National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
Lunner, Kristina Title: Vice President Government Affairs
Organization: American Pharmacists Association
Date: 06/27/2010

June 27, 2010

Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Hubert H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20201

Attention: Louis B. Jacques, MD, Director, Coverage and Analysis Group

[Submitted electronically to:]

RE: Proposed Decision Memo for Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use (CAG-00420N)

Dear Sir/Madam:

The American Pharmacists Association


Hauck, Fern Title: Associate Professor of Family Medicine
Organization: University of Virginia
Date: 06/27/2010

As a practicing family physician, researcher and educator, I am writing to offer my strong support for the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Service''s proposed decision to expand tobacco cessation counseling to patients who may not yet have signs and symptoms of tobacco-related disease. As a physician who is dedicated to preventing disease before it happens (primary prevention), adding coverage for this counseling would further enable the approximately 100,000 family medicine physicians


Willoughby, David Title: CEO
Organization: ClearWay Minnesota
Date: 06/26/2010

On behalf of ClearWay Minnesota, I would like to thank the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the opportunity to provide comment on the proposed expansion of tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries.

ClearWay Minnesota is an independent, nonprofit organization that improves the health of all Minnesotans by reducing tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke through research, action and collaboration. We are an independent nonprofit funded by three


Strayer, Scott Date: 06/26/2010

As a practicing family physician and educator, Iam writing to offer my strong support for theCenters for Medicaid and Medicare Service''''sproposed decision to expand tobacco cessationcounseling to patients who may not yet have signsand symptoms of tobacco-related disease. As aphysician who is dedicated to preventing diseasebefore it happens (primary prevention), addingcoverage for this counseling would further enablethe approximately 100,000 family medicinephysicians in this country to


Sacco, Ralph Title: President
Organization: American Heart Association
Date: 06/25/2010

On behalf of the American Heart Association(AHA), including the American Stroke Association (ASA) and over 22.5 million AHA and ASA volunteers and supporters, we appreciate the opportunity to submit our comments in response to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed coverage decision for counseling to prevent tobacco use and tobacco-caused disease.

Under the proposed coverage decision, CMS would expand Medicare coverage of tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare


Riordan, Meg Title: Director, Policy Research
Organization: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Date: 06/25/2010

June 25, 2010

Louis B. Jacques, MD
Director, Coverage and Analysis Group
7500 Security Boulevard
Mail Stop C1090
6Baltimore, MD 21244-1850

Dear Dr. Jacques:

We are writing in response to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Proposed Decision Memo for Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use (CAG-00420N).

We support CMS’s decision to use the authority it was given in the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) to add coverage of


Tindle, Hilary Title: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Dept of Med
Organization: University of Pittsburgh
Date: 06/25/2010

These comments are in response to the question of whether it is reasonable for CMS to provide coverage for tobacco cessation services to people who smoke but who do not yet have evidence of a tobacco-related illness (such as coronary heart disease (CHD)).

Using previously-collected data from the Women’s Health Initiative, our research team compared the risk of having a cardiovascular disease event or dying among women 1) who had CHD at study entry but who never smoked


Cranos, Caroline Organization: Multi-State Collaborative for Health Systems Change
Date: 06/25/2010

The Multi-State Collaborative for Health Systems Change to Address Tobacco Use, comprised of 19 state-level tobacco control programs, New York City, and national partners, strongly supports the proposed extension of tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. This is an important step that the Centers from Medicare and Medicaid Services can take to ensure that all tobacco users in the US have access to evidence-based, barrier-free tobacco cessation medications and behavioral


Bocchino, Carmella Title: EVP, Clinical Affairs and Strategic Planning
Organization: America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
Date: 06/24/2010

June 25, 2010

Louis B. Jacques, MD
Director, Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Mail Stop C1-09-06
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850

Dear Dr. Jacques:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS's) proposed national coverage determination (NCD) for Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use (CAG-00420N). America's Health Insurance Plans


Brindis, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.C., Ralph G. Title: President
Organization: The American College of Cardiology (ACC)
Date: 06/24/2010

June 25, 2010

Louis B. Jacques, MD
Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD

Re: Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use (CAG-00420N)

Dear Dr. Jacques:

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) is pleased to submit comments on the proposed national coverage decision for counseling to prevent tobacco use. The ACC is a


Schuyler, Joel Date: 06/24/2010

I commend you for this effort which I feel is extremely important.It is clear to me that anyone recieving Medicare either for retirement or disability and smokes is at great risk of developing tobacco related health problems even if they have not already done so.

