Delaware Grants Awards List

Delaware Grants Awards List

Delaware has received four grant awards to build its Health Insurance Marketplace. This includes a Planning Grant and three Level One Establishment Grants.

Summaries of Delaware’s applications for each grant are provided below:


Establishment Grant Level One Application Summary

Administrator: Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
Award Amount: $3,400,096; $8,536,543; $8,321,608.
Award Date: November 29, 2011; January 17, 2013; January 22, 2014.
Application Due Date: September 30, 2011; November 15, 2012; November 15, 2013.
Supplement Amount: $977,813 (December 22, 2014)

Level of Funding: Level One

Summary: The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) will use Level One funding for the following key activities: developing a rules-based eligibility engine that will serve as the single, streamlined eligibility process for all medical assistance programs, including Medicaid, Delaware Healthy Children (the State’s Children Health Insurance Program) and the Exchange; preparing business and IT systems requirements for non-eligibility-related functions of the Exchange, and developing an operational plan; creating a financial management and sustainability model; enhancing Delaware’s consumer health assistance; engaging stakeholders; preparing statutory and regulatory changes for commercial health insurance, as required by the Affordable Care Act; assessing the impact to the commercial health insurance market from regulatory changes, the essential health benefits package, and the introduction of an Exchange as a purchasing platform in the individual and small group markets; and, reviewing existing programs to identify opportunities to leverage services, functions and resources that may be applicable to the Exchange, as well as opportunities to modify existing programs in light of the coverage expansions that will take effect in 2014.

With approximately 100,000 Delawareans currently uninsured– the expansion of Medicaid and the availability of subsidized commercial health insurance through the Exchange should provide many of those who are currently uninsured with access to affordable health coverage.

Delaware will use its second Level One Establishment Grant to support the review of qualified health plan applications in March 2013, and to analyze additional policy options for ensuring continuity of care and coverage for lower income Delawareans.  The project will also support the implementation of the Marketplace Assister program and outreach and education campaign, as well as monitoring of federally-selected Navigators.

Delaware’s third Level One award will support its Plan Management and Consumer Assistance State Partnership Marketplace work.  Funding will help finalize the remaining technical and business processes, support qualified health plan (QHP) operations through re-certification and approval, continued QHP monitoring and complaints tracking, analyze additional policy options for ensuring continuity of care and coverage for lower income Delawareans, continued outreach and education, marketing/media campaigns, ongoing monitoring of In Person Assistors, and continuing to refine its process for coordinating with the Federally-facilitated Marketplace’s Navigators.  

Administrative Supplement Award Amount: $977,813 (December 22, 2014)

Summary:  Delaware will use the level one grant supplement to enhance the marketplace’s consumer engagement efforts.  Delaware will provide resources for consumer engagement salaries and wages and three months support for DE’s rural population to assist consumers with open enrollment and tax issues.

State Planning Grant

Awarded September 30, 2010

Administrator: Delaware Department of Health and Social Services

Amount Awarded: $1,000,000

  • Conduct a planning process involving key stakeholders that will enable the State to make an informed decision concerning the implementation of a Health Benefit Exchange.
  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a State-run Exchange, a regional Exchange, or an Exchange administered by the federal government.
  • Utilize State resources, consultant support, and stakeholder participation to inform decision-making related to the establishment of an Exchange in the State of Delaware.
  • Solicit the widest-possible involvement from public and private stakeholders through the development of targeted working groups as appropriate.
  • Convene public meetings which will provide a vehicle for both dissemination of information and citizen feedback.

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09/10/2024 06:11 PM