National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)
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National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)
Years Survey Included Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM)-related Questions
Survey Description
The National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) gathers information on family life, marriage and divorce, pregnancy, infertility, use of contraception and men’s and women’s health. Since 1973, the results of this survey have been used by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and others to plan health services, health education programs, and to conduct statistical studies of families, fertility, and health. The NSFG is projected to continue survey administration through 2019.

The NSFG is conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) NCHS with the support and assistance of several other organizations and individuals. The NSFG is jointly planned and funded by the following programs and agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- Office of Population Affairs
- Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, CDC
- Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention, CDC
- Division of Reproductive Health, CDC
- Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, CDC
- Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, CDC
- Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
- Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, ACF
SGM-related questions can be found under section J_CRQ (CAPI Reference Questionnaire) of the survey.
Survey Sample Population
The NSFG was first designed to be nationally representative of women 15-44 years of age in the civilian, noninstitutionalized population of the United States (household population). Later changes to the NSFG included adding an independent sample of men (2002) and expanding the age range to 15-49 (2015), now making the survey designed to be nationally representative of men and women aged 15-49 living in households in the United States. For each interviewing year (every 12 months beginning mid-September), it is expected that about 5,000 interviews will continue to be completed. For the 2013-2015 NSFG, there was a total sample size of 10,205 participants.
Survey Mode
The NSFG is conducted through in-person interviews, with a portion of the more sensitive questions answered privately by self-administration. The first 6 NSFG surveys were conducted as periodic cycles by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) in 1973, 1976, 1982, 1988, 1995, and 2002. Starting in 2006, the NSFG shifted from periodic survey cycles to continuous interviewing. Interviews are conducted in person by female interviewers who are hired and managed by, current NSFG contractor, the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research.
The survey is available in two questionnaire formats; computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI)-lite and CAPI Reference Questionnaire (CRQ) format. Both formats represent the basic content and routing of the full NSFG interviews, including the CAPI administered by interviewers and the audio computer-assisted self-interviews (ACASI) that respondents complete on their own. Each format offers users a different level of detail and perspective on how the interview is conducted. There are male and female versions of each of the questionnaires. Any SGM-related question is not optional and has its own section in each questionnaire.
SGM-Related Survey Questions
Sexual Identity
Do you think of yourself as...
Heterosexual or straight
Homosexual or Gay [If R is female then Lesbian or] Gay
Something else
(Don’t Know)
Question History: The current question was used from 2013-2015. A different question was asked in 2002 and 2006-2010. |
2002 (ORIENT)
Do you think of yourself as...
Or something else
2006-2010 (ORIENT)
Do you think of yourself as...
Heterosexual or straight
Homosexual, gay, or lesbian
Or something else
When you say “something else,” what do you mean?
Open ended
Sexual Attraction
People are different in their sexual attraction to other people. Which best describes your feelings? Are you...
[If R is male]
[If R is female]
Only attracted to females
Only attracted to males
Mostly attracted to females
Mostly attracted to males
Equally attracted to females and males
Equally attracted to males and females
Mostly attracted to males
Mostly attracted to females
Only attracted to males
Only attracted to females
Not sure
Not sure
Question History: This is the only version of the question that has been used.
The following question is under the Sexual Attraction, Orientation, & Experience with STDs section.
(MFLASTP) The very last time you had any type of sex -- that is vaginal intercourse or anal sex or oral sex -- was that last sexual partner male or female?
Question History: This is the only version of the question that has been used.
Sexual Behavior
NSFG asks many questions related to a variety of sexual behaviors. For more information on those questions, please visit:
Gender Identity
There are currently no questions asked in this category.
Household Relationships
Both the female and male versions of the survey ask the same question.
(AB-1) Now I'd like to ask about marital status and living together. Please look at Card 1. What is your current marital or cohabiting status?
ENTER [2] if R is living together with a partner of the opposite sex to whom she is not married, even if she is also widowed, divorced, separated, or never-married | ||
If R volunteers being in a same-sex marriage or living with a same-sex partner, then enter this information in an [F2] comment and probe for R’s marital or cohabitation status with respect to opposite sex spouses or cohabiting partners. If R has not had an opposite sex marriage and is not currently cohabiting with an opposite sex partner, enter [6]. | ||
Married to a person of the opposite sex ...1
Not married but living together with a partner of the opposite sex ...2
Widowed ...3
Divorced or annulled ...4
Separated, because you and your spouse are not getting along ...5
Never been married ...6
Respondent answers the question for each person who lives in the household.
(AD-5) Please look at Card (3/4). What is (Name[X])’s relationship to you?
NOTE: If R says “child”, PROBE for whether she means biological child or something else. If R says ‘foster sister’ or ‘foster brother’, enter [23], ‘Other nonrelative’
If Household Member is Male, Display:
If Household Member is Female, Display:
Husband ...1
Wife ...1
Male partner ...2
Female partner ...2
Biological son ...3
Biological daughter ...3
Stepson (son of spouse) ...4
Step-daughter (daughter of spouse) ...4
Adopted son ...5
Adopted daughter ...5
Legal ward ...6
Legal ward ...6
Foster child ...7
Foster child ...7
Partner’s son ...8
Partner’s daughter ...8
Grandson ...9
Granddaughter ...9
Nephew ...10
Niece ...10
Biological father ...11
Biological mother ...11
Step-father (husband of mother) ...12
Step-mother (wife of father) ...12
Adoptive father ...13
Adoptive mother ...13
Legal guardian ...14
Legal guardian ...14
Foster parent ...15
Foster parent ...15
Your parent’s male partner ...16
Your parent’s female partner ...16
Grandfather ...17
Grandmother ...17
Uncle ...18
Aunt ...18
Brother ...19
Sister ...19
Other male relative ...20
Other female relative ...20
Roommate (male) ...21
Roommate (female) ...21
Tenant or boarder (male) ...22
Tenant or boarder (female) ...22
Other male relative ...23
Other female nonrelative ...23
Question History: These questions were not asked in 2002 (Cycle 6), but have been used from 2006-2015. |
Response Rates
The overall response rate for the 2013-2015 period was 69.3%; 71.2% for women and 67.1% for men. The response rate for male teenagers ages 15-19 was 71.2% and 70.7% for female teenagers.
Response rates for NSFG can be accessed on the main website by selecting ‘Questionnaires, Datasets, and Related Documentation’, and then under ‘Codebooks and Documentation’ select general info for users, which is located under ‘User’s Guide’. Use the following link to access the most recent response rate results:
Survey Links
The survey questionnaires can be accessed on the main website for the NSFG, organized by collection year(s). Use the following link to access the most recent questionnaires:
Information on survey data can be accessed on the main website for the NSFG, organized by collection year(s). Use the following link to access the most recent survey data:
General Information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. National Survey of Family Growth. (2014).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. 2011-2013 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG): Sample Design Documentation.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. National Survey of Family Growth. 2013-2015 National Survey of Family Growth Female Questionnaire
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. National Survey of Family Growth. 2013-2015 National Survey of Family Growth Male Questionnaire