Q9352 | Phelan-McDermid syndrome |
Q9359 | Other deletions of part of a chromosome |
Q937 | Deletions with other complex rearrangements |
Q9381 | Velo-cardio-facial syndrome |
Q9382 | Williams syndrome |
Q9388 | Other microdeletions |
Q9389 | Other deletions from the autosomes |
Q939 | Deletion from autosomes, unspecified |
Q992 | Fragile X chromosome |
R37 | Sexual dysfunction, unspecified |
R404 | Transient alteration of awareness |
R4181 | Age-related cognitive decline |
R41840 | Attention and concentration deficit |
R41841 | Cognitive communication deficit |
R41843 | Psychomotor deficit |
R41844 | Frontal lobe and executive function deficit |
R4189 | Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness |
R440 | Auditory hallucinations |
R442 | Other hallucinations |
R443 | Hallucinations, unspecified |
R450 | Nervousness |
R451 | Restlessness and agitation |
R452 | Unhappiness |
R453 | Demoralization and apathy |
R454 | Irritability and anger |
R455 | Hostility |
R456 | Violent behavior |
R457 | State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified |
R4581 | Low self-esteem |
R4582 | Worries |
R45851 | Suicidal ideations |
R4586 | Emotional lability |
R4587 | Impulsiveness |
R4588 | Nonsuicidal self-harm |
R4589 | Other symptoms and signs involving emotional state |
R480 | Dyslexia and alexia |
R481 | Agnosia |
R482 | Apraxia |
R488 | Other symbolic dysfunctions |
R489 | Unspecified symbolic dysfunctions |
R54 | Age-related physical debility |
Z72810 | Child and adolescent antisocial behavior |
Z72811 | Adult antisocial behavior |
Z87890 | Personal history of sex reassignment |