Joel Schuyler.

Coffey, Justine Title: Director, Federal Regulatory Affairs
Organization: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Date: 06/24/2010

Dear Sir/Madam:

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) is pleased to submit written comments pertaining to the Proposed Decision Memo for Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use (decision memo). For more than 60 years, ASHP has helped pharmacists who practice in hospitals and health systems improve medication use and enhance patient safety. The Society''s 35,000 members include pharmacists and pharmacy technicians who practice in inpatient, outpatient, home-care, and


Selecky, Mary C. Title: Secretary of Health
Date: 06/23/2010

June 24, 2010

Cindy Mann, JD
Deputy Administrator and Director
Center for Medicaid, CHIP and Survey & Certification
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard, Room S2-26-12
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850

Dear Ms. Mann:

I am writing to share with you Washington State's comments on the Proposed Decision Memo for Counsel ing to Prevent Tobacco Use (CAG-00420N). The Washington State Department of Health supports


Bell, Sean Title: Senior Vice President
Organization: Free & Clear, Inc.
Date: 06/22/2010
Re: CAG-00420N
[NOTE: A footnoted version of this comment has been emailed to]

Dear Sir/Madam:

This comment is submitted by Free & Clear, Inc. to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in response to the proposed Decision Memo to Prevent Tobacco Use (CAG-00420N) (the “Decision Memo”).

The Decision Memo specifies that tobacco cessation counseling delivered to Medicare beneficiaries will be reimbursable when


Wichman, Tammy Title: Pulmonary Critical Care Physician
Date: 06/21/2010

Smoking is the #1 cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Coverage of counseling to prevent tobacco use is vitally important to the future of healthy Americans. Decreasing tobacco use will decrease the number of deaths from lung cancer (#1 cause of cancer deaths), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (#4 cause of death overall) and heart disease.

Guntupalli, MD, FCCP, Kalpalatha K. Title: President
Organization: American College of Chest Physicians
Date: 06/21/2010

Re: Proposed Coverage Decision Memorandum for Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use (CAG-00420N)

As President of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), I am writing on behalf of the ACCP membership. ACCP is comprised of over 17,500 physicians and allied health professionals whose everyday practice involves diseases of the chest in the specialties of pulmonology, cardiology, thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, critical care medicine, sleep medicine, and anesthesiology.


RYAN, SUSAN Title: Tobacco Treatment Center Supervisor
Organization: St. Luke''s Hospital
Date: 06/21/2010

I urge CMS to approve counseling ALL adults about tobacco use and offering treatment to asymptomatic tobacco users. Lack of symptoms does not equal lack tobacco harm. Tobacco use is the most prevalent cause of preventable death and disease in ths U.S. and waiting until harm is evident not only harms the patient but is also the LEAST cost effective way to manage health. The need for prudent use of health care dollars demands we treat tobacco dependence disease in the early, asymptomatic


Celestin Jr, Michael D Title: Program Manager
Organization: LSUHSC SoPH TCI
Date: 06/18/2010

I would like to express my support for the proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. Many lives and money can be saved if the proposal is granted. Tobacco cessation counseling is a best practice many researchers, clinicians, and former smokers know to be effective, especially when combined with pharmacotherapy. I urge the CMS to approve this proposal. All Medicare smokers need this benefit for the betterment of national healthcare.

Latham, Heath Title: Assistant Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care
Organization: Univ of Kansas Medical Center
Date: 06/17/2010

The proposed CMS update on tobacco cessation counseling could carry a significant impact towards improved smoking cessation rates and overall health in this country. Smoking is a leading risk factor for diseases such as COPD, lung cancer, stroke and cardiovascular disease. All these disease processes carry significant morbidity and mortality. In addition, the annual health care costs associated with these diseases is substantial. There is clear data that face to face physician-patient


Schroeder, Scott Title: MD, Director of Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine
Date: 06/17/2010

Because of the effects of second hand smoke on children, there also should be recommendations and/or guidelines for the counseling of parents who smoke and who have children with chronic respiratory illnesses.

