Obviously I favor a program that would reach more people and enable them to enjoy their life to the fullest.

Myers, BJ Organization: EFFORTS
Date: 01/17/2005


Lewis, MD, Tamara Title: Medical Director, Community Health and Prevention
Organization: Intermountain Health Care
Date: 01/17/2005

I endorse the proposal for Medicare coverage of tobacco cessation counseling for smokers who have a smoking-related condition or who are taking a medication affected by smoking; and I also urge CMS to add coverage of cessation counseling as a mental health service for other smokers who meet ANY of the following definitions — Tobacco Use Disorder (ICD-9), Tobacco Dependence Syndrome (ICD-10), Nicotine Dependence (DSM-IV), or Nicotine Withdrawal (DSM-IV).

Hyman, Charlotte Date: 01/17/2005

We must get cigarette smoking stopped in order to stop another generation of emphysema sufferers.

Schafer, Patricia Title: Associate Dean - Community Services
Organization: Kirkhof College of Nursing Grand Valley State University
Date: 01/17/2005

While I congratulate CMS for taking the steps to open tobacco cessation counseling programs for reimbursement, I am very disappointed that the view of "medically necessary cessation" is so narrow and so late.

Were individuals incentivized (or at least financial barriers lowered)to participate in tobacco cessation programs PRIOR to the emergence of "treatable disease" the burden of both financial and emotional costs of chronic disease would be decreased.

Thank you for your


Roth, Melissa Title: President
Organization: Alabama Hypnotherapy Center
Date: 01/17/2005

I would like to suggest that all nationally certified hypnotherapists be included as providers of this service. I do not think hypnotherpists that are only locally or regionally certified should be included due to the level of expertise needed.

Murphy, Donna Date: 01/17/2005

Can't believe this wasn't done years ago with all the information out there about the high cost of treating lung disease.

A multifacated approach has been proven to be the most successful for quitting. Therefore, I don't understand the limits on counseling and the lack of coverage for tools.

In other words, I think it should be done quickly and expanded.

Karam-Hage, MD, Maher Title: Medical Director
Organization: Chelsea Arbor Addiction Treatment Center
Date: 01/17/2005

I run a substance treatment center. I work with substance users on a daily basis. 70-80%of alcoholics and other substnaces do smoke and of those who smoke 90% are nicotine dependent. Recent evidence points to nicotine dependence as another addiction if dealt with during attempts to abstain from other substnace it would increase their chances to ramin abstinent form the other substances (alcohol and others)

I endorse your proposal for Medicare coverage of tobacco cessation


Hallstrom, Richard J Title: Retired
Date: 01/17/2005

Many people who have smoked for 40 years or more have a had time trying to stop (my wife and I) this cessation counsling could help people like us to quit.

Beeson, Karen Date: 01/17/2005

The inclusion of medicare/medicaid coverage for smoking cessation makes both medical and economic sense. It is easily documented that smoking leads to medical conditions which are expensive to treat and cost American lives. To spend mondy up-front to minimize these consequences is clearly cost effective.

Hazelip, David Date: 01/17/2005

Everything about the statement is good. I hope that this decision will not be delayed or get bogged down in administrative detail. The need is for now. Smokers on Medicare are dying before their time.

Mangus, Sr., Mark W. Title: Pulmonary Rehabilitation Coordinator
Organization: Christus Santa Rosa Health Care
Date: 01/17/2005

As a Respiratory Therapist who works with those with COPD (in a pulmonar rehabilitation program), I urge you to approve extending Medicare benefits to cover the costs of smoking cessation efforts/programs. Few interventions can have as singularly significant an impact upon development and progression of COPD, as can smoking cessation. At the same time, smoking cessation offers potential reduction in costs of acute and chronic care as compared to costs for those who continue smoking.

Lioliadis, Phillip Date: 01/17/2005
This program is worth any expenditure. It not only saves money in the long run,but lives as well. Please continue it. P. Lioliadis
Frownfelter, Jennie Title: N/A
Organization: N /A
Date: 01/16/2005

Please continue the Medicare/Medicad support for the cessation of somking.

Corrigan, Lloyd Date: 01/16/2005

Lets ban smoking period.

Raines, Marva Date: 01/16/2005

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I think it is imperative that Medicare provide funding for smoking cessation campaigns. The states were supposed to use the monies from the tobacco settlements to further non-smoking programs and to fund health care benefits for those impacted by disease associated with smoking. To date most of the states have used these funds to expand their own budgets and patients have seen little or no help.

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), for


Kierstead, Tom Date: 01/16/2005

Please make International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) members providers of smoking cessation services. Thank you.

Mueller, John G. Date: 01/16/2005

Medicare can NOT afford to ignore the cost to the system of treating each smoker who get COPD. A single visit to the specialists office costs over $200. He will prescribe Adair or something like it to be taken daily $100 per month or more FOREVER. He will send you to a Spiromertry testing service $800 per visit, and you will go back at least once a year FOREVER.

These costs are just the beginning and they must be classified as needless expenses for people who quit smoking before


Viovode, Eleanor Date: 01/15/2005

Those that want to quit smoking need all the help they can get. It is so difficult. Coounceling, especially within a group would be so helpful for most people.r

Netter, marion Date: 01/15/2005


Miles, Eleanor Date: 01/15/2005

Smoking cessation counseling is important for people with COPD. In the long run it will save money in less hospital admissions.

