Crucial to the efforts of transforming the healthcare system is supporting individuals who can test and refine new models to drive delivery system reform. The CMS Innovation Center sought to deepen the capacity for transformation by creating a network of experts in improving the delivery system for Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries.
The Innovation Advisors

There were 71 individuals who completed the program and were Innovation Advisors.
In December 2011, CMS selected 71 individuals out of 920 applications through a competitive process to participate in the initiative. The first group of Innovation Advisors started their six-month intensive orientation and applied research period in January 2012.
Initiative Details
The Innovation Advisors Program launched in December 2011 when the Innovation Center selected 75 individuals from 920 applications to participate. Of these, 73 accepted and were from 27 States and the District of Columbia. During 2012 these individuals participated in activities to deepen several key skill sets related to CMS strategy, population health and care redesign along with innovation and improvement science.
The program was successfully completed by 71 individuals. These CMS Innovation Advisors were part of the Innovation Center’s on-going efforts to network with those at the front lines of health care and create partnerships to find new ideas that work and share them regionally and across the United States.