Dynamic List Information
Dynamic List Data
Regulation No.
Proposed Changes to the Hospital Outpatient PPS and CY 2007 Rates;
- Addendum C - This Excel file groups HCPCS codes payable under the 2007 OPPS by APC.
- 2007 OPPS Hospital-Specific Impacts - Provider-specific data
- Addendum A - This Excel file lists, in APC order, the name, payment status indicator, relative weight, payment rate, and copayment amount(s) for the 2007 APC groups.
- Addendum B - This Excel file lists payment information by HCPCS code for the 2007 OPPS.
- 2007 OPPS Rural Regression Analysis Files - Rural Regression Analysis Layout - Unchanged from 2006
- CMS1506P_HCPCS_Code.zip
- Addendum E - This Excel file lists HCPCS codes that would only be payable as inpatient procedures (inpatient list).
- Devices Proposed to Require Specified Procedure Codes
- Draft AHA/AHIMA Guidelines with Suggested CMS Revisions
- CMS1506P_Median_Costs_for_Hospital_Outpatient_Services_BY_APC_Group.zip
- 2007 OPPS Claims Accounting
- Addendum D1 - This table lists the 2007 OPPS payment status indicators and what they signify.
- Final 2006 OPPS Preamble Tables
- Addendum D2 - This table describes comment indicators assigned to new and deleted HCPCS codes in Addendum B.
- Blood Revenue Code Cost to Charge Ratios (CCRs)
- Blood Revenue Code Cost to Charge Ratios (CCRs) File Layout
- CMS1506P_Median_Costs_for_Drugs_Biologicals_and_Radiopharmaceuticals.zip
- FY2007 IPPS Wage Index, Table 4B: (formerly Addendum I)
- 2007 OPPS Hospital-Specific Impacts - File layout
- Addendum L - Out-Migration Wage Adjustment for CY 2007