Swieca, Francine Date: 01/15/2005

To Whom it May Concern: I am totally for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling. It is too late for many of us but we have children and grandchildren who would greatly benefit by these servises. I also think that the individuals doing the counseling should be specially trained. thank you

lyskowinski, ruby Date: 01/15/2005

I do believe if there were more programs for cessation that were not so expensive more people would be willing to try them. It's worth any price to get people to stop using tobacco.

whitmire, lynn Organization: advanced hypnotherapy
Date: 01/15/2005

I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Thurlow, Ann Date: 01/15/2005

Please help us to help ourselves quit smoking. This will save many dollars of federal money and hearts and lungs nd loved ones. Please!

Shelor, Carrie Organization: EFFORTS
Date: 01/15/2005

I feel that it is only fair that Medicare offers conseling for "Stop Smoking" since the goverment has supported big tobacco and brought misery to all of you who fell into the trap and smoked for years and now suffer with COPD
Carrie Shelor
412 Rockingham Road
Seneca, SC 29672

Cook, Mary Date: 01/15/2005

This coverage would help in the prevention of a disease associated with smoking - rather than waiting and having to pay for treatment of a catistrophic disease - prevention is always cheaper -

church, kathleen Date: 01/15/2005

I surely hope you do start covering this... you cover all other illinesses and copd is number "2" and it's not covered????? go figure!!! It's very sad that we spend billlions of dollars in foriegn aidf and fail to take care of our own....please pass and make this available to all of the citizens that suffer with this... thank you ..mary kathleen church

Nyswonger, Kathleen Date: 01/15/2005

I heartily support the Federal Government plan to increase services to help those addicted to tobacco to break that addiction.I feel that the American government has played a shameful role in allowing the tobacco lobby to cover up and misrepresent the harm of tobacco use.

Carter, Dr. Clarice Title: Member, Board of Ddirectors
Organization: International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
Date: 01/15/2005

My request is that you have certified members of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Cox, Linda Title: Certified Hynotherapist
Organization: Member: International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Assoc.
Date: 01/14/2005

I request that you have the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Thank You, Linda Cox
Sievert, Patricia Title: Co-Owner
Organization: Personal Growth Holistic Center, Inc
Date: 01/14/2005

I would like to request that you approve providers for this service from those Certified Hypnotherapists from the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. They have many members in many of the US states which would provide those needing services to have a selection. Thank you.

Beach, Penny Title: MD
Organization: Terry Reilly Health Services
Date: 01/14/2005

This is a great idea, long overdue, and should svae Medicare money in the long run!

Simmons, Horace Date: 01/14/2005

I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling. These people are among the best qualified to resolve smoking issues.

Mazur Ryan, Theresa Title: Certified Hypnotherapist
Organization: MindPower Hypnotherapy
Date: 01/14/2005

I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Gordon, Shari Title: Certified hypnotherapist
Organization: IMDHA
Date: 01/14/2005
I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.
Duncan, James Title: Certified Hypnotherapist
Organization: International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association
Date: 01/14/2005

As a member of the board of Directors of the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association and Certified Hypnotherapist who has helped countless people overcome smoking and tobacco addictions, I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Moore, Roger Title: MA, PhD
Date: 01/14/2005

I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association certified members as providers of this service for Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Clancy, Patricia Title: MD
Date: 01/14/2005

I am a Family Physician and strongly support coverage of counselling related to cessation of smoking. I try to talk about smoking with all my patients who smoke, but to do a really good job requires TIME, and it needs to be covered. It is more effective if it is the only thing the patient and I focus on in a visit, ratherthan an add-on in a discussion of bronchitis.

Date: 01/14/2005


Morrison, Christopher Title: President
Organization: Topher Morrison, Inc.
Date: 01/14/2005

I believe that hypnotherapy should be considered for this program as well. There is sufficient evidence avaiable that shows hypnotherapy for smoking cessation to be much more effective than medical treatments. (If you do your research you will discover that placebos had a higher efficacy rate than the nicotine patch during double blind studies, and despite this, it was still approved by the AMA even though they were aware of the studies)

I am an active member in good standing with


Hartman, Thomas Date: 01/14/2005

I request that you have the certified members of the International Medical and Dental Association be providers of this service for smoking cessation. You will know what the public will be missing if you denie this request

LACH, LISA Date: 01/14/2005

I am a Registered Respiratory Therapist in Grand Rapids, Mi. and I teach Tobacco Free For Good classes, and inpatient teaching. We could do so much more if there was reinbursement. People need help with this addiction and if Medicare and all insurances allow people to get the education and medication/aides help they need we will be able to stop these needless deaths due to tobacco.

Hunchuk, Kimberly Title: Clinical Specialist
Organization: The Lung Center at SRHS
Date: 01/14/2005

I applaud this long overdue proposal to assist smokers over 65 with their cessation attempts. As a Master prepared Health Educator with 30 years as a practicing Respiratory Therapist, I have advocated for this legislation for a very long time. I would hope that we would also consider helping those smokers over 65 who are not yet battling a chronic illness; and like the PA Medicaid system, consideration should be given to covering nicotine replacement therapies and anti-anxiety


Strayer, Scott Title: Assistant Professor
Organization: University of Virginia Health System
Date: 01/14/2005

Tobacco use and addiction is one of the most insidious chronic illnesses in the United States. It prematurely kills nearly a half million people annually and millions live with the debilitating chronic illnesses, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, that are caused by smoking.

