Wisconsin Affordable Insurance Exchange Grants Awards List

Wisconsin Affordable Insurance Exchange Grants Awards List

Wisconsin has received two grant awards to build its Affordable Insurance Exchange. This includes a Planning Grant and an Early Innovator Grant.

Summaries of Wisconsin’s applications for each grant are provided below:


Early Innovator Grant

Grantee: Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Award Amount: $37,757,266

Wisconsin anticipates that the health insurance exchange will help drive improvements in the delivery of affordable, quality care for up to 160,000 individuals in the non-group market, one million employees of small businesses, and 770,000 participants in the BadgerCare Plus and Medicaid programs, representing nearly 35% of the state’s population. Wisconsin’s proposal envisions a single, intuitive portal through which residents can access subsidized and non-subsidized health care and other state-based programs (e.g. Medicaid, CHIP, child care). The Exchange will integrate across health and human services programs to promote efficiency and lower overall administrative cost.


State Planning Grant

Awarded September 30, 2010

Administrator: Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Amount Awarded: $999,873

  • Design an Exchange that moves beyond an aggregator of health insurance options, to a mechanism that influences how health care is delivered in the State. Application makes clear that Wisconsin sees the Exchange as a “transformative force.”
  • Contract to develop a predictive model to measure the impact of the insurance market reforms on Wisconsin, coupled with other requirements of the Affordable Care Act.
  • Maintain Exchange resource information on the Office of Health Care Reform web site to allow stakeholders to stay informed and provide input.
  • Conduct surveys of the individual, small group, and large group markets, and model and analyze insurance reform impacts to assure clear understanding of Wisconsin’s current and future health insurance landscape.

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09/10/2024 06:11 PM