Sopenski, Judy Title: Consultant
Date: 06/17/2010

I strongly support the Centers for Medicare and Medicaids proposed decision to provide physician-based tobacco cessation counseling. As someone who has worked for the past two decades addressing the harms caused by tobacco, I believe that all medical professionals should be offering cessation advice but especially to pregnant women and Medicare beneficiaries. The benefits to the individuals are huge and the cost savings are enormous. Half of all individuals who use tobacco products die


varney, kathryn Date: 06/16/2010

I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. It is my position that this policy will help many tobacco users break free from a deadly behavior, people who otherwise would have been unable to do so. Undoubtedly, many lives will be extended and much money saved if this decision is enacted.

Not only is tobacco cessation counseling a Grade A rated


Lewis, Tamara Title: Medical Director, Community Health and Prevention
Organization: Intermountain Healthcare
Date: 06/15/2010

I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries.

Tobacco cessation counseling has been evlauated as a Grade A rated recommendation by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and is recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services Clinical Practice Guideline on Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence with good evidnece of the effectiveness of


Schroeder, Steven Title: Professor of Medicine
Organization: University of California, San Francisco
Date: 06/15/2010

I strongly support extending payment for smoking cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. Although smoking prevalence declines with age, there are still millions of smokers in the elderly age group. Strong evidence supports the benefits for stopping smoking, even in the over 65 group, and certainly for patients with end-stage renal disease. It is hard to think of a more cost-effective procedure for Medicare to support, and the wonder is that it took so long.

Myers, Timothy Title: President
Organization: American Association for Respiratory Care
Date: 06/15/2010

The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) is pleased to comment on CMS’ proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling for outpatient and hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries who use tobacco regardless of whether the beneficiary has signs and symptoms of tobacco-related disease. The AARC is a national professional association representing 50,000 respiratory therapists nationwide.

Respiratory therapists who provide smoking cessation counseling to their patients


DeWitt D.Min., CTTS, David Title: Director of Behavioral Medicine, Chaplain
Date: 06/15/2010

Dear CMS,
Thanks for considering this very important topic of reimburesment for medicare and medicaid patients. As a chaplain for a 325 bed hospital, I am confronted daily with persons who are unable to afford utilities, food for their families and money for medications. With dwindling community resources I have struggled to come up with realisistic creative ways to help people find the money they need in order to live healthier lives. Sadly, when these families ask for money, they are


Lomnen, Joni Date: 06/15/2010

I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. Many lives will be extended and much money saved if this decision is enacted.

I urge the CMS to move forward with this critical public health measure when the public comment period has concluded. The entire Medicare community deserves to benefit from this service, not only those who have been diagnosed


Thompson, Paula Date: 06/15/2010

I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. I work with many people who express the need for this benefit and could pursue a life saving jouney through this education opportunity.

I urge the CMS to move forward with this critical public health measure when the public comment period has concluded.

Theusch, Carla Title: Director of Wellness Center
Organization: Saint Elizabeth''s Medical Center
Date: 06/14/2010

I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. It is Partnership for Prevention''s position that this policy will help many tobacco users break free from a deadly behavior, people who otherwise would have been unable to do so. Undoubtedly, many lives will be extended and much money saved if this decision is enacted.

Not only is tobacco cessation


Camunas, Jorge Title: Thoracic Surgeon
Organization: Mount Sinai Medical Center (affiliated with)
Date: 06/14/2010

Counseling to prevent tobacco use is something that many physicians do constantly, taking advantage of situations in which the tobacco use is more applicable or directly related to the the patient''s clinical problem. A problem that I see is how to document the extent of the counseling and its quality and effectiveness. Adherence to a set of guidelines for couseling is essential.I am sure that if this is worked out to the agreement of CMS and medical societies, many physicians will become


Patton, Julie Date: 06/14/2010

Evidence-based tobacco cessation counseling and nicotine replacement treatments (NRT) should be included and strengthen in insurance coverage to assist tobacco users in quitting. Intervention will help reduce the likelihood of a medical condition worsening and becoming more costly. Tobacco users will use helplines or quitlines if nicotine replacement treatments are offered to assist them in quitting. Health Departments can work with quitlines to offer counseling and nicotine replacement


shindler, marcia Title: RN
Organization: wellspan
Date: 06/14/2010

I very strongly support CMS to extend tobacco cessation counseling for all medicare patients. I strongly urge CMS to provide this benefit.

