Monitoring Chronic Disease Care and Outcomes Among Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries with Multiple Chronic Diseases

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Monitoring Chronic Disease Care and Outcomes Among Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries with Multiple Chronic Diseases
Project Officer(s)
Pauline Karikari-Martin
Start Date
End Date
Task Order (MRAD)
The purpose of this contract is to conduct analytic studies designed to better understand the nature of chronic disease among Medicare beneficiaries and to improve the care of these populations. The deliverables, named Activities one and two of this project, found that diabetes care services decreased and the odds of dying increased. However, among patients with multiple chronic conditions as compared to patients with diabetes only, the receipt of these diabetes care services was associated with only half the odds of dying and lower costs to Medicare. The Chronic Condition Warehouse (CCW), also known as the 723 database, and Part D data serve as the data sources for the analytic studies to be conducted under the deliverable named Activity three for this contract. In addition, the contract was modified to add an analysis of acute and long-term care services. Specifically, the cost of major types of acute and long-term care services received by beneficiary groups identified as receiving waivers or State plans services will be examined in 8 states; namely AR, FL, MN, NM, PA, TX, WA, and VT. The modification also includes tracking three groups of costs: Medicaid only, Medicaid expenses for Duals, and Medicare and Medicaid expenses for Duals. Pooled data from the CCW and Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) across years will be used for this analysis.
Principal Investigator(s)
A. Marshall McBean, Robert Kane
Project Number
The final drafts of activities one and two have been submitted on schedule. Activity three is on schedule and complete. The acute and long-term care services analysis is underway.
Awardee Address

420 Delaware Street SE, D 355 Mayo Building
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Division of Health Services Research and Policy, Mail Code Number 99