Wisconsin BadgerCare

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Wisconsin BadgerCare
Project Officer(s)
Jessica Schubel
Start Date
End Date
Waiver-Only Project
The BadgerCare Demonstration provides the State waiver authorities which allow it to postpone Medicaid eligibility for parents and caretaker relatives with incomes between 150 and 200% of FPL who have or recently had access to employer-sponsored insurance, and not to provide them three months of retroactive eligibility. The purpose of these restrictions is to limit the possibility that offering Medicaid eligibility will crowd-out private health insurance. The BadgerCare Demonstration in its original form was designed as a health insurance program to provide coverage to families with incomes too high for Medicaid and who do not have access to affordable health insurance. By extending health care coverage to uninsured low-income families, BadgerCare sought to provide a safeguard against increasing the number of uninsured families and children as a result of Wisconsin's welfare reform program. Over the years, many of the key features of BadgerCare were incorporated into Wisconsin's Medicaid and CHIP State plans, taking advantage of new State plan options that were not available at the time BadgerCare was first approved. The current Demonstration provides a limited set of waivers needed to continue the features of the original BadgerCare Demonstration that cannot be accommodated in a State plan.
Principal Investigator(s)
Dennis Smith
Project Number
11-W-00125/05 and 21-W-00001/05
On December 30, 2010, CMS approved a 3-year extension of this Demonstration, for the period beginning January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013. Starting January 1, 2010, waiver authorities no longer apply to Medicaid-eligible children with incomes of 100-200% FPL, or parents with incomes up to 130% FPL. The expenditure authority allowing the State to provide CHIP coverage to parents with income between 130 and 200% FPL was rescinded. Instead, the renewed Demonstration will allow the State to postpone Medicaid eligibility for parents and caretaker relatives with incomes between 150 and 200% of FPL who have or recently had access to employer-sponsored insurance, and to not provide three months of retroactive eligibility, using existing waiver authorities.
Awardee Address

1 West Wilson Street, Room 350
Madison, WI 53701
Estados Unidos

Awardee Name
Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services