Wolff, Fred Title: Manager: Education and Training Program
Organization: MaineHealth Center For Tobacco Independence
Date: 06/14/2010

I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries.May I further urge:

1. Use of the term "tobacco treatment" vs. "tobacco cessation..". Tobacco dependence is a chronic condition, such as alcoholism. We do not promote or provide "Alcohol cessation counseling".

2. I urge coverage of these services as provided by a physician, nurse practicioner,


Strader, Tracey Organization: Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust
Date: 06/14/2010

I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. It is the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust''s position that this policy will help many tobacco users, particularly those who have suffered from tobacco addiction and tobacco caused diseses for much of their adult lives. This benefit will no doubt extend life, enhance quality of life, and save money.


Hale, Lana Organization: Oklahoma Turning Point Tobacco Use Prev Coalition
Date: 06/14/2010

I wholeheartedly endorse covering all Medicare recipients for tobacco cessation by an approved Medicare provider. This is the most intelligent path to promote tobacco cessation and disease prevention. Evidence supports counseling as effective. As policy makers move away from health crises management into disease prevention the Medicare program stands to save dollars spent on COPD and lung cancer. Please make the logical vote for wellness by extending tobacco cessation counseling for ALL


McColly, Tom Date: 06/13/2010

I strongly support the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. It is Partnership for Prevention''s position that this policy will help many tobacco users break free from a deadly behavior, people who otherwise would have been unable to do so. Undoubtedly, many lives will be extended and much money saved if this decision is enacted.

Not only is tobacco cessation counseling a Grade A rated


St. Amant, MD, Katherine Title: MD
Organization: Internal Clinic of Tangipahoa
Date: 06/12/2010

It is imperitive that we, as pulmonologists, strive to intervene whenever we can to encourage discontinuation of smoking in ANY patient. However, it is even MORE significant in the pregnant patient (two lives are involved!),and the patient without identifiable clinical symptoms.Interventions with these populations of patients give us a chance to SAVE and PROLONG lives, and PREVENT disease.This should be a MAJOR goal for all physicians. Payment coverage for the time-consuming counseling that


Perez, Rafael Date: 06/12/2010

Excellent idea to carve this outside of E/M visit. I typically spend at least 5 to 10 minutes on initial visit on discussion of smoking cessation on all patients referred to me for COPD. I also see a lot of of aysypmtomatic smokers for sleep evaluation who would benefit from smoking cessation counselling apart from their sleep evaluation.

Okun, Melva Title: Senior Health Program Manager
Organization: NC Prevention Partners
Date: 06/11/2010

I applaud you and give my strongest support forthe Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Servicesproposed decision to extend tobacco cessationcounseling to all Medicare recipients. This policywill help many tobacco users quit using tobacco,people who otherwise would not be able to do so.Providing counseling for all is cost saving, willhelp save lives, and improve quality of life.

Tobacco cessation counseling is a Grade A ratedrecommendation by the U.S. Preventive ServicesTask Force.


Nelson, Mike Date: 06/11/2010

It seems obvious to me, as a pulmonologists who treats the end effects of tobacco smoking, that the counseling to prevent tobacco abuse should be included as a reimbursible activity. While the quit rate for patients counseled remains low, studies show it is double the rate of non-counseled patients. Because it is a major cause of many otherwise preventable diseases, tobacco is a huge cost burden to society. A burden which would be lessened if more individuals could be convinced to


Kotsen, Chris Date: 06/11/2010

Please include asymptomatic smokers in the list of covered Medicare patients for tobacco dependence coverage. As someone working in the trenches on a daily basis and having treated over 1,000 tobacco users in the quitting process, I can say that lack of coverage is the biggest barrier to attendance. These services are so cost effective and will reduce health care costs in the short and long term, in addtion to saving lives. Also, they are recommended with a grade A recommendation of the


Stansbury, Rene'' Date: 06/11/2010

I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. It is Partnership for Prevention''s position that this policy will help many tobacco users break free from a deadly behavior, people who otherwise would have been unable to do so. Undoubtedly, many lives will be extended and much money saved if this decision is enacted.