There are many estimates that millions of dollars could be saved annually if tobacco use were decreased to meet Healthy People 2010 goals of approximately 12% (half of the current smoking rate).


Macy, Janet Title: President
Date: 01/14/2005

As a Certified Hypnotherapist, I specialize in Smoking Cessation, and am a member of the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association, which has members nationwide who are ready willing and able to provide smoking cessation services to Medicare seniors.

Otto, Linda Title: executive assistant and hypnotherapist
Organization: The Institute of Dynamic Hypnosis
Date: 01/13/2005

I respectfully request that certified members of the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association become providers for the purpose of smoking cessation and to aid in the elimination of tobacco use. You will find that our members are well qualified in all aspects of behavior modification and the restructuring of habits.
Very Truly Yours,
Linda Otto, C.Ht.

Otto, Robert Title: CEO
Organization: The Institute of Dynamic Hypnosis
Date: 01/13/2005

I believe having certified members of the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association as providers for the cessation of smoking and the elimination of tobacco use would be an enormous asset to the healthcare community as well as the client who wishes to end a smoking or tobacco related habit. I would be more than happy to discuss any and all aspects of this entitlement with you at any time.
Respectfully submitted by,
Robert F. Otto C.Ht.

SHEEHAN, FRANCIS Title: Heath Care Provider and Educator
Organization: Northern VA Community College, Springfield, VA
Date: 01/13/2005

I understand you are considering payment to couselors such as hypnotherapists for smoking and tobacco cessation, I would hope you would take this very seriously into considersation as I have been helped by this process and now I am a hypnotherapy counselor to help in this endeavor. We hope you will give serious thought to what this process can accomplish, and your consideration for reimbersment is most welcome.

Geiger, Kenn Title: Director
Date: 01/13/2005

Not a comment actually but a request... I request that you have International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association Certified Members as providers of Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Counseling.

Spencer, PhD, Anne H. Title: President/Founder
Organization: Inter'l Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
Date: 01/13/2005

I would like to recommend that the Certified Hypnotherapists who are listed in the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association® Referral Service be used for Hypnotic intervention in order to Stop Smoking.

If you would like to find out more about the IMDHA please contact me or go to www.infinityinst.comLooking forward to hearing from you.

Capek, Kenneth Title: Director, Respiratory Care / smoking program
Organization: Englewood Hospital & Medical Center
Date: 01/13/2005

This is needed to help eliminate a major health problem. As a respiratory therapist who conducts monthly smoking cessation programs for the past 8 years I am concerned about qualifications of the individual providing counseling. This should include respipratory therapists who are trained in lung disease. But any healthcare individual must have specific training requirements for providing smoking cessation counseling. This can be in the form of a "certification" through an agency like the


Frieden, Thomas Title: MD, MPH, Commissioner
Organization: New York City Department of Healthl and Mental Hygiene
Date: 01/13/2005

I write to comment on the proposed National Coverage Determination of December 23, 2004, regarding Medicare reimbursement for smoking cessation counseling.

By incorporating the proposed coverage, Medicare would take an important but incomplete first step to provide its recipients with the support they need to stop smoking. However, limiting the benefit to patients who are already suffering from tobacco-related illnesses fails to address a critical health priority: enabling people


Kvale, Paul Title: MD, FCCP, President
Organization: American College of Chest Physicians
Date: 01/13/2005

What a New Year present! We were so pleased to read the proposed Decision Memo on Smoking & Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling (CAG-00241N) released December 23, 2004. The American College of Chest Physician's (ACCP) comprises over 16,500 physicians and allied health professionals, whose everyday practice involves diseases of the chest in the specialties of pulmonology, cardiology, thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, critical care medicine, and anesthesiology. These health care


Ferentz, MD, Kevin Title: Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Organization: University of Maryland School of Medicine
Date: 01/11/2005

I have been teaching Smoking Cessation and providing care to smoking patients for 20 years. The data shows, without a doubt, that counseling from physicians helps patients stop smoking. There is no question that any money spent on reimbursing physicians for this critical intervention will be more than made up for in the savings from preventing smoking related illness. I fully support this effort!

Maurer, md, Adrienne Title: Family Practice Resident
Organization: St Lukes Family Practice Residency
Date: 01/11/2005

I am in support of this positive movement toward coverage for smoking cessation services, but I think coverage should be expanded to cover all smokers, not just those already suffering the adverse health effects, and should include pharmacotherapy as well.

It makes no sense to me to only cover people who are already sick. We should be intervening prior to the ill affects of tobacco setting in, not after.


O'Farrell, Jody Title: Respiratory Care Practitioner
Organization: American Association of Respiratory Care
Date: 01/11/2005

I have been a Respiratory Care Practitioner for 24 years and a member of the American Association of Respiratory Caresince 1991. I am currently employed as a Respiratory Therapist health coach and assist my clients in smoking cessation education as well as Asthma and COPD education. These clients that I serve are among the fortunate to have private or employer sponsored health care coverage and receive information, councilling and support without concerns of cost. There are however many


Laurence, RN/BSN, Lynn Title: Tobacco Prevention Nurse Consultant
Organization: State of Pennsylvania
Date: 01/11/2005

I work as a Tobacco Prevention Nurse Consultant for the State of Pennsylvania and therefore look at research daily regarding tobacco issues. Several studies support the provision of Zyban and Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT)together as being more effective than NRT alone.

See New England Journal of Medicine article, "A Controlled Trial of Sustained-Release Bupropion, A Nicotie Patch, or Both for Smoking Cessation" (Vol.340,Number 9, 1999) by Jorenby, Douglas E. etal.


