Application of Episode Groupers to Medicare

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Application of Episode Groupers to Medicare
Project Officer(s)
Fred Thomas
Start Date
End Date
Task Order (XRAD)
Since 2006, CMS has been investigating techniques that can help identify higher cost practice patterns. One technique is to compare resource use at the episode of care level. Episodes of care represent a group of healthcare services (claims) for a health condition (e.g., hip fracture, diabetes) over a defined length of time for which a physician can be responsible. Episode groupers are software programs that organize claims data into a set of clinically coherent episodes, usually linked by diagnosis. Episode grouping software requires users to specify the input parameters for a given set of outputs. Acumen adapted Medicare claims (Parts A and B, and no Part D) for grouping, developed a framework to compare episodes generated by each grouper on a common set of claims data, and assessed the impact of the numerous grouping options and profile settings available in each grouper. Using a 20% sample of 2003 Colorado data, Acumen grouped about 5 million Medicare claims using the January 2008 versions of Symmetry Episode Treatment Groups (ETG) and the Thomson Medstat Medical Episode Grouper (MEG) software. Approximately 660,000 episodes resulted from this grouping process using either grouper software.
Principal Investigator(s)
Thomas MaCurdy
Project Number
Work has included an analysis of the functionality of the two episode groupers, a prototype profiling system and associated issues, and other analysis that involves episode grouping. The following reports have been completed: Evaluating the Stability of Physician Efficiency Scores (2010), Evaluating the functionality of the Symmetry Episode Treatment Groups (ETG) and the Thomson Medstat Medical Episode Grouper (MEG) software in forming episodes of care using Medicare data (2008) (, Challenges in the risk adjustment of episode costs (2010), and Prototype Medicare resource utilization report based on episode groupers (2008) (
Awardee Address

500 Airport Blvd. Suite 365
Burlingame, CA 94010
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
Acumen, LLC.