Test Versions - Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Software

Test Versions - Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Software

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Notice Regarding Upcoming Releases of the IOCE

The current version of the Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (IOCE) uses Java software and is currently based on Java version 8.  Support for Java version 8 will end by November 2026.   Hospitals and their software vendors who implement this program in a mainframe environment will be impacted by this change. CMS is preparing now to convert the program to Java version 17.   

For the upcoming year, the October 2024 release of the IOCE program will include two Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL) Java bridge modules instead of the one that is currently delivered.  CMS will continue to provide the existing bridge module that utilizes the 31-bit, Java 8 Java Virtual Machine (JVM) environment.   We will also provide a new bridge module that will utilize the 64-bit, Java 17 JVM.  The Java jar file for each will continue to be compiled using Java 8.  This will preserve backwards compatibility with all existing mainframe deployments (both batch and Customer Information Control System (CICS)).  The installation guides for the program will provide notice of the changes.  This will allow users to test upgrades to their systems over the next year to prepare to move to Java 17. 

The release of the October 2025 version of the IOCE program will be compiled with Java 17 and only the Java 17, 64-bit COBOL calling module will be delivered.  Providers and their software vendors should begin planning this year to ensure they are prepared for this conversion next fall. 

Questions about the Java 17 conversion can be sent at any time to the resource mailbox GrouperBetaTesting@cms.hhs.gov.

As described in this MLN article on Medicare Modernization of Payment Software, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is modernizing its grouping and code editor software. Medicare processes all Original Medicare institutional claims through one of three sub-systems within the Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS):

  • The Medicare Code Editor (MCE)
  • The Inpatient Grouper (MS-DRG)
  • The Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (IOCE). 

These sub-systems were built with an antiquated programming language (Assembler) that is difficult to extend, maintain, support and test. Modernizing these programs will protect CMS from future quality and integration risks. The conversion of MS-DRGs and MCE software to Java was completed in 2021.

JAVA Conversion Schedule 

The list below provides the schedule and the IOCE software files that will be released during the Java conversion.  Note:  As of April 2023, the IOCE software will be released in Java only.

  • IOCE v23.3 (Oct 2022) Release - IOCE Normal Assembler MF
  • IOCE v24.0 (Jan 2023) Release - IOCE Normal Assembler MF and Java
  • IOCE v24.1 (Apr 2023) Release - Java only

The Java version will be implemented in Medicare claims processing systems in April 2023, with v.24.1.  The parallel release of v24.0 in MF and Java versions is to provide users additional opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Java version.  The Java version of v.24.0 will be posted on this page.  Java releases of IOCE v.24.1 and later will be posted on the main IOCE release page.

Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (IOCE) version

The link below will provide you with a Java version of the January IOCE v24.0 R1 (note, there was no v24.0 R0 version of Java posted). This software can be used for integration and testing purposes or production.  CMS does not provide technical support to incorporate IOCE software into new or existing systems outside of its Original Medicare claims processing system. 

Inquiries related to the IOCE Software files and Java conversion should be directed to GrouperBetaTesting@cms.hhs.gov.

Page Last Modified:
07/22/2024 03:03 PM