Sprouse, Wayne Dennis Title: Registered Respiratory Therapist CertifiedPulmonar
Organization: St Thomas Hospital
Date: 01/11/2005

I would like to request consideration for reimbursement for smoking cessation professionals other than physicians, particularily Respiratory Therapist who possess specialized training or certification in Nicotine Dependence Treatment. I have been working in this speciality since 1997 after receiving training at the Mayo Clinic. I have also received training in the TEG and TAP program and currently preparing for my certification as Tobacco Treatment Specialist with NAADAC and the University


Grunske, Mike Title: Clinical Pharmacist
Organization: Aurora Health Care
Date: 01/11/2005

I am very happy to see that CMS has taken this issue into consideration. I am a pharmacist who works in a Family Practice Center. We see the negative effects of tobacco use on a daily basis. Not only do I believe that tobacco use cessation counseling should be covered to those already ill, but it should be offered to all beneficiaries. Prevention is key to good health and less expenditures of health care dollars. I would argue that the pharmacotherapy should also be a covered benefit,


Sroufe RRT, RPFT, Karen Title: Pulmonary Rehab Clinical Specialist
Organization: St. Thomas Hospital
Date: 01/11/2005

I applaud your decision to provide coverage for tobacco use cessation. I have seen the effects of tobacco use on the patients I have cared for as a respiratory therapist for over thirty years. I strongly recommend that you include registered respiratory therapists in the coverage of practitioners wno provide cessation counseling. We are in the front lines of patient care and have the background knowledge of physiology to help patients understand the effects of tobacco use on their


Sheren, Barbara Title: Health Educator
Organization: District Health Department #10
Date: 01/11/2005

I believe this would be a very cost effective coverage. Smoking and tobacco use has huge health costs that by intervening in this addictive behavior, we can save millions of health care dollars to be spent in other areas.We know what tobacco does. Let's stop the use where ever we can.

Mooney, Gaylene Title: M.Ed, Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT)
Date: 01/11/2005

Reimbursement of services should be provided to those who are competent to provide the service. There are presently many levels of training being provided to individuals, some of which are not evidence based or not based on the "Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence" guideline, where over 6000 articles were reviewed when being developed. Still some have received only basic training, such as the "5A's" and "5R's," not at the level that a Tobacco Treatment Specialist would or should have.


Bierma, John Title: Deputy Director
Organization: Delta AHEC
Date: 01/10/2005

I strongly support Medicare's move to prevention. It is LONG over due. I encourge you to reimburse for Master's level and BA level with Master's supervision of service providers who specialize in health education and prevention. This is the future of our health care industry. It is not in the reimbursement of MD level specialists. Behavior change is key to prevention and MDs and Ph.Ds are the most ill trained and poorly prepared to do it. They are ill qualified and have no training or


Chaves, Amy Title: Supervisor of Respiratory Therapy
Organization: Eleanor Slater Hospital
Date: 01/10/2005

I am a respiratory therapist, and am also a nurse. Please consider allowing respiratory therapists the ability to provide smoking cessation counseling. Respiratory therapists are lung health experts. The knowledge we posssess in this arena is matched only by pulmonologists. Our education and real-life experiences are unmatched by an other health care worker, including nurses and human services counselors.Thank you for you consideration and interest in this important health matter. Tobacco


McElroy, Phyllis Title: Director Pulmonary Services
Organization: Saint Thomas Hospital
Date: 01/10/2005

Please include respiratory therapists as smoking cessation counselors. We have been providing this service since the early 90's with great success. Special training or certification should be required. Mayo Clinic has an excellent training program that our staff completed. We currently offer 1 inpatient session with evaluation, identification of triggers and treatment plan. We offer a more in-depth outpatient 3 session program that involves complete evaluation, methods to quit,


Barrows, Randolph Title: Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
Organization: Columbia University & NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
Date: 01/10/2005

I am an internist at a major academic medical center. I've been doing tobacco cessation actively in my practices since before there were any pharmacotherapies. Since 1997 I've been the physician for a tobacco cessation clinic at our medical center that serves mainly Medicaid patients with many co-morbid medical and psychiatric conditions. I do almost all the teaching in tobacco cessation and pharmacotherapies to the students, housestaff and attendings at our medical center.

It is


Olsen, Timothy Title: Director, Respiratory Care
Organization: Shriners Hospital for Children
Date: 01/10/2005

Please include Respiratory Therapist as Medicare providers of smoking cessation programs.

Respiratory Therapist’s routinely provide testing related to lung health, and offer patient education to improve lung health.

“Airflow assessment: The newly developed National Lung Health Education Program, sponsored by government and professional medical organizations, was designed to identify early stages of airflow obstruction (ie, COPD and related disorders) in smokers. Spirometry of airflow


Scalia, Marissa Date: 01/10/2005

This should absolutely be included in Medicare. Counseling as part of a smoking cessation program that also includes nicotine replacement and bupropion is part of the benefit structure recommended by the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health. This is the structure that employers should have of their smoking cessation benefit and this is what Medicare should offer, too, because counseling helps ensure success at quitting.

