National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

Dermal injections for the treatment of facial lipodystrophy syndrome (FLS)

Public Comments

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whitted, Fred Date: 01/22/2010

Facial Wasting is a huge problem for people with AIDS. It causes people to be easily identified as AIDS victims. I have seen people with AIDS hide old photographs of themselves so that people can''t easily recognize how much facial wasting has occurred. I have talked with several AIDS patients are saving their grocery money to try and get facial injections. They have limited their outside activities because they feel like once someone looks at their sunken cheeks, they will know that


Taylor, Lynn Title: Vice President, Government Affairs
Organization: EMD Serono
Date: 01/22/2010

Madeline Ulrich, MD
Lead Medical Officer

JoAnna Baldwin, MS
Lead Analyst

Re: Proposed Decision Memo for Dermal injections for the treatment of facial lipodystrophy syndrome (FLS) (CAG-00412N)

Dear Dr. Ulrich and Ms Baldwin:

EMD Serono appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Proposed Decision Memorandum (PDM) for Dermal injections for the treatment of facial lipodystrophy syndrome (FLS). EMD Serono is a


Smetanka, Stella Title: Clinical Professor of Law
Organization: University of Pittsburgh School of Law
Date: 01/21/2010

Re the proposed national coverage determination for lipoatrophy secondary to HIV and/or its treatment, I would like to suggest that perhaps a better way to prioritize those for whom dermal injections should be medically necessary and reasonable is to measure the degree of the wasting condition itself. In the proposed coverage memorandum,a study is summarized that included measurements of thickness of peoples'' cheeks. A patient''s cheek deterioration can be measured and it can be


Woods, Wendell Date: 01/21/2010

The facial atrophy associated with some prescriptions subscribed and used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS is to many a debilitating side effect. It is a visual reminder to those affected, and and unfair sign to others that the affected person has an affliction, similar to that of the sores of a leper. This has to have a negative impact on the psyche and mental condition of the afflicted. I''m sure that the feeling of going about looking like a freak or monster certainly can send one into a


Webster, Craig Title: Social Worker/ Clinic Co-ordinator
Organization: Body Positive Incorporated NZ
Date: 01/21/2010

Having worked with a skin specialist and running a programme in New Zealand for people living with HIV and using fillers to correct the effects of lipoatrophy from either the medication or the disease itself.

I would be in support of the use of fillers,the advantages that the patient/s feel once they recieve the injections. For example one client said "Now that I have my sense of self worth back help me find a job...and this was only after the first treatment.

I do


black, don Title: referral nurse
Date: 01/21/2010

I believe it would be a very good idea. I know that my friend has paid for 4 injections at 300.00 a syrings and his confidence went up and depression down. He no longer sees a wasting HIV infected face when he looks in the mirror. Problem is after 9 months it will be needed again and he has no income to divert to this particular need due to the need for home, food, other meds, etc. I believe CMS and other Healthcare plans need to cover this side effect of the treatment medications. Self


Kertz, Mark Date: 01/21/2010

[PHI Redacted] To even wonder if the appearance of wasting and its effects not only on one''s own self esteem, but to the reaction of others leads to depression is not a question. Depression is a fact of life. I doubt that a single AIDS person with facial or body wasting who is not depressed could be found anywhere in the world.

Polasek, J Michael Date: 01/21/2010

Facial wasting caused by some HIV medications can have serious psychological consequences on an individual who is already under severe mental stress from having an HIV diagnosis. It can lessen one''s self-esteem, make one appear much older than one''s actual age, and elicit from others unwarranted accusations of illegal drug use, such as crystal meth, which can cause similar appearance. This in turn can affect an individual''s ability to find employment or advancement in their job, which is


Read, Ron Title: Mr.
Date: 01/21/2010

This should be covered because of the profound consequences relating to social and employment issues. The facial wasting leads to isolation, depression, and loss of potential in an individual to live life to it''s fullest. Also, if this condition is covered by medicare, hopefully private insurance would be prompted to cover the condition as well.

