Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Technical Assistance Center?

The LTSS Technical Assistance Center provides resources to help communities create effective LTSS systems for American Indian and Alaska Native elders living on reservations, in rural areas, or in urban areas. The Center was created by CMS and receives additional support from the Indian Health Service and the Administration on Aging (part of the Administration for Community Living).

Who should use the LTSS Technical Assistance Center?

Tribes, villages, tribal government officials, health planners, and health advocates can find useful information on the Center website.

What kind of information will I find on the site?

The Technical Assistance Center provides information on a wide range of topics related to LTSS planning and implementation, including:

  • Sample LTSS models and best practices from across the country
  • Financing
  • State Medicaid plans and waivers

In addition, users can search through a database of state and national LTSS resources, participate in discussions regarding LTSS in the community on the Center forum, and download and listen to LTSS-related webinars.

Sign up to join the Center mailing list to stay connected with Center updates and activities.

Where can I find out more information about LTSS in Indian Country?

For additional information, please visit the CMS Roadmap, which offers a step-by-step planning process for addressing the many aspects of long-term care services.

I need to find long-term care for myself or a loved one. Where can I find more information?

Visit Eldercare Locator ( to find information on LTSS options for yourself or for family, elders, and loved ones. You can search in your area, and you can look up services by topic (like food and nutrition, elder abuse prevention, health insurance, and more). Eldercare Locator is a resource provided by the Administration on Aging.

I have a complaint or a concern about long-term services. Who can help me?

Visit The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center to find someone who can help. At The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center website, use the Locate an Ombudsman service to find the state or local ombudsman for your area.

An ombudsman is a person who investigates complaints and addresses problems. This is a person you can report your problem to.

The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center is supported by the Administration on Aging.

Whom do I contact if I have questions or comments about the site?

Please email if you have questions or comments about the LTSS Technical Assistance Center.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:08 PM