Evaluation of MMA Changes on Dual Eligible Beneficiaries in Demo and Other Managed Care and Fee-For-Service Arrangements, An

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Evaluation of MMA Changes on Dual Eligible Beneficiaries in Demo and Other Managed Care and Fee-For-Service Arrangements, An
Project Officer(s)
Pauline Karikari-Martin, William Clark
Start Date
End Date
Task Order (RADSTO)
This project is an evaluation of the Medicare Modernization Act's changes on beneficiaries in dual eligible Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans demonstrations that also contract for comprehensive Medicaid benefits. Phase II will examine the transition of pharmacy benefits from Medicaid to Medicare under Medicare Part D.
Principal Investigator(s)
Christine Bishop
Project Number
The contractor has conducted demonstration site visits and has completed reports on the delivery of integrated care demonstrations and their transition to Medicare Advantage. Phase II is in process.
Awardee Address

415 South Street, P.O. Box 9110
Waltham, MA 02254-9110
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
Brandeis University, Heller Graduate School, Institute for Health Policy