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CMS Releases Preliminary 2019 Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment and Service Use Data Tailored to Broad Research and Analysis

Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released preliminary 2019 Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) data used for monitoring program performance and analyzing state and federal payments for services. CMS is releasing the preliminary Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) data, making it the timeliest Medicaid and CHIP data resource available. CMS’ effort to process and make T-MSIS preliminary data available as soon as it is ready provides users, including researchers, entrepreneurs, Congress and oversight agencies access to information on key topics including service utilization and spending. The data contains demographic and eligibility information for all Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries as well as claims files that contain service use and payment records. This unprecedented access to timely data supports research and analysis that helps improve quality of care for more than 75 million low-income Americans. 

Researchers also utilize this tailored data to assess beneficiary care costs and enrollment, improve program integrity and monitor performance. This data is preliminary, as states continue to submit service use records for 2019.   Data quality information for this data was also released to the Data Quality Atlas in November so researchers can determine if the quality of the data meets their needs.  CMS expects to release the final 2019 T-MSIS data in summer of 2021. T-MSIS information for calendar years 2014 through 2018 is already available to the public.

External researchers and other interested stakeholders can obtain access to this preliminary data by submitting a request to the CMS Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC) and signing a CMS data use agreement containing strict beneficiary privacy and data security requirements. To learn more visit the ResDAC website:

For a fact sheet about the Preliminary 2019 Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment and Service Use Data, please see:


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