Territories & States Beneficiary Query (TBQ) File
Territories & States Beneficiary Query (TBQ) File
The Territory & States Beneficiary Query (TBQ) File is a data exchange between CMS and a state or territory Medicaid agency. States and territories query CMS for detailed Medicare beneficiary information on Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D eligibility and enrollment.
The Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) State Users Guide (SUG) includes the following information on TBQ files:
- Section 10, Territory & States Beneficiary Query Request File
- Section 11, Territory & States Beneficiary Query Response File
For More Information
For technical questions, including assistance with TBQ File exchange and troubleshooting issues, please contact the MAPD Help Desk directly.
For questions regarding CMS data agreements, your state/territory's use of the TBQ File, or understanding and using the data in the TBQ File, please contact the SDRC directly.
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Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:18 PM