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Glossary and Acronyms
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Projects that examine and seek to achieve improvement in major areas of clinical and non-clinical services. These projects are usually based on information such as enrollee characteristics, standardized measures, utilization, diagnosis and outcome information, data from surveys, grievance and appeals processes, etc. They measure performance at two periods of time to ascertain if improvement has occurred. These projects are required by the State and can be of the MCO/PHPs choosing or prescribed by the State.


Is information that shows how well a health plan provides a certain treatment, test, or other health care service to its members. For example, Medicare uses performance measures from NCQA’s Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) to get information on how well health plans perform in quality, how easy it is to get care, and members’ satisfaction with the health plan and its doctors.


A gauge used to assess the performance of a process or function of any organization.
Quantitative or qualitative measures of the care and services delivered to enrollees (process) or the end result of that care and services (outcomes). Performance measures can be used to assess other aspects of an individual or organization's performance such as access and availability of care, utilization of care, health plan stability, beneficiary characteristics, and other structural and operational aspect of health care services. Performance measures included here may include measures calculated by the State (from encounter data or another data source), or measures submitted by the MCO/PHP.


A set period of time that you can get hospice care after your doctor says that you are eligible and still need hospice care.


A procedure that introduces dialysate into the abdominal cavity to remove waste products through the peritoneum (a membrane which surrounds the intestines and other organs in the abdominal cavity). It functions in a manner similar to that of the artificial semi permeable membrane in the hemodialysis machine. Three forms of peritoneal dialysis are continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis, and intermittent peritoneal dialysis.


PD uses a cleaning solution, called dialysate, that flows through a special tube into your abdomen. After a few hours, the dialysate gets drained from your abdomen, taking the wastes from your blood with it. Then you fill your abdomen with fresh dialysate and the cleaning process begins again. This treatment can be done at home, at your workplace, or at another convenient location (See dialysis and hemodialysis.).


Nonskilled, personal care, such as help with activities of daily living like bathing, dressing, eating, getting in and out of bed or chair, moving around, and using the bathroom. It may also include care that most people do themselves, like using eye drops. The Medicare home health benefit does pay for personal care services.


Treatment of injury and disease by mechanical means, such as heat, light, exercise, and massage.


A person who has 2 or more years of advanced training and has passed a special exam. A physician assistant works with a doctor and can do some of the things a doctor does.


A partnership, association, corporation, individual practice association (IPA), or other group that distributes income from the practice among members. An IPA is considered to be a physician group only if it is composed of individual physicians and has no subcontracts with other physician groups.