Talking Fotonovelas to Improve Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Among Community Dwelling Older African Americans (Diabetes and High Blood Pressure)

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Talking Fotonovelas to Improve Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Among Community Dwelling Older African Americans (Diabetes and High Blood Pressure)
Project Officer(s)
Richard Bragg
Start Date
End Date
Many older adults, who are racial or ethnic minorities, are most at risk for poor health outcomes. These individuals are also members of underserved populations comprised of individuals with low socioeconomic status and little education. Healthy People 2010 points to the gaps that exist among racial and ethnic groups in the rate of diabetes and associated complications in the United States. The specific objectives are to: 1) Develop a low-cost Talking Fotonovelas Program tailored to community-dwelling older African Americans residing in Washington, DC. 2) Field test the Talking Fotonovelas to improve diabetes and high blood pressure. 3) Examine associations among KAP and moderator variables in the Talking Fotonovelas conceptual model. Participants will be educated about behaviors conducive to prevention and self management of diabetes. In addition, prototypes of Talking Fotonovelas will be developed to use in health education with low socioeconomic status African Americans.
Principal Investigator(s)
Elizabeth Bertera
Project Number
This grant has a No Cost Extension until September 29, 2011 under the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Health Services Research Grant Program
Awardee Address

2225 Georgia Avenue, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20059
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
Howard University OSP-Research Administration