FFS Data (2015-2023)
FFS Data (2015-2023)
Medicare fee-for-service data summarized by county for the Aged and Disabled beneficiaries combined, and summarized by state for ESRD Dialysis beneficiaries, including data on:
- total Medicare fee-for-service reimbursement and enrollment for Parts A and B;
- the corresponding per capita reimbursement;
- for Part A Aged and Disabled beneficiaries combined - reimbursement for direct (GME) and indirect medical education (IME) expenditures and disproportionate share expenditures (DSH) and the per capita expenditures with the medical education and disproportionate share expenditures removed; and
- for Part A ESRD dialysis beneficiaries - reimbursement for indirect medical education (IME) expenditures.
Page Last Modified:
01/10/2025 04:16 PM