Maternal Health

Maternal Health: CMS' Actions to Address the United States' Maternity Care Crisis

Two parents sitting on a park bench looking at child

Fast Facts

CMS’ coordinated action plan to improve maternity care access and quality is designed to improve health outcomes and reduce disparities. 

over 40 percent of births are covered

Medicaid and CHIP Coverage

Medicaid and CHIP cover over 40% of births in the United States. Find more maternal health data.


Nearly 2 out of 3 maternal deaths in the U.S. occur in the postpartum period

Improving Health Outcomes

Almost every state and territory in the U.S. has chosen to expand Medicaid and CHIP postpartum coverage for 60 days to 365 days, underscoring the importance of health coverage and access during this pivotal time period.

Source: The Commonwealth Fund

2 to 3 times more pregnancy-related complications

Higher Mortality Rates

Across the U.S., women who live in rural areas and women who are Black, American Indian, and Alaska have higher rates of pregnancy-related complications compared to the U.S. averages.

Birthing Friendly Designation Logo Small - pink logo of mother and child in the shape of a heart

Birthing Friendly Designation

CMS created the new designation to identify hospitals and health systems with a demonstrated commitment to improving maternity care quality.

  1. Plans committed to using BF designation
  2. Find Hospitals and Health Systems (look up tool)
  3. Maternal Health quality reporting measures
Woman sitting indoors smiling looking at pregnant belly with her hands resting on it

Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) model

The goal of the TMaH Model is to ensure pregnant and postpartum mothers with Medicaid or CHIP health insurance receive personalized care that can improve their health outcomes.

  1. Model overview and resources


mother sitting on lawn holding child

Medicaid Postpartum Coverage Extension

This new option for states to extend Medicaid/CHIP postpartum coverage is part of ongoing efforts through HHS and the Biden-Harris Administration to address disparities in maternal health outcomes by opening the door to postpartum care for hundreds of thousands of people.

  1. States that have expanded postpartum coverage (map)
  2. Guidance on implementing the coverage expansion (state health official letter)
  3. Increasing Access, Quality, and Equity in Postpartum Care in Medicaid and CHIP (toolkit)
  4. Improving Postpartum Care: Quality Improvement Resources
  5. Maternal and Infant Health Initiative resources & webinars
Page Last Modified:
01/20/2025 09:56 AM