I urge the CMS to move forward


Nicholas, Kim Date: 06/11/2010

I think this would be a great program....if people want help to stop smoking they should get the help regardless, smoking is killing all classes of people it is unfortunate that this isn''t offered to the entire public regardless of their insurance. I am glad to see that some people can benefit from this program and lives can be saved, families will benefit from thia program.

Shea, Joseph Title: Administrative Director, Behavioral Health Service
Organization: Danbury Hospital
Date: 06/11/2010

I have worked with the Mental Health/Behavioral Health population for 30 years. It is shocking the tobacco use and devastation caused by tobacco. This population has a 10 to 15 year reduction in life expectancy and I believe tobacco use is the major contributor to their reduced life expectancy. Counseling and education have been shown to be effective in curbing tobacco use. Waiting until someone has a tobacco related illness to provide counseling is akin to waiting until the horse is


Fisher MD, H Kenneth Title: Consultant in Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
Organization: Wyoming Cardiopulmonary Services
Date: 06/11/2010

I strongly support a new NCD to help pay for time spent counseling patients re: smoking injury and cessation. It DOES take time, and it DOES help stiffen the spine of patients who want to quit anyway.

As a specialist in lung diseases for more than forty years, I have personally helped dozens of patients accomplish what they had tried without success: QUIT SMOKING. Strong evidence shows that when a trusted physician urges smoking cessation, the odds of quitting double.


Leuthard, Joy Title: Coordinator, Tobacco Cessation Systems Initiative
Organization: Oklahoma Hospital Association
Date: 06/11/2010

I am writing to express my STRONG support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. This policy will help many tobacco users break free from a deadly addiction, people who otherwise would have been unable to do so. Undoubtedly, many lives will be extended and MUCH money saved if this decision is enacted.

Medicare has significantly lagged behind in this area. This adoption of evidence-based


Drexler, Helen Date: 06/11/2010

To me this is no brainer. Cost of care is a problem in our country and we know that there are significant health advantages when someone quits smoking. Those health advantages will result in a lower cost of care for that individual. This is the right thing to do, and it helps improve the health and quality of life of seniors. I support CMS providing a smoking cessation benefit for Medicare beneficiaries.

Kull, David Title: Student
Organization: Harvard University
Date: 06/11/2010

Enabling physicians to offer tobacco cessationcounseling as a tool to address tobacco addictionis an important investment in national health thatwe can no longer afford to ignore. As such, Istrongly urge CMS to consider coverage forCounseling to Prevent Tobacco Use.

Tobacco use, particularly smoking tobacco, carriesa significant cost to the United States throughits contribution to national health care spendingand lost productivity. Social incentives for anindividual to start smoking are


Frame, Kristen Title: Compeer Coordinator
Organization: Mental Health America of Licking Co.
Date: 06/11/2010

I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries.

Individuals who experience severe and persistant mental illness are the largest consumers of tobacco products in the U.S. In addition, research published in JAMA demonstrates people reporting a mental disorder in the past month consumed approx. 44.3% of all cigarettes smoked in the U.S.

Individuals who


Fowler, John Date: 06/10/2010

It is essential to be able to spend time on patients who are smokers to help them quit even BEFORE they have problems such as a heart attack, longstanding cough, worsening asthma and so forth. Prevention of these costly diseases is much more cost-effective than treating them. In the end, they will have to be counselled to quit. Why not support the effort early, rather than wait for disaster?

To do counselling effectively, significant time must be spent with the patient. This time


caughey, meghan Title: Peer Wellness Coordinator
Organization: Benton County Health Serives
Date: 06/10/2010

I am very encouraged by CMS’s consideration of expanding tobacco dependency treatment.