Martinez, Sigfredo Date: 01/21/2010

Please approve this proposal since the cost incurred is a drawback for many people the have it done thru their own resources. Facial lipodystrophy is a major drawback in once seeing oneself each day and causes depression in many people [PHI Redacted]. Thanks for your prompt attention of this issue.

DeSerio, Chris Date: 01/20/2010

I believe this is a great initiative as many people at some level (especially gay men) are quite conscious of their appearance as well as are judged on such and therefore are likely to feel some level of discomfort at this marker of being HIV+ and will most likely have resulting depression. While psychotherapy and proper nutrition can help address the many challenges of being HIV+ that ultimately touch on one''s self- esteem, being able to address this purely physical condition is a great


Roach, Barbara Date: 01/20/2010

My friend has HIV (diagnosed in 1998) and has already had one set of treatments for facial wasting. I think it did work well for a couple of years, but I see that it is going away now at his temples. Yes, he is depressed. He is also embarrassed by his condition which anyone can see by looking at him. I would like this condition to be covered because nobody should have to look like a skeleton because of their medications. Thanks!

Pompa, Robert Date: 01/20/2010

Please support funding/access to this treatment. The stigma associated with HIV/AIDS can be debilitating and that stigma is enhanced by outward manifestations of the disease process. The psychosocial realities of PLWHA are vast and varied. The shifts toward medical outcomes (reduced viral load, higher cd4 counts) fails to recognize and value the real effects the psychosocial stressors that PLWHA experience daily while attempting to manage their disease process. Surely there must be a


Jazwinski, Richard Date: 01/20/2010

As facial wasting is irreversible disfigurement due to treatment with life saving medications, it seems only logical that providing ameliorative treatment for the disfigurement ought to be a recognized insurable medical expense - just as when a woman has a mastectomy or when someone has a cancerous lesion removed from their face - in those instances there is not question about providing restoration. Making proof of co-occurring depression a requirement seems to be based on bias against


Finnell, Scott Date: 01/20/2010

I am concerned about having to prove that in order to receive funds for this treatment, one has to prove that it caused depression. It goes without saying that our face is what we present to the world, and one would be depressed because of this. I don''t think there should be a criteria such as this. One should be able to access this regardless of depression. I know I would be very depressed if my face was a wasteland because of anti-retro-viral treatments, and I would be the first in line


McCutcheon, Gerald Date: 01/20/2010

This treatment should not be dependent on being diagnosed with depression. Any HIV patient with this condition who requests treatment should automatically be treated. The stigma alone of having facial wasting should be sufficient reason for coverage. Besides anyone can get a diagnosis of depression by just stating to their doctor that they are depressed. If that is part of the game then we will learn that quite quickly...

Baumgardner, R. Date: 01/20/2010

I am commenting in support of Dermal injections for the treatment of facial lipodystrophy syndrome (FLS). I know how facial wasting caused by HIV and/or HAART causes depression in HIV+ patients. I think it can be compared to breast cancer mastectomy survivors that get implants to improve their self esteem and self worth. The disfiguration that results from any medical condition and the depression it causes is the same that which is caused by lipoatrophy.Please help patients get the


Ross, Dana Title: Clinical Psychologist
Date: 01/20/2010

I am a clinical psychologist who has treated several persons with HIV who also had facial wasting. The stigma of facial wasting led these persons to suffer from depression partly as a result of cutting of social ties and limiting outside activities. Social support is important in the management of HIV. More importantly, facial wasting can lead to depression by making the person feel as facial wasting is a ''marker'', identifying them as being HIV positive. Negative self image and lack


Kw, Daryl Date: 01/20/2010

I think that this procedure should be covered and considered in the treatment of individuals who are in need of this. Thank you.

