Evaluation of the Nursing Home Value Based Purchasing Demonstration

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Evaluation of the Nursing Home Value Based Purchasing Demonstration
Project Officer(s)
William Buczko
Start Date
End Date
Task Order (XRAD)
The Nursing Home Value Based Purchasing (NHVBP) demonstration is part of a CMS initiative to improve the quality of care furnished to Medicare beneficiaries in nursing homes. This demonstration will test the "pay for performance" concept applied to the nursing home setting prior to implementing NHVBP nationally. CMS will provide financial incentives to participating nursing homes that meet certain standards for providing high quality care. CMS will assess the performance of participating nursing homes based on selected measures of quality of care, then make payment awards to those nursing homes that achieve a high level of performance or exceptional improvement based on those measures. Domains represented in the quality measures including staffing, appropriate hospitalizations, outcome measures from the minimum data set (MDS), and inspection survey deficiencies. CMS will award points to each nursing home based on how they perform on the measures within each of the domains. These points will be summed to produce an overall quality score. In addition, CMS will compare certain risk-adjusted Medicare Part A, B, and D (if available) payments per resident between the experimental and control groups to determine if there are savings to Medicare.
Principal Investigator(s)
Lisa Green
Project Number
The project kickoff meeting was held on September 22, 2008. The project evaluation plan was submitted to CMS in December of 2008. The evaluation team is creating analytic files from MDS data and will be requesting claims data for residents of the facilities in the treatment and comparison groups. The discussions with stakeholder groups and site visits have been completed. The first year (background) report was submitted on July 12, 2010. File building for the baseline period has begun.
Awardee Address

P.O. Box 42026
Washington, DC 20015
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
L&M Policy Research