CMS Fast Facts

CMS Fast Facts

CMS has developed a new quick reference statistical summary on annual CMS program and financial data.  CMS Fast Facts includes summary information on total program enrollment, utilization, expenditures, as well as total number of Medicare providers including physicians by specialty area.

The download below will be updated as data become available.  More detailed summary data can be found in the Medicare & Medicaid Statistical Supplement and the CMS Statistics Reference Booklet.

What’s New in March 2022

  • Medicare Populations, CY 2021
  • Medicaid and CHIP Populations, FY 2021
  • Original Medicare Persons Served and Payments by Type of Service, CY 2020
  • Medicare Part D Utilization and Expenditures, CY 2020
  • Medicare Non-Institutional Providers by Specialty, CY 2020
  • Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Providers by Specialty, CY 2020
  • Medicare Prepaid Contracts, January 2022
  • National Health Expenditures, CY 2020
  • CMS Financial Data, FY 2021
Page Last Modified:
09/06/2023 04:57 PM