Webinar: Health Care Innovation Awards Round Two - Overview of Categories One and Two

Webinar: Health Care Innovation Awards Round Two - Overview of Categories One and Two

The CMS Innovation Center held the second in a series of webinars for potential applicants to Health Care Innovation Awards Round Two on Wednesday, June 12, 2013. The webinar focused specifically on two of the four innovation categories:

  • Rapidly reduce Medicare, Medicaid and/or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) costs in outpatient and/or post-acute settings;
  • Improve care for populations with specialized needs

Subject matter experts from across the Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services served as guest speakers to provide details and answer questions regarding the specified innovation categories. Guest speakers are listed below.


Download: Slides (PDF)  |  Transcript (PDF)  |  Audio (MP3)


This webinar was primarily intended for potential applicants interested in submitting proposals for innovative service and delivery payment models in the specified categories. There are priority areas that these two categories will address, including:

Category One priority areas:

  • Diagnostic services
  • Outpatient radiology
  • High cost physician administered drugs
  • Home based services
  • Therapeutic services
  • Post-acute services

Category Two priority areas:

  • Pediatric populations requiring high cost services
  • Children in foster care
  • Children at high risk for dental disease
  • Adolescents in crisis
  • Persons with Alzheimer's disease
  • Persons living with HIV/AIDS
  • Persons requiring long term support and services
  • Persons with serious behavioral health needs

Subject matter experts who served as guest speakers included:

Category One:
Mike Rapp, MD, JD
Senior Advisor, CMS Innovation Center

Joseph Hutter, MD, MA
LCDR, US Public Health Service, CMS Center for Clinical Standards and Quality

John Kane
Senior Analyst, Division of Institutional Post Acute Care, Center for Medicare

John McInnes, MD, JD
Director, Division of Outpatient Care, Hospital and Ambulatory Policy Group, Center for Medicare

Category Two:
Bryan Samuels, MPP
Commissioner, Administration on Children, Youth and Families

Mimi Toomey
Director, Office of Policy Analysis and Development, Center for Disability and Aging Policy, Administration for Community Living

Suzanne Fields, MSW, LICSW
Senior Advisor on Health Care Financing, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

For more information on the Health Care Innovation Awards Round Two, please visit the Health Care Innovation Awards Round Two webpage.

Page Last Modified:
09/06/2023 05:05 PM