Winkes, Ben Organization: Seamar Community Health Center
Date: 01/10/2005

I am a family physician who takes care of indigent patients, many of whom rely on Medicare as their only payor. I have often been astonished and outraged that Medicare is willing to spend taxpayer dollars on cardiac catheterizations and coronary artery bypass grafts and hospitalizations for COPD exacerbations, but unwilling to pay for smoking cessation. Smoking cessation saves lives and saves money. Medicare should be paying for smoking cessation aids, for both medical and financial


Pennings, Nicholas Title: physician
Organization: Horizon Medical Group
Date: 01/09/2005

The Surgeon General has reported that "smoking is the single most preventable cause of premature death in the United States." Getting a patient to quit smoking has a greater impact on health than most of the disease I treat. Yet if I take the time to do it (which I usually do), I do it without compensation. It is time to align compensation with the areas that physicians have the greatest impact. It is time to reimburse health care providers for smoking and tobacco use cessation


Harkisoon, Shantie Title: M.D.
Date: 01/09/2005

The support of tobacco cessation initiatives by the CMS would be invaluable to those affected, physicians and the public in general. Tobacco not only places people at risk for many diseases, it also advances aging, and endangers the health of the children of smokers. Even though physician counseling has been shown to be effective, there is never enough time to do thorough counseling with patients- and patients are often interested in more. Helping more people quit will help all of us in


ONeill, Laurie Title: Physician
Organization: Sentara Medical Group
Date: 01/07/2005

As a family physician who treats too many patients after they suffer complications of long- term tobacco use, I find it imperative to refer my patients to smoking cessation programs. They are much more likely to succeed if they participate in formal counseling. Additionally, the public health will benefit significantly from decreased tobacco use we will not only decrease morbidity from associated conditions, but also decrease health care costs by preventing chronic illnesses. I am strongly


Tubbs, MD., Gary Title: Physician, Pesident
Organization: Deer Point Family Practice, PC
Date: 01/07/2005

I am a Family Medicine Physician, Board Certified in the Specialty. I believe that if such a policy is adopted that Family Medicine Physicians should be eligible for reimbursement without any additional certification. In Medical school and in Family Medicine Residency the physician learns the impacts of smoking as well as the techniques to counsel people to help them stop smoking. We are familiar with the pharmacuetical adjuncts to such care. We frequently have the oportunity to attend


Gold, Margot Title: Executive Director
Organization: North Country Heatlhy Heart Network, Inc.
Date: 01/07/2005

The North Country Healthy Heart Network, Inc. (Heart Network) is a NYS Tobacco Control funded Tobacco Cessation Center serving Northern New York. Based on our experience over the past 3.5 years providing services to low income people and their health care providers, it is our opinion that Medicare reimbursement for intermediate and intensive tobacco cessation counseling will accomplish the following four important objectives.

1) Increase identification and treatment of tobacco


McLaughlin MSN, RN, APRN,BC, Carolyn Title: Family Nurse Practitioner
Organization: UMassMemorial Medical Center-Hahnemann
Date: 01/07/2005

As an advanced practice Registered Nurse functioning in a pre-surgical evaluation area , I daily come in contact with clients whose pre-operative and post-operative health status is dramatically effected by tobacco abuse. I often counsel my clients to seek assistance in quitting smoking. They often comment that they cannot afford to seek medical help because of the cost involved and the fear of failure and then having again to go through the same process at their own expense. Cigarettes


Nichols, Jake Title: Ambulatory Clinical Pharmacist
Organization: Boston Medical Center
Date: 01/07/2005

I strongly support Medicare's initiative to reimburse smoking cessation services for beneficiaries. Funding for most local state programs has diminished, causing many programs to discontinue operations. Working in an inner city clinic with many COPD patients, it would save not only our institution a great deal of money, but the national costs of treating patients with COPD would decrease. COPD is the only disease state for which mortality has been on the rise over the past 40 years, and it


Daugherty, MD, Janice Title: Assoc Prof/ Director of Predoctoral Education
Organization: Brody School of Medicine / East Carolina University
Date: 01/07/2005

As a physician from "Tobacco Country" I urge you to support Medicare coverage for smoking cessation efforts. Tobacco use adversely affects nearly all major health problems in both children and adults, and quitting is tremendously difficult.

I believe the costs incurred in covering smoking cessation will represent a significant long-term monetary savings over the cost of treating smoking-related illnesses in smokers and those around them. In addition, cessation will decrease the


Carlsen, RN, BSN, OCN, Janet Title: Cancer Resource Coordinator
Organization: Valley Hospital's Daniel And Gloria Blumenthal Cancer Center
Date: 01/07/2005

As a Tobacco Dependence Treatment Specialist and an Oncology nurse, I would like to strongly recommend coverage by medicare and medicaid for smoking cessation counseling. It is the #1 cause of so many diseases including all forms of cancer and heart disease as well as respitory diseases in children of people who smoke.

Hansen, MD, Stephen Title: MD Internal Medicine
Organization: AMA/CMA./ CA Tob. Control Alliance
Date: 01/07/2005

1) Smoking itself IS a disease,and therefore it is not appropriate to limit cessation to those who have recognized problems.

2)Focus on physiciansthey have the credibility to help those in the denial phase.

3) My experience with over 2000 successful"quits" in my IM practice is that pharmacotherapy is far less important than is a smokefree,supportive mileau and lots of loving,visceral stimuli.

