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Only Two Weeks Until the Covered Document Review Date

Reminder: If you are a supplier bidding in Round 1 2017 of the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program, the Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) must receive your hardcopy financial documents on or before November 16, 2015, in order for the documents to be eligible for a covered document review and for you to be notified of any missing financial documents. Don’t wait – send the required hardcopy financial documents TODAY! Packages received after the covered document review date (CDRD) will not be considered for a covered document review regardless of reason or mode of delivery.

The covered document review process gives bidders the opportunity to be notified of missing required financial documents. We urge all bidders to take advantage of this process. Under the covered document review process, we will notify suppliers that submit their hardcopy financial documents by the CDRD of any missing financial documents. The CDRD deadline for Round 1 2017 is November 16, 2015. Financial documents must be RECEIVED by the CBIC on or before November 16, 2015, to qualify for the covered document review process.

The covered document review process only determines if there are any missing financial documents. It does not indicate if the documents are acceptable, accurate, or meet applicable requirements. Only suppliers – whose financial documents are received by the CBIC by the CDRD – will be notified by e-mail along with a letter indicating any missing financial documents within 90 days of the CDRD. The notification e-mail will be sent to the bidder’s registered authorized official and back-up authorized official(s).  In addition to the e-mail, suppliers who are missing a financial document(s) will also be sent a letter  indicating the missing financial document(s). Those suppliers will be required to submit only the indicated missing financial document(s) within 10 business days of the notification. After the bid window closes, bidders may only submit the requested financial documents identified as part of the CDRD process and cannot submit corrections to any other required documents. We encourage bidders to review the Covered Document Review Date fact sheet available on the CBIC website.

For information on hardcopy document requirements, please review the financial documents reminders and watch this educational video - Submitting Hardcopy Documents.

The CBIC is the official information source for bidders. Suppliers are encouraged to call the CBIC customer service center toll-free at 877-577-5331 between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. prevailing Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. Hours are extended to 9 p.m. prevailing Eastern Time during the last two weeks of the registration and bidding windows.