Stewart, Katharine Date: 01/20/2010

From 1996 to 2003, I worked as a psychologist for a large clinic serving over 900 HIV+ adults. I worked with clients who experienced considerable lipodystrophies related to their ARV treatment, and support the proposed policy regarding dermal injections for treatment of FLS. Reconstruction of FLS-related changes is quite similar to breast reconstruction after mastectomy in breast cancer patients - to survive a deadly disease, patients must be treated, but the treatment can be disfiguring


Urbanus, Doug Date: 01/20/2010

I have a friend who suffers from facial wasting due to HIV. Prior to his use of Sculptra his face was skeletal, hollowed out from the lower temple, through his cheeks to his chin. It would be extraordinary if he were not depressed by his appearance. And he was. Sculptra filled in these hollows and reasonably restored his appearance. The cost however has prevented him from receiving a sufficient course of injections to more fully plump his features toward normal. Nevertheless, the gain was


Davis, MSW, Terry Date: 01/20/2010

Given the vast amount of documented evidence that HIV, the antiretrovirals used to treat it and the diagnosis itself can cause depression and PTSD-like symptoms, how would one "prove" that their FLS lead to depression that they were already experiencing? Isn''t it common sense that a 20 y.o. who looks 70 y.o. due to FLS could very well be experiencing depression around their fear that others find them unattractive or may suspect that they are HIV-positive? Does Medicare require that a


Smothermon, Kim A Title: individual
Date: 01/20/2010

Facial Waisting causes depression. [PHI Redacted] The FACE is what a person sees in the mirror. FACIAL WAISTING represents a loss of pride in one''s appearance. It also brands HIV+ individuals in the public persona.

Blancq, Ronald A Date: 01/20/2010

Facial Waisting causes depression. [PHI Redacted] The FACE is what a person sees in the mirror. FACIAL WAISTING represents a loss of pride in one''s appearance. It also brands HIV+ individuals in the public persona.

Katz, Jason Date: 01/20/2010

If I had facial wasting I don''t know what I''d do but depression would be the least of it...after modelling for over 15yrs my looks mean a lot to me. I know that appearance shouldn''t be a big deal but to many it is and I hope that treatment would be available for this.

Darrow, Robert Date: 01/20/2010

Your requirement for people living with facial lipodystophy syndrome to provide proof that their facial wasting lead to depression is akin to asking an amputee to provide proof that their condition lead to depression or was inconvinent. This requirement is most rediculous and insulting. How would you feel going out in public with this affliction?

Franks, Michael Date: 01/19/2010

Facial and body wasting not only make you look sick, but also make you feel that you are not healthy! This does cause alot of anxiety, worry, depression, and not feeling very optomistic about your disease, or your future. It decreases hope that one day you will be back in good health and look and feel that you are healthy. It also affects your social life and prospects for employement, in that people immeadiatley know something is wrong with you. Finally, a great percentage of people can


Fung, Christine Title: Legal Intern
Organization: University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Health Law Clinic
Date: 01/19/2010

The proposed coverage decision limits the treatment to individuals "who manifest depression secondary to the physical stigma of HIV treatment." This proposal suggests that individuals must be clinically depressed in order to be eligible for coverage rather than simply be victims of the stigma. There needs to be clarification regarding the relationship between the stigma and depression. The stigma is the cause of depression. Individuals with this syndrome should receive coverage to avoid


Chaille, David Title: Facilitator, Peer Advocate
Organization: Pozabilities
Date: 01/18/2010

[PHI Redacted]

Lypoatrophy is a disfiguring condition. Treatment is NOT purely cosmetic. When a person suffers from lypoatrophy, he is stigmatized, loses his self-esteem and often isolates from society. Depression accompanies this condition. Most people my age with HIV cannot work and have limited financial resources. It is inhumane not to cover treatment under Medicare.

Davis, Scott Date: 01/18/2010

I think it would be highly important to have this therapy covered. The policy is a little too vague and restrictive. It would be helpful to be able to have the therapy before one''s esteem sinks into a state of clinical depression.

Oian, Michael Date: 01/18/2010

Dermal injections are essential for the well- being a person with HIV/AIDS. [PHI Redacted] It is essential to have a somewhat normal looking face in order to live with this. It is not cosmetic, it is facial reconstruction. It is as important as breast reconstruction or an artificial limb.

