Evaluation of Rural Community Hospital Demonstration

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Evaluation of Rural Community Hospital Demonstration
Project Officer(s)
Normandy Brangan
Start Date
End Date
Task Order (XRAD)
This project will evaluate the impact of the Rural Community Hospital Demonstration. The demonstration is examining effects of changes in Medicare reimbursements on the financial viability of small rural hospitals. The contractor will also identify strategic and operational challenges faced by the participating hospitals and the impact of demonstration payments on these challenges. CMS will reimburse demonstration hospitals at 100 percent of cost for inpatient care or a target amount, whichever is lower. The impact analysis portion of the evaluation will use the Hospital Cost Reports Information System (HCRIS), the fiscal intermediary or Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) reconciliation of hospital cost report data during the demonstration period, to estimate the change in Medicare reimbursements due to the demonstration. The case study evaluation component will examine issues pertaining to the implementation and operational experiences of the participating hospitals using semi-annual reports filed by the demonstration hospitals and interviews with hospital officials.
Principal Investigator(s)
Margaret O'Brien-Strain
Project Number
The evaluator has prepared case studies of the original 9 hospitals enrolled in the demonstration. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 extended the demonstration for another five years, and the Report to Congress continues to be due six months after the end of the demonstration. Because of this change, the evaluation contract was modified to replace the Report to Congress with an Interim Report updating the status of the Rural Community Hospital Demonstration.
Awardee Address

500 Airport Blvd. Suite 365
Burlingame, CA 94010
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
Acumen, LLC.