State Innovation Models Initiative: Model Pre-Test Awards

Three states received pre-testing assistance and funding to continue to work on a comprehensive State Health Care Innovation Plan. States that received pre-testing awards under the State Innovation Models initiative had six months to submit their State Health Care Innovation Plans to CMS.

Model Pre-Test Awards

Three states participated in the State Innovation Models Initiative: Model Pre-Test Awards. 


Funding Amount: Up to $2,000,422.

Description: Colorado received a Pre-Test Award from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to further develop and refine its comprehensive State Health Care Innovation Plan, and build on its proposal to implement and test its Statewide Health Innovations Fostering Transformation program (SHIFT) that integrated behavioral health and clinical health care. The SHIFT model supported the formation (at the practice level) of Integrated Primary Care Providers —developed within the framework of Colorado’s existing Medicaid Accountable Care Collaboratives using incentives and forms of payment tied to the provider’s level of readiness for risk acceptance and the level of behavioral and clinical care integration achieved.

The SHIFT model supported the formation (at the practice level) of Integrated Primary Care Providers — developed within the framework of Colorado’s existing Medicaid Accountable Care Collaboratives using incentives and forms of payment tied to the provider’s level of readiness for risk acceptance and the level of behavioral and clinical care integration achieved.

New York

Funding Amount: Up to $1,000,000.

Description: New York received a Pre-Test Award from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to further develop and refine its comprehensive State Health Care Innovation Plan.

New York proposed to test six different components of the comprehensive plan, including: First Episodic Psychosis (FEP) Teams; Extended Care Transitions support; Community-Based Care Management for Older Adults; Transitioning to Community-Based Care for Institutionalized People with Developmental Disabilities; Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs); and Regional Quality Improvement Collaboratives.  

Related HIT improvements focused on: promoting electronic health record adoption; expanding provider access to data; creating an All Payer Database for claims data; developing data-driven care management tools; and creating monitoring systems that will collect and aggregate health, quality, and cost indicators for each care model.


Funding Amount: Up to $999,975.

Description: The state of Washington received a Pre-Test Award from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to further develop and refine its comprehensive State Health Care Innovation Plan, building on its proposal to implement and test a model for improving maternal/infant care and managing chronic conditions through a multi-payer-supported approach to integrated care.   

Washington’s award facilitated creation of  virtual Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) that integrated and coordinated the efforts of primary care providers, specialists, and health care facilities, redesigned care delivery and payment by shifting from fee-for-service to alternative methods that provided incentives for care integration, quality improvement, and higher value. It also supported the development of an aligned, transformative design model that included the following specific activities: leveraging and integrating Regional Collaborative community health and community prevention activities in multi-payer models; transforming public financing and payment systems to support integrated medical and behavioral health service delivery; providing change management and leadership and design support to engage multiple payers and providers; and expanding and sustaining efforts to apply evidence-based strategies for improvement in health care quality.

Evaluation Reports

Latest Evaluation Report

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