Ferrara, Maryanne Title: Public Health Education Specialist
Organization: Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention and Education Program
Date: 01/06/2005

Research has shown that stopping smoking results in improvement in health status at any age, including in those persons aged 65 and over. Those born between 1900 and 1948, who are now aged 50 and over had smoking rates among the highest of any U.S. generation (2001 THE CENTER FOR SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY, ANN ARBOR, MI). Since one in three smokers die prematurely in the U.S., losing an average of 12 to 15 years of life, we can expect an elimination of the retirement years for most of these


Fisher, Cassie Title: RRT, Marketing Specialist
Organization: Via Christi Home Medical Services
Date: 01/06/2005

Registered respiratory therapists must be considered as providers of smoking cessation therapy. We receive the most education geared strictly toward the pulmonary system and it's health than do nurses or pharmacists. The home care therapists would be a fantastic fit for counseling of the patients. These patients have a tremendous respect for their therapists who have provided them with information regarding disease processes, how it affects their life/lifestyle, what to expect as the


Hallet, Margaret Title: Director, POW'R Against Tobacco
Organization: American Lung Association of New York State, Inc.
Date: 01/06/2005

I commend the great efforts of those that drafted this fiscally sound and potentially life-saving proposal. It is certainly a step in the right direction in reducing tobacco-related morbidity and mortality as well as reducing the costs associated with medical treatment of tobacco-related disease.

I would, however, like to urge that coverage be expanded to ALL tobacco-using Medicare recipients. By the time a patient has developed a tobacco-related illness or disease, their


Coates-Krawitz, Heather Title: physican
Organization: Crystal Run Health Care
Date: 01/06/2005

As an internist and pediatrician I full support coverage of smoking cessation counseling as I deal everyday with the consequences of smoking in my medicare patients and their children. The consequences of smoking related costs to our healthcare system are devistating not to mention the individual toll it takes on peoples lives. Money put into cessation seems to be the only way to stem the tide.

Gregorka, David Title: Vice President
Organization: HealthMedia, Inc.
Date: 01/05/2005

Effective tailored online and print-based smoking cessation interventions (that take a counseling approach) need to be included in the the program. Programs like HealthMedia's Breathe (R) are proven to be as effective as personal or telephone counseling, are readily available and convenient to smokers, are preferred by many smokers over personal counseling or telecounseling, and can be delivered for a small fraction of the cost of other types of counseling.

In a trial with Kaiser


Lang, William Title: VP Policy and Advocacy
Organization: American Association of Colleges of Pharmancy
Date: 01/05/2005

AACP commends your decision to cover smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling. We would encourage you to explicitly include pharmacists as eligible to be paid for providing this service. Contemporary pharmacy graduates are competent to deliver this type of counseling. Research supported by NIH and CDC is undertaken by faculty researchers to improve smoking cessation counseling. Pharmacists are the most readily accesible of health care professionals and regular contact with the patient


Fedder, Michaeline Title: Direcrtor of Advocacy, Maryland
Organization: American Heart Assn
Date: 01/04/2005

Tjis is a wonderful beginning but wouldn't it make sense to also cover addicted smokers who want to quit BEFORE THEY BECOME CRITICALLY ILL? Surely the cost of cessation counseling is far less than the cost of treating smoking-related diseases.

Winland, RRT, CPFT, Melissa Title: Pulmonary Rehab Respiratory Therapist
Date: 01/04/2005

I have been involved in Respiratory Care for over 20 years in various aspects. My specialty lies in pulmonary functions and smoking cessation. I fully support payment of tobacco cessation services by Medicare. I further would recommend that those providing services,no matter what their discipline, have specialized training through the American Lung Association, American Cancer Society, or at a program sponsored by an accredited institution such as the Mayo Clinic's Nicotine Dependency


Carlisle, MA, Jane Title: Nicotine Cessation Coordinator/Counselor
Organization: CorVasc MD's
Date: 01/04/2005

I applaud your efforts to offer coverage for cessation counseling and pharmacotherapy for nicotine addicition. I am masters level health education specialist with specialized training to identify and treat nicotine dependence among adults. I currently work in a vascular surgical practice where I work under the medical direction of a vascular surgeon. The average age of my clients is 62. The majority of our patients recieve their health care coverage through Medicare. My success rate after 3


Nolan, Patricia Title: Director
Organization: RI Department of Health
Date: 01/04/2005

I am very pleased to see this proposal. The medical community still harbors doubts about the effectiveness of treating tobacco addiction. Having Medicare determine that tobacco use cessation counseling is a covered service is an important statement of the treatment value of the service. When combined with effective nicotine replacement therapy and when based on proven methods, such as stages of change models, tobacco use cessation counseling has an acceptable treatment success rate and


Ray, Sarah Title: Clinical Coordinator- Ambulatory Pharmacy
Organization: Aurora Health Care
Date: 01/04/2005

I support the CMS efforts to expand coverage of smoking cessation visits. I think patients should be offered counseling, and have it paid for by CMS, if they are smoking and desire to quit. The patient should not have to wait until they have chronic diseases that occurred because they smoke. In addition, I encourage CMS to mandate coverage of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy in addition to counseling- the combination of counseling and pharmacotherapy has shown better rates of success


Steinberg, Michael Title: Medical Director
Organization: University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ - Tobacco Dependence Clinic
Date: 01/04/2005

Treating tobacco dependence is one of the most critical healthcare interventions that our government can support. The impact that smoking cessation has on reducing death and disease is astounding. As Medical Director of the UMDNJ-Tobacco Dependence Clinic, we utilize highly effective treatments for even the most dependent smokers. One of the most important barriers to generalizing these treatments remains the cost. What we do as tobacco control providers works...smokers simply need


Roy, Donna Date: 01/04/2005

Based on the "Clinical Practice Guidelines", ICD-9-CM code 305.1 should be used when tobacco cessation counseling is conducted. Individual, intermediate counseling sessions should last between 3-10 minutes, with a minimum of 4 sessions. Extensive sessions are greater than 10 minutes each (4 minimum required). Billing codes 99401-99404 can be used based on the total amount of time spent with the patient. Mandatory training for tobacco cessation counseling methods should come from the


Flanagan, Nina Title: Clinical Director
Organization: TLC Health and Wellness Center
Date: 01/04/2005

I think the minimum education level for a smoking cessation instructor should be a masters degree. I think a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist can oversee and train in a program. Programs should include supportive counseling as well as options for pharmacuetical intervention and monitoring. Masters level nurses can provide these services.

