Dynamic List Information
Dynamic List Data
Regulation No.
August 6, 2003 - Changes to the Hospital Outpatient PPS and Calendar Year 2004 Payment Rates
- Addendum A - This Excel file lists, in APC order, the name, payment status indicator, relative weight, payment rate and copayment amount for each ambulatory payment classification (APC) as printed in Addendum A in the Federal Register.
- Addendum J - Wage Index for Hospitals that are Reclassified
- Addendum M - This Excel file lists, in HCPCS order, the descriptor for Separately Paid nonchemotherapy Infusion Drugs.
- Addendum O - This Excel file lists, in HCPCS order, the descriptor for Separately Paid Chemotherapy Drugs Other than Infusion.
- This Excel file lists, in HCPCS order, the descriptor for Separately Paid Chemotherapy Drugs Infusion Only.
- Addendum L - This Excel file lists, in HCPCS order, the descriptor for Packaged Nonchemotherapy Infusion Drugs.
- Hospital-Specific Impacts - File layout in Microsoft Word
- cms-1471-p_apcmedian.zip
- cms-1471-p_drugmedian
- Addendum E - This Text file lists CPT Codes That Would Be Paid Only As Inpatient Procedures as printed in Addendum E in the Federal Register.
- Addendum H - Wage Index for Urban Areas
- Addendum N - This Excel file lists, in HCPCS order, the descriptor for Packaged Chemotherapy Drug Other than Infusion.
- Addendum C - This Excel file lists, in APC order, the HCPCS codes in each APC with the payment status indicator, relative weight, payment rate and copayment amount for each APC, consistent with the proposed rule.
- Addendum I - Wage Index for Rural Areas
- Outline of Contents
- Addendum P - This Excel file lists, in HCPCS order, the descriptor for Packaged Chemotherapy Drugs Infusion Only.
- Hospital-Specific Impacts - Provider-specific data in text format.