Course Overview
Lesson 1 Claim Essentials: Background
- Fraud and abuse, submitting claims, charging patients, and timely filing
Lesson 2 837I - Electronic Claim: Key aspects and requirements
- Electronic Data Information (EDI) enrollment, the NPI application, software, implementation, and companion guides
Lesson 3 Form CMS-1450 - Paper Claim: Key aspects and requirements
- Exceptions, waivers, high volume of paper claims, and Form CMS-1450 details
Lesson 4 Claim Completion:Information needed on claims
- Provider, patient and payer Information required when submitting claims
Lesson 5 Claim Coding: Billing Essentials
- Coding the CMS-1450 field locators and the 837I electronic loops
Lesson 6 Claim Processing:Important actions
- Important Medicare claims processing actions