I work a peer wellness coordinator with persons that have mental illness. An astounding 44% of the tobacco market is comprised of my peers who have mental health diagnoses. Persons with mental illness are dying at a rate of at least 25 years earlier than the general population, and in the case of persons with both mental illness and substance abuse issues, the death rate is as high as 38 years of


Nygaard, Scott Title: MD MBA FCCP, SVP Corporate Services,
Organization: Via Christi Health
Date: 06/10/2010

It is my understanding that CMS is evaluating its policy regarding the payment for counseling to prevent tobacco use.

The proposal looks at counseling to prevent tobacco use for all adults and pregnant women who use tobacco regardless of whether the patient has signs and symptoms of tobacco-related disease.

Coverage is proposed for outpatient and hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries who are competent and alert at the time of counseling.

  • Counseling must be furnished by a


  • Singer, Glenn Title: Pulmonary physician
    Organization: Broward Pulmonary and Sleep
    Date: 06/10/2010

    Counseling patients re tobacco abuse is a keystone to practice of preventive medicine. In our office we routinely discuss advantages and disadvantages of the main pharmacotherpies (Chantix, Zyban, and nicotine replacement). We urge continued reimibursement for the time involved in this effort.

    Placona, Michael Date: 06/10/2010

    I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. Such treatment will help many nicotine dependent individual to free themselves from a deadly addiction to tobacco. Undoubtedly, many lives will be extended and much money saved if this decision is enacted.

    I hope CMS will move forward with this critical public health measure quickly. The entire Medicare


    Janes, Betsy Date: 06/10/2010

    I am writing to express my support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries.

    We worked very hard this past legislative session in Kentucky to make this a reality for Medicaid beneficiaries and want consistent services for all populations we serve.

    Braman, Sidney Title: Professor of Medicine
    Organization: Brown Medical School
    Date: 06/10/2010

    A grade A recommendation of the US Preventive Services Task Force is that there is a high certainty that the net benefit of providing tobacco cessation counseling to asymptomatic smokers is substantial. I have made such interventions on many of my patients, including those who have not had a cigarette related disease, with great success. A physician intervention is a powerful tool in smoking cessation and needs to be encouraged.

    Dahl, Julie Date: 06/10/2010

    Tobacco cessation couseling should be a billable service.

    Zevallos, Pedro Title: MD
    Date: 06/10/2010

    As a pulmonary doctor, with more than 30 years of experiencie, I could tell you a few devastating human and family tragedies caused by smoking. I see them on a daily basis. There is no question tobacco smoking is the number 1 public health enemy. We, as society need to do everything possible to stop persons (especially children and teenagers) from ever start smoking. Second best, we need to have all the help and incentives to help smokers quit. Paying for the time and effort involved in


    Schober, Melissa Title: Project Director, Public Health Policy
    Organization: Society for Public Health Education
    Date: 06/10/2010

    The Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) strongly supports the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries, not just those affected by tobacco-related illness.

    Effective interventions for tobacco cessation not only include culturally and linguistically competent counseling, but also the provision of social support and nicotine replacement devices or medication for some individuals. SOPHE


    Hansen, Stephen Date: 06/10/2010

    Since most smokers already have disease, the additional dollar impact of this should be low, at least for those practices which are doing cessation presently, and include essentially all smokers with some diagnosis or other. More docs would participate with this change good.

    Dauer, Janis Title: Executive Director
    Organization: Alliance for the Prevention and Treatment of Nicotine Addiction
    Date: 06/10/2010

    The Alliance for the Prevention and Treatment of Nicotine Addiction would like to express strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. There is no safe level of tobacco use and many people who would like to quit need assistance.

    Tobacco use cessation is a needed and necessary public health goal. Cessation counseling is achievable, cost-effective and clinically effective.


    Lindsay, Garry Organization: Partnership for Prevention
    Date: 06/10/2010

    I support the Centers for Medicare and MedicaidServices proposed decision to extend tobaccocessation counseling to all Medicarebeneficiaries. Studies have shown that medication,in combination with behavioral counseling, canincrease the odds of quitting successfully. Whenpeople quit, they gain major and immediate healthbenefits.

