Evaluation of Medicare Health Care Quality Demonstrations - Phase I

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Evaluation of Medicare Health Care Quality Demonstrations - Phase I
Project Officer(s)
Normandy Brangan
Start Date
End Date
Task Order (RADSTO)
The Contractor is required to design and conduct an independent evaluation of the Medicare Health Care Quality (MHCQ) Demonstration Projects. The evaluation will include an assessment of each demonstration project approved by the Secretary with respect to Medicare expenditures, beneficiary and provider satisfaction, and health care delivery quality and outcomes.
Principal Investigator(s)
Michael Trisolini
Project Number
Phase one of this contract will now be considered the complete contract due to delays in the start of the demonstration sites. A no-cost extension was recently granted with the contract to end in September 2010. No further extensions will be considered. The existing contract is being re-scoped to eliminate options and unnecessary tasks and to focus available resources on Task 4.2 in the statement of work, developing case studies of program start up activities, and producing a final case study report to be used in any future evaluation of this demonstration.
Awardee Address

P.O. Box 12194, 3040 Cornwallis Road
Research, Triangle Park,
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
Research Triangle Institute, (NC)