Wilder, Bruce Date: 01/16/2010

Firstly, I have concerns about use of the phrase“improving a patient''s physical appearance,” onpage 3 of the Proposed Decision Memorandum. Thelanguage should be more specific, i.e., it shouldrefer to correcting or ameliorating a deformitythat is distinctive and specific to AIDS and/or HAART.

Secondly, a requirement that individuals withAIDS-related facial lipodystrophy “manifestdepression” to qualify for coverage for dermalinjections is unacceptably vague. It provides anincentive for


Gibson, Lawrence Date: 01/15/2010

Disfigurement seen in many diseases should, and mostly are, covered for the well-being of the disfigured patient. If an ear or nose is lost due to disease, Medicare will cover reconstructive surgery or a prosthetic.Replacement of a lost physcial eye and bodily limbs are also considered necessary treatments. If a breast is lost due to cancer or some other problem, Medicare will cover reconstructive surgery or a prosthetic. Facial wasting due to AIDS or another medical condition is no


Wacker, David Date: 01/15/2010

Since severe lipodystrophy most certainly announces the stigma of AIDS to the entire world. [PHI Redacted] Treatment with facial fillers eliminated this stigma. This treatment is as valid for the AIDS patient as breast reconstruction is to a cancer patient. It follows that since coverage for reconstruction of the breast is a covered benefit for the cancer patient then a corresponding tx be a covered benefit for the AIDS pt. The cosmetic objectives in both cases are the


Berry, Jeff Title: Editor, Positively Aware; Director of Publications
Organization: Test Positive Aware Network
Date: 01/15/2010

I wholeheartedly support coverage for dermal injections for facial lipodystrophy. [PHI Redacted] I understand the stigma and debilitating effects from this condition, both physically and psychologically. [PHI Redacted] Please consider removing the depression qualification from coverage under Medicare, as once someone''s condition improves after treatment, they may no longer qualify to receive the once-a-year "touch-ups" it


Munk, Robert Title: Coordinator
Organization: AIDS InfoNet
Date: 01/15/2010

Frankly, I think that unless there’s a similar requirement for breast reconstruction following mastectomy, this is discriminatory! The testimony at the FDA hearing for approval of these injections was dominated by stories of stigma, discrimination, and depression due to facial wasting.

Vergel, Nelson Organization: Program for Wellness Restoration, PoWeR
Date: 01/14/2010

Thank you so much for updating us. Many of my constituents from and pozhealth at sent comments. I am a key advocate for facial lipoatrophy and really appreciate what your group has done.

I have a few questions:

Is this effective immediately or are we still in a comment period? Do you have plans for a separate codes for the device charge for these products and for physician''s labor? Do we know the answer whether patients need to be on antidepressants or


Alexander, Michael Date: 01/14/2010

Undisputedly the right thing to do. Being from said community and having seen the tremendous positive impact that it has had on those who could afford it. (It''s really not extremely expensive for those outside of the Medicare system) FLS patients have had their lives and quality of life greatly enhanced by alleviating this stigmatized tell tell sign of AIDS. I strongly encourage you to render a favorable decision for FLS patients requiring FDA approved treatments of dermal injections.

Johnson, Ronald Title: Cafe Manager
Organization: AIDS Housing Alliance San Francisco
Date: 01/13/2010

In my experience, most People with AIDS who suffer from facial lipodystrophy who seek out facial reconstruction are doing so because the change in their appearance hollow cheeks, sometimes horrible indentations is making them depressed. Their freakishly gaunt appearance is an announcement to the world that they are sick with AIDS, and that is depressing! Why else would they consider facial reconstruction? What is even more depressing, is being on limited income and not being able to


Abascal, Brian Title: Program Coodinator
Organization: Boston HAPPENS, Children''s Hospital Boston
Date: 01/13/2010

I agree with the conclusion that the current language regarding approved covered treatment is vague and woefully insufficient. Such language limits patient''s who experience a decline in quality of life due to the physical symptoms of lipodystrophy and facial wasting to cover only those patients with a clinical diagnosis of depression. Regardless of an individuals ability to cope with these symptoms, which can potentially result in discrimination in addition to emotional and psychological