Date: 01/04/2005

I have been a Respiratory Therapist for twenty five years and have worked with a vast number of patients that suffer from heart disease, lung disease, cancer, stroke and many other devastating diseases caused from a lifetime of smoking. Often times this disease begins prior to any manifestation of symptoms. This is why it would be so important to consider that the NCD include all patients with or without the proposed diagnosis for smoking cessation counseling and pharmocotherapies. In the


Perry, Janice Title: Clinical Pharmacist Specialist
Organization: VAMC Mbtg. WV & The Fauquier Free Clinic, Warrenton, Va
Date: 01/04/2005

The physiological obstacle to quitting is the addictive nature of nicotine along with the psychological factor that tobacco use is a learned behavior.

Although many smoking cessation programs and techniques are available, the best ones suffer from high rates of relapse. Since behaviour change is a dynamic process the newer models for smoking cessation - the stages of change- refine these programs to support the natural change process. Thus my support for Smoking-Cessation


Schell, Dottie Date: 01/03/2005

I applaud the fact that medicare will now cover smoking cessation. i understand that it will only cover cessation if there is a smoking related disease involved. This is a start but the next step needs to be that medicare will help all medicare recipients quit and not await for a problem to become evident. It is also my hope that medicare even medicare managed care will cover community based cessation servides and all pharmacotherapies.

The coverage is a very important first step

Roth, Alan Title: Director of Respiratory and Rehabilitation Service
Organization: Memorial Hospital
Date: 01/03/2005

I am a Respiratory Therapist who has been practicing for 25 years. We are pro-active health providers who know the bad effects of smoking and see it daily. I have been running sessions for several years as part of an outpatient smoking cessation program for adults and an educational program for teens and pre-teens in the schools.I was also part of the Major League Baseball program that was targeting minor leaguers particularly about smokeless tobacco. It is critical that Respiratory Care


Horne, Carol Title: R.N. Health Educator
Organization: Valley Health System
Date: 01/03/2005

As a smoking cessation counselor, I can attest to the need for Medicare and private insurance coverage for non-prescription cessation aids such as the patches & gum. The cost of counseling also needs to be covered for clients who are not yet diagnosed with a related illness. Prevention is the way to save lives & money in the long run. Money is the most common deterent for people inquiring about our cessation groups. There is also a great need in the public school system for


Haaz, Edward Title: President
Organization: M.H. Consultants
Date: 01/03/2005

I belive that it is short sighted to not include Licensed Professional Counselors (especially Certified Addictions Counselors)for this initiative. We are, in many cases, the most expert in the field of addictions. There is a woefull lack of training in the professional schools of the eligible practitioners.In contrast, many of these

Mitchner, Margaret Title: Pulmonary Services Practice Coordinator
Organization: MetroHealth Medical Center
Date: 12/31/2004

At MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland Ohio the American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking program has been made possible through grant funding. It is offered as an out-patient service only, because there is no CPT code that will be paid if the counseling is done by anyone besides a physician. Respiratory Therapist' are trained professionals that could play a key role in counseling. Ohio KeyPro has promoted this locally. I am interested in learning if this coverage applies to


Cumnock, Kathy Title: Patient educator, pulmonary rehab
Organization: Baptist Health Medical Center-LR
Date: 12/30/2004

I work with patients with emphysema. Most of them were smokers for many years. I think all smokers should be offered information on the consequences of smoking on your health. Insurance payment is always helpful, especially for fixed-incomes. Also being responsible for a small portion of the cost may help someone buy into the changes that need to be made. Someone certified in teaching smoking cessation is a must for believability. Since everyone can't just quit, payment to help with aids


Englehart, Gary Title: Director, Cardiopulmonary Services
Date: 12/30/2004

Registered Respiratory Therapists should be included as providers of smoking cessation counseling. The training, experience and expertise of the Registered Respiratory Therapist is well suited to provide smoking cesstion instruction and counseling.

Bona MNSc, RN, Susan Title: Health Management Center Coordinator
Organization: Baptist Health Medical Center Little Rock
Date: 12/30/2004

I support national coverage of smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling. Some type of training or certification should be utilized to ensure that health care professionals are competent. I also suggest that cessation be covered for all smokers- not just the two defined conditions outlined in this proposal. Smoking cessation pharmocotherapies should be covered as well. Thank you

Van Heest, Laura R. Title: Registered Respiratory Therapist
Date: 12/29/2004

This is a comment in support of the payment of Smoking Cessation Counseling. I am a Registered Respiratory Therapist & Certified Cessation Tobacco Addiction Counselor by NAADAC. I have worked for 28 years with clients with tobacco related diseases. I have trying for years to assist clients with Respiratory Diseases with cessation.