    Private sector employers are increasinglyproviding smoking cessation benefits which helptheir respective company’s bottom line. Employeeswho smoke are


    Fidler, Leah Title: Wellness Consultant
    Date: 06/10/2010

    I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. Undoubtedly, many lives will be extended and much money saved if this decision is enacted.

    I urge the CMS to move forward with this critical public health measure when the public comment period has concluded. The entire Medicare community deserves to benefit from this service, not only those who have


    Dalack, Gregory Date: 06/10/2010

    I am writing to urge support of this proposal to cover counseling to prevent tobacco use. Smoking is the largest preventable cause of death. The investment of resources for prevention is long-overdue, and can only improve the health of the nation. Thank you for considering.

    Thielhelm, Philip Title: MD
    Organization: North Shore Pulmonary Assc.
    Date: 06/10/2010

    Studies consistently demonstrate that tobacco usage in any form shortens the persons life. Increases risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease and lung disease. Also second hand smoke is a public health hazard. I always ask my patients about tobacco use and advise them to stop and why. Physicians need to be supported in this endeavor since the government has abrogated its responsibility in not adequately funding anti- smoking programs.

    wilson, jeff Date: 06/10/2010

    Providing reimbursement for smoking cessation counseling for all smokers would be a huge step forward for our country. As a pulmonary/critical care physician I see the negative health effects of smoking every day. We spend (and CMS pays) thousands of dollars per day in the ICU to treat people with smoking related illnesses but we cannot or will not pay to counsel people to quit - that is a crazy policy that needs to end. It is no wonder we spend more on health care per person than


    Burke, Michael Date: 06/10/2010

    Given the extent of morbidity, and poor outcomes associated with continued tobacco smoking, more intensive counseling and follow-up makes medical and economic sense. I think it is imperative that CMS consider other levels of providers who can be trained to treat tobacco dependence to be eligible for reimbursement. Tobacco dependence treatment specialists are available and can provide treatment - including follow-up more cost efficiently. this should not preclude currently eliglible


    Bixler, David Title: MD FCCP FACP
    Date: 06/09/2010

    All efforts to decrease tobacco use help.

    ramos jr md, manuel Title: MD- Physician
    Date: 06/09/2010

    This is a very cost effective measure which seems to be the code phrase for the 21st century. Spending $20-50 to counsel someone to quit smoking will not only make people happier later on when they don''t have to suffer the effects of COPD, MI and stroke, but also will save hundreds of thousand of dollars per person in medication and health care costs. One week stay in the ICU for a COPD excaerbation can cost 40-50,000 dollars. This smoking cessation counseling is a win win for


    jona, vinod Title: Carolina Health Care
    Date: 06/09/2010

    I think smoking cessation saves live. It is cost effective. Here in South Carolina smoking related comorbidities are all time high. Counseling should include asymptomatic patients. We should not wait untill patients are symptomatic or gets lung cancer.

    kahnowitz, samuel Title: physician
    Organization: chief/pulmonary medicine, trinitas hospital elizabeth, nj
    Date: 06/09/2010

    the chance to explore tobacco-related health questions and offer advice on smoking cesssation could be a wonderful opportunity for physicians who are interested in decreasing tobacco-related morbidity and mortality. at present is difficult to handle clinical issues and tobacco cessation in a single office visit. i hope additional codes for this will be adopted.

    s. kahnowitz, md,fccp

    MAYO, FRANK Title: physician
    Organization: pulmonologists,pc
    Date: 06/09/2010

    i am a pulmonary physician caring for tobacco induced lung disease patients, offering smoking cessation information each time the patient presents for evaluation despite no cms incentive to do so. i urge cms to offer coverage to physicians for smoking cessation tools and counseling. it is clearly cost effective therapy

    buki, katherine Title: md
    Organization: accp, ats, acp, aasm
    Date: 06/09/2010

    In my practice, I have frequently found patients who are smokers who are having thoughts about quitting, but need the weight of counselling from their physician, as well as the resources available through prescription medications, to help firm their resolve. This is a critical service that physicians should be providing to all smokers who are interested, regardless of whether they have started to experience complications of their smoking yet. Physicians need to be fairly compensated for


    Vohra, Kunwar Date: 06/09/2010

    Any decline in smoking prevalence will lead to a significant decline in consumption of medical care. Counseling works and helps not only the patient but people around them.

