Idaho Health Insurance Marketplace Grants Awards List

Idaho Health Insurance Marketplace Grants Awards List

Idaho has received multiple grant awards to build its Health Insurance Marketplace. This includes a Planning Grant and Level One Establishment Grants.

Summaries of Idaho’s applications for each grant are provided below:


Establishment Grant Level One Application Summary

Grantee of Record:  Idaho Health Insurance Exchange, dba Your Health Idaho (YHI)
Amount Awarded:  $35,896,938
Award Date: December 22, 2014
Application Due Date: November 14, 2014
Level of Funding:  Level Two

Idaho received funding to complete necessary enhancements including building and enhancing Idaho's Marketplace systems that include the Department of Health & Welfare (DHW) eligibility rules engine, and further work with its Independent Verification & Validation Services (IV&V).

Administrator: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Award Amount: $20,376,556; $48,019,031
Award Date: November 29, 2011; October 23, 2013
Application Due Date: September 30, 2011; August 15, 2013
Level of Funding: Level One

Summary: Idaho will use Level One funds to complete necessary planning, research, design, development and implementation of its Exchange. The funding will assist the State in developing policy goals for the Idaho Health Insurance Exchange consistent with State and Federal law; securing staff, consultants and expert resources; actively engaging stakeholders to inform and support Exchange planning; and engage in related activities around Exchange design, development and implementation.

Idaho’s second Level One Establishment grant will support the establishment of an Idaho Health Insurance Marketplace, “Your Health Idaho.”  The major objectives of this cooperative agreement are:

  • Supporting Consumer Assistance and Outreach & Education
  • Integrating with key state agencies, including the Department of Health and Welfare and the Department of Insurance
  • Procuring a vendor to build the Marketplace’s information technology systems
  • Securing contracts with vendors to help oversee the information technology build, including a project management office and Independent Verification and Validation Services
  • Providing funds for grantee staffing that support the establishment of the Idaho Marketplace.

State Planning Grant

Awarded September 30, 2010

Administrator: Idaho Department of Insurance

Amount Awarded: $1,000,000

  • Conduct background research to establish scope and citizen impact.
  • Engage stakeholders and create strategies for continued engagement.
  • Evaluate existing government and non-government structures for opportunities to integrate these structures to support an Exchange.
  • Assess current and future resource needs and capabilities.
  • Create recommendations for governance structures.
  • Analyze accounting systems and methods to build on those systems.
  • Analyze existing technology, capacity and needed expansion.
  • Identify changes needed to existing technology and programs to accommodate the implementation of State Exchange.
  • Develop methods and resources needed to manage business operations for an Exchange.
  • Identify needed enabling State legislation and regulations.

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09/10/2024 06:11 PM