Since medicare and other medical providers didn't recognize the benefit and need to cover cessation many of the clients felt it couldn't be that


Grunske, PharmD, Vanessa Title: Clinical Pharmacist
Organization: St. Luke's Medical CenterMilwaukee, WI
Date: 12/29/2004

I am in strong support of tobacco cessation coverage for Medicare recipients. While there is substantial information in the medical literature to support the efficacy of tobacco cessation counseling and pharmacotherapy, coverage is seriously lacking in this country. Having the forethought to cover tobacco cessation therapy will serve CMS very well in controlling overall medical costs due to tobacco-related morbidity and mortality. I would like to encourage CMS to seriously consider


Nassery, M.D., Hogai Title: Medical Director
Organization: North DeKalb Grady Health Center
Date: 12/29/2004

This issue is crucial. Tobacco usage is rampant, especially among the underserved. We need to be able to take the time to counsel these patients, who are often targeted by the tobacco industry with direct marketing. To do this effectively, we need to be compensated for the counselling. Patients need to be given action plans when they are ready to quit and then be able to return for follow-up just as with any chronic illness. This means seeing them back and being able to bill for this


Blair, Brenda Title: Assistant Director of Cardiology
Date: 12/29/2004

I strongly support this NCD on the intervention of tobacco use. I have worked in healthcare for almost 25 years and have been dismayed that we tell all our patients they must stop using tobacco and have NO services to assist with this difficult addiction. I would hope for an eventual support of intervention program for both inpatients and outpatients. Until then, supporting the costs of bedside intervention, a stand-alone visit, and 2 counseling sessions is a wonderful first step. The


Harrison, Linda Title: Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist III
Date: 12/28/2004

According to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the toll of tobacco in Virginia is more than a little expensive. State Medicaid program payments caused by tobacco use: 313 Million

I teach smoking cessation and cannot provide nicotine replacement patches, gum and other products, due to budgetary limits.

The $ spent on health care costs associated with smoking amount to more than $1.62 billion. We know Prevention works, and is very cost effective. It seems very


Duggan, Phyllis Title: Director of Marketing
Organization: Baylor Medical Center at Garland
Date: 12/28/2004

I fully support the provision, and reimbursement, of hospital bedside intervention, counseling sessions and workshops. As someone who works in a hospital setting, I see the devastating results of tobacco-related disease. We must help tobacco users who want to quit with the appropriate resources to stop smoking.

Adams, Heath Title: Trauma/Critical Care Pharmacist
Organization: Trover Foundation Regional Medical Center
Date: 12/28/2004

This is a great opportunity for pharmacists to provide a much needed resource to our nation's medicare recipients. As our elderly continue to smoke, so do our Length of Stays in our nation's hopsitals and tax dollars due to smoking related disease states, and the increased number of Vent days in the ICU due to lung deterioration/collapse. If medicare would work on getting pharmacists PROVIDER STATUS then some of this burden could be alleviated, because we as pharmacists both in-house and in


Nuss, Terri Title: Director of Cardiology
Organization: Baylor Health Care System
Date: 12/28/2004

I strongly support this NCD on the intervention of tobacco use. I have worked in Cardiology for almost 15 years and have been dismayed that we tell all our patients they must stop using tobacco, but then typically offer NO services to assist with this difficult addiction. After a national review of cessation programs revealed the most successful intervention in the Mayo Clinic inpatient model (resulting in approximately 25-28% quit rate at 1 yr), I would hope for an eventual support of


Hannan, Gwendolen Title: Tobacco Cessation Coordinator
Organization: Southwestern Vermont Health Care
Date: 12/28/2004

It is never too late to quit. 23% of my clients are over the age of 60 years with 8% being > than 70! We've had excellent quit results in our program (38%-56% 1 year quit rate) because as a full time Master Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist I am able to provide the best practice strategies to any client with just one quick referral. Tobacco treatment is most cost effective when delivered by the experts. A program based on the Diabetes Education model using Tobacco Treatment Specialists


Sheldon, Sharon Organization: Washtenaw County Public Health
Date: 12/28/2004

Tobacco Use Cessation counseling for those receiving Medicare benefits is a good step in the right direction, but should also include access/coverage for nicotine replacement products as research shows that quit rates go up significantly when counseling is combined with NRT.

Also, I am in favor of providing this benefit to all receiving Medicare, not just those with documented chronic disease. Seniors who continue to smoke WILL cost Medicare $$, if not this year when there has


Newton, Sonya Title: Care Manager
Organization: PARTNER'S Medicare Choice
Date: 12/27/2004

As a Care Manager, I assess Medicare clients everyday to provide education, assistance with prescription drug costs, referrals, and community resources. Nicotine is highly addicting for both body and mind. I believe that it will take more than just counseling to get people to quit smoking. Alot of the people that I speak to would like to quit, but can not afford the medication to help with nicotine withdrawal or use of nicotine replacement therapy. Can Medicare include drug assistance


White, Steven Title: Physician Assistant
Organization: Spout Springs Medical Center
Date: 12/23/2004

I am very interested in providing smoking cessation counciling to my patients. However, as you know, time is a commodity in health care. The proposal calls for providers trained in smoking cessation. How will this training be accredited? Will having a general knowledge of smoking and it's risks be sufficient (ie. MD, DO, PA, NP). Will group sessions be allowed. Will ancillary staff members be allowed to conduct this counciling either physician supervision or with "incident to" rules.