Performance Monitoring of Voluntary Chronic Care Improvement/Medicare Health Support Under Traditional Fee-For-Service Medicare

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Performance Monitoring of Voluntary Chronic Care Improvement/Medicare Health Support Under Traditional Fee-For-Service Medicare
Project Officer(s)
Pamela Cheetham, Louisa Rink
Start Date
End Date
Task Order (MRAD)
The performance-monitoring task order provides the means to monitor Medicare Health Support operations and collect data needed to track clinical performance of participating disease management organizations and utilization of health resources by the intervention and control groups during Phase I of this pilot project. The monitoring process is dependent upon collaboration among several contractors, CMS, and the Medicare Support Organizations (MHSOs), to ensure the specification, collection, storage, and reporting of accurate clinical data for Medicare beneficiaries in the intervention and control groups (particularly intervention group beneficiaries who actively participated in MHS). This data tracks the efforts of the individual MHSOs and provides information to the independent evaluator. Comparative data will help inform a decision by the Secretary on potential program expansion, as specified in Section 721 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003.
Principal Investigator(s)
Sue Felt-lisk, Don Lara
Project Number
The last routine performance monitoring quarterly reports were delivered in January 2009. Program operations for phase one of this pilot project concluded in August 2008. The last contractor/CMS assessment of the degree to which MHSO self-selected clinical performance targets were achieved by each Medicare Health Support Organizations was delivered in September 2009. The project completed on November 30, 2009.
Awardee Address

600 Alexander Park, P.O. Box 2393
Princeton, NJ 08543-2393
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
Mathematica Policy Research, (Princeton)