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MDS / Staffing Focused Surveys Update
Memo #
Posting Date
Fiscal Year
FY2014 Pilot Surveys: In 2014, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and five
volunteer States piloted a focused survey to assess MDS coding practices and its relationship
to resident care in nursing homes.
A report on the findings from the pilot is attached.
Nationwide Expansion: We subsequently announced that we would expand the MDS focused
surveys to all States and include a review of nursing home staffing. This memo provides an
update on the pilot and the status of the expansion of these surveys including:
Training for the next surveys will begin in early April 2015.
States will need to assign a minimum of three surveyors to be trained.
Training and surveys will be rolled out in two phases with Regions and States assigned
to one of two groups.
Deficiencies identified during the surveys will result in relevant citations and
enforcement actions.
volunteer States piloted a focused survey to assess MDS coding practices and its relationship
to resident care in nursing homes.
A report on the findings from the pilot is attached.
Nationwide Expansion: We subsequently announced that we would expand the MDS focused
surveys to all States and include a review of nursing home staffing. This memo provides an
update on the pilot and the status of the expansion of these surveys including:
Training for the next surveys will begin in early April 2015.
States will need to assign a minimum of three surveyors to be trained.
Training and surveys will be rolled out in two phases with Regions and States assigned
to one of two groups.
Deficiencies identified during the surveys will result in relevant citations and
enforcement actions.