    Appropriately paying physicians and other health care providers such as NPs amd PAs is cost effective in the long run.

    Hansen, James Title: Emeritus Professor of Medicine
    Organization: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
    Date: 06/09/2010

    Traditionally, physicians do not consider spirometic measures abnormal unless they are statistically below the 95% confidence limits. However, it is reasonable to counsel smokers who are below the normal mean values for their age and gender by informing them of their lung age. This is easily calculated. For every one percent their ratio of one-second to total vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) is below mean predicted, their lung age is increased by 3 years!! Lung age can increase as much as 20 or


    Sheely, Raymond Title: Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT)
    Organization: Personal comments
    Date: 06/09/2010

    As a Registered Respiratory Therapist I havebeen concerned for more than 30 years of themedical and financial costs of tobacco usage. Inparticular, I have personally seen thousands ofpremature deaths in persons who smoke and/orexposed to Second-Hand Smoke. These deaths areoften preceded by years of cardio-respiratorydiseases.

    The economic burden of caring for chronic lungand heart diseases, and their frequentexacerbations, is particularly worrisome. We havehad, for too long of a


    Krier-Morrow, MBA, MPH, CCS-P, Diane Date: 06/09/2010

    Being a consultant to the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS)on coding and reimbursement issues, I would like to personally comment and support the CMS proposal to support smoking cessation counseling to prevent tobacco use for all adults and pregnant women who use tobacco regardless of whether the patient has signs and symptoms of tobacco-related disease. I encourage pulmonologists and their staff on being aware of the smoking cessation


    Hsu, Frank Title: M.D.
    Date: 06/09/2010

    I am a pulmonary physician and I am taking care of many patients who are respiratory crippled. I strongly beleive that smoking cessation will substantially reduce the medical cost in the future. Especially, if the education and councilling can be started before a person developes respiratory symptoms.

    Farber, MD, Harold Title: Pediatric Pulmonologist
    Date: 06/09/2010

    Tobacco Dependence is a common disease that leads to substantial morbidity and mortality in both the smoker and individuals close to him or her (via second hand smoke exposure). Effective treatments for tobacco dependence are available but grossly underused (see the Fiore et al Guidelines). There is no other severe fatal illness that we routinely fail to offer effective treatment on. There are few other medical treatments that can yeild as substantial a long term health benefit as


    Mullins, Sarah Title: MD
    Date: 06/09/2010

    This is a sound summary of the current evidence and good decision both financially and responsibly from Medicare.

    zauche, david Date: 06/09/2010

    To Whom it may Concern,

    I am writing to express my strong support for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed decision to extend tobacco cessation counseling to all Medicare beneficiaries. It is Partnership for Prevention''s position that this policy will help many tobacco users break free from a deadly behavior who otherwise would have been unable to do so. Undoubtedly, many lives will be extended and much money saved if this decision is enacted.

    Not only


    Bradley, Lee Ann Date: 06/08/2010

    You are continuing to ignore clinical pharmacists with your definition of recognized provider. You are ignoring qualified, effective help for medicare patients for no reason.

    ALVARO, DYESEBEL Title: program director/respiratory therapist
    Organization: corf
    Date: 06/07/2010

    we have a lot of success with our tobacco counseling.please continue the program.

    Lewis, PhD, Sandra Zelman Title: Asst. Vice President, Health and Science Policy
    Organization: American College of Chest Physicians
    Date: 06/07/2010

    I believe CMS should reimburse for counseling to prevent tobacco use for all adults, including pregnant women who use tobacco regardless of whether the patient has signs and symptoms of tobacco related disease. Just talking with your physician regarding tobacco use has a moderate success rate for quitting. All users can be helped to stop their dependence but they cannot all succeed on their own. Tobacco is one of the most costly (financially and otherwise, including health status, time lost


    Miller, Sharon Date: 06/06/2010

    Tobacco counseling will save health and lives. [PHI Redacted] It would be cost effective,in reductions of medication costs, repeated hospital days, physician services and diagnostics.