Dynamic List Information
Dynamic List Data
FY 2009 Preliminary PUF S-3 Wage and Occupational Mix Data
Raw Data
This file includes the FY 2009 PRELIMINARY PUF, Worksheet S-3, Parts II and III wage data from cost reports for Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 (FY Begin Dates from 10/1/04 to 9/30/05). It excludes non-IPPS providers and Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). It also contains the FY 2009 PRELIMINARY first quarter January through March 2006 occupational mix survey data and second quarter April through June 2006 occupational mix survey data respectively; Finally, this file includes the FY 2009 PRELIMINARY combined first quarter and second quarter April through June 2006 occupational mix survey data. Note: the preliminary FY 2009 occupational mix data is the same as the final FY 2008 Occupational Mix Survey Data that was used to compute the FY 2008 final occupational mix adjusted wage indexes.