Measure Methodology

Measure Methodology


CMS has been developing hospital measures for hospital quality improvement, public reporting and payment purposes. In adherence to the transparent policy, CMS is making measure methodology on the measures available through this website.


Each of the measure methodology reports have been categorized by specific condition and stored in a zip file.  Within each specific condition zip file reviewers will find various types of reports, for example measure methodology reports, and measure updates and specifications reports.  The file name of each pdf document is formatted so that reviewers will quickly note the:

  1. Version number,
  2. Type of outcome measure (i.e., readmission, mortality, cost, etc.),
  3. Specific condition (i.e., acute myocardial infection, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.)
  4. Specific type of report (i.e., measure methodology, updates, and specification, etc.), and
  5. Date of the report.

Example file name:  Version 1.0_Readmission_COPD_Measure Methodology_01.12.2008.


Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:21 PM