District of Columbia Childless Adults

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District of Columbia Childless Adults
Project Officer(s)
Robin Preston
Start Date
End Date
Waiver-Only Project
This demonstration extends health care coverage to non-pregnant, non-disabled adults aged 21 through 64 years, who are residents of the District of Columbia with household incomes that are between 133 and 200 percent of FPL. This coverage is funded by diverting monies that otherwise could have been used to make supplemental payments to disproportionate share hospitals (DSH).
Principal Investigator(s)
John McCarthy
Project Number
The Demonstration was approved on October 28, 2010. On November 1, 2010, the District automatically enrolled eligible participants from the District-funded Alliance Program into the Demonstration.
Awardee Address

825 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 5135
Washington, DC 20002
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
Medical Assistance Administration, Department of Health