Core EP Rule Elements

Core EP Rule Elements

Quality, Safety & Oversight Group- Emergency Preparedness Regulation Guidance

Guidance for Surveyors, Providers and Suppliers Regarding the New Emergency Preparedness (EP) Rule

The Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Participating Providers and Suppliers regulation outlines four core elements which are applicable to all 17 provider types, with a degree of variation based on inpatient versus outpatient, long-term care versus non long-term care.

Four Core Elements of Emergency Preparedness

  • Risk Assessment and Emergency Planning (Include but not limited to):
    • Hazards likely in geographic area
    • Care-related emergencies
    • Equipment and Power failures
    • Interruption in Communications, including cyber attacks
    • Loss of all/portion of facility
    • Loss of all/portion of supplies
    • Plan is to be reviewed and updated at least annually
  • Communication Plan
    • Complies with Federal and State laws
    • System to Contact Staff, including patients’ physicians, other necessary persons
    • Well-coordinated within the facility, across health care providers, and with state and local public health departments and emergency management agencies.
  • Policies and Procedures
    • Complies with Federal and State laws
  • Training and Testing
    • Complies with Federal and State laws
    • Maintain and at a minimum update annually

The downloadable documents within this section are geared to assist in the preparation of the four core elements and provide resources. The plans provided, also included in our “Templates and Checklists” section are not intended to be full comprehensive plans, but rather serve as examples and guide providers.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:08 PM