Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

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Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
Project Officer(s)
Jessica Schubel
Start Date
End Date
Waiver-Only Project
The entire Arizona Medicaid Program operates as a Medicaid Section 1115 demonstration and includes a HIFA amendment that allows for coverage of parents and children with title XXI funds. In addition, Arizona has a targeted family planning demonstration for women with incomes up to 133% FPL who are otherwise ineligible for Medicaid at the end of 60 days post-partum. This demonstration permits the State the flexibility of determining the effectiveness of placing more than 95% of its Medicaid expenditures into managed care.
Principal Investigator(s)
Thomas Betlach
Project Number
11-W-00032/09 and 21-W-00009/09
Several requests to amend the Demonstration are pending with CMS. The State has proposed to add Community Transition Services to the Home and Community-Based Services package offered under ALTCS, to update the disproportionate share hospital protocol, and to update the service package definition for Demonstration populations to mirror changes to the Medicaid State Plan. The State also has requested a waiver that would allow Indian health providers to be paid directly by the State instead of by the health plans in which AHCCCS beneficiaries are enrolled. On September 30, 2010, the State submitted a request for an extension to the Demonstration. The Demonstration will expire on September 30, 2011.
Awardee Address

801 East Jefferson Street
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System