Maryland Health Insurance Marketplace Grants Awards List

Maryland Health Insurance Marketplace Grants Awards List

Maryland has received four grant awards to build its Health Insurance Marketplace, or Exchange. This includes a Planning Grant, an Early Innovator Grant, two Level One Establishment Grant, and a Level Two Establishment Grant.

Summaries of Maryland's applications for each grant are provided below:


Establishment Grant Level Two Application Summary


Administrator: Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Award Amount: $123,048,693
Award Date: August 23, 2012
Administrative Supplement Award Amount: $13,550,988 (July 23, 2013)
Application Due Date: June 29, 2012
Supplement Amount: $13,550,988 (July 23, 2013)
Supplement Amount: $11,119,322 (September 20, 2013)


Level of Funding: Level Two

Summary: On behalf of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) is receiving a Level Two Establishment grant to accomplish the necessary activities to achieve certification by January 2013 and begin enrolling individuals through a state-based exchange for coverage effective January 1, 2014. Specifically, the funding will enable the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange to meet the rapid implementation requirements of the ACA including IT systems, business operations, and program integration with state and federal agencies, stakeholder engagement, consumer assistance, as well as outreach and education.

Administrative Supplement Award Amount: $13,550,988 (August 5, 2013)

Summary: Maryland will use the level two grant supplement funding to support six Connector Entities serving different geographical regions all of which are responsible for the Connector Program in their respective regions and the hiring of 180 Assisters for the Connector Entities.

Administrative Supplement Award Amount: $11,119,322 (September 20, 2013)

Summary: Maryland will use the level two grant supplement funding to develop and implement specialized training for those providing consumer assistance including certified navigators, application counselors, assisters, insurance producers, call center staff and caseworkers throughout the state.  The funding will also support an advertising and media campaign, as well as enhanced website development.


Establishment Grant Level One Application Summary

Grantee of Record:  Maryland Health Benefit Exchange
Amount Awarded:  $7,947,711
Award Date:  December 22, 2014
Application Due Date:  November 14, 2014
Level of Funding:  Level One

Maryland received funding for enhancements necessary to complete the establishment of its outreach program, credentialing database and learning management system, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, call center, case management functions, simplified document scanning processes, and other projects.


Administrator: Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Award Amount: $27,186,749
Award Date: August 12, 2011
Application Due Date: June 30, 2011
Level of Funding: Level One

Summary: Maryland will conduct policy development and detailed planning to build on the work of its Exchange Planning Grant and Innovator Grant. The Level One Establishment Grant will result in data-driven and intensive policy analysis that will shape the technical and operational infrastructure of the Marketplace. In addition, the activities performed with this funding will result in the rapid implementation of the Marketplace IT platform, including product licensing, system integration, and independent verification and validation. The IT platform will be flexible to respond to forthcoming federal guidance and ongoing policymaking and input from Maryland stakeholders.


Early Innovator Grant


Grantee: Maryland Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene

Award Amount: $6,227,454

Summary: Maryland proposes to build off a prototype it has already developed that models the point of access for the Marketplace, integration with Maryland legacy systems and the federal portal systems, and Maryland's consumption of planned federal Web services (e.g. verification and rules). The technology foundation used by Maryland in its Healthy Maryland initiative is currently being used by several other States. This “point†solution will extend the existing Healthy Maryland platform, which was recently implemented.


State Planning Grant


Awarded September 30, 2010

Administrator: Department of Health & Mental Hygiene

Amount Awarded: $999,227

  • Utilize the previously established Maryland Health Care Reform Coordinating Council to outline issues pertaining to: engaging the public, gathering and analyzing public comment, conducting focused research, and developing options for consideration by the Coordinating Council.
  • Create an information infrastructure plan that assesses existing information systems, identifies gaps and needs, and proposes strategies to achieve seamless eligibility and enrollment in health coverage.
  • Develop an outreach and communications strategy for 2011-2014, including market research to guide the design of the Marketplace
  • Fund Maryland-specific studies of public and private health insurance coverage and health care expenditures to determine whether to merge the individual and small group markets and whether to provide additional protection against adverse selection, development of governance options for the successful operation of the Marketplace, and development of operational plans and a sustainable business model for the Marketplace.
  • Assess current public sector technological capabilities, current private sector technological capabilities and technology solutions that may be available from the federal government.
  • Determine whether the existing public or private sector capacity could be adapted for online public access to facilitate eligibility determination, choice of coverage, application, enrollment, the specific options for connecting an eligibility determination system with other components of the Marketplace, and develop an RFP for eligibility system expansion or acquisition.

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